Yesterday's Report
Fishing Report for 02/12/2025-We had a handful of anglers join us today on the run, all showing up at or close to the noon hour. Once again, the middle to the lower portions of the run was where they all chose to fish. Success was the appropriate word again today for all anglers I spoke to, with numbers brought to hand ranging from a couple to double digits with one angler reporting a chrome hen of around 12 lbs. Our weather for the next 24 hours will take many forms as the current temperature will slowly rise thru the evening with some scattered snow flurries, turning over to sleet / ice just after midnight and then projected rain for several hours beginning around 3:00am before turning back to snow after sundown. The winds currently from the E/SE will move to S/SW and then primarily Westerly in the late afternoon tomorrow, anywhere from 15-18 mph in the early morning, but jumping to over 20 mph when the wind becomes Westerly. The flow from the dam moved down from 350 cfs to 295 cfs around 10:00am this morning where it’s scheduled to stay thru 11:59 tomorrow evening. The Pineville Gauge is currently at 419 cfs.
25° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:07am
Sunset: 5:30pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release
Daily Fishing Report for 02/11/2025-We had a handful of anglers join us on the run today, with all but (1) starting out in the early morning. I spoke with the anglers as they came by the Welcome Center on their way out; all were successful in numbers ranging from 3 for 5 to 5 for 5, mostly using egg sacks under floats and a couple bottom bouncing. The fish brought to hand were mostly colored up but there were a few that appeared fresh. Tomorrow will see the start of the day in the mid-teens rising to around 30 degrees with light E/NE winds, and a slight chance of any precipitation. The flow from the dam is scheduled to remain at 350 cfs through 11:59 tomorrow evening; the Pineville gauge is currently at 476 cfs.
26° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:08am
Sunset: 5:29pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The flow out of the Dam will remain at 350CFS thru midnight on the 11th. The weather for tonight variable clouds with snow showers. Low near 20F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 80%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected. The forecast for tomorrow will be cloudy with snow showers developing during the afternoon. High around 30F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 50%. Just a few anglers on the run today, most guests had some success, a good bit of walking was needed.
21° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:09am
Sunset: 5:27pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 350 until midnight the 10th of February, CFS at the Pineville gauge remained at 476 throughout the day. We started the day with about six inches of new, fluffy, lake effect snow, and an air temperature of 27 degrees Fahrenheit. Near sunrise the temperature dropped suddenly to 21 degrees, then laboriously climbed to 29 degrees by mid-afternoon, before now beginning a slow drop to our forecasted overnight low of 19 degrees. The morning alternated between fully overcast, and partly cloudy with diffuse sunshine, before clouding over completely by mid-afternoon. About that time, we experienced a beginning of a light snowfall, which gradually intensified to now near whiteout conditions. Our forecast is calling for up to 16" of new snow areawide through 4 AM Tuesday morning, but the nature of lake effect is narrow bands of snow with little snowfall outside of the bands, so take that with a grain of salt. Today has been a rare day of absolute calm, without even a slight breeze, the entire day. Nine guests ventured onto the run today, joining us from early morning until mid-afternoon. The first one off the run, for a break, reported a nice Brown Trout, before he headed back down. Over the course of 12:30 through 5:30 PM roughly half of these guests reported having brought to hand two to three Steelhead each, with the other half reporting four to six each. The fish ranged from 5# to just over 10#, with some darker fish, some colored up, and (good news) a couple that were bright chrome. Beads under a bobber slightly outperformed eggs under a bobber today. No one part of the river seemed to outproduce any other, but successful anglers did report covering ground. All in all, a good day to be on the run, continuing with the streak of very good Steelhead fishing this winter. The forecast for tomorrow is: Cloudy skies with afternoon snow showers. High 26F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. Featured is Ben, with the Brown Trout he brought to hand earlier this morning.
27° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 5:26pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight on the 9th, the flow out of Pineville was 470CFS. The weather today had cloudy skies with snow showers off and on. High 29F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 40%. For this evening there will be periods of snow. Low 21F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 100%. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches. The weather for tomorrow will be cloudy. Snow likely in the afternoon. High 28F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. We had over 20 anglers on the run today, most had success. It was reported that there was some slush in the morning which cleared out in the afternoon, and the water clarity was good. The lower end of the run had ice and wasn't fishable. The anglers that were moving up and down the run had the best overall results.
26° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:12am
Sunset: 5:25pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 350 at least until midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge remained at 476 all day. Air temperatures started out at 29 degrees Fahrenheit first thing this morning, dropped to the mid-20s for most of the day, peaked at 28 degrees, and will drop to an overnight low of 22 degrees. We started out the morning relatively windy, with alternating periods of complete overcast to partly cloudy and sunny, then around 10 AM the snow squalls began, abruptly announced by a literal roar of high winds sweeping into the area. The snow fell furiously, at times horizontal to the ground, with winds in the 25 to 35 mph range, with even stronger gusts. About an hour later, things calmed down a bit, and the rest of the day we had bands of light snow and winds moving through our area, with intermittent periods of relative calm. Despite these conditions, we had just over an half-dozen guests venture out onto the run, starting at 7:30 AM until 1 PM. Individuals came off the run for short breaks during the late morning, and all but one reported not having hooked into any fish as of that time. They all returned to the run in the early afternoon for the second round. From 3:15 through 5:15 PM all our guests trickled off the run, this time reporting one to three hookups each, with a trio of anglers scoring five Steelhead brought to hand amongst them, the biggest 8#, with a mix of darker and Rainbow Trout colored fish. Egg sacks under a bobber accounted for the majority of fish today. So, all in all a successful day. Tomorrow the forecast is: Mainly cloudy with snow showers around in the morning. High 28F. Winds light and variable. Chance of snow 40%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.
22° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:13am
Sunset: 5:23pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 02/06/2025-Wintry weather mixed in with some light rain made for slick conditions in and around the run from late morning through sunset. The temperatures stayed in the mid to upper 20s with moderate winds primarily from the W / WSW 5-10 mph which made for a true Steeheader’s day. About ½ dozen anglers visited the run fishing the middle to the lower sections, starting around 11am. Although ice and slush were apparent that didn’t stop most of the anglers I spoke with bringing anywhere from ‘a couple’ to ‘several’ to hand. Tomorrow the wind is forecasted to be much stronger, 20-25 mph from the WNW, temperatures in mid 20s, with a Lake Effect Snow warning starting at 7:00am through 10:00am Saturday, possibly dropping 6-12” in the affected bands.
35° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:14am
Sunset: 5:22pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 02/05/2025-We had a pair of angler fish the run this afternoon, after the temperatures rose from the single digits to around 20 degrees with light winds. One of the anglers brought (2) steelhead to hand; no report from the other angler yet. We’ll be right around 20 degrees tomorrow at opening time with winds from the SE from 15-17 mph, with a strong chance of snow through the day, possibly putting 2-3 inches on the ground. The flow from the dam is scheduled to stay at 350 cfs through 11:59 Thursday evening; the Pineville gauge is at 488 cfs currently.
6° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 5:21pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 350 until midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482. Overnight we only received about two inches of additional snow. Our morning temperature was 28 degrees Fahrenheit, which turned out to be our high for the day, then the temperature slowly dipped to the mid-20s by early afternoon, where it has hovered for most of the afternoon, before beginning a gradual descent to an eventual overnight low of minus two degrees (there's going to be slush in the river tomorrow morning!). Our skies were overcast all day, with some fairly light winds. Just short of a dozen guests joined us on the run today, trickling in from 7:45 to 10 AM. Between 11 AM and 4 PM almost all of our guests had trickled back off the run. Roughly a third of these guests reported the typical "ones and twos" brought to hand, however, incredibly, fully two thirds of our remaining guests reported impressive double-digits brought to hand. One guest exclaimed "they were everywhere!". All of these fish were Steelhead, some in the plus 10# range, with almost all accounted for by drifting egg sacks or beads under a bobber, with some hitting flies. The middle section seemed to produce better, with the lower and upper sections bracketing with equal results. A common denominator to those who scored double-digits was that they had each covered a lot of ground during the course of their day. In these featured photos Scott (brown jacket) and Keith (tan jacket) are displaying some nice Steelhead they each brought to hand today. Even Garrett (blue jacket) was able to get out and tie into a Steelhead, on one of his truly rare days off! The forecast for tomorrow is: Partly cloudy. High 19F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
25° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 5:19pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam started at 750, then dropped to 350 at 3 PM, where it will remain until at least midnight tomorrow. CFS at the Pineville gauge dropped from 989 to 910 over the course of the day. Air temperatures started just below freezing this morning, gradually climbed to our high of 38 degrees Fahrenheit late afternoon, and is slowly dropping to our forecasted overnight low of 21 degrees. We have been overcast all day, with very light winds, and a steady light drizzle which developed in the afternoon. A few more than a score of guests joined us on the run today, trickling in from sunrise to mid-afternoon. Around 1 PM guests started leaving the run, continuing to come up until dusk. Fully two-thirds of our guests got into fish, predominately Steelhead but also an 18" Brown Trout. The Steelhead ranged from typical 5-6# up to in excess of 10#, with a variety spanning chrome, dark, and colored like a domestic rainbow trout. There were more than a few of our guests that got into double-digits, however the typical guest was able to bring from one to five fish to hand. Those who worked a larger portion of the run were, typically, more successful than those who fished only specific areas. Egg sacks and beads drifted under bobbers accounted for most hook-ups, although egg sacks bounced on the bottom was also successful. A pink worm produced some fish. Tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. High 24F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.
34° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:18am
Sunset: 5:18pm
910 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1030. Air temperature at opening (9 AM) was around 8 degrees Fahrenheit, 18 degrees as of this report, with a forecasted high of 22 degrees. An overcast day, with fairly light winds most of the day, but some periodic gusts stirred up the snow cover we have. Attached is an interesting view out of the Welcome Center. So far, there have not been any guests on the run; we will close at 3 PM today if no guests have shown up by that time. Tonight our low temperature will be 22 degrees. Tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy skies with periods of rain later in the day. High 39F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.
17° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 5:16pm
989 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
***************OPENING/CLOSING HOURS CHANGE*****************
The flow out of the Dam remains at 750CFS thru midnight tonight. The weather for today was partly cloudy. Colder. High 12F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. For tonight partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Very cold. Low 1F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrows forecast is cloudy with snow developing during the afternoon. High near 25F. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 90%. About one inch of snow expected. There were no anglers on the run today.11° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:20am
Sunset: 5:15pm
989 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
***************OPENING HOURS CHANGE*****************
The flow out of the Dam will be 1000CFS until 5pm this evening when it will be dropped to 750CFS thru midnight 1 Feb. There will be snow this evening giving way to partly cloudy conditions late. Low 8F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 100%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected. Tomorrows weather will be sunshine and clouds mixed. Colder. High 13F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. The middle of the run was really good this morning, the warmer temperatures seemed to improve the bite today. Not much in the way of ice, one angler was able to fish the lower portion of the run to the end of the North Trail.31° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:21am
Sunset: 5:14pm
1290 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 1/29/2025-We had about ½ dozen anglers fish the run today, mostly starting in the early morning hours, finishing up just past noon, along with one angler who fished the last three hours of daylight. Everyone got into some Steelhead today with numbers of fish brought to hand between 2 and 7; a good day for those willing to put up with 18-25 mph winds. Tomorrow we’ll trade off those higher winds for chillier temperatures, starting around 10 degrees but climbing to the mid-20s by the close of day, with a light to moderate chance of any precipitation and light winds, 3-7 mph switching from the N/NW to the S/SW as the day wears on. The flow from the dam is again scheduled to maintain 1000 cfs thru 11:59pm tomorrow evening; the Pineville gauge is currently reading 1310 cfs.
24° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:23am
Sunset: 5:11pm
1310 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 1/28/2025-The blustery winter weather with temperatures in the mid-teens to around 20 degrees, along with scattered flurries, greeted us here at the Welcome Center this morning at first light. We had one Season Pass guest fish the river from the early morning to mid-afternoon, hooking up with a handful of Steelhead and bringing two to the net in the middle portion of the run using a float set up. We do have another Winter Storm forecast for our area tomorrow with the possibility of 8-17” inches of snow overnight through early Thursday; winds are expected to be from the WSW around 18 mph during the first half of the day, switching around to WNW in the afternoon reaching as high as 30mph. The flow from the dam is scheduled to continue at 1000 cfs through 11:59pm tomorrow evening; the gauge is currently reading 1300 cfs at Pineville.
16° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:24am
Sunset: 5:10pm
1300 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release
The flow out of the Dam will be increased from 750CFS to 1000CFS starting at 6pm this evening and running thru midnight on the 28th. Winter Storm Warning is in effect until Jan 28th at 6am. The weather today was partly cloudy and windy. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds SW at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. This evenings report may have periods of snow along with gusty winds at times, especially this evening. Brief white-outs in intense snow squalls. Low 18F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 90%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected. Tomorrows weather cloudy with snow developing during the afternoon. High 22F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 60%. The day was productive for the anglers that were on the run. Most anglers had to work for the bite. There was some shelf ice and a little slush along with some ice pieces in the river.
33° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:25am
Sunset: 5:08pm
868 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
1/26/25 8:15am: Due to heavy lake effect snows that have established over the Pulaski area this morning, DSR will be closed today. Any phone calls or emails will be answered Monday 1/27.
29° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:26am
Sunset: 5:07pm
868 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
**********************OPENING NOTICE******************************
The Dam remains at 750CFS through 11:59pm on the 26th. The weather today was had snow off and on. High 26F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 100%. This evenings weather will be cloudy with snow showers developing after midnight. Low near 25F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 50%. The weather tomorrow will have snow showers. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches. Heavier amounts in persistent snowbands. Just a few anglers were on the run today, everyone had some success. There's shelf ice on both sides of the river along with slush and floating ice to contend with. The anglers that moved around had the most success, the new snow made walking a work out.
23° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:27am
Sunset: 5:06pm
868 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 750 until at least midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 868. Overnight, we received over a foot of new snow, to add to the several inches we already had. Our air temperatures started at 20 degrees Fahrenheit this morning, peaked at 23 degrees just after noon, and is slowly falling towards a forecasted overnight low of 14 degrees. NOTE: Due to the forecasted low of 14 degrees, DSR will not open for business until 9 AM tomorrow morning. Skies started out wholly overcast, then cleared to partly cloudy with brilliant sunshine, periodically repeating this pattern throughout the entire day. Winds were very light all day, so all in all it was a very pleasant day to be outdoors. We had an handful of guests join us on the run today, checking in from mid-morning through 2 PM. A small group of guests came off the run at 1:30 PM, having fished a couple of hours in the upper section, swinging chartreuse glo-bugs, and reported a "couple of Steelhead", the largest a 27" male. They reported shelf ice, some chunks of ice drifting downriver, but no slush in the water. Near dusk a few more guests came off the run, reporting having brought to hand two Steelhead out of three total floating pink jigs under a bobber in the middle section. The last individual off the run reported 3 / 6 Steelhead, one bright chrome, drifting egg sacks and beads under a bobber in the middle section. The forecast for tomorrow is: Partly cloudy skies early. A few snow showers developing later in the day. High 26F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 30%.
15° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:28am
Sunset: 5:04pm
868 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 1/23/2025- The day started out in the upper teens, moving to the mid-twenties which felt warm after the single digit days we’ve had recently. We had one guest check in just past noon hour and fished for the remainder of the afternoon. He had good luck from the upper and middle portions of the river, fishing a 6mm bead under a float, bringing several Steelhead to hand. Tomorrow’s forecast should bring us temperatures in the upper teens, pushing to the mid-twenties once again, with partly sunny skies and winds from the S/SW 5-10mph. The dam is scheduled to continue at 750 cfs through 11:59pm tomorrow evening; the Pineville Gauge is currently reading 876 cfs.
23° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:29am
Sunset: 5:03pm
876 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 1/22/2025-The run didn’t see any guests today. Temperatures started out around 10 degrees and didn’t break 15, with overcast skies and winds 5-8 mph from the S / SE. We’ll start tomorrow off with temperatures in the mid-teens, working up to the mid-20s, with a slight chance of any precipitation and winds 10-13 mph from the S/SE in the morning, switching to S/SW in the afternoon. Flow from the dam is scheduled to stay at 750 cfs thru 11:59 tomorrow evening, and the Pineville gauge is at 876 cfs.
12° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:30am
Sunset: 5:02pm
876 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 750 until at least midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 868. Air temperatures were in the mid single digits this morning, rising to a high of 15 degrees Fahrenheit by mid-afternoon, now rapidly plunging to a forecasted overnight low of 5 degrees. Skies alternated between wholly overcast, to hazy blue with sunshine, as of 2:30 PM we have near whiteout conditions which are forecasted to drop 6" to 18" of new snow by 1 PM tomorrow. Due to these bitterly cold overnight temperatures, we are delaying our opening tomorrow morning until 9 AM. We did not have any guests on the run today. The forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly cloudy with snow showers around in the morning. High around 15F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.
14° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:30am
Sunset: 5:00pm
868 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 750 until at least midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge 868. Air temperatures remained in the low to mid-teens throughout the day, skies alternated between overcast to mostly sunny and back to overcast, winds were very light. Two intrepid souls ventured onto the run between 11 AM and 1 PM. The first to check-in this morning came off the run around1 PM due to his leader icing up to the point he could not cast. He reported there was ice floating down the river, but slush wasn't really any problem. An anti-icing product from our tackle shop solved his problem with icing-up, he reported later when he came off the run. Our last guest, who came off the run near dusk, reported that he was able to bring one Steelhead to hand, but stated "I worked for it!". Our overnight temperature will be 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy with snow showers mainly during the morning. High 14F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 40%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.
13° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:31am
Sunset: 4:59pm
884 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Our opening was delayed until 9am this morning due to overnight temperatures in the low-teens and the slush that resulted. By 9am slush was surprisingly light and our only guest for the day and their guide ventured out onto the river. Unfortunately, I was unable to speak with them when they left the run. Tonight’s forecast: A few snow showers scattered about the area this evening, otherwise a good deal of clouds. Very cold. Low 6F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 30%. Tomorrow’s forecast: Cloudy with snow developing during the afternoon. High 17F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. Despite tonight’s cold temperatures, DSR plans to open at 6:45am tomorrow, 1/20/25
14° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:32am
Sunset: 4:58pm
876 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
************************************OPENING NOTICE***************************
The weather today snow this morning gave way to a mixture of rain and snow this afternoon. Temps nearly steady in the mid to upper 30s. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of precip 90%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. For this evening a big drop in the temperatures with snow this evening that will give way to partly cloudy conditions late. Low 13F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. Tomorrow's outlook is cloudy. A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 17F with the wind chill in the single digits. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph. The middle of the run had some picky fish, anglers were working for the bite. The water was clear of slush and shelf ice. The upper end of the run was visited by several anglers, and they had some success. Parts of the lower end were fishable today, anglers had a good day and stated that there were a lot of fish. The flow out of the Dam remains at 750CFS thru midnight tonight.32° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:32am
Sunset: 4:56pm
884 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 33F this morning. Quite a few anglers ventured out on the run. There wasn't any slush reported, but there was shelf ice. The morning was productive and eggs were the go to bait for some anglers, while other anglers in the upper end had luck with chartreuse beads. Pretty much everyone leaving the run this evening had a really good day. The lower third of the run had some ice issues and wasn't fishable. The flow out of the Dam remains at 750CFS thru midnight tonight. The weather for tonight will be overcast. Low near 30F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Tomorrow's weather snow during the morning will give way to a mixture of rain and snow during the afternoon. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of precip 100%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.
31° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:33am
Sunset: 4:55pm
884 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Daily Fishing Report for 1/16/2025-We didn’t have any guests venture onto the run today with temperatures in the low 20s combined with light to moderate snow and southerly winds around 5mph. Tomorrow will see temperatures start the day off in the mid to upper 20s, moving to the low 30s with WSW winds 5-9mph. The flow from the dam is scheduled to stay at 750 cfs thru 11:59pm tomorrow evening, and the Pineville gauge is currently reading 884 cfs.
21° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:34am
Sunset: 4:54pm
884 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
There were no anglers on the run today. The weather will be snow this evening which will taper off and give way to cloudy skies late. Low 18F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. Tomorrows weather will be cloudy skies with a few snow showers later in the day. High near 25F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 30%. The flow out of the Dam will remain at 750CFS thru midnight on the 16th.
22° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:34am
Sunset: 4:53pm
893 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Daily Fishing Report for 01/14/2025-Current flow from the dam is 350cfs, scheduled to bump up to 750 cfs at 7pm thru 11:59pm this evening; Pineville Gauge is currently reading 512 cfs. We didn’t have any guests venture onto the run today. Heavy snow this morning along with blustery winds, and significant slush kept things quiet. For tomorrow temperatures will start off and remain in the low 20s, with NW / WNW winds of 10-12mph, cloudy skies with little chance of precipitation
19° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:35am
Sunset: 4:52pm
512 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
****************01/14/2025 DELAYED OPENING UNTIL 08:00 AM DUE TO WEATHER************ It appears that the bulk of the action was in the middle to the upper ends of the run today, with egg sacks the primary bait, most everyone caught and landed fish today. The weather today was variably cloudy with snow showers. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 40%. For tonight will be cloudy with snow. Low 23F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 80%, 3 to 5 inches of snow expected. Heavier amounts in persistent snowbands. And for tomorrow snow during the morning will transition to snow showers during the afternoon. High around 25F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches. Higher wind gusts possible. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru 7pm on the 14th. The flow will increase to 750CFS from 7pm thru 11:59pm on the 14th.
29° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:35am
Sunset: 4:50pm
506 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 350 until midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge constant at 512. Air temperatures were 30 degrees Fahrenheit at opening, rising to a high of 34 degrees around 2 PM, before beginning a slow drop to what will be our overnight low of 28 degrees. It was overcast all day, with very light breezes, and sporadic bands of very light snow that briefly fell without any significant accumulation; we remain at about 3" to 4" of snow on the ground. Roughly half of our daily angler limit of guests arrived today, trickling in from just after opening until as late as 1 PM. The few guests, in the first group who started checking off the run at 1 PM, until 3 PM, fished only a couple of hours each, but were each still able to bring a couple of Steelhead to hand, in the 5 # range. There was a lull until near 4 PM, then anglers started coming off the run in fairly quick succession, near dusk, reporting an half-dozen to double digit Steelhead, most in the 5# range, with a couple in the 10# range. An often heard comment was "It was a good day!", with "One right after the other!" a very rarely heard comment by one late check-in guest. The Steelhead ranged from chrome through typical and into beginning to color up. Egg sacks, under bobbers, or bounced on the bottom, seemed to be the favored "go-to" techniques today, producing all of the fish reported, excepting one guest who was also double-digit successful with both eggs and beads, as well as swinging an egg sucking leach fly. It should be noted that, although there was negligible slush in the water today, there were chunks of ice floating down the river, causing hazards to anyone standing or wading in the water, and the chunks have choked the river to the point that below the Tree Hole is unfishable (essentially, from the Upper Clay downriver). Tomorrow's forecast is: Variably cloudy with snow showers. High 34F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 50%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.
31° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:35am
Sunset: 4:49pm
512 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A light snow fell pretty much all day high 27F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 70%. The weather for this evening will have considerable cloudiness. Low 22F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. And for tomorrow it's forecasted to be cloudy. High 33F. Winds light and variable. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight on the 12th. A couple of anglers hit the run today. The water clarity was good, little to no slush, but there's some shelf ice. One of our season pass holders, mentioned that the bite was soft and the fish were on the bottom. Although there were only a few anglers, everyone had some success, a good day on the river.
25° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:36am
Sunset: 4:48pm
519 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
******************OPENING AT 9AM ON 01/11/25 DUE TO LOW OVERNIGHT TEMPERATURES*************** The weather today was mixed, some clouds and blue skies late morning to mid afternoon. High 28F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. This evening more cloudy skies with late-night snow showers. Low around 20F. Winds light and variable. Chance of snow 50%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. Tomorrows weather is forecasted to be cloudy. A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 29F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. The flow out of the Dam will be dropped to 350CFS at 9pm this evening and remain there through midnight on the 11th. Fishing today was challenging with the cold temperatures and the slush in the water. A few anglers braved the elements with one angler going 1 for 1. Anglers noted that there was shelf ice and the water was somewhat stained. This afternoon the amount of slush improved, a few anglers had some success. One season passholder commented that with the low humidity and not much wind made for a great day on the run.
23° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:36am
Sunset: 4:47pm
859 CFS Pineville Gauge
700 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 700, until at least midnight tonight. CFS at the Pineville gauge 859. Air temperatures started at 17 degrees Fahrenheit and only rose to 22 degrees over the course of the day. It was overcast, with relatively light and variable winds, and periodic bands of light snow during the morning hours, with little accumulation. One guest fished the morning for a few hours, without success, and on the way out commented there was slush in the water. Our overnight low will be 13 degrees, with the forecast for tomorrow being: Except for a few afternoon clouds, mainly sunny. High near 25F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
21° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:36am
Sunset: 4:46pm
859 CFS Pineville Gauge
700 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 700 at least until midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge 859. Air temperatures remained in the low to mid teens all day, with variable winds and occasional gusts, as well as periodic bands of very light snow (perhaps an inch total accumulation) moving through periodically. There has been about 4" total on the ground these past few days. We had no guests on the run today. Forecast for tomorrow is: Mainly cloudy with snow showers around in the morning. High near 25F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 40%.
16° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:45pm
859 CFS Pineville Gauge
700 CFS Dam Release
22° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:44pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
300 CFS Dam Release
Daily Fishing Report for 1/6/2025-We had a few anglers attempt to fish the run this morning, however with temperatures around 11 degrees, slush / ice was prevalent throughout, from bottom to top and brought our guests back from the river without any hookups. For tomorrow we can expect temperatures to start in the high teens, staying below 25 degrees for the day, with N / NW winds 15-17mph, and a moderate, changing over to small chance of precipitation. Current flow from the dam is 300 cfs and Pineville gauge is reading 506 cfs. The dam output is scheduled to stay at 300 cfs through 6:00pm tomorrow evening then increase to 500 cfs until 11:59 pm 1/7/2025.
17° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:43pm
506 CFS Pineville Gauge
300 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 300 until at least midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge 544 and very gradually dropping. Air temperatures started at 29 degrees Fahrenheit at opening time, it is currently 23 degrees, on its way to an overnight low of 11 degrees. All morning and into mid-afternoon we had fairly stiff winds, with occasional gusts, but the winds seem to have abated during the late afternoon. There have been periodic flurries of fine-grained lake effect snow, adding very little to what had already accumulated (about 4" total). We had an handful of guests join us on the run today, checking in from mid-morning through mid-afternoon. Initial reports, from those guests taking a break mid-afternoon and then returning for another try, indicated slush still in the water as of mid-afternoon, gradually thawing out, with ice having built-up into a clot just below the Meadow. Nobody had more than a tug or two at the time of initially coming up. After having ventured back down then up, this time they reported that they each had been able to hook into a few fish, that they were unable to bring to hand, in the middle section. The specific comment was "They're there!". The last few guests, having been the last to check-in this afternoon, came off the run after dark. An incredible report: both had double-digit hookups, and brought Steelhead to hand in the 9-10# range, drifting egg sacks in the middle to upper sections! Tomorrow's forecast is for cloudy skies, high of 17 F, winds N at 5 to 10 mph.
22° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:42pm
531 CFS Pineville Gauge
300 CFS Dam Release
22° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:41pm
557 CFS Pineville Gauge
300 CFS Dam Release
25° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:40pm
1210 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam is 750 through midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge is 1310. Air temperatures remained in the mid 30s overnight and throughout the day, skies were overcast, winds were variable, at times gusting, and became stronger as the day progressed, we had a mid-afternoon fairly brief flurry of snow that only amounted to a dusting on the ground. A solo guest joined us today, fishing into the very early afternoon. He was able to bring to hand a decent amount of "skippy" Steelhead (4#-5#) in the lower and middle sections. He reported that the water was clear, and their was no ice or slush. Overnight low will be 28 degrees Fahrenheit, with snow. Tomorrow's forecast will be: Variably cloudy with snow showers. Temps nearly steady around 30. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. Be advised that we are currently under a lake effect snow warning until 6 PM this Sunday. Localized heavy bands of snow (2 to 3 feet of snowfall) may be present in the most persistent bands, exacerbated by strong winds up to 40 mph that may create whiteout conditions.
30° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:39pm
1310 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 750 through at least midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1350, water temperature 36 degrees Fahrenheit, water clarity was OK - air temperatures hovered in the high 30s, it was overcast and drizzly, with fairly strong sustained winds and occasional gusts, throughout the day - despite the conditions, nearly two dozen guests joined us on the run today, trickling in from just after opening until early afternoon - as these guests began leaving at noon, and into the hours near dusk, reports were positive in that almost all guests hooked into fish, although only roughly three quarters of those who were lucky enough to hook up were able to actually bring the fish to hand - the three exceptions to getting any tugs were two admitted novices "learning" and a self-described "net man" - featured is Stuart with a sample of the Steelhead he brought to hand today - they ranged from "cookie-cutter" chrome to some hefty fish that appear to be domestics - overnight low will be 28 degrees, with about an inch of snow - the forecast for tomorrow is: Partly to mostly cloudy and windy. A few flurries or snow showers possible. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Winds W at 20 to 30 mph (winds will increase as the day progresses).
33° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:38pm
1350 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 12/31/2024-Our guests on the run today indicated an uptick, however slight, in the overall fishing from yesterday. Most guests reported at least a hook up with a few guests hooking up and landing multiple steelhead. The weather conditions were good throughout the day with overcast skies, temperatures in the low 40s dropping to the mid-30s by evening, with light winds. Tomorrow we will start the day with a moderate / strong chance of precipitation, light E / SE winds, and temperatures around 40 degrees. Winds will pick up around 1pm and switch to the N / NW as will the chance of precipitation, including a Winter Storm Warning goes into effect and runs through the weekend. The flow from the dam is scheduled to remain at 750 cfs thru 11:59pm on 1/1/2025. Happy New Year! Hours of Operation - (Dec. 26th – Jan 2nd.) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Hours of Operation - (Jan. 3rd – Jan. 23rd) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:45 PM 42° / Clouds Sunrise: 7:39am Sunset: 4:39pm 1230 CFS Pineville Gauge 750 CFS Dam Release
44° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:37pm
1230 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report 30 December 2024-The water temperature today was 35F. The weather today remained overcast throughout the day, with temperatures in the 40s, including some mist / sprinkles. Fishing was tougher today than yesterday was the overwhelming theme from our guests as they departed the run. The lower and middle portions of the run had the heaviest angler activity, but most anglers worked hard for a tug and only a few brought a fish to hand. Tomorrow we’ll see mostly cloudy skies, temperatures in the upper 30s to mid-40s, light S /SE winds under 10mph with little chance of precipitation. 750 cfs from the dam is scheduled through 11:59pm 12/31/2024. With the Angler Limit at 30 per day, purchase your daily pass online. Same day walk up passes may be sold out. Hours of Operation - (Dec. 26th – Jan 2nd.) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Hours of Operation - (Jan. 3rd – Jan. 23rd) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:45 PM 42° / Clouds Sunrise: 7:38am Sunset: 4:38pm 1250 CFS Pineville Gauge 750 CFS Dam Release Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
39° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:36pm
1250 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS 750 at the dam until at least midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1030 - air temperatures started at 41 F and climbed to an incredible 52 F degrees by the end of the day - skies were overcast, with light to moderate, variable, winds all day - we flirted with our limit of 30 guests, between those checking in just before opening and into the mid-afternoon, balanced out by those leaving the run throughout the day - the pattern of reporting, for those that left the run after only a few hours of fishing in the morning, was that they had not met with any success, regardless of where they had fished - however, this changed quite dramatically in the early afternoon and through dusk, as those that had left earlier in the morning came back for "round two", and those that had gutted it out for the day, began to trickle off the run - nearly everyone of the afternoon crew was able to get into Steelhead, with some duos nearing double digits between them - for the most part, the Steelhead were "cookie cutter" sized, in the smaller four to six pound range, with eggs and beads accounting for these fish, and the lower section producing the largest majority, followed distantly by the upper section - the most successful guests covered a lot of territory, "slipping and dipping" (fishing briefly in a lot of small , specific, spots on the run) - overnight low will be 45 F - tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy skies with periods of light rain later in the day. High 48F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%.
48° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:35pm
1050 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature today was 35F. The weather cooperated today with mild temperatures, some morning rain, a bit breezy and blue skies around mid-day. The weather for tonight continues with the mild temperatures, cloudy. Low near 40F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. More unseasonably warm temperatures for tomorrow, the day starts out with rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. High 53F. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%. There was some fog this morning, which didn't affect the fishing. The water clarity is good. A good number of anglers had success along the entire run. The action picked up around noon in the middle section of the river. The flow remains at 750CFS thru midnight Dec 29th. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
42° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:35pm
1030 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
The Angler Limit is 30. Purchase your passes online as Same Day Passes may not be available for sale at the Welcome Center.
The warmer temperatures and sunny skies brought out the anglers today. Most anglers were in the middle of the run with good success. One angler landed 4 out of 5 Steelhead and also landed a Brown, while other anglers had success moving up and down the run. The weather for tonight mostly cloudy skies. Low 31F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. And for tomorrow showers in the morning, then cloudy in the afternoon. High 46F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. The flow out of the Dam remains at 750CFS thru midnight tomorrow night. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
32° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:37am
Sunset: 4:34pm
1030 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1030, air temperatures rose from the low-20s to near 30 over the course of the day, very light and variable winds, no precipitation - just short of a dozen guests joined us today, trickling in all morning and into early afternoon - an initial great report from a guest departing early afternoon (near double-digits, swinging flies in the middle section) was not followed by any reports until just after dusk when a flurry of guests left the run - reports ranged from "we got a few" to "it's been good lately, but today was unbelievable" - there was mention of a little slush and some small chunks of ice, but as far down as the Meadow was open water - tonight will dip to 17 degrees, with the forecast for tomorrow: Cloudy skies. High 38F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.
note: 2025 Daily Access Fishing Passes and Premium Access Passes will be released for sale according to this schedule:
· 31 Dec 2024 –
o Midnight EST - all January through August 2025 daily access fishing passes
· 13 Jan 2025 –
o All September 2025 daily access fishing passes
o Guests may enter the queue at 5:30 PM EST
o Passes sold first come-first-serve in the order of queue beginning at 6:00 PM EST
· 15 Jan 2025 –
o All October 2025 daily access fishing passes
o Guests may enter the queue at 5:30 PM EST
o Passes sold first come-first-serve in the order of queue beginning at 6:00 PM EST
· 17 Jan 2025 –
o All Premium Access passes
o Guests may enter the queue at 5:30 PM EST
o Passes sold first come-first-serve in the order of queue beginning at 6:00 PM EST
featured is Cory, with a respectable Steelhead, his first on his new centerpin
24° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:36am
Sunset: 4:33pm
1030 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Happy holidays everyone and Merry Christmas to all those celebrating! We had a few anglers join us this morning for a short outing as we closed at 1pm today. All our guests indicated that they had successful outings and enjoyed the milder temperatures, overcast skies, and light wind. Of the fish brought to hand, all were indicated to be steelhead in 3-6lb range. Our guests also indicated that there was significant shelf ice in a number of areas and it was beginning to break apart. Anglers observed that the shelf ice was roughly 6-10” above the water’s current surface at the 750cfs release due to the ice establishing higher up the bank during the previous 1,500cfs release. With these types of icy conditions, please use an abundance of caution when traversing the river’s banks and while wading. Reminder: DSR will be closed tomorrow, December 25th. Upcoming DSR Lodge Availability: Hours of Operation - (Dec. 26 – Jan. 2) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES)
30° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:36am
Sunset: 4:32pm
1050 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 12/23/24-***Special Note*** Our hours of operation for the next few days are: Dec. 24th, 2024-6:45am-1:00pm Dec. 25th, 2024-Closed Dec. 26th-Jan. 2nd, 2025-6:45am-5:15pm We had a pair of anglers venture onto the run early this morning; unfortunately the colder temperatures and sheet ice caused them to depart without a grab. We will see temperatures warm up tomorrow to the upper 20s to low 30s, and there will be a slight chance of precipitation, with light N / NW winds 5-8 mph. ***Due to the possibility of sheet ice on the run tomorrow guests are welcome to walk down to the river prior to purchasing fishing passes.***
24° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:35am
Sunset: 4:31pm
1720 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
The frigid weather today has impacted the fishing, with no anglers willing to venture on to the run, temperatures in the single digits and negative wind chill. The weather this evening clear to partly cloudy. Low near 5F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow's temperatures will be higher than today with a mix of clouds and sun early, then becoming cloudy later in the day. A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 26F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. The flow remains at 1500CFS until 9pm Dec 23, from 9pm thru midnight on the 23rd the flow will be 750CFS. Returning to regular business hours 6:45am opening and closing at 5:15pm. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
10° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:35am
Sunset: 4:31pm
1730 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 1500 until at least tomorrow midnight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1770 - air temperature hovered in the mid teens all day, with light winds, and light snowfall - a sole guest fished mid-morning to early afternoon, for about four hours, and was able to hook into one fish, which he did not bring to hand - he said "it was beautiful down there!" - light snow will continue overnight, with a low of 3 degrees - due to the low temperature, we remind you that the DSR will open for fishing at 9 AM tomorrow morning - the forecast for tomorrow is: Sunshine and clouds mixed. Very cold. High 14F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.
18° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:34am
Sunset: 4:30pm
1780 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
Today's weather will be somewhat cloudy with snow showers. High 31F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. For this evening cloudy, with snow showers possible. Low 17F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Tomorrow looks to be more of the same, cloudy with a few flurries or snow showers possible. High 19F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph. Slush on the water could be an issue this weekend with the extreme cold temperatures. As of this afternoon, the slush wasn't too bad, but the water had a little staining as reported by an intrepid angler. Fish were caught, mostly in the middle section of the run. The Dam remains at 1500CFS thru midnight tomorrow. -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
26° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:34am
Sunset: 4:30pm
1810 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
Tonight's weather will be cloudy. Low 22F. Winds light and variable, for tomorrow variable clouds with snow showers. High 31F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 50%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. The flow out of the Dam remains at 1500CFS thru midnight Dec. 20th. The middle of the run seemed to be productive for the better part of the day. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
27° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:33am
Sunset: 4:30pm
1850 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam remained at 1500 (through at least midnight tonight) - CFS at the Pineville gauge at 1890 - water temperature 35 degrees, air temperature ranged from high to mid 30s, overcast all day, very light winds, drizzled most of the day - despite the weather, we had a baker's dozen of guests join us on the run, starting from opening through early afternoon - as these guests trickled off the run, the reports were positive - one guest was able to at least get a tug, with all others bringing Steelhead to hand (egg sacks bounced on the bottom produced best) - the sole exception was a seasoned angler who commented "Water fished fine despite being a little high, conditions were great, I just couldn't connect today!" It happens to the best of us ... overnight low of 31 degrees, with a few snow flurries - forecast for tomorrow is: Mainly cloudy with snow showers around in the morning. High 33F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 50%.
35° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:33am
Sunset: 4:29pm
1890 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
The weather for this evening showers early, then cloudy overnight. Low around 35F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. For tomorrow rain and snow showers mixed in the afternoon. High near 40F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. The fishing today was challenging with the higher water level, a few anglers had success in the upper end of the middle of the run using egg sacks. Another angler has success with flies, hooking a couple. The water was slightly off color. The lower end of the run also had success this morning. The flow out of the Dam remains at 1500CFS thru midnight tonight. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
41° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:32am
Sunset: 4:29pm
1890 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam 1500 until midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1780 - air temperatures ranged from mid 30s to start the morning, with a high of 40 - winds were fairly light - a light number of guests today, with most of them at least getting a few tugs and, for those more experienced in fishing these somewhat higher waters, "a good day" bringing in fish to hand - seems like the higher section of the run were more productive - overnight low will be 41 degrees, the forecast for tomorrow: "Cloudy with showers. High 46F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 60%."
39° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:32am
Sunset: 4:29pm
1780 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 12/15/2024-The flow from the dam is 1500cfs, (scheduled to remain that way through 11:59 12/16/24); Pineville gauge is 1810cfs; water temperature is at 35 degrees. Unfortunately, our guests, for the most part, experienced similar results to yesterday, with few fish hooked or brought to hand. Water clarity was much better than it had been, although there were still some leaves, debris making its way down river. For tomorrow temperatures will be between 35-42 degrees, with little chance of precipitation during the daylight hours and SE winds of 8-12mph. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES)
31° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:31am
Sunset: 4:28pm
1810 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 12/13/24-***Special Note-The DSR will open at 9:00am on Saturday, December 14th, 2024 due to forecasted low temperature / heavy snow in the current forecast.*** Current flow from the dam is 750 cfs; Pineville gauge is 1160 cfs; water temperature is 34 degrees. Another day with just a handful of guests on the run. The increased flow from the dam and run off coupled with the cold-water temperature made things difficult today. The guests I spoke with coming off the river had few hook-ups, and all guests had departed by 1:00pm. The one bright spot being water clarity has improved significantly in the past two days. We’ll start the day off tomorrow with temperatures in the high teens, reaching the upper twenties by sundown with E / SE winds not expected to exceed 5mph. ***As of this report the dam flow will increase to 1500 cfs at 5:00pm this evening thru 11:59pm Saturday night. ***
24° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:29am
Sunset: 4:28pm
1160 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning was 37F. Even though the flow out of the Dam remains at 195CFS, the runoff from the melting snow and rain has increased the flow out of Pineville to 590CFS at 1pm, which has affected the clarity of the water, which in turn has impacted the fishing for today. The weather forecast will be rain and snow this evening. Overcast overnight. Low 29F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of precipitation 100%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Tomorrow's weather will be cloudy and windy. A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 31F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph. The flow out of the Dam was increased to 350CFS at 5pm 12/11 and will be at 350CFS thru 12/12 at 11:59pm. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
37° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:28am
Sunset: 4:28pm
666 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature today ranged between 37F and 40F. The weather for this evening rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers overnight. Low 43F. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch. Tomorrow's weather will be cloudy with periods of rain. High 47F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall possibly over one inch. The warmer weather and rain totals could improve fishing conditions. Anglers today had success in the lower end of the run with several Steelhead brought to hand and one Brown trout was landed. Towards the upper end of the run the fishing was a bit more challenging. The middle of the run was productive, with one angler hooking 5 Steelhead and landing 3. He stated "It was a great day". The flow remains at 195CFS. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
41° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:27am
Sunset: 4:28pm
361 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Fishing Report for 12/09/24-The dam is reporting 195 cfs; 304 at the Pineville gauge; water temperature is 35 degrees. We started off with cloudy skies, temperatures in the upper 30s and by 11:00am drizzle /showers that stayed with us the remainder of the day. I spoke with most of our guests coming off the river and just about everyone hooked multiple fish. Success was had from the lower end of the river to the upper with results about even across the board. Hopefully the showers we received thru the remainder of the day will bode well for tomorrow. The weather forecast calls for temperatures in the low to mid 40s, slight chance of rain in the morning, increasing in midafternoon, with winds from the SE 7-12mph. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability - 40° / Clouds Sunrise: 7:27am Sunset: 4:29pm 304 CFS Pineville Gauge 195 CFS Dam Release
35° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:26am
Sunset: 4:28pm
304 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Several anglers commented on the fact that there was slush in the water this morning. In spite of the slush our guests were catching fish. This afternoon the conditions improved in relationship to the slush, anglers continued to catch fish. The weather today was cloudy. There was slight chance of a rain shower. High 43F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. Wind chill this afternoon was 36F. This evening will be Cloudy. Low 28F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow rain likely. High around 40F. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a half an inch. The flow remains at 195CFS out of the Dam. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability -
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:25am
Sunset: 4:28pm
286 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
***Special Notice-due to the impending weather / snow operating hours for tomorrow, Sunday, December 8th, 2024, will be from 7:30am to 5:15pm.*** Welcome Winter with up to 2 feet of snow this morning and the possibility of a couple of more inches tonight. Snow this evening will mix with rain at times late. Low around 30F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation 100%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. A warming trend for tomorrow cloudy with showers. High 42F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Between the weather and the slush in the water, fishing today was challenging. The flow out of the Dam remains the same 195CFS and the flow out of Pineville this afternoon was 281CFS.
28° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:24am
Sunset: 4:28pm
286 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
***Special Notice-due to the impending weather / snow operating hours for tomorrow, Saturday, December 7th, 2024, will be from 7:30am to 5:15pm.*** Daily Fishing Report-195 cfs at the dam; Pineville gauge is 266 cfs; water temperature is 34 degrees. It was a bit colder on the run today than yesterday with temperatures in the mid to upper 20s and winds in the mid-teens. The few guests I spoke with fished primarily the middle stretches of the river with success rated from ‘none today’ to ‘had a pair on’. The release from the dam at the time of this report is listed as 195 cfs through 11:59pm this evening. Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) Open - 6:45 AM Afternoon Passes - 12:00 PM Close - 5:15 PM Angler Check-in & Release - 6:45 AM (ALL GUEST CATEGORIES) -------------------------- Upcoming Lodge Availability - -------------------------- 28 degrees / Snow Sunrise: 7:23am Sunset: 4:26pm 273 CFS Pineville Gauge 195 CFS Dam Release
24° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:23am
Sunset: 4:28pm
268 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Heavy snow and strong winds made for a tough day on the water. Light angling pressure overall, with just a handful of anglers joining us given the conditions. The anglers that did join us today, fished the majority of the day despite the rather brutal wind and snow. With a considerable amount of time spent on the water, most of these anglers reported a successful outings, but nothing was easy. A steady West-Northwest wind at 20 mph, with gusts of 36 mph certainly isn't ideal. Most angling efforts seemed concentrated in the middle sections today, offering the most refuge from the elements. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/4). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
34° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:22am
Sunset: 4:28pm
273 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Off and on snowfall coupled with driving winds made for a tough day on the water. While conditions weren't ideal, most of our anglers persevered, fishing from the early morning into the late afternoon. Those anglers that covered ground proved to be the most successful today, with efforts wide spread today, but light angling pressure overall. The lower sections were reported to be the most productive today, with the middle section a close second. Forecasts continue to indicate possible snow through the night and into the morning, with 10-15 MPH and gusts up to 30 MPH. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/4). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
31° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:21am
Sunset: 4:28pm
268 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Snow fall continued from last night into the morning, with most of the accumulation coming from last night, and some off and on snow showers throughout the day. Despite the conditions, angling pressure was greater today, with most of anglers joining us first thing this morning and fishing into the early afternoon. Based on the reports we received, today was another good day, with most anglers calling it quits because of the cold. The middle and lower sections received the greatest attention, again with little reported in the upper sections. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/2). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
28° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:20am
Sunset: 4:28pm
273 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
A cold start to the morning with a fresh blanket of snow made for a late start for most of our anglers. Anglers trickled in over the course of the morning, with angling pressure light overall given the conditions. Based on the reports we received today, it seems it was another good day for most of our anglers, continuing to report fresh steelhead. Middle and lower sections reported the greatest activity, and little reported in the upper sections of the run, with light angling pressure throughout the run today. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/2). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
29° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 4:29pm
277 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Some light snow in the morning that barely accumulated on the ground before the sun came out this afternoon and melted it away. A bit chilly to start the day, but temperatures in the high 20's is temperatures that we should expect for this time of year. Reports from our anglers that fished today were very positive. The one expression that captures the day was "it was lights out." Nearly everyone was able to get into multiple fish and, clearly, some were fortunate to be in the right spot, at the right time, and doing the right thing. We'll wait and see what happens overnight with the snow that has been hold north of us. Hopefully it stays there and tomorrow should be another excellent day on the water. This is really shaping up to be an excellent Steelhead year. Water from the dam remains at 195cfs and the flow at Pineville is 286cfs
29° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:18am
Sunset: 4:29pm
281 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
CFS at the dam remains at 195, CFS at the Pineville gauge 308 - we started the morning just below freezing, with the temperature only climbing a couple of degrees throughout the day - winds started light and variable, but gained in strength to a fairly brisk WSW wind - we only had periodic, very light and short lived flurries of snow, with the lake effect band hovering just North of us - quite a few guests ventured out starting early this morning - as they trickled back in throughout the afternoon, reports were that, with two exceptions, all the guests I spoke with had connected with at least some, if not respectable numbers, of fresh Steelhead - one father commented that he didn't hook any fish himself, but thoroughly enjoyed watching his young son hook into a few - a nice Brown Trout was brought to hand by a lucky angler - tomorrow the forecast is: "Cloudy with snow developing during the afternoon. High 34F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 70%."
32° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 4:29pm
304 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Normal hours of operation (6:45 AM to 5:15 PM) unless the snow fall totals are excessive tomorrow. The water temperature today was 39F. The weather for tonight will be snow showers early becoming steadier snow overnight. Low around 30F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches. Heavier amounts in favored snowbelt locales. The weather for Saturday looks like the snow will taper off and end during the morning but skies will remain cloudy during the afternoon. High near 35F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. The flow out of the Dam remains at 195CFS thru midnight tonight. The flow out of Pineville this afternoon was 322CFS. Most of the anglers were in the middle of the run today, quite a few had success, with the morning having more activity.
34° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 4:30pm
318 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there; we hope you have plenty for the table and are able to spend today surrounded by family and good friends. The CFS at the dam is 195, the CFS at the Pineville gauge is 304. Air temperature has been steady in the mid 30s, with sprinkles of rain and very light winds - quite a few guests joined us this morning, venturing out early - the fishing continues to be good - of those who had to leave by mid-morning, they each reported bringing to hand a good number of fresh chrome Steelhead as well as Steelhead with color - those leaving later were reporting double-digit hookups - only very, very few could not seem to connect with fish - note: we will resume our normal hours of operation tomorrow - the forecast for tomorrow is: "Cloudy skies. A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 38F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph."
34° / Snow
Sunrise: 7:15am
Sunset: 4:30pm
308 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Daily Fishing Report-the dam is at 195 cfs; Pineville gauge is at 313 cfs; water temperature at 40 degrees. The few guests that I was able to speak with today upon departing were all in agreement that the fishing was good to excellent, from mid river to the lower end; no reports from the upper portions, with Steelhead being the only fish in the mix. For tomorrow we will have temperatures in the mid-30s with light E / SE winds not expected to exceed 7 mph, and a high probability of mixed precipitation throughout the day. (The dam is scheduled to be at 195 cfs through 11:59pm on Thanksgiving Day.) ***A reminder that the DSR hours of operation for tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day will be from 6:15am to 1:00pm.***
39° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:14am
Sunset: 4:31pm
308 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Rain in the morning, then overcast skies until around noon when the sun made an effort to emerge, and a cold rain to end the day. Perfect Steelhead weather. Except for the wind which blew pretty hard out of the West all day. Made things a bit of a challenge for our anglers but, hopefully, it will push some more fish up into the run. In spite of the wind, all anglers that I spoke with couldn't wipe the smile off of their faces. All had what was described as a "great", "excellent", and/or "excellent day. It was a rewarding day to be a Steelhead fisherman today. The posted release for the dam remains at 195cfs and the current flow at the Pineville gauge is 313cfs Tomorrow's forecast calls for temperature in the low 40's, breezy with some snow showers (total accumulation 1-3")
43° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:12am
Sunset: 4:31pm
313 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning was 39F and 42F this afternoon. It was bright and sunny this morning, with increasing clouds this afternoon. There will be rain showers early tonight that evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Low 37F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. A steady rain for Tuesday morning. Showers continuing in the afternoon. High 48F. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 90%. The fishing this morning and this afternoon was good in the middle of the run, anglers having success with egg sacks and beads. The flow remains at 195CFS out of the Dam thru 11:59pm this evening. The flow out of Pineville this afternoon was 295CFS.
38° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 4:32pm
295 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Overcast skies for the better part of the day although the sun did make a brief appearance during the afternoon. Early wind subsided and didn't present much of a problem for out anglers as they were able to find shelter during the early morning when the wind was the strongest. Another good day for Steelhead on the run and while I did not speak with all anglers as they left the run, those that I did indicated that there are good numbers of Steelhead and everyone was able to get into a fish or two. It might have been the appearance of the sun as fishing (while good this morning) picked up in the afternoon, particularly in the mid-section of the run. Center-pinners, traditional fly and two-handed fly fishermen were all happy today. Water from the dam remains at 195cfs and at Pineville the flow is 318cfs
39° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:10am
Sunset: 4:32pm
318 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning was 44F. The weather for tonight rain showers with overcast skies overnight. A few flurries or snow showers possible. Low 38F. Winds WNW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 40%. The weather for Sunday will be cloudy with a few flurries or snow showers possible. High 43F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. The water clarity was somewhat improved today over yesterday. Anglers reported better success with the improved conditions this morning, mostly in the middle of the run. The afternoon anglers had similar success in the middle of the run. The Steelhead were moving upstream as reported by River Patrol all day. The flow out of the Dam remains at 195CFS and the flow out of Pineville 346CFS. Lodge guest parking remains open until 15 Dec., unless the weather dictates closure.
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:09am
Sunset: 4:33pm
346 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
The snow that occurred this morning missed us as we received (much needed) rain instead. Combined with the colder temperatures and wind it made conditions rather unpleasant for our anglers (Even for Steelhead fishermen). The sun did come out around noon and the rain stopped which was a good thing, but by that time a good numbers of anglers had been driven off the river. Reports this afternoon were that the rain was sufficient to bring the water level up nicely, but it was also sufficient enough to stain the water considerably. That pretty much shut down any success that the anglers had up to that point and while it begin to clear late this afternoon, there was still some discoloration. Given we haven't received any additional rain this afternoon and none is being forecast for overnight, I would expect the water to clear by morning. In that the higher water may have brought more fish into the run, tomorrow should be a good day on the run. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Water remains at 195cfs from the dam and the water at Pineville has risen to 400cfs (which would make it closed to 500cfs at the DSR
38° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:08am
Sunset: 4:34pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Well, we got some rain, but not quite what we had hoped for. Off and on showers over the course of the day mixed with temperatures in the 40's made for a rather damp and cold day on the water. While conditions weren't necessarily optimal, it certainly lessened the angling pressure. A majority of our anglers joined us first thing this morning and fished into the early afternoon. Overall, reports from the anglers we spoke with indicated a productive day, but not the numbers we saw earlier in the week. Anglers fishing the middle sections saw the most success, with the lower section being the second favorite today. Upper sections continue to see minimal pressure, with little reported. Today, predominantly steelhead were reported with a number of browns reported in the mix. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (11/22). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:06am
Sunset: 4:34pm
260 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
A touch warmer today, with temperatures starting in the mid 40's and reaching into the mid 50's over the course of the day. A lack of wind and plenty of overcast made for optimal conditions on the river. Despite the conditions, reports from our anglers and River patrol pointed to lighter activity throughout the run. Upper and lower sections saw extremely light angling pressure, with most efforts concentrated in the middle sections. Most of our anglers continued to report greater activity in the morning hours, with the sun really shutting things down in combination with the low water conditions. Crossing our fingers we'll actually see some of the forecasted rain for the remainder of the week. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/20). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
54° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:05am
Sunset: 4:35pm
244 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Another frosty start to the morning, but temperatures settled in the 50's with a mix of sun and clouds keeping conditions comfortable. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, it was another 'good day'. Early morning reports continue to outshine afternoon reports, with most of our anglers joining us first thing this morning and fishing into the early afternoon. Overall, upper and middle sections of the run reported the greatest activity today, with the lower sections reporting a bit less activity. While we are hopeful with the forecasted rain for the remainder of the week, at this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/19). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
49° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 4:36pm
244 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Despite last night's rain, the low water continues. Conditions remained partly cloudy and comfortable in the 50's, with water temperatures at a recorded 43 F this morning. Reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with pointed toward a fairly productive morning, with activity tapering off into the afternoon, consistent with the activity we've seen since the water drop. Overall, light angling pressure, with most efforts focused in the middle and lower sections of the run. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/18). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
50° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 4:37pm
244 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Sunshine until about noon and then the clouds moved in and gave us overcast skies for the balance of the day. Overall, the fishing was reported slower than it has been for the past several days. That being said, the fishing over this past week has been very, very good so a day of "just OK" fishing needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Early morning water temperature of 40 degrees probably had something to do with the slower action. With so little water being released from the dam, overnight low temperatures can impact water temperature which, of course, impacts the fish. Numerous individuals did indicate that they saw good numbers of fish in the run, they were just being stubborn. Tomorrow's another day. Water from the dam remains at 195cfs and at Pineville 244cfs. Hopefully the rain that is in the forecast for latter next week will materialize nd will bring us some much needed rain.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
244 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
At dawn this morning we were right at freezing, with light and variable winds - we continued with fairly light winds throughout the day, and the temperature ramped up slowly to a high of 50 F, with plenty of sunshine - CFS at the dam was 195, CFS at the Pineville gauge was 252 - water temperature was 42 F - quite a number of guests showed up to take advantage of both the relatively good Steelhead fishing we have been experiencing for awhile, as well as the decent weather - I would describe the fishing today as "a slow but steady pick" for most, with most of the fish holding in pools - there were some brief flurries of intense activity for some guests as small pods of fish moved around a bit - it was not unusual for some pairings and trios of guests to report having achieved double-digit results today, especially those who put in the time and stayed until near dusk - forecast for tomorrow is a mix of clouds and sun in the morning followed by cloudy skies during the afternoon. High near 50F. Winds light and variable.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
248 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 43F this morning. The weather for tonight will have a few passing clouds. Low 34F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow's weather will be mainly sunny. High 51F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. A few anglers had a good day on the run this morning. The anglers were spread out and the fish were holding in pools up and down the run. This afternoon the action picked up, the anglers were spread out up and down the run. The Steelhead were moving up river with some holding in place at the bottom of the run. The flow out of the Dam remains at 195CFS thru 11/16/24 11:59 pm and out of Pineville 256CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
256 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Temperatures rose ever so slightly, but the winds today made the real feel much colder than yesterday. With complete overcast and steady wind, things just never warmed up. Low water combined with the lack of sun water dropped temperatures from a recorded 44 F this morning, to 41 F by this afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, fishing wasn't quite as productive as the past few days, but overall still a good day on the water for most of our anglers. Upper sections of the property saw little angling pressure, while middle and lower sections continued to report the most angling pressure and success. Today, predominantly steelhead were reported with a few brown trout. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/15). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. Attention Guests : Tomorrow (11/15), DSR's hours of operation will be adjusted to an opening time of 6:15 AM and a closing time of 5:15 PM . ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated hours of operation.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
268 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
Another cold start at 28 F, with a thick layer of frost coating everything this morning. A cold overnight mixed with low water brought water temperatures down to a reported 42 F this morning, barely budging over the course of the day with a reported 43 F this afternoon. Reports from our River Patrol and the Anglers we spoke with over the course of the day indicated a successful morning on the water, but a rather difficult afternoon. Upper sections of the run saw the lightest angling pressure today, with most efforts being focused in the middle sections again. Overall, the middle section remained the most productive for anglers today. Anglers indicated activity significantly decreased once the sun hit the water throughout. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/13). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
295 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release
A cold start to the morning with temperatures in the mid 30's, and ultimately only reaching into the mid 40's with steady winds keeping the real feel in the 30's. While the temperature change was a rude awakening, and certainly lightened the angling pressure, the fish didn't seem to mind. Most of our anglers trickled in over the course of the morning fishing into the early afternoon. A mix of overcast and just sunshine made kept water temperatures at bay, remaining in the mid 40's throughout the day. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, the 'good fishing' continues. Today, most of our anglers noted larger fish in the mix, with steady activity throughout the run. Upper sections saw the lightest angling pressure, while middle and lower sections getting the most focus today. Ultimately the middle section continues to prove the most productive for our anglers, but we'll see where the fan favorite lands tomorrow with another reduction in the dam release. At this time due to the current state of the reservoir, the dam release will be adjusted from 285 CFS to 185 CFS tonight at 6:00 PM where it is scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tomorrow (11/13). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
A mix of weather today, but temperatures remained in the 50’s keeping things comfortable. It sounds like some anglers may have been a slow start to the morning, particularly in the lower sections, but based on the reports we received there was a considerable amount of action in the middle and upper sections of the run today. Morning reports from our River patrol indicated light angling pressure in the upper sections, with most pressure in the middle and lower sections, but moderate success reported throughout. Afternoon reports indicated moderate angling pressure in the middle and upper sections, but with great success. Today, a majority of steelhead with just a couple of brown trout brought to hand. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/11). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
392 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning was 44F and this evening it was 55F. The weather for tonight will be rain. Low 56F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch. For tomorrow, cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. High 69F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. The fishing both this morning and afternoon was in the middle of the run with a low volume of anglers, a good number of fish were hooked and some were landed. This morning the fish were moving up river with some pods holding in the middle of the run. The afternoon saw fish holding in pools all up and down the run. The lower end of run had some action today and the anglers in the upper end had moderate success. Steelhead were sighted all along the run all day with some Brown trout sighted in the upper end of the run this afternoon. The flow out of the Dam remains at 290CFS thru midnight 11/11/24. Out of Pineville this evening was 371CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Weather-wise and fishing-wise, things improved in a big way over yesterday. Yesterday's wind and the weather change yesterday seemed to shut most of the fish down. Today was a very different story. In spite of the bright sunshine, with relatively little wind, the fish must have taken advantage of their day of rest as the bite was on today. All anglers that I spoke with that fished both days confirmed that today was a much better day than yesterday. Traditional fly fishing techniques as well as center-pin/float fishing all produced well today. Now if we could only get some desperately needed rain. Water temperature this morning was 44 degrees and the flow from the dam remains at 290cfs and at Pineville 377cfs. The following lodges at DSR just became available for immediate booking, on a first-come, first-served basis, for the evenings of 15 and 16 November 2024 (with the right of first refusal for rebooking in 2025 and beyond): Mud Creek and Estuary Lodges (capacity up to four persons); Douglaston Manor, and Salmon Run Lodges (capacity up to seven persons); Meadow Lodge (capacity up to six persons) - as a matter of interest, Douglaston Manor Lodge is also available 17 Nov, Salmon Run Lodge is also available 14 Nov and Meadow Lodge is also available 17 Nov - please visit our website for lodge amenities or contact us directly at (315) 298- 6672 extension 0
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
377 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
The following lodges at DSR just became available for immediate booking, on a first-come, first-served basis, for the evenings of 15 and 16 November 2024 (with the right of first refusal for rebooking in 2025 and beyond): Mud Creek and Estuary Lodges (capacity up to four persons); Douglaston Manor and Salmon Run Lodges (capacity up to seven persons); Meadow Lodge (capacity up to six persons) - as a matter of interest, Douglaston Manor Lodge is also available 17 Nov, Salmon Run Lodge is also available 14 Nov and Meadow Lodge is also available 17 Nov - please visit our website for lodge amenities or contact us directly at (315) 298- 6672 extension 0
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Today wasn't nearly the day that yesterday was. Weather and fish-wise. Chilly and overcast for the entire day (with just a couple peeks of sun) and the wind was howling. That didn't help our anglers that's for sure. As one anglers just mentioned at the end of the day; "Tough sledding today, man. But tomorrow will be better" and that pretty much sums up what I've heard all afternoon. Fishing definitely not what it was yesterday (which by all reports was pretty amazing). Weather for tomorrow looks to be a bit on the colder side but the wind dies considerably and will be coming out of a more accommodating direction. Flow from the dam remains at 290cfs and at Pineville 377cfs.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
377 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Not quite the warm weather we've been seeing lately, but still warm for this time of year with temperatures remaining in the 50's. Despite a few stints of light rain, conditions remained comfortable on the water with a mix of sun and clouds. Overall, based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with, it was a rather productive day, and clearly activity has picked up. Again, it seems the majority of the fish activity continues to be reported in the early morning. Upper and lower sections reported the greatest angling pressure, with light pressure reported in the middle sections. Reports from all sections indicated moderate to good success, with quite a few larger fish steelhead reported in the mix today. (Pictured below; Andy fishing w/ Capt. Mike Ford of Reel Addicted Sportfishing) Today, primarily steelhead were reported. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/6). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
377 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Warm temperatures carried through the night, with a start in the mid 60’s today accompanied by some much needed rain. Unlike the past few days, today we had plenty of overcast which seemed to lend itself to a fairly productive morning for some anglers, but activity quickly tapered as the day progressed. Overall, middle sections reported the greatest angling pressure as well as the greatest fish activity, with little reported from the upper sections, and spotty activity in the lower sections. Another mixed bagged with quite a few brown trout landed. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/6). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
377 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
The cold weather was short lived, with temperatures beginning in the mid 50's this morning. Conditions got a bit tougher as the day progressed with cloud cover disappearing, ultimately giving way to bright blue skies and bringing water temperatures up to a reported 58 F by this afternoon. With that said, anglers reported greater activity this morning with moderate action, landing a mix of brown trout and steelhead in the upper sections of the run. Reports this afternoon varied, but the consensus was things quieted down as the sun hit the water, with lower sections reporting a bit more activity, but light overall. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/5). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
A near freezing start to the morning with temperatures finally making it out of the 30's, but strong winds (gusts 28 mph+) made the 50 F mid day temperature feel more like low 40's. While conditions weren't necessarily comfortable, most of our anglers made their way onto the run first thing this morning, with most hanging it up by the early afternoon after contending with the winds. With a lack of sunshine and an abundance of cloud coverage, water temperatures topped out around 46 F. Overall, based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, for most, the morning was more productive reporting moderate angling success in the middle and upper sections of the run, while this afternoon, the lower most sections of the property took the spotlight, but reports from both indicated a mix of steelhead and brown trout. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/4). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
377 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Another day on the cooler side but the bright sunshine all day made things feel a little better than yesterday. As far as the fishing goes, yesterday, by most accounts, was the better day to be on the water. That being said, today was another excellent day so we're really splitting hairs here. Just about everyone that I have spoken with was able to get into several Steelhead and some a whole bunch more. Even some fairly fresh Kings were brought to hand. Although the fishing has been excellent in these low water conditions we really do need some water. Some showers are in the forecast for this coming Wednesday, but at this point it doesn't look like it will provide any relief and it's not until mid-month that things look more promising. It's becoming a real concern. Flow from the dam is currently 290cfs and at Pineville the flow is 377cfs. Water temperature this morning was 48 degrees.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
377 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
With overcast skies, some drizzling rain, and temperatures hovering around 40 degrees, it is really starting to feel like Steelhead season. Reports from the anglers on the run was mixed today. Overall I think, even with yesterday's leaves, fishing was a bit better yesterday than it was today. However, fishing today was still, by most accounts, excellent. There is little doubt that there are plenty of fish on our stretch of water. I think that over the past several days good numbers of fish have pushed up into our stretch and the combination of relatively little volume of flow and large numbers of salmon that dropped eggs in our section of the river has resulted in good numbers of fish "hanging out" in the DSR. Fish are trickling up, of course, but nothing like they would be with more water and less food (i.e. eggs) for them to eat. Nearly all Steelhead with a couple Browns, Coho, and Kings. Flow is presently 290cfs from the dam and 397cfs at Pineville
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
392 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Flow from the Dam is 290 cfs; Pineville Gauge is reporting 382 cfs; water temperature was 50 degrees. Our guests encountered strong winds that didn’t subside through the day which in turn brought plenty of new leaves into the river. Having said that the fishing was reported as slow to good from the upper stretches to the lower with Steelhead being the fish primarily brought to hand, along with a few browns and a stray King. Tomorrow temperatures should start out around 40 degrees only sliding up to around 45 with winds from the N / NW 3-9 mph with a slight chance of showers.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
382 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
T-shirt weather on Halloween was a sweet treat, but temperatures reaching into the upper 70's again today kept both angler and fish activity rather quiet today. Water temperatures again began at 50 F, and reached a report 54 F. Reports this morning indicated moderate fish activity in the upper sections of the run, but quickly died down, with anglers reporting minimal activity throughout the run as the day progressed. Nearly all steelhead were reported today, with still a few lingering kings in the mix. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/4). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Today's weather was a bit of a change in pace with temperatures approaching 80 F, making things warm and muggy. Warm temperatures and low water brought water temperatures back into the 50's today, beginning at a reported 50 F and reaching 54 F this afternoon. Most of our anglers joined us first thing this morning, with most making it off the run by late afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, the day started off fairly quiet but reports pointed to an considerable increase in activity in the lower sections of the run late this afternoon. While lower sections reported success later in the day, activity in the middle and upper sections remained quiet throughout the day. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/31). REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
A bluebird morning quickly turned into a cloudy, windy and rather damp afternoon. Light angling pressure today, with most of our anglers joining us mid-morning into the afternoon. Water temperatures began at a reported 47 F this morning, and reached approximately 49 F this afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today the fish activity was also rather light. Reports ranged from a skunk, to a steelhead or two, with a few exceptions to that, but overall, most anglers indicated a rather quiet day on the water. Nearly all reports today were of steelhead, with a few brown trout as well as a few lingering kings. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/30). Please monitor for updated dam release information. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
382 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
A beautiful fall day on the water, with temperatures remaining in the 50's today with little overcast and very light wind. Water temperatures this morning began at a reported 48 F, and reached 51 F this afternoon. Overall, light angling pressure throughout the run, with most anglers making their way off the water by early afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, the middle and upper sections indicated minimal activity, with the lower sections reporting a bit more success but also rather quiet. Hopefully a few more cooler days and colder overnights will stir up some activity. At this time the dam release is scheduled to be reduced from 350 to 285 CFS 'due to ongoing drought conditions coupled with low reservoir levels. This lowered base flow will remain reduced until the reservoir recovers to normal historic elevations for this time of year.' The dam release is scheduled to be adjusted tonight at 6:00 PM tonight (10/28). REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated hours of operation and check-in time.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The weather has started to be a lot more like Steelhead kind of weather. Cold, sharp winds and dark cloudy skies. No rain and no snow flurries as of yet, but it sure felt like they weren't far off. The leaves were reported as not being too terrible today. Overall, I would say that the fishing was good. There were those that struggled, but overall a greater number of anglers were able to get into some Steelhead today. Spread though out the run, but, again, the mid and lower sections were somewhat more productive (although that may have been due to the fact that that is where more angers concentrated their efforts). Differing from earlier this week when it seemed that only a handful of anglers that had "the honey hole" were successful. And we're still getting reports of some "fresher" Kings being brought to hand. The water temperature dropped during the course of the day going from 55 degrees this morning to 52 degrees at 3:30 this afternoon. Flow from the dam remains (you guessed it) at 350cfs and the flow at Pineville remains at 436cfs (where it's been the past several days
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Early sunshine gave way to overcast skies in the afternoon and that may have contributed to what has seemed to a bit of an improvement (overall) in the Steelhead fishing today. There are still those fortunate ones that have "the right spot" that have been doing well, but today it seemed that the success was more wide-spread (as were the smiles) Most Steelhead today with a few Kings in the mix and reports of a couple brown trout being brought to had. Water temperature at 3:00PM was 54 degrees and the flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville 436cfs
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The weather for today is partly cloudy this morning, then becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 52F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. The winds have picked up today putting more leaves in the river. The clarity is moderate, but manageable. Steelhead is the fish of the day, with River Patrol sighting them up and down the river. Most of the fish are holding in place with moderate success on the lower end of the run. The middle of the run is seeing some success with moderate numbers of anglers. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville 436CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A chilly, bright sunshine day gave way this afternoon to temperatures in the mid-fifties and overcast skies (with a sprinkle here and there). Today our anglers had to work a little harder for the fish by moving a lot and changing up their offering. Those that did (particularly in the mid-lower sections) were rewarded with steelhead and the occasional King. The fishing success (while very good in some spots and particular times) was, generally, less than it was yesterday. And as I said, it was a little more work today. Our4 anglers are going to sleep well tonight. The flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and the flow from Pineville is 436cfs. This mornings water temperature was 48 degrees
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
We had another day with plenty of sunshine (after some morning mixed sun and clouds) but temperatures were significantly cooler than we've had for a while. Temperatures a good 20-25 degrees cooler and the cooler temperatures seemed to improve the fishing considerably as the angler reports during the course of the day have been a marked improvement from the past several days. Plenty of Steelhead, a surprising number of Kings (on the Fresh side) with even a couple fresh Coho thrown into the mix. While fish were brought to hand in greater numbers throughout the run, the mid and lower sections seemed to be the better choice. Tomorrow? Who knows. Much depends on what type of fish movement we have overnight and that's anyone's guess. The flow from the dam will remain at 350cfs and the flow at Pineville is 436cfs. This mornings water temperature of 51 degrees rose to 59 degrees by late afternoon. Tomorrow's forecast call for early sun, turning cloudy with a little bit warmer temperatures (high of 55)
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another unbelievable day weather-wise with temperatures in the mid-to upper 70's. It actually got a bit uncomfortable on the run. Mornings start out very cool so you dress for it, but by the time the day is over you're asking yourself why you brought so many clothes. Fishing remains challenging for most angers. There were Steelhead brought to hand and even some Kings on the "fresher side", but one needed to cover a lot of ground and hope that you hit upon the spots that held some fish. Those that were fortunate enough to find "the spot" were rewarded with some excellent fishing (particularly from mid-day on). There still reports of good numbers of Steelhead in the estuary and we're all waiting for some rain/rise in water levels that will trigger the fish and encourage them to enter into the run. Some rain and much lower temperatures are in the forecast for tomorrow and here's hoping that it improves the situation. Flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville the flow is currently 447cfs
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453, water temperature 52 F - estuary section reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on Chinook (King) Salmon and Steelhead, which are holding in the channels - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow fishing activity, with Kings and Steelhead moving through this section - middle section reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Kings and Steelhead, moving through this section - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing moderate fishing activity, on Kings and Steelhead, which are moving through and upriver - top section reported no guests present in that section
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
It's hard to believe that we're nearing the end of October and we have temperatures in the low 70's. And not just today but multiple days in a row. I suppose things will change soon enough, but it's nice while it lasts. Not too sure that it has helped the fishing as we continue to wait for some rain. Based on reports from anglers today, I would say that the fishing today was an improvement over yesterday. Not by significant margins, but better than yesterday. A few bright, fresh salmon and better numbers of Steelhead have been brought to hand. When interacting with anglers and guides today, most were pretty happy with their results. Water remains at 350cfs from the dam (unfortunately) and the current flow at Pineville is 453cfs. Late this afternoon water temperature was 62 degrees (up considerably from the past several days).
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 447, water temperature 51 F - estuary section reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Chinook (King) Salmon and Steelhead, which are moving upriver as well as some holding in the channels - lower section and middle section both reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Kings and Steelhead, moving through as well as holding in these sections - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on Kings only, which are moving through and upriver - top section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Kings and Steelhead, which are both moving through as well as holding in the section - featured is Ray, with two nice Steelhead, who is being guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service - also featured is Mike, with a magnificent Fall Steelhead!
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another nice Fall day with temperatures close to 70 degrees with another nice day in the forecast for tomorrow as well. While we had plenty of sunshine, fishing probably could have been better with a little more clouds and less sun as the fishing reports suggested that the bite improved with cloud cover and diminished with the sun out (which is often the case.) There are still a few fresh Kings entering into the run and some Steelhead (but not what I would consider "a lot'). A few Kings were brought to hand as well as better numbers of Steelhead and what success there was seemed to be at the lower end of the run. Little success and minimal angler pressure existed in the middle and upper sections of the run. Of course, that could all change tomorrow. We need rain (which will give us more water) which will bring a greater presence of Steelhead. The afternoon water temperature was 54 degrees and the flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville the flow is 447cfs
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this afternoon rose to 54F. The weather for this evening will be clear to partly cloudy. Low 49F. Winds light and variable. Tomorrows weather will be generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. High 71F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. The fishing this afternoon was quiet up and down the run, with some movement at the upper end of the run. River Patrol sighted Steelhead along the entire run and the fish were mostly holding in pools. The flow is 350CFS out of the Dam and out of Pineville 447CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature 48 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity, with Chinook (King) Salmon as well as Steelhead, which are holding in that area- lower section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling activity, with some fresh chrome Kings, and Steelhead, which are both moving through that section as well as holding within that area - of note: an Atlantic Salmon was brought to hand in this section - middle section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing moderate angling activity, with Kings and Steelhead , which are both moving upriver as well as holding in that section - upper section reported low guest density, who are experiencing quiet to slow angling activity, with a mix of Kings and Steelhead, both moving upriver and holding in that section
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature at 3pm today was 56F. The weather for tonight will be clear skies. Low 39F. Winds light and variable. The weather for tomorrow will be sunny skies. High 68F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. The anglers this afternoon into this evening have been fairly well distributed throughout the entire run, with the most angler success being in the upper portion of the run. Kings were seen along the run with some Steelhead in the lower sections of the run. The fish in the middle of the run were mostly going up river with pockets holding in place. The lower end of the run had Kings and Steelhead holding in place. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS until midnight Sunday 20 Oct. The flow out of Pineville was 453CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature 48 F - estuary section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow action on Chinook (King) Salmon which are both moving upriver as well as holding in the channels - lower section reported moderate to high guest density, depending where our guests happened to be in that section they were experiencing quiet to moderate angling activity, on a mix of Kings, Cohos, and Steelhead, both moving upriver as well as engaging in spawning behaviors - middle section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, on Kings and Steelhead, which are both moving upriver and holding in that section - upper section reported moderate to high guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling activity, on Kings and Steelhead actively moving upriver
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature went from 49F this morning to 54F this afternoon. The weather for this evening generally clear. Low 37F. Winds light and variable. For tomorrow abundant sunshine. High around 65F. Winds light and variable. The fish today, mostly Kings and Steelhead were holding in pools up and down the run. The middle section saw the most action, but with the fish not moving, hooking up and landing for the most part was challenging today. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville this evening 459CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15am River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam is at 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is at 459 cfs; water temperature is 49 degrees. Fishing has started out slowly to moderate in all sections of the river so far this morning. Kings, some fresh, mostly older, are being taken in low to moderate numbers, along with an uptick in Steelhead and a few brown trout as well.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The Dam flow is 350 cfs; Pineville Gauge is reading 470 cfs; water temperature is 56 degrees. Our afternoon fishing reports basically mirrored the morning report; guest volume as well as fish brought to hand was low to moderate throughout the entire run, with a mixture of fish holding in pools and moving up-river; Kings and Steelhead were the only species reported caught, (no Cohos, Atlantics, or Browns reported.) Tomorrow’s weather is scheduled to be mostly sunny, with temperatures starting in the mid to upper 30s, reaching 60 by the afternoon with light and variable winds not to exceed 5 mph.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 476, water temperature 49 F - all sections reported low guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, with Chinook (King) Salmon and Steelhead predominate in the lower through middle sections, and Kings only at the upper part of the run - all fish were actively moving upriver - a 15" Atlantic Salmon was brought to hand by one of our season pass holders
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Some interesting weather throughout the day with a mix or sunshine, showers and overcast. Based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, activity was similar to that of yesterday. Upper and middle sections reported the lightest angling pressure and fish activity, with a mix of kings and steelhead. The lower sections saw the greatest angling pressure, as well as the most success, also with a fair split of steelhead and kings, but no significant numbers of fish reported. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (10/16). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 494, water temperature 51 F - estuary section reported no guests present, with Chinook (King) Salmon present in the channels, which are both holding there as well as a percentage moving upriver - all other sections reported low guest density, experiencing slow angling activity in the lower sections, increasing to moderate angling activity higher up, on both Kings and Steelhead, which are actively moving upriver
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A few scattered showers and a bit of wind this afternoon, but conditions remained tolerable. Activity seemed to taper off as we headed into the afternoon, with angling pressure lightening as the day progressed. Reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with indicated light activity in the middle and upper sections, with a bit more focus in the lower sections this afternoon reporting moderate success on predominantly kings. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/16).Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 464, water temperature 51 F - estuary section reported low guest density, achieving moderate angling success on a combination of primarily Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon, as well as a solitary Brown Trout, which are moving through the channels - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on Kings and Steelhead, with Kings holding in that section, and Steelhead moving through - middle section reported low guest density, experiencing very slow angling activity with primarily Kings, but also a few Steelhead, moving upriver with a smaller percentage holding in that section - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling success, on Kings and Cohos both moving through and holding in the section - upper section reported low guest density, experiencing moderate angling success on Kings and Steelhead, both moving upriver and holding in that area
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
2:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: A windy, drizzly day, with temperatures in the low 40s on the run from early morning to the time of this report. The weather conditions didn’t seem to put a damper on the Salmon, (both Kings and Cohos), and steelhead brought to hand. Although guest volume was lower than previous days, fishing success was listed as slow to moderate in all areas except for the very top and very bottom, which didn’t have anglers present at the time of this report. Tomorrow’s weather once again will be blustery with winds from the N / NW 5-12mph, temperatures in the upper 30s to mid-40s, and a chance of light showers around 20%.
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:22pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482, water temperature 54 F - all portions of the run reported slow angling activity - estuary section reported moderate guest density with Coho Salmon and Steelhead holding in the channels - lower section reported moderate to low guest density, with a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon, as well as Steelhead, moving upriver and a percentage holding in that section - middle section reported low guest density, with a mix of King Salmon and Steelhead, all moving upriver - upper and top sections also reported low guest density, with a mix of King Salmon and Steelhead holding in those sections - featured are Carroll, client of DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service, with a nice Atlantic Salmon; Dante with a beautiful Brown Trout; and Dane with his family and a nice Chinook (King) Salmon buck
41° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:22pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam reports CFS at 350; Pineville gauge is reading 482 cfs; water temperature taken at 2pm is 54 degrees. The morning’s drizzly conditions continued into this afternoon with temperatures holding in the mid-40s with light N/ NW winds. There were no reports of Cohos this afternoon on the run; Kings were still the predominant species although each day we’re seeing more transition to spawning mode. Steelhead, browns, and a pair of Atlantic Salmon were all brought to hand. Guest volume was highest in the middle and upper sections, with a low number of guests in the very upper and lower sections. Tomorrow’s weather should be almost a duplicate of today except for only 1/10” of rain expected and temperatures rising from the high 30s to the upper 40s by sundown Monday.
46° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 6:24pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 54F this morning. The weather for today has rain showers early that will evolve into a more steady rain for the afternoon. High near 50F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. The middle of the run is where the anglers are today with mostly moderate success on both the north and south sides of the river. The upper end of the has a good number of anglers with some success. Again, today Kings are king with more Steelhead sighted. Just a few Coho sighted. The fish are mostly moving up river except in the lower end where they're holding in place. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight, out of Pineville 470CFS.
45° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 6:24pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:15pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam is reporting CFS at 350; Pineville gauge is reading 476 cfs; water temperature taken at 2pm is 60 degrees. As has been the case the past several days the middle section of the run proved to be the most productive with fish brought to hand, (Kings, a few cohos, browns and steelhead), as well as angler volume. The very upper and the lowest portions had the least angler volume and fishing was listed as slow to moderate. We’ll have temperatures in the high 30s to start the day tomorrow, variable winds and showers spread out thru the day with total accumulations expected to be near ½”.
54° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:15am
Sunset: 6:26pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning was 53F. There's plenty of sunshine today with a high 57F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. The anglers are spread pretty evenly along the entire run, with the most success in the middle of the run. Kings are the fish of the day being sighted along the entire run. Coho and Steelhead have also been noted in the middle of the run. Most of the fish are moving upriver, some quicker than others. River Patrol has noted that fish are holding in pools up and down the run, with the most holding in the lower section. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and the flow out of Pineville 476CFS.
53° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:15am
Sunset: 6:26pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:45pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam continues to be 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is reading 483 cfs; water temperature 54 degrees. Today marks the first day in several weeks with Coho not listed in the tally for fish brought to hand. Kings were the fish reported overwhelmingly this afternoon, while the steelhead that had shown themselves this morning became more elusive. Guest volume was low to Moderate on the entire run this afternoon, with the greatest density in the mid to upper stretches. For tomorrow, Saturday, October 12th, sunny skies with temperatures starting off in the low 50s, only increasing to the mid-50s thru the day, with W / NW winds 12-14 mph, subsiding to 5 mph by sundown.
63° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:14am
Sunset: 6:27pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 488, water temperature 52 F - estuary section reported no guests present, however there are Chinook (King) Salmon moving through and into the run - lower section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on Kings and a Steelhead, all fish moving through the section - middle section reported low guest density, experiencing slow angling activity with Kings moving through the area - upper section reported high to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on a mix of Kings and Cohos, both species moving through and upriver - top section reported high guest density, experiencing slow angling on Kings moving through - featured are season passholders Bobby (light colored jacket) and Rick (dark shirt) with two nice Steelhead, one brought to hand yesterday, and one early this morning
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:14am
Sunset: 6:27pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The current flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is listed as 494; current water temperature is 57 degrees. As expected, steelhead started showing up in greater numbers, (specifically in the middle runs), and the amount of Cohos brought to hand seemed to drop off a bit. Guest volume was listed as low in the estuary section along with the very top of the run; all other sections in between reported moderate to high angler volume, and moderate to good success hooking up. Tomorrow should see the start of the day hovering around 40 degrees, but unlike today partly sunny skies are forecasted with temperatures reaching the low 60s and winds shifting from the N / NW to the W / SW.
48° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:13am
Sunset: 6:29pm
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
NOTE: tomorrow, 11 Oct '24, all of the early release times shift back by 15 minutes: Premium Access now check-in at 5:30 AM; lodge guests and landowners check-in at 5:45 AM; guides and their clients check-in at 6 AM; season pass holders check-in at 6:15 AM; daily access check-in at 6:30 AM - release times are 15 minutes after your check-in time - this schedule will remain in effect through the end of early release on 27 Oct '24
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 506, water temperature 54 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow fishing activity on Chinook (King) Salmon holding in the channels - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling success with Kings that are both holding in that section as well as a percentage moving upriver - middle section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling success on Kings moving through this section, as well as a few Steelhead making a showing - upper section reported moderate to high guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity on a mix of Kings, Coho, and Steelhead all moving through this section - top section reported low guest density, without significant angling activity on Kings moving upriver - featured is Gabe, with his first Chinook Salmon, client of DSR Daily Access Guide Jerome Sullivan
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:13am
Sunset: 6:29pm
494 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Off and on heavy rain throughout the day again today, with temperatures reaching around 55 F. Heavy rain lessened the angling pressure a bit, and made for what seemed like a rather successful afternoon. Based on reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon; the middle and upper sections offered anglers moderate to good success on primarily kings with a few coho sprinkled in the mix along with several reports of both steelhead and brown trout. The lower most sections showed steady movement up river with very light angling pressure. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/10). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
48° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 6:31pm
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 488, water temperature 58 F - estuary section reported no guests in that section, however Chinook (King) Salmon are present in the channels and are moving upriver - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, primarily on Kings with a solitary Brown Trout in the mix, with fish both moving upriver and some holding and spawning - the middle section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing moderate angling activity with a mix of Kings and Cohos moving through that section - the upper section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling success, on a mix of primarily Kings with some Cohos in the mix, all moving upriver - the uppermost section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow angling success, on Kings moving upriver
46° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 6:31pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A damp and dreary start turned into a bright sunny day for a few hours, but transitioned back to complete cloud coverage, heavy rain and a bit of thunder and lightning. Despite some of the less than desirable weather, the fishing seemed to pick up from the morning into the afternoon. Based on the reports from River Patrol and anglers we spoke with, there was a decent push of fish in the lower end, providing good angling opportunities throughout the property. Reports from the uppermost sections indicated low angling pressure, with moderate success on primarily Kings with a few Coho in the mix. Middle and lower sections of the property reported moderate to good success with predominantly Kings reported. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/9). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
51° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:10am
Sunset: 6:33pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature fell to 56F down a bit from yesterday's 60F, although the fish haven't adjusted to the cooler water, as the River Patrol reports that the fish are moving slowly up river. The day started of with steady light rain this morning. Showers continuing this afternoon. High 59F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Most of the anglers are in the middle of the run, with a good many towards the upper end. Both the upper and middle are having moderate success. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight. The flow out of Pineville is 470CFS. Full day passes are immediately available for sale.
47° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:10am
Sunset: 6:33pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam is 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is at 459 cfs; water temperature is 61 degrees as of 4pm. Today was the first day that really felt like fall was in the air with temperatures in the low 50s and a moderate N/NW breeze. The overall fishing report was once again solid with Kings and Cohos spread throughout, along with steelhead, (which should be on the increase with each passing day now.) Guest volume was highest in the mid to upper river, with low pressure at the very top and very bottom of the run. Tomorrow’s weather will be in the mid-40s to start with a strong chance of showers thru 12pm, (approximate accumulation 1/3”), with light NW winds, becoming partly sunny for the remainder of the day and winds increasing 10-12 mph from the NW.
58° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:09am
Sunset: 6:34pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 60F this morning. The temperature was a bit warmer this morning with partly cloudy skies, then becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High around 60F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. The middle of the run has a good number of anglers with the north side of the river anglers having a bit better success than the south side of the river. The upper end of the river has a moderate number of anglers that are having success, while the lower end on the south side the anglers are working a little harder today. The fish are moving up river along the run, with some holding in place in the middle of the run. Kings and Coho have been noted through out the run, with a Brown sighted at the top of the run. The flow remains the same at 350CFS out of the Dam and out of Pineville 459CFS.
56° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:09am
Sunset: 6:34pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Today’s afternoon reports weren’t quite as stellar as yesterday, however there were plenty of Kings, Cohos, along with a steelhead and brown landed. Of note, our river patrol on the lower beats noticed more salmon moving from the estuary up into the main river than they had on any day previously this year which bodes well for the next few days, (hopefully.) Tomorrow will start off with mostly cloudy skies, temperatures in the mid-50s, not expected to get beyond 60, with N / NW winds from 8-14 mph and a moderate chance of showers thru the day.
[caption id="attachment_70471" align="alignnone" width="300"] Nice King landed by Levi and Son guided by Brian Ferman of 'High Hook' guide service.[/caption]
68° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:08am
Sunset: 6:36pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
There was a chilly start to the day with temperatures in the mid 40's F., looking at partly cloudy skies with a sight chance of a rain shower. High 73F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. The middle of the run is producing good to moderate fishing with the fish moving upriver and some holding in pools. One Brown was sighted this morning, Kings and Coho both sighted, hooked and landed. The upper part of the run has moderate angler numbers with Kings and Coho that are moving upriver. The lower end of the run has some activity with Kings moving up and down river along with fish holding in pools. Fishing Passes are Available for Sale Now.
Alex with Coho caught 10/05/24
47° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:08am
Sunset: 6:36pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is 453 cfs; water temperature taken at 3pm is 66 degrees. It seems very likely that many of the fish milling about the estuary decided to make some movement upriver today as fishing was listed by most of the guests I spoke with as being the best this season so far. From the lower end to the upper, except for the very top of the run, fish were brought to hand in solid numbers. Kings, Cohos, a lone brown and steelhead were all in the mix. Tomorrow we’ll start the day off in the mid-40s with S / SE winds reaching 10-12 mph, along with a slight chance of rain during the day, possibly having some thunderstorms move in at nightfall. (Total Rain expected not more than ¼”.)
60° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:07am
Sunset: 6:38pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
It looks like the over night winds and some rain has improved the fishing today, along with the lower water temperature of 59F this morning. Our guests have been having success all up and down the run. The number of anglers are mostly in the main section of the run with less activity in the extreme upper and lower ends of the run. River Patrol has noted that the fish are all moving upriver and hardly any holding in pools. The weather today will have areas of patchy fog early. Plenty of sunshine. High 67F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. The cooler temperatures should make the fishing a bit more comfortable today. The Dam is holding at 350CFS and out of Pineville 453CFS. This nice Brown was caught by George who's being guided by Scott Mathna of Redlegg Outfitters.
53° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:07am
Sunset: 6:38pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge reading is 459 cfs; water temperature is 62 degrees. The uptick experienced this morning seemed to carry over on the run, even though weather conditions changed little from yesterday. Cohos continue to make a strong showing thru the length of the run, with Kings being about equal in numbers. It’s fair to say that both morning and afternoon showed some improvement in the number of fish hooked as well as landed over the previous days. Tomorrow should see temperatures start of around 50 degrees, reaching the mid-60s by late afternoon, with light N / NW winds.
68° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:05am
Sunset: 6:40pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 60F and the weather for today is sunny to partly cloudy. Slight chance of an afternoon shower. High 72F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Kings and Coho are moving up river all along the run with a good number holding in pools at the middle and lower ends of the run. The upper end also has reports of fish holding in pools. The anglers are spread out through the run with success from the upper end of the run well through the middle of the run. The flow out of the Dam continues to be 350CFS, out of Pineville 464CFS. We have a number of full day daily access fishing passes available for immediate sale.
58° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:05am
Sunset: 6:40pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam is 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is reading 459 cfs; current water temperature is 61 degrees. Even though the water temperature has dropped a few degrees over the past couple of days this didn’t seem to put the salmon in the mood to make any major movements up-river from the estuary or lake. All beats reported slow to moderate fishing success with Kings the primary species encountered and Cohos tapering off a bit, along with angler volume being low to moderate density throughout. Tomorrow’s weather is scheduled to mimic today for the most part, with temperatures starting out in the low 40s, increasing to the mid to upper 60s by afternoon, with light variable winds.
63° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 6:41pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
8 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature a nice chilly 58 F - estuary section reported no guests present, with Chinook (King) Salmon holding in the channels - lower through top sections all reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow action on a mix of Kings and Cohos, all of which are slowly moving through the run we have a number of full day daily access fishing passes available for immediate sale
47° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 6:41pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
45° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 6:41pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
An ugly start to the day with drizzle and a chilling rain for the morning that cleared off nicely for the afternoon. The reports from up and down the river were very similar in that angler density was moderate and fishing success was slow. There are fish around (primarily Kings) and the more persistent anglers are having some success, but all are waiting a more serious push of fish. Reports from the lake indicate that they are still "pounding" the fish out there and it's just matter of time when those fish enter into the run. When? That's the 64,000 question. Flow from the dam remains at 350cfs through midnight tomorrow and the flow at Pineville is 464cfs (up about 20 cfs from this morning.
56° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 6:43pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 442, water temperature 61 F - estuary section reported a low guest density, who are experiencing slow fishing activity on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon moving up into the run - the lower section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity, on a mix of Kings and Cohos, which are both moving upriver with a percentage holding in that section - the middle and upper sections are almost identical in reporting moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, with a mix of Kings, Coho, and Steelhead at the lower part of the middle section, changing over to Kings only throughout the rest of these sections, all of which are moving upriver - the top section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, on Kings holding in that area - featured is Bobby, with an Atlantic Salmon, who was the client of DSR Guide Mike Ford of Reel Addicted Charters and Guide Service - congratulations, Bobby!
57° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 6:43pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
This morning there are a good number of full day daily access fishing passes for sale; we will commence sale of these passes at 7 AM
58° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 6:43pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Beautiful Fall weather, but a challenging day for most on the run today. Both Coho and Kings are present, but anglers worked to get fish. Top to bottom the feedback from our anglers as well as River Patrol told the same story, moderate to low angler density, limited success with most fish moving upstream rather than holding in pools. "They're there. You gotta work for 'em." Flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville 419cfs. This mornings water temperature was 62 degrees.
65° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:02am
Sunset: 6:45pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 408, water temperature 62 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity with Chinook (King) Salmon, both moving upriver and holding in the channels - lower section reported high guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling success, on Kings that are both holding in that section as well as a percentage also moving upriver - middle section reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity with Kings and Cohos moving through that area - of interest, a solitary Brown Trout was brought to hand in this section this morning - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling activity on both Kings and Cohos that are holding in that section, with a percentage also moving upriver - top section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on a mix of Kings and Cohos, both of which are moving upriver
60° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:02am
Sunset: 6:45pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
It's hard to believe with temperatures reaching into the 80's today, tomorrow will be October. While we had a reasonably cool overnight, the lack of overcast warmed things up quite quickly. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon, the middle section remained the top producer today with moderate success, on primarily Kings. The upper and lower sections of the run indicated a bit quieter activity than that of the middle section with moderate to slow activity, but a light trickle of fish still moving through. Tomorrow's forecast calls for similar conditions with some more overcast, hopefully keeping things cool. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow night (10/1). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
69° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:01am
Sunset: 6:47pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 419, water temperature 62 F - estuary section reported low guest density, slow angling activity, on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon holding within the channels - the lower section reported moderate ranging to high guest density, with slow to moderate angling success (dependent upon your location), on a mix of Kings and Cohos, which are holding in pools as well as a percentage continuing to move upriver - middle section has moderate guest density, enjoying moderate angling success, with a mix of Kings and Cohos moving upriver - upper section has moderate guest density, with slow angling action, on Kings and Cohos moving through that section - uppermost section has low guest density, slow angling activity, again on Kings and Cohos moving through - featured is Keith, with a nice King, a client of DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service
62° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:01am
Sunset: 6:47pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam is at 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is listed as 419 cfs; water temperature reported to be 66 degrees. Another day on the run with Cohos and Kings running a close first and second for the prominent species brought to hand. Fishing pressure and success was listed as low and slow in the lower portions of the river; low to moderate in the middle portions and low angling pressure coupled with slow in terms of fish hooked or landed in the very upper stretches. (A steelhead was also caught in the middle sections.) Cloudy to Partly Cloudy conditions are listed for Monday, with light and variable winds, temperatures starting in the low 60s moving to the mid-70s with a slight chance of any precipitation.
71° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:00am
Sunset: 6:49pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Todays weather is a mix of sun and clouds with a slight chance of a rain shower. High 74F. Winds light and variable. The water temperature this morning was 65F, a bit warmer from yesterday. The report this morning has a good number of anglers at the top of the run and in the middle on the north side of the river, with moderate success. Kings are the dominate species this morning with sightings of Coho in the upper and middle of the run. Fish are mostly moving up river. The lower end of the run has a lower number of anglers with Kings sighted, these fish are holding in place. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville 419CFS.
66° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:00am
Sunset: 6:49pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is 430 cfs; water temperature is currently 66 degrees. The increased sunlight and diminished cloud cover didn’t seem to be attractive to the Salmon on the run for the most part. Reports from the lower portions indicated guest volume as low to moderate with low angling success, (primarily Kings.) Moving up to the middle portions guest concentration was listed as moderate with both Kings and Cohos in the mix. The upper section had moderate to heavy guest volume with primarily Cohos brought to hand. Sunday’s weather outlook is for temperatures to be around 60 degrees and sunup, topping out in the low to mid 70s, with light easterly winds and a slight chance of precipitation.
72° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:59am
Sunset: 6:50pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning is 62F. A mix of clouds and sun during the morning will give way to cloudy skies this afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 78F. Winds light and variable. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville 430CFS. The River Patrol reports that Kings and Coho have been sighted along the entire run, mostly moving up river, with the fish in the Estuary holding in place. The number of anglers are spread out along the entire run, with a good number experiencing moderate success. There was a Brown and Steelhead sighted in the middle of the run on the south side of the river. Yesterday Patrick landed a huge King, while Billy and Joey landed a pair of Coho.
62° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:59am
Sunset: 6:50pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5pm River Patrol Fishing Report: CFS at the dam is 350; CFS at the Pineville gauge is 460; water temperature taken at 4:45pm was 64 degrees. We continue to have a strong showing of Coho Salmon throughout the length of the run, although Kings remain the prominent species. As seems to be the ‘norm’ for the afternoon report, the middle to upper stretches, (except for the very top of the run), seem to produce more angling opportunities / fish brought to hand than the lower sections. Plenty of Salmon were seen in both channels near the estuary, but they still seem intent upon circling in their location rather than making the move up-river. Tomorrow’s forecast has temperatures starting in the low 60s climbing to the mid-70s by afternoon with light winds coming from the east with chances of precipitation capping out at 15%.
65° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:57am
Sunset: 6:52pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam is 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge is 464, water temperature 60 F - estuary section reported moderate guest density, with slow angling activity on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho salmon which are both moving upriver as well as holding in the channels - lower, as well as middle sections, reported moderate guest density throughout these areas, enjoying moderate angling success on a mix of Kings and Cohos, which are moving upriver as well as holding in the lower parts, but moving through in the upper parts of these sections - upper section reported high tapering to moderate guest density, enjoying moderate tapering to slow angling activity, on both Kings and Cohos moving through the section - top section reported (relatively) high guest density, who are enjoying moderate angling success on a mix of Kings and Cohos moving through that area - of note, a nice Atlantic Salmon was brought to hand first thing this morning, and a guided client brought to hand a dime bright Steelhead later this morning - featured today is Karl, who brought to hand this beautiful Atlantic Salmon first thing this morning; for most, an elusive goal . . . congratulations, Karl!
55° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:57am
Sunset: 6:52pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A damp and dreary start to the day, but we ended up with clear blue skies carrying into the afternoon. Despite the lack of cloud coverage this afternoon temperatures reached only 70 F, keeping things comfortable on the water. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon, activity remained quiet throughout the afternoon with no major movement reported. Lower and Upper sections of the property reported the least angling pressure, with the middle sections again having the most concentrated efforts. Overall, fish activity remained the same throughout the run. Today, we had another fairly even split of King and Coho's moving through. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (9/27). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information. Please note; tomorrow 9/27, new hours of operation and access times will take affect.
71° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:56am
Sunset: 6:54pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 436, water temperature 61 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing quiet (very little) angling activity on Chinook (King) Salmon holding in both channels - both lower and middle sections reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity on Kings both moving upriver and holding in that area - upper section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing moderate success with a mix of Kings and Cohos which are moving upriver - top section reported that there were no guests present, but that there were Kings holding in pools - featured is Winnie, all smiles at the lower right, with her proud father, and brother, with her hefty Chinook (King) Salmon she singlehandedly brought to hand yesterday - congratulations, Winnie! Also featured is Renie, with a nice King she brought to hand early this morning, who was guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service
61° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:56am
Sunset: 6:54pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Off and on heavy rain along with high winds made for an interesting day on the water. Some mixed reports, but it seems like the rain stirred up quite a bit of activity from the morning into the early afternoon. Based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon; activity increased significantly during the periods of rainfall but lessened as the day went on. Upper and Lower sections of the property reported the least angling pressure and activity this afternoon, while the middle section continues to have the greatest angling pressure and fish activity. Today, a even mix of both King and Coho salmon were reported. Despite today's rainfall, the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (9/26). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
58° / Rain
Sunrise: 6:55am
Sunset: 6:56pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 425, water temperature 60 F - estuary section reported low guest density, slow angling activity, with Chinook (King) Salmon holding in the channels but not very active - lower section reported a high guest density tapering to low further up, with slow angling activity in that area, on Kings holding in pools - the middle section reported moderate guest density, with moderate moving to good angling activity, tapering off to slow activity further up, on Kings that are actively moving upriver - the upper section reported high tapering to low guest density as we move upriver, with moderate tapering to slow angling activity, on a mix of Kings and Cohos moving upriver - the top section has no guests present at this time, with Kings holding in pools within that area - featured is Blake, with a nice King brought to hand this morning, who was guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service
56° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:55am
Sunset: 6:56pm
425 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Plenty of overcast and winds made for another cooler day with temperatures remaining in the 60's. Rains held off for most of the day, with light showers late this afternoon. Overall, based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon, fishing was tough. The upper and lower sections of the property reported moderate angling pressure and fish activity, with the middle section reporting low angling pressure and low activity this afternoon. Today, predominantly Kings were reported with a few more Coho in the mix today, as well as a few Brown Trout. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (9/25). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
64° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 6:58pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 425, water temperature 61 F - estuary reported low guest density, slow angling success, all dark colored Chinook (King) Salmon holding in both the North and center channels - lower section reported high tapering off to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling success, on Kings that are primarily moving upriver with a smaller percentage holding in that area - middle section reported high tapering off to low guest density, achieving slow angling success on Kings which are both moving upriver as well as holding in that area - upper section reported low tapering up to moderate guest density, with good to moderate angling success, primarily Kings with a sprinkling of Cohos, which are both moving through as well as holding in the area - top section has no guests present, although there are (unidentified) fish holding in that area
58° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 6:58pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A bit of rain this morning, but things cleared up as we made our way into the afternoon. Temperatures didn't quite reach into the 80's today but it still warmed up quite a bit with off and on cloud coverage. Based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon, fishing was tough this afternoon. Lowers sections of the run reported the greatest fish activity, as well as the greatest angling pressure, while the middle and upper most sections of the property low fish activity and angling pressure. Today, predominantly King salmon were reported with a handful of Coho reported in the mix. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 tonight (9/23). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
59° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:53am
Sunset: 7:00pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 430, water temperature 62 F - estuary section reported low guest density, with slow angling success, on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon, which are both holding in that area as well as a good percentage also moving upriver - North channel has a good population of fish present - lower section reported a moderate to high guest density, all of whom are enjoying moderate angling success, with a mix of both Kings and Cohos moving upriver - middle section has a moderate density of guests, achieving slow to moderate angling success, with Kings moving upriver - upper section begins with a low density of guests that dwindles rapidly as we move up to the uppermost part of this section, with good angling action that fades out in the uppermost part, on a mix of Kings and Cohos both moving upriver as well as with a percentage also holding in pools NOTE: the River Lodge is currently available for booking the night of Wednesday 25 September 2024 (this date will also be available to rebook for 2025)
59° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:53am
Sunset: 7:00pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: 350 cfs at the dam; 430 cfs at Pineville; Water Temperature 65 degrees. With another mostly sunny day on the run, temperatures in the low to mid 70s and light S SW breezes, the fishing success backed off a bit from the morning report as the upper portions were reporting fish moving upriver and the middle to lower portions showing fish holding in the deeper pools. Once again, more fisherman showed an affinity for working the upper stretches with Kings and the odd Coho brought to hand. The middle portions of the river reported lower angler success with both Kings and Cohos although a Brown was also in the tally. If the weather forecast holds true for tomorrow, we’ll have our 1st opportunity in a long time for some much-needed rain. Monday’s forecast is for temperatures to be in the mid-50s at daybreak rising to the mid to upper 60s by the afternoon with a 40 percent chance of shower and SE winds 10-15 mph.
73° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:52am
Sunset: 7:02pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another sunny day with a few clouds, the high for today will be 79F with the winds out of the SE at 5 to 10 mph. The water temperature this morning was 65F. There's a good number of anglers on the run today. From the upper end to the middle of the run is where most anglers headed, with the angler success being slow to moderate. The anglers are working for the bite today. The lower end has less anglers. All beats are reporting seeing King with the estuary reporting King and Coho. Most of the fish are moving upriver, the upper end also has fish holding in pools. The estuary River Patrol reports that the fish there are holding, with little movement. The flow remains at 350CFS out of the Dam and 430CFS out of Pineville.
63° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:52am
Sunset: 7:02pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report-Flow from the Dam 350 cfs; Pineville reporting 430 cfs; Water Temperature 66 degrees. This afternoon’s report from all beats was less active on angling pressure as well as the number of fish brought to hand. Kings continue to be the prominent fish throughout the beats, with cohos and the occasional steelhead and brown trout. Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information. Upcoming Lodging Availability - 'Walk Up' Full Day Pass & Afternoon Passes -
72° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:51am
Sunset: 7:03pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another bright and sunny day in Upstate NY, with the winds from the SE at 10-15mph. We have a high volume of anglers on the run today, mostly in the middle of the run where the fishing is mostly good to moderate. The upper end of the run also is seeing quite a few anglers with the fishing there being moderate, a number of hookups with some being landed. The lower end of the run has a moderate number of anglers having some success. The River Patrol is seeing both Kings and Coho up and down the run. Most of the fish are moving up river, with some holding in the deeper pools. The water temperature was 64F this morning. The flow out of the Dam is 350CFS thru 11:59 pm tonight and out of Pineville 430CFS.
64° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:51am
Sunset: 7:03pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:30PM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge, 430, water temperature 67 F-estuary section has a low number of guests with low angling success, King Salmon moving up river in that area; there are fish milling around in both the north and south channels-the lower section has a moderate amount of anglers who are experiencing a slow to moderate success on primarily Kings, moving up river. The middle and upper sections are reporting moderate angling density with a mix of both Kings and Cohos along with a lone brown trout. CFS at the dam is scheduled to be 350 CFS through 11:59pm on 9/21/24.
77° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:50am
Sunset: 7:05pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 430, water temperature 64 F - estuary section reported a moderate population of guests, who are experiencing slow angling success with Chinook (King) Salmon holding in that area - there are fish present in both the North and center channels - the lower section has a moderate to high density of guests, who are experiencing slow to moderate success on Kings both holding in pools as well as a percentage moving upriver - of note, an Atlantic Salmon was brought to hand in this section - the middle section has a high density of guests, experiencing good angling success, on a mix of Kings and Cohos, as well as a Brown Trout, all of which are moving upriver - the upper section has a moderate density of guests, experiencing slow to moderate success, with a mixture of both Kings and Cohos that are both holding in place as well as moving upriver
61° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:50am
Sunset: 7:05pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Conditions seem to be on repeat, with another day nearing 80 F and just a slight bit of overcast. Based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon, the fishing seemed to maintain pace with what we've seen so far this week. The middle sections of the property continue to report the most activity, but also the most angling pressure, while the upper and lower most sections indicated very little angling pressure. Overall, predominantly Kings reported today, with a few more Coho in the mix. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (9/20). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
74° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:49am
Sunset: 7:07pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 436, water temperature 63 F - estuary reported low guest density, quiet angling activity, with primarily Chinook (King) Salmon breaching, but holding in that area - lower section reported moderate to high guest density, with slow activity on a mix of King and Coho Salmon holding in pools - middle section reports moderate guest density, with slow to moderate angling activity on a mix of Kings and Cohos, which are both holding in pools as well as a percentage continuing to move upriver (probably the Cohos) - upper section reports a low to moderate guest density, with slow to moderate angling activity on a mix of Kings and Cohos moving upriver - NOTE: effective Friday, 20 September, we are sold-out of online Daily Access Passes - effective our posted opening time tomorrow (5 AM) we will implement our "walk-up" pass purchase procedures at the Welcome Center - Please visit for instruction on how to purchase a Walk Up Full Day Pass OR an Afternoon Pass.
64° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:49am
Sunset: 7:07pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Not quite as warm as some of the past few days, but temperatures reached into the 80's again with a reported water temperature of 67 F this afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon the angling success was moderate, with predominantly King Salmon, and Coho sprinkled in the mix in the upper sections. Overall, the middle sections of the property seemed to be the most productive this afternoon, but also reported the greatest angling pressure. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (9/19). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
70° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:47am
Sunset: 7:09pm
430 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature 61 F - estuary section reported fish present in both the North and middle channels, holding in that area - slightly upriver, there is a high number of guests (in specific areas), with slow action on Chinook (King) Salmon that are primarily holding in place, with a very few moving upriver - the lower section has a moderate population of guests, with very little angling action on Kings holding in that area - just upriver, in the middle section, there is a low to moderate density of guests, achieving slow to moderate angling success on Kings that are both holding in place, with some others moving upriver - the upper section has a low population of guests, with slow angling success on primarily Kings, with a few Coho Salmon in the mix, which are moving upriver
61° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:47am
Sunset: 7:09pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Similar to yesterday's conditions, we had some light cloud coverage but things warmed up quickly reaching into the mid 80's again today. Ultimately, the heat seemed to put a damper on the fish activity this afternoon. Angling pressure significantly decreased as we headed into the afternoon, with the high sun taking its toll on both the fish and the anglers. Based on the reports from our River Patrol and anglers we spoke with; the lower sections reported the most activity with the estuary reporting a bit of movement late this afternoon, while the middle and upper sections of the property had very little angling pressure and reporting moderate activity and success. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (9/18). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.
74° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:46am
Sunset: 7:11pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 464, water temperature 63 F - estuary has no guests in the area, with fish holding in that section - lower section has a moderate density of guests, with slow angling success, on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon, some of which are moving upriver with others turning around and heading back downriver - middle section has a moderate guest presence, with slow to moderate angling success, predominately Kings with a leavening of Cohos, some fish holding with others moving upriver - upper section has low guest density, with slow angling success, on a mix of Kings and Cohos moving through - featured are Craig (with beard), of Project Healing Waters, with his first Chinook Salmon from this river, a 16 Sep '24 client of DSR Guide Scott Mathna of RedLegg Outfitters (congratulations, Craig!) as well as Rocco (dark shirt), a client of DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service, with a bruiser King from this morning
62° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:46am
Sunset: 7:11pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another rather warm day didn't seem to stir up too much activity today. While things started out fairly cool, air temperatures reached into the mid 80's with little cloud coverage. Based on reports from our River Patrol and anglers we spoke with this afternoon, middle and upper sections reported the low activity and angling pressure, with the lower sections reporting moderate fishing activity and angling pressure. Forecasts tomorrow call for similar conditions with an overnight of 60 F and a high of 80 F during the day. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59PM tonight (9/16). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling.
70° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:45am
Sunset: 7:13pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 494, water temperature 62 F - estuary section reported only a few guests in that area, with Chinook (King) Salmon primarily milling around, and occasionally moving up into the run - the lower section saw guest density ranging from moderate to high, with slow angling action on Kings and Coho Salmon actively moving upriver - center section reported moderate guest density, with slow action on Kings, Coho Salmon, and a Brown Trout - upper section reported low guest density, with angling action ranging from quiet to moderate, on Kings, Coho Salmon, and another Brown Trout, all moving through the run -
65° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:45am
Sunset: 7:13pm
494 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: 350 cfs at the dam; 494 cfs at Pineville; Water Temperature 68 degrees. The afternoon report for the run, top to bottom was lower in almost all categories from the am report. Our client volume was light throughout, coupled with fish brought to hand. The continuing sunny dry weather may be nice to fish in but seems to be doing little in terms of persuading fish to begin their journey up the river. Kings with few cohos were caught with the addition of a lone Steelhead, Atlantic and Brown. Tomorrow’s weather does offer up partly to mostly cloudy skies with temperatures making it to the low 80s, light winds, and a slight chance of precipitation. The flow from the dam is scheduled to remain at 350 cfs through 11:59 this evening.
76° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:44am
Sunset: 7:14pm
494 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Water temperature this morning is 65F. Today sunny skies with a high of 83F. The winds are WSW at 5 to 10 mph. There's been some action from the upper end of the run thru to the middle of the run, with most fish moving up river. Kings the predominant species with Coho's being sighted. The middle down to the lower end of the run has fish moving up river with Kings most sighted, Brown Trout was also noted by River Patrol. The fish in the estuary some are moving up and others are holding in place. The flow out of the dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville 500CFS.
64° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:44am
Sunset: 7:14pm
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Flow from Dam 350 cfs; Pineville 500 cfs; water temperature 66 degrees. The continuation of Sunny skies, light winds, and consistent temperatures in the low 70s made fishing difficult through the majority of the run this afternoon. Client volume was low in the upper and lower stretches with most anglers fishing the middle portions. Although slower than this morning several Kings and a few Cohos were brought to hand. The weather for 9/15/24 should be very similar to today with sunny skies and light winds. The Dam is scheduled to maintain a flow of 350 cfs thru 11:59 tomorrow evening.
78° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:43am
Sunset: 7:16pm
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 63F this morning. Mild temperatures in the mid 60's and sunny skies have brought the anglers out today. The middle of the run has had a good bit of success with the lower end of the run doing fairly well. The upper end not quite as good as other parts of the run. Kings and Coho's sighted, hooked and landed up and down the run. The fish are predominantly moving up river except in the lower section where they are mainly holding in place. There's been sightings of Steelhead in the upper end of the run. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville 506CFS.
63° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:43am
Sunset: 7:16pm
506 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: 350 cfs at the dam; 506 cfs at Pineville; water temperature 64 degrees. The continuation of bright, cloudless skies made the afternoon fishing slower than hoped from the top to the bottom of the beat. Although both Kings and Cohos were caught by our clients the general consensus was the number of fish taken to hand dropped from this morning, (although as this report is being written, the last two hours of daylight generally produce an uptick as fish move out of the deeper pools.) Tomorrow’s forecast is scheduled to be more of the same with light, variable winds, and temperatures ranging from low 60s at first light to mid-70s by the end of the day. The dam is listed as maintaining a flow of 350 cfs thru 11:59 9/14/2024.
76° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:42am
Sunset: 7:18pm
506 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 403 - water temperature 61 F - bottom most section of the run sparsely populated with guests, with Kings and Cohos milling around that area but not moving up, providing relatively little angling action - lower section of the river has a low density of guests, with slow angling action on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon actively moving upriver - middle section of the river is seeing a slightly denser population of guests, with slow to moderate angling action on a mix of actively moving Kings and Cohos - upper section of the run is seeing a low density of guests, with slow angling action on a mix of Kings and Cohos moving upriver
65° / Clear
Sunrise: 6:42am
Sunset: 7:18pm
506 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another day on the warm side with clear sunny skies. That's not helping the fishing any as we noticed less fish movement and less angler success. As is typical, there was some fish that moved into the run early this morning and limited fish movement over the course of the day, but as the sun and temperature rose, the fish hunkered down in the faster water and deeper pools. Although we didn't have reading on the water temperature this afternoon, this morning at the lower end the temperature was 61 and rose to 64 around noon. I'm sure that by the late afternoon, the temperature of the water rose up a couple more degrees. Still, many anglers were successful in bringing fish to hand which consisted primarily of Kings with the presence of Coho continuing to diminish in the run. A beautiful brown trout was brought to hand this morning in the lower end of the run. Tomorrow's forecast is calling for another day in the low 80's with clear skies and plenty of sunshine. The flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville 403cfs.
70° / Clouds
Sunrise: 6:41am
Sunset: 7:20pm
403 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release