40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

December 3, 2023

Currently CFS 750 at the dam (through midnight tomorrow, there is no current forecast to change this flow), CFS at the Pineville gauge 1110 to start the day, bumped up just a bit to 1180 as of this report - air temperature started at 39 degrees, then only climbed to our apparent high of 44 degrees - water temperature was a cool 37 degrees - the water was stained today, due to melt runoff - we were overcast all day, with a steady drizzle almost all of the day - winds were mostly light, with periodic gusts - a total of 21 guests joined us on the run today, beginning from 6:30 AM and trickling in until early afternoon - the earlier arrivals also tended to be the earliest out, mostly due to long trips home at the end of the weekend - of the 18 guests that I was able to speak to directly, all but two at least got some tugs on the end of their lines - there were plenty of 2s, 3s, a couple of 4s, and a "5" in the rest of the population - high sticks went 2 / 2, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 2 / 4, two lucky guests were tied at 3 / 4, and the highest stick was Eric (featured in the attached pictures), with 5 / 5, all on Steelhead - one guest reported bringing a 27" Brown Trout to hand as well, and Eric, the highest stick today, also scored a nice twin Brown Trout about 27" - the lower half of the river was reported as the most productive today, but that may have been because it was fished more extensively . . . so, perhaps not the most pleasant weather to be out in, but made worthwhile by some (relatively) good angling today! Our overnight weather will see more rain, with a low of 38 degrees - tomorrow will be overcast as well, with a 60% chance of rain and perhaps snow in the afternoon, a high of 40 degrees, and WNW winds of 10-15 mph.
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45° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:20am

Sunset: 4:29pm

1180 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

