36° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:05am
Sunset 5:32pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

March 17, 2022

Shell Shock

Wish granted.  Another blue bird day today.  It might scare the fish a bit with no overcast, but we'll surely see the water start warming up if we can maintain this kind of weather.  Warm weather means snow melt.  Unaware of the snow pack situation up on the hill, I'd presume there's still quite a bit, with the dam release being increased to 1,500 CFS tonight, and scheduled to remain at 1,500 CFS tomorrow. Somethings always got to spoil the fun.  Quite a few anglers on the run today, but from the reports we received indicated another grind.  A bit of color to the water today, from some of the run off.  As we go into the weekend, while 1,500 CFS may be not be your cup of tea, or shell-shocked by the number, it's manageable.  And, no better way to master something. It's all about time spent on the water, no matter conditions, and just figuring it out!


70° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:13am

Sunset: 7:12pm

1210 CFS Pineville Gauge

900 CFS Dam Release

