40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

January 13, 2022

6:45 am Opening Time

5:45 pm Closing Time

Today was a bit of a luxury, with temperatures finally breaking freezing reaching a high of about 36F.  Another treat, the dam was dropped to 350 CFS at 7:00 AM this morning, making for quite an interesting day. Typically never favorable for anglers when we have a drop during the day.  Between snow melt, and shelf ice beginning to give way with no support from the higher water, things were definitely a bit of a mess in some areas of the run.  Most of our anglers seemed to have a tough go at it today, most with success coming early this morning, before we saw the affects of the water drop. Some of our veteran pass holders, took advantage of the break in the weather and ventured a bit farther today and were rewarded handsomely.  The high stick of the day today went 7 for 9 (covering a lot of ground), bottom bouncing egg sacs.  His theory, it was all luck, with lightly pressured water this past week. Temperatures will begin to drop back down tonight, with a forecasted 23 F at our opening time tomorrow.  And, it's only expected to get colder as the day goes on, projected to drop down to 9 F by closing tomorrow.  Saturday, is even COLDER.  Please stay tuned for announcements surrounding abbreviated hours this weekend in the event of the zub zero temperatures.    


35° / Cloudy

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:50pm

350 CFS Pineville Gauge

535 CFS Dam Release





DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST). At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online!
With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for.
Emails have been sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.