36° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:05am
Sunset 5:32pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

January 8, 2023

The weather wasn't quite as good as yesterday, but the fishing was better. Overall. While no one reported getting into big numbers ( a couple anglers were able to bring four Steelhead to hand) overall a larger percentage of anglers were able to bring fish to hand. Yesterday it was about 50/50 in terms of getting into fish or striking out. Today I would say it was closer to 90/10.
The water release schedule at this hour (4:50PM) hasn't been updated and is still 750 cfs through midnight tonight and the current flow at Pineville is 1070 cfs (steadily ticking downward)


28° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:37am

Sunset: 4:44pm

1070 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

