31° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

March 31, 2023

CFS at the dam 1500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1770 - air temperatures started at freezing this morning and rose to our high of 39 degrees - overcast, relatively light winds, a constant sprinkling all day - we had a total of four guests today, three of which were guided clients - I received a secondhand report that one client went 1 / 1 Steelhead - a guide reported that his two clients went 4 / 10 Steelhead, drifting through the run, using blue and white egg sacks as well as Hotshots - our last guest fished the middle and upper sections, drifting beads under a bobber, without success - tonight it will continue to rain, with a low of 38 degrees - tomorrow the forecast is: A steady rain early. Showers with perhaps a rumble of thunder developing in the afternoon. Potential for severe thunderstorms. High 62F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%.


41° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:48am

Sunset: 7:29pm

1770 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



March 30, 2023

Freezing temperatures continue to linger, with temperatures just breaking 32 F today.  Even with the blue skies, and sun out in full force, it just didn't want to warm up today.  Another half dozen anglers joined us, for what was reported as a tough day for nearly all.  A majority of these anglers fished the early morning into the afternoon, and were not able to bring a fish to hand with the lack of overcast and crystal clear, cold water.  Reports from our last angler out this evening,  made it seem like when the sun started to get behind the trees things turned on a bit, with several fish landed within a short window.  The dam release is scheduled to be increased to 1500 CFS tonight at 12:00 AM (3/31). Please be sure to check for updated release information ahead of this weekend's fishing trip!


32° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 7:27pm

1060 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 29, 2023

Conditions were much more favorable today (up until this afternoon), with plenty of overcast bringing out about a half dozen anglers.  Most of anglers fished the morning, with just a couple joining us for the afternoon.  Overall, another tough day for most of these anglers, with split results. About half unable to bring a fish to hand, while others were able to find a few in one spot.  Recently, that just seems to be the theme, just right place at the right time.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until tonight (3/29) at 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated release information for updated release information ahead of any planned trips tomorrow, and this weekend!


47° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:26pm

1080 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 28, 2023

To no surprise given the bright blue skies and fish activity that we've seen thus far this week, we didn't have too much angling pressure with just a single angler joining us for the greater part of the morning. Reports from the angler echoed that of yesterday, with no fish brought to hand. Things are bound to pick up with spawning clearly underway, it's only a matter of time before the flood gates open and the fish fly back into the lake. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until tomorrow night (3/29) at 11:59 PM. Please check ahead of your upcoming trip!


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:53am

Sunset: 7:25pm

1100 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 27, 2023

With flows back down to a more manageable level, a handful of anglers joined us for the morning to beat this afternoon's steady rain.  From the reports we received from these anglers, fishing was anything but easy, with the majority unable to get into a fish.  The few that were fortunate enough to find some fish, were able bring a couple to hand. The lower end proved to be the most successful today based on these reports. Of the fish that were reported caught today, nearly all were reported to be spawned out drop backs.  Flows are currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow night (3/27).  For updated release information, please check before your next trip!


37° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:55am

Sunset: 7:24pm

1150 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 26, 2023

Skies cleared near morning and the temperatures rose into the mid 40's, but the wind, which blew hard all day, made it feel a lot colder. The water level was lowered to 750 cfs last night which I would have thought would have encouraged more anglers to join us on the run today, but it must have been the wind that kept folks away. Only two anglers joined us mid-morning and fished until mid-afternoon, but slipped by me before I was able to get a status report from them. Tomorrow's forecast calls for sun in the morning giving way to clouds in the afternoon with temperatures in the lower 40's.Fortunately winds will diminish overnight with light winds 3-5 MPH in the forecast. The scheduled release from the dam has not been updated at the time of this posting (i.e. 6:00PM) and remains at 750 cfs and the flow at the Pine4ville gauge is currently 1470 cfs.


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:57am

Sunset: 7:23pm

1170 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 25, 2023

CFS at the dam 1200, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1600 - air temperature started at 34 degrees this morning and only rose to 37 degrees as our high - skies remained overcast all day - winds first thing this morning were light, but that changed dramatically as the day progressed, with strong, sustained, high winds and some really fierce gusts - as a topper, the entire day we had waves of slushy snow or rain move through periodically - despite the tough conditions, we had four tough guests that ventured out as early as 6:30 AM through as late as 1:30 PM - a brace of guests came off the run at 12:15 PM, having fished a couple of hours, reporting 0 / 1 between them; essentially a quick, hard, tug on a bottom-bounced red stonefly pattern that caught the guest by surprise . . . at 2:30 PM our first guest to arrive this morning came off the run - he had swung flies in the lower section without success - the wind was so bad there that he had to wait between gusts to cast in the lulls, until he realized there were no longer any lulls in the wind and he was getting pushed around by the force of the wind . . . a pair of guests came off the run at near 5 PM, having fished since 1:30 PM, in the middle section, "trying everything . . . flies, beads, eggs . . ." without even a tug - have to admire their perseverance under these conditions - the overnight low will be 36 degrees, with mixed rain and snow - the forecast for tomorrow is: Windy. Cloudy skies will become partly cloudy in the afternoon. High 43F. Winds W at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.


37° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 7:21pm

1600 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 24, 2023

CFS at the dam 1200, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1650 - air temperatures started in the mid 30s, climbed to the mid 40s, and is currently at 39 degrees - we started off overcast, with skies clearing throughout the morning, so that by the afternoon it was pretty much blue skies - in the late afternoon, it clouded back over - winds were light throughout the day - we had five guests on the run today - Guest Services was able to catch only two as they left the run - the first reported "a very nice Steelhead", with few other details - the second came off the run at 4:40 PM and reported 1 / 4 Steelhead, drifting beads under a bobber, only after having fished from top to bottom . . . "had to work for them today!" . . . tonight's forecast is: Low 29F. Tomorrow the forecast is: Rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers and windy conditions developing in the afternoon. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. High near 40F. Winds SE at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. You may want to get here early and fish the morning . . . we open at 6 AM


39° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:01am

Sunset: 7:20pm

1670 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 23, 2023

Steady rain made for a rather quiet day, with only a couple of anglers joining us for the morning.  Each of our anglers indicated a rather productive outing, one angler float fishing and the other fly fishing both getting into several fish in the middle section of the property.  With mostly snow melt, the water has remained clear, and today not proving to be too much of an issue with complete overcast and fog today.  The dam release has not yet been scheduled past tonight (3/23) at 11:59 PM.  It's difficult to anticipate whether we will see a continuation of the 1200 release, but more than likely with a bit more rain in the forecast for this weekend.  Please be sure to check of updated release information before your fishing trip this weekend!


45° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:02am

Sunset: 7:19pm

1540 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 22, 2023

It's certainly difficult to resist steelhead fishing on a 55 degree day, high water or not.  Quite a few anglers joined us this morning, but most called it a day in the early afternoon.  Today's results were almost an even split, with about half of our anglers able to get into several fish, while the other weren't able to locate any fish in the bigger water.  With the Pineville gauge hovering around 1470 CFS, the volume of water down here is not only difficult to navigate, it's hard to cover it all.  Tomorrow's conditions don't look quite as fair, with a high probability of rain forecasted for the majority of the day, but we will fortunately see temperatures get back into the 50's.   At this time the scheduled dam release has not yet been updated past tonight 3/22/23 at 11:59 PM.  Please be sure the check for updated release information.


55° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:04am

Sunset: 7:18pm

1470 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 21, 2023

The water is up, but it didn't deter a little over a dozen anglers from taking advantage of another mild day.  The release from the dam was adjusted last night from 350 CFS to 750 CFS,  anticipating snow melt with temperatures inching into the 50's this week.  Despite the surge, the water has maintained its clarity only adding some cold snowmelt into the equation.  Water temperatures still remain in the 30's, with a recorded temperature of 35 F this morning.  Again, it seems like most of our anglers were able to bring at least one fish to hand, and some a few more, with a majority of the fish caught being fresh unspawned fish.  Anticipating continued melt, and most likely a bit of rain at the end of the week, the dam release will be updated tonight (3/21) to 1200 CFS at 11:59 PM where it is scheduled to remain until tomorrow night (3/22) at 11:59 PM.  Please be sure to check for updated dam release information ahead of your next trip!


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:06am

Sunset: 7:17pm

901 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 20, 2023

Hard to believe with white out conditions yesterday, today is the first day of spring!  Thankfully, no snow today.  A handful of anglers joined, most this afternoon, for what seemed to be an 'okay' day for the majority of these anglers.  No anglers reported significant numbers, and activity comparable to that of last week.  Hopefully with some warmer weather in store, we'll start to see the drop back fishing snowball.  Overnight temperatures for the week still forecasted to be around freezing, but highs during the day are expected to broach mid 50's.  The dam release is scheduled to increase tonight to 750 CFS at 9:00 PM (3/20), where it is currently scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM 3/21. Please check for update dam release information.


39° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:08am

Sunset: 7:15pm

525 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 19, 2023

CFS 350 at the dam, 544 at the Pineville gauge - despite the lake effect snow storm warning, in effect from 5 PM yesterday until 8 PM tonight, as is the nature of lake effect snowstorms, the Pulaski area received no more than a dusting of snow overnight, possibly because very strong winds all night long blew all of it somewhere else . . . air temperatures were at 24 degrees early this morning, and climbed to only 28 degrees as our high for the day - there were no guests when we opened, perhaps due to the lake effect snow warning - it was interesting this morning to see what snow that fell at first light whip past the window perfectly horizontal to the ground, creating a short whiteout, with the DSR sign at the gate at a plus 45 degree angle, where it remained for most of the day . . . winds remained very strong almost all day, with intermittent brief snow squalls, the wind gradually subsiding during the late afternoon - one of our lodge guests, a fairly new "Steelheader", relatively new to this river as well, ventured out to the upper section early this morning - despite a few hours of swinging flies, he reported that he was unsuccessful when he came up for a short break early this afternoon - he gave it a few more hours in the middle section, but was again unsuccessful . . . surprisingly, he did state that winds were not really a problem for him - a trio of guests checked into the run mid-afternoon - they came off the run at 6:15 PM and reported that they had fished down to the lower section, bringing a 22" Brown Trout to hand - the forecast for tonight is: Windy with on and off snow showers this evening. Then some clearing later. Low 27F. WSW winds at 20 to 30 mph, decreasing to 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Higher wind gusts possible. The forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly sunny skies. High 42F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.


29° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:10am

Sunset: 7:14pm

544 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 18, 2023

A few anglers joined us on the run today and were greeted with sunshine and above freezing temperatures. Things don't look at promising tomorrow. From the reports of the anglers, it seemed that the morning was the more productive portion of the day. The fact that the wind began to pick up this afternoon didn't help matters that's for sure. A guide and his client went 3 for 5 this morning (which was the anglers first ever Steelhead and so, obviously, he was quite happy). A group of four lodge guest went three for four this morning, but struck out this afternoon. Our last anglers on the run (a father/son team) that only fished in the afternoon were able to bring a nice Brown trout to hand At the time of this posting (6:45PM), the lake effect snow that was forecast has yet to materialize. As I said, the wind has picked up somewhat, but were still looking at blue sky. The flow from the dam is to remain at 350 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 583 cfs


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:11am

Sunset: 7:13pm

583 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 17, 2023

CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 500 - air temperature in the low to mid 40s all day - winds relatively light, either a light drizzle, or outright rain, all day - four guests chose to be on the run to day - we were able to catch up with three of these guests, who all had relatively great results: 2 / 2 one drop-back and one a chrome Steelhead; 2 / 4 chrome Steelhead plus a "nice" bonus Brown Trout; 2 / 3 chrome Steelhead, with the lost fish a "big one!" - tonight's forecast: Light rain early. Then remaining mainly cloudy. Low 31F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Tomorrow's forecast: Cloudy. A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 36F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph - be aware we will be under a lake effect (snow) warning starting at 5 PM Saturday through 8 PM Sunday - 5" to 10" snow expected in the most persistent areas, complicated by winds gusting up to 45 mph, making travel difficult


46° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:13am

Sunset: 7:12pm

500 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 16, 2023

Today's conditions enticed a few more anglers to join us.  Plenty of overcast, minimal wind, and weather in the mid 40's.  A majority of the anglers that joined us for the morning, into the early afternoon, fished the middle and lower sections of the property. Reports from the half dozen anglers that joined us, pointed to another successful day with fresh fish still in the mix.   With temperatures in the mid 40's, we've seen a fair amount of the snow we accumulated from this weeks storm melt already.  Temperatures are only expected to drop slightly over night, and then bounce right back into the 40's again tomorrow for some of the same, with the possibility of rain in the forecast as well.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until tomorrow (3/17) at 11:59 PM.


47° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:15am

Sunset: 7:11pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 15, 2023

A dramatic difference in weather today.  Mid 30's and clear blue skies already started to chip away at the mess we were left with yesterday.  Although beautiful, the clear skies and low water were definitely a difficult combination for the couple of anglers that joined us.  In just a few hours, one angler came off the water deciding to end on a good note, going 1 for 1 on a dime bright steelhead.  Overall, it seemed to be a good day, despite no crazy numbers of fish, and just a couple of anglers.   The dam release remains at 350 CFS with a reported flow of 464 CFS at the Pineville gauge this afternoon.  At this time the scheduled dam release has not yet been updated past tonight at 11:59 PM (3/15).  Please check for updated dam release information.


36° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:17am

Sunset: 7:09pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 14, 2023

Conditions were by no means preferable, but a little bit of snow didn’t deter a couple of anglers from trudging threw the fresh powder we’ve been accumulating today.  The wind proved to be the toughest obstacle today, with near white out conditions at times. In the their rather brief outings, overall it seemed like a successful day, with several fish landed by the first couple of anglers off the water this morning (pictured below).  Conditions should clear up for tomorrow morning, with the sun expected to make an appearance finally tomorrow afternoon and approach 40 F


31° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 7:08pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 13, 2023

Temperatures remained over freezing , with a bit of rain and plenty of overcast.   A quiet Monday for the the run, with just a couple of anglers joining us today.  One angler reporting 1 for 1 with a confirmed drop-back while swinging flies in the lower sections, and the other angler 3 for 3 on beads in the middle section, both having fished the entirety of the morning into the early afternoon.  As we quickly approach April, it's only a matter of time before we start to see the number of drop-backs snow ball!  Today's rain is expected to transition to snow tonight into the morning, with a current 'winter storm warning' in affect for tomorrow.  The current release from the dam remains at 350 CFS until tomorrow 3/14 at 11:59 PM with a reported flow of 453 CFS at the Pineville gauge this evening.


36° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:20am

Sunset: 7:07pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 12, 2023

Plenty of sunshine through most of the day gave way to overcast skies by days end. Only a few anglers joined us on the run today. A guide with one client fished early and left around mid day and went one for one. Three anglers joined us around noon and fished until late afternoon without bringing a fish to hand. Good weather and a good water flow, but tough fishing. Hard to explain, but fish being in their transition between feeding and spawning is the explanation that I go with. Water from the dam remains at 350 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 459 cfs


37° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:22am

Sunset: 7:06pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 11, 2023

CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453 - air temperature started at 28 degrees, then slowly climbed to our high of 33 degrees as of the time of this report - we received a moderate dusting of snow overnight, with ultrafine snow (almost like a frozen mist) falling periodically until 11:30 AM - an overcast sky cleared up around 3:30 for a couple hours of brilliant sunshine - there were relatively light and variable winds throughout the day - 20 guests joined us on the run today, starting as early as 6 AM until as late as 3:30 PM - "the early (angler) gets the (fish)" was true today - our first two guests to come off the run at 10:15 AM reported 1 / 1 Steelhead between them, drifting both beads and egg sacks under a bobber - at 11:15 AM a solitary guest reported 1 / 2 Steelhead drifting beads under a bobber - another solitary guest came off the run at 12:45, reporting 2 / 2 Steelhead, again drifting beads under a bobber - from 2 PM to 5:30 PM eleven guests came off the run, all reporting no success (not even any tugs . . . ) - this, despite fishing upper through lower stretches of the run, drifting the usual beads and egg sacks . . . the opinion of a guide was that there is only so much water, holding only so many fish, in these low flows, so an early arrival is a must for success - the last guest came off the run at 6:30 PM - he had fished earlier, took a break, and went back down - no success - the remainder of our guests are in lodges so I do not think I will catch them on their way off the run - the forecast for tonight is: Low 18F. The forecast for tomorrow is: temperatures slowly rising from 19 degrees at 7 AM up to freezing around 11 AM, partly cloudy skies during the morning hours will become overcast in the afternoon. High 39F. Winds light and variable.


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:24am

Sunset: 6:05pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 10, 2023

About a half dozen anglers joined us today and from my discussions with them, I have to conclude that fishing picked up somewhat from what it has been the past few days. Things haven't gone crazy, but when anglers, for the most part, previously were coming up empty, today was the reverse. For the most part, anglers were able to bring a fish or two to hand. One season pass holder that went down mid-afternoon was able to bring three fish to hand in three hours time. A good day by any measure. A couple anglers came up empty, but today that was the exception to the rule. Water from the dam will remain at 350 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 476 cfs


31° / Snow

Sunrise: 6:26am

Sunset: 6:03pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 9, 2023

A half dozen anglers hit the Run this morning and enjoyed mild weather and a few tugs on the line. Reports of 2/3 and 3/4 for steelhead from the anglers that have come up so far, with one landing a nice brown and another who hooked and lost a large steelhead. The next several days will bring a holding pattern in the weather, with mid-30s and a few flurries mixed in. Don't forget, this Sunday, clocks spring forward 1 hour - that gives us all an extra hour to fish at the end of the day!


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 6:02pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 8, 2023

A bit sunnier, and little less wind, but the fishing remained tough.  Another half dozen anglers joined us for the greater part of the day, and just about all of them indicated another grind.  With the spring approaching, surely we are approaching a transitional period, and commonly see a lull at this time.  Before we know it, it'll be drop back season!  The release from the dam remained at 350 CFS, with a reported flow of 470 CFS at the Pineville gauge this afternoon. At this time the scheduled dam release has not yet been updated. Please visit for updated release information.


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:29am

Sunset: 6:01pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 7, 2023

Just a few anglers joined us, for what shaped up to be an extremely windy day.  Overall, similar to the past few days, anglers were able to hook several fish, and land about one or two of them.  Anglers continue to indicate dime bright fish in the mix, and today another brown trout reported.  Forecasted conditions for tomorrow nearly identical today, with wind expected at 6 to 12 MPH, with gusts up to 24 MPH.  The release from the dam remains at 350 CFS with a reported flow of 470 CFS at the Pineville gauge this afternoon.  At this time the scheduled dam release has not yet been updated.  Please visit safe for updated release information.


31° / Snow

Sunrise: 6:31am

Sunset: 6:00pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 6, 2023

Conditions were on point, above freezing, good overcast, little to no wind. But, it seemed to be a rather quiet day for the majority of our anglers. The reports we received, indicated anglers had a bit more success earlier this morning, but about half of our anglers came up short today.  The current release from the dam remains at 350 CFS with a reported flow of 470 CFS at the Pineville gauge this afternoon.  At this time the scheduled release has not yet been update.  Please check for updated dam release information.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:33am

Sunset: 5:58pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 5, 2023

A decent day weather-wise. Cloudy with a couple very brief peeks of sun, and temperatures in the mid-to-upper 30's with no wind to speak of. About a dozen anglers joined us today with mixed results. About half of our anglers failed to "touch a fish" and the other half were able to get into a coupe at least. Two anglers that fished the morning were able to bring three Steelhead to hand, An angler that fished for a few hours this afternoon was able to get a Steelhead up top and a brown trout down low. In all instances, fish or no fish, anglers covered lots of water. The snow cover is not too bad (maybe 4 inches of packed heavy snow) so getting around was tiring, but not terrible difficult. The last two anglers off the water accounted for a Brown, a domestic rainbow and two Steelhead (and they were tired) The scheduled water release has yet to be updated (@5:20 PM) and still calls for 350 cfs from the dam. The current flow at Pineville is 476 cfs (where it has been since early this morning which indicates that there is virtually no runoff today.


37° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:34am

Sunset: 5:57pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 4, 2023

CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482 - overnight, we received about 7" of wet snow - air temperature hovered in the mid-30s all day, finally dropping to freezing as of this report - overcast skies, light and variable winds, occasional short-lived snow flurries - one guest joined us on the run around 11 AM - he fished for a few hours, without success, took a break, and headed back down - near 6 PM he came back up - persistence paid off with a nice chrome Steelhead, in the 10# range, drifting an 8mm frosted orange bead under a bobber in the upper section - tonight's forecast: Cloudy skies this evening. A few snow showers developing late. Low 29F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 30%. Tomorrow's forecast: Cloudy with snow showers mainly during the morning. High 37F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 40%.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:36am

Sunset: 5:56pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 3, 2023

NOTE: we will open at 9 AM tomorrow morning - Season pass renewal invitations were sent out 1 March - if you have not yet received your renewal invitation by e-mail, first check your spam folder, as some are being shunted there depending on the key words you entered for your spam filter - if the invitation is also not there, please call us immediately so we can send you the link - there have been some calls about how to renew your season pass from your account - log into your account - if you are not already on your dashboard, at the top select the dashboard - once you have done so, at the top of the page, you will then see this: "Douglaston Salmon Run - 9 month season pass - active don't forget to *click-here* to renew your season pass . . . " select "click-here" then just follow the prompts as for any other order - CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 476 - air temperatures started at 28 degrees, slowly climbed to our high of 40 degrees around 2 PM, and is currently dropping slowly - our skies were clear and we had bright sunshine early this morning - clouds moved into the area by 11 AM, and it was fully overcast at 2 PM - winds were light and variable throughout the day - we had 11 guests join us on the run today, beginning at 7 AM until 1 PM - our first guest off the run at 12:45 PM reported 2 / 2 Steelhead "bright chrome and fat with eggs" drifting blue egg sacks under a bobber in the upper section - near 1 PM a party of four guests checked out, reporting no tugs at all, although they fished from the middle to lower sections . . . at 1:45 PM two guided clients reported 2 / 4 Steelhead, in the 5 - 6 # range, fishing the middle to upper sections - they were very pleased with the freshness of the fish, and the clear waters, which are not available on their home waters - we do tend to get a bit spoiled by the relatively unique fishery we have here - at 3:45 PM a solitary guest came off the run, reporting no success today, swinging an egg-pattern peach-colored fly in the upper section - our last guest (that I was able to speak with), who also had been the last one who checked in this afternoon, came off the run at 5:15 PM - he reported 1 / 2 Steelhead, drifting pink egg sacks and orange beads under a bobber, in the upper section - due to an overnight forecasted snowstorm, we are opening at 9 AM tomorrow morning, and closing at our regularly scheduled time - the forecast for tonight is: Heavy snow. Winds will increase late. Snowfall rates of 1 inches or more per hour. Low 31F. Winds ESE at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 100%. 8 to 12 inches of snow expected. The forecast for tomorrow is: Snow during the morning will give way to lingering snow showers during the afternoon. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 90%. About one inch of snow expected.


37° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 5:55pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



March 2, 2023

A bit windy and damp, but overall conditions seemed to be better than what was initially forecasted.  Just a couple of anglers joined us given the continued ‘winter storm watch’.  The anglers we spoke with today indicated fair success in just a few hours, each with multiple fish landed.  The current release from the dam remains at 350 CFS, with a reported 482 CFS at the Pineville gauge this afternoon.   Reminder: Season Pass Renewal invitations have been email to all current 12, 9 and 6.5 month pass holders.  Please be sure to review junk or spam inboxes for the published letter on 3/1/23.  


35° / Snow

Sunrise: 6:40am

Sunset: 5:53pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




3/4/23 – Delayed Opening –  Due to forecasted conditions.

March 1, 2023

Season pass renewal invitations were sent out first thing this morning - if you believe that you did not receive your renewal invitation, please first check your Spam folder, then call us immediately - the deadline to submit a 50% deposit for the renewal of the season pass is midnight 14 April '23, while the deadline for payment of the balance is 31 May '23 - CFS at the dam is 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge is 488 - air temperatures stayed in the mid-30s all day - skies were overcast, with a relatively light and variable wind, and sporadic snow flurries moved through on occasion (very short lived, ultra fine grain lake effect) - we had six guests join us on the run today - the first guest to leave, at noon, reported a quick 4 / 4 Steelhead initially, in the 5 - 6# range, drifting an orange bead under a bobber in the upper section - he then worked down through the middle section, without success, before moving back into the upper section, where he achieved an additional 1 / 1 Steelhead - a duo of guests left at 1 PM, each reporting 1 / 1 (a Steelhead and an 18" Brown Trout), bottom bouncing natural and pink colored egg sacks in the middle section - at 2:30 a single guest reported that he worked from the upper to middle sections, drifting "beads and bags" under a bobber, without any tugs . . . there are two more guests on the run as of this report - the forecast for tonight is: Cloudy skies. A few flurries or snow showers possible. Low around 35F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. The forecast for tomorrow is: Flurries or snow showers possible early. Cloudy skies. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 5:52pm

488 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

