40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

December 5, 2023

A light crowd today with the water going back up to 1650 CFS last night.  A bit cold, but the weather conditions were pretty optimal with little wind and plenty of overcast.  Ultimately a tough day given the water levels, with a few fish reported being hooked, but unable to stay buttoned up. Weather for tomorrow is expected to be just a bit colder, remaining below freezing for the entirety of the day.  At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 1650 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/5).  Please check for updated release information.


33° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:22am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2360 CFS Pineville Gauge

1650 CFS Dam Release

