T-shirt weather on Halloween was a sweet treat, but temperatures reaching into the upper 70's again today kept both angler and fish activity rather quiet today. Water temperatures again began at 50 F, and reached a report 54 F. Reports this morning indicated moderate fish activity in the upper sections of the run, but quickly died down, with anglers reporting minimal activity throughout the run as the day progressed. Nearly all steelhead were reported today, with still a few lingering kings in the mix. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/4). Please monitor safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
Today's weather was a bit of a change in pace with temperatures approaching 80 F, making things warm and muggy. Warm temperatures and low water brought water temperatures back into the 50's today, beginning at a reported 50 F and reaching 54 F this afternoon. Most of our anglers joined us first thing this morning, with most making it off the run by late afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, the day started off fairly quiet but reports pointed to an considerable increase in activity in the lower sections of the run late this afternoon. While lower sections reported success later in the day, activity in the middle and upper sections remained quiet throughout the day. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/31). REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
371 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
A bluebird morning quickly turned into a cloudy, windy and rather damp afternoon. Light angling pressure today, with most of our anglers joining us mid-morning into the afternoon. Water temperatures began at a reported 47 F this morning, and reached approximately 49 F this afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today the fish activity was also rather light. Reports ranged from a skunk, to a steelhead or two, with a few exceptions to that, but overall, most anglers indicated a rather quiet day on the water. Nearly all reports today were of steelhead, with a few brown trout as well as a few lingering kings. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/30). Please monitor safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill for updated dam release information. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
382 CFS Pineville Gauge
290 CFS Dam Release
A beautiful fall day on the water, with temperatures remaining in the 50's today with little overcast and very light wind. Water temperatures this morning began at a reported 48 F, and reached 51 F this afternoon. Overall, light angling pressure throughout the run, with most anglers making their way off the water by early afternoon. Based on the reports we received from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, the middle and upper sections indicated minimal activity, with the lower sections reporting a bit more success but also rather quiet. Hopefully a few more cooler days and colder overnights will stir up some activity. At this time the dam release is scheduled to be reduced from 350 to 285 CFS 'due to ongoing drought conditions coupled with low reservoir levels. This lowered base flow will remain reduced until the reservoir recovers to normal historic elevations for this time of year.' The dam release is scheduled to be adjusted tonight at 6:00 PM tonight (10/28). REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our updated hours of operation and check-in time.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The weather has started to be a lot more like Steelhead kind of weather. Cold, sharp winds and dark cloudy skies. No rain and no snow flurries as of yet, but it sure felt like they weren't far off. The leaves were reported as not being too terrible today. Overall, I would say that the fishing was good. There were those that struggled, but overall a greater number of anglers were able to get into some Steelhead today. Spread though out the run, but, again, the mid and lower sections were somewhat more productive (although that may have been due to the fact that that is where more angers concentrated their efforts). Differing from earlier this week when it seemed that only a handful of anglers that had "the honey hole" were successful. And we're still getting reports of some "fresher" Kings being brought to hand. The water temperature dropped during the course of the day going from 55 degrees this morning to 52 degrees at 3:30 this afternoon. Flow from the dam remains (you guessed it) at 350cfs and the flow at Pineville remains at 436cfs (where it's been the past several days
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Early sunshine gave way to overcast skies in the afternoon and that may have contributed to what has seemed to a bit of an improvement (overall) in the Steelhead fishing today. There are still those fortunate ones that have "the right spot" that have been doing well, but today it seemed that the success was more wide-spread (as were the smiles) Most Steelhead today with a few Kings in the mix and reports of a couple brown trout being brought to had. Water temperature at 3:00PM was 54 degrees and the flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville 436cfs
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The weather for today is partly cloudy this morning, then becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 52F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. The winds have picked up today putting more leaves in the river. The clarity is moderate, but manageable. Steelhead is the fish of the day, with River Patrol sighting them up and down the river. Most of the fish are holding in place with moderate success on the lower end of the run. The middle of the run is seeing some success with moderate numbers of anglers. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville 436CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A chilly, bright sunshine day gave way this afternoon to temperatures in the mid-fifties and overcast skies (with a sprinkle here and there). Today our anglers had to work a little harder for the fish by moving a lot and changing up their offering. Those that did (particularly in the mid-lower sections) were rewarded with steelhead and the occasional King. The fishing success (while very good in some spots and particular times) was, generally, less than it was yesterday. And as I said, it was a little more work today. Our4 anglers are going to sleep well tonight. The flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and the flow from Pineville is 436cfs. This mornings water temperature was 48 degrees
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
We had another day with plenty of sunshine (after some morning mixed sun and clouds) but temperatures were significantly cooler than we've had for a while. Temperatures a good 20-25 degrees cooler and the cooler temperatures seemed to improve the fishing considerably as the angler reports during the course of the day have been a marked improvement from the past several days. Plenty of Steelhead, a surprising number of Kings (on the Fresh side) with even a couple fresh Coho thrown into the mix. While fish were brought to hand in greater numbers throughout the run, the mid and lower sections seemed to be the better choice. Tomorrow? Who knows. Much depends on what type of fish movement we have overnight and that's anyone's guess. The flow from the dam will remain at 350cfs and the flow at Pineville is 436cfs. This mornings water temperature of 51 degrees rose to 59 degrees by late afternoon. Tomorrow's forecast call for early sun, turning cloudy with a little bit warmer temperatures (high of 55)
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
436 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another unbelievable day weather-wise with temperatures in the mid-to upper 70's. It actually got a bit uncomfortable on the run. Mornings start out very cool so you dress for it, but by the time the day is over you're asking yourself why you brought so many clothes. Fishing remains challenging for most angers. There were Steelhead brought to hand and even some Kings on the "fresher side", but one needed to cover a lot of ground and hope that you hit upon the spots that held some fish. Those that were fortunate enough to find "the spot" were rewarded with some excellent fishing (particularly from mid-day on). There still reports of good numbers of Steelhead in the estuary and we're all waiting for some rain/rise in water levels that will trigger the fish and encourage them to enter into the run. Some rain and much lower temperatures are in the forecast for tomorrow and here's hoping that it improves the situation. Flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville the flow is currently 447cfs
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453, water temperature 52 F - estuary section reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on Chinook (King) Salmon and Steelhead, which are holding in the channels - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow fishing activity, with Kings and Steelhead moving through this section - middle section reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Kings and Steelhead, moving through this section - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing moderate fishing activity, on Kings and Steelhead, which are moving through and upriver - top section reported no guests present in that section
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
It's hard to believe that we're nearing the end of October and we have temperatures in the low 70's. And not just today but multiple days in a row. I suppose things will change soon enough, but it's nice while it lasts. Not too sure that it has helped the fishing as we continue to wait for some rain. Based on reports from anglers today, I would say that the fishing today was an improvement over yesterday. Not by significant margins, but better than yesterday. A few bright, fresh salmon and better numbers of Steelhead have been brought to hand. When interacting with anglers and guides today, most were pretty happy with their results. Water remains at 350cfs from the dam (unfortunately) and the current flow at Pineville is 453cfs. Late this afternoon water temperature was 62 degrees (up considerably from the past several days).
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 447, water temperature 51 F - estuary section reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Chinook (King) Salmon and Steelhead, which are moving upriver as well as some holding in the channels - lower section and middle section both reported low guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Kings and Steelhead, moving through as well as holding in these sections - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on Kings only, which are moving through and upriver - top section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow fishing activity, on both Kings and Steelhead, which are both moving through as well as holding in the section - featured is Ray, with two nice Steelhead, who is being guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service - also featured is Mike, with a magnificent Fall Steelhead!
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Another nice Fall day with temperatures close to 70 degrees with another nice day in the forecast for tomorrow as well. While we had plenty of sunshine, fishing probably could have been better with a little more clouds and less sun as the fishing reports suggested that the bite improved with cloud cover and diminished with the sun out (which is often the case.) There are still a few fresh Kings entering into the run and some Steelhead (but not what I would consider "a lot'). A few Kings were brought to hand as well as better numbers of Steelhead and what success there was seemed to be at the lower end of the run. Little success and minimal angler pressure existed in the middle and upper sections of the run. Of course, that could all change tomorrow. We need rain (which will give us more water) which will bring a greater presence of Steelhead. The afternoon water temperature was 54 degrees and the flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville the flow is 447cfs
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this afternoon rose to 54F. The weather for this evening will be clear to partly cloudy. Low 49F. Winds light and variable. Tomorrows weather will be generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. High 71F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. The fishing this afternoon was quiet up and down the run, with some movement at the upper end of the run. River Patrol sighted Steelhead along the entire run and the fish were mostly holding in pools. The flow is 350CFS out of the Dam and out of Pineville 447CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature 48 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity, with Chinook (King) Salmon as well as Steelhead, which are holding in that area- lower section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling activity, with some fresh chrome Kings, and Steelhead, which are both moving through that section as well as holding within that area - of note: an Atlantic Salmon was brought to hand in this section - middle section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing moderate angling activity, with Kings and Steelhead , which are both moving upriver as well as holding in that section - upper section reported low guest density, who are experiencing quiet to slow angling activity, with a mix of Kings and Steelhead, both moving upriver and holding in that section
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature at 3pm today was 56F. The weather for tonight will be clear skies. Low 39F. Winds light and variable. The weather for tomorrow will be sunny skies. High 68F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. The anglers this afternoon into this evening have been fairly well distributed throughout the entire run, with the most angler success being in the upper portion of the run. Kings were seen along the run with some Steelhead in the lower sections of the run. The fish in the middle of the run were mostly going up river with pockets holding in place. The lower end of the run had Kings and Steelhead holding in place. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS until midnight Sunday 20 Oct. The flow out of Pineville was 453CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature 48 F - estuary section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow action on Chinook (King) Salmon which are both moving upriver as well as holding in the channels - lower section reported moderate to high guest density, depending where our guests happened to be in that section they were experiencing quiet to moderate angling activity, on a mix of Kings, Cohos, and Steelhead, both moving upriver as well as engaging in spawning behaviors - middle section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, on Kings and Steelhead, which are both moving upriver and holding in that section - upper section reported moderate to high guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling activity, on Kings and Steelhead actively moving upriver
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature went from 49F this morning to 54F this afternoon. The weather for this evening generally clear. Low 37F. Winds light and variable. For tomorrow abundant sunshine. High around 65F. Winds light and variable. The fish today, mostly Kings and Steelhead were holding in pools up and down the run. The middle section saw the most action, but with the fish not moving, hooking up and landing for the most part was challenging today. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and out of Pineville this evening 459CFS.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15am River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam is at 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is at 459 cfs; water temperature is 49 degrees. Fishing has started out slowly to moderate in all sections of the river so far this morning. Kings, some fresh, mostly older, are being taken in low to moderate numbers, along with an uptick in Steelhead and a few brown trout as well.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The Dam flow is 350 cfs; Pineville Gauge is reading 470 cfs; water temperature is 56 degrees. Our afternoon fishing reports basically mirrored the morning report; guest volume as well as fish brought to hand was low to moderate throughout the entire run, with a mixture of fish holding in pools and moving up-river; Kings and Steelhead were the only species reported caught, (no Cohos, Atlantics, or Browns reported.) Tomorrow’s weather is scheduled to be mostly sunny, with temperatures starting in the mid to upper 30s, reaching 60 by the afternoon with light and variable winds not to exceed 5 mph.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 476, water temperature 49 F - all sections reported low guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, with Chinook (King) Salmon and Steelhead predominate in the lower through middle sections, and Kings only at the upper part of the run - all fish were actively moving upriver - a 15" Atlantic Salmon was brought to hand by one of our season pass holders
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Some interesting weather throughout the day with a mix or sunshine, showers and overcast. Based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today, activity was similar to that of yesterday. Upper and middle sections reported the lightest angling pressure and fish activity, with a mix of kings and steelhead. The lower sections saw the greatest angling pressure, as well as the most success, also with a fair split of steelhead and kings, but no significant numbers of fish reported. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (10/16). Please monitor safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill for updated dam release scheduling and information.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 494, water temperature 51 F - estuary section reported no guests present, with Chinook (King) Salmon present in the channels, which are both holding there as well as a percentage moving upriver - all other sections reported low guest density, experiencing slow angling activity in the lower sections, increasing to moderate angling activity higher up, on both Kings and Steelhead, which are actively moving upriver
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A few scattered showers and a bit of wind this afternoon, but conditions remained tolerable. Activity seemed to taper off as we headed into the afternoon, with angling pressure lightening as the day progressed. Reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with indicated light activity in the middle and upper sections, with a bit more focus in the lower sections this afternoon reporting moderate success on predominantly kings. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/16).Please monitor safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill for updated dam release scheduling and information.
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 464, water temperature 51 F - estuary section reported low guest density, achieving moderate angling success on a combination of primarily Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon, as well as a solitary Brown Trout, which are moving through the channels - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on Kings and Steelhead, with Kings holding in that section, and Steelhead moving through - middle section reported low guest density, experiencing very slow angling activity with primarily Kings, but also a few Steelhead, moving upriver with a smaller percentage holding in that section - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling success, on Kings and Cohos both moving through and holding in the section - upper section reported low guest density, experiencing moderate angling success on Kings and Steelhead, both moving upriver and holding in that area
40° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:19am
Sunset: 6:21pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
2:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: A windy, drizzly day, with temperatures in the low 40s on the run from early morning to the time of this report. The weather conditions didn’t seem to put a damper on the Salmon, (both Kings and Cohos), and steelhead brought to hand. Although guest volume was lower than previous days, fishing success was listed as slow to moderate in all areas except for the very top and very bottom, which didn’t have anglers present at the time of this report. Tomorrow’s weather once again will be blustery with winds from the N / NW 5-12mph, temperatures in the upper 30s to mid-40s, and a chance of light showers around 20%.
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:22pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482, water temperature 54 F - all portions of the run reported slow angling activity - estuary section reported moderate guest density with Coho Salmon and Steelhead holding in the channels - lower section reported moderate to low guest density, with a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon, as well as Steelhead, moving upriver and a percentage holding in that section - middle section reported low guest density, with a mix of King Salmon and Steelhead, all moving upriver - upper and top sections also reported low guest density, with a mix of King Salmon and Steelhead holding in those sections - featured are Carroll, client of DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service, with a nice Atlantic Salmon; Dante with a beautiful Brown Trout; and Dane with his family and a nice Chinook (King) Salmon buck
41° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:22pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam reports CFS at 350; Pineville gauge is reading 482 cfs; water temperature taken at 2pm is 54 degrees. The morning’s drizzly conditions continued into this afternoon with temperatures holding in the mid-40s with light N/ NW winds. There were no reports of Cohos this afternoon on the run; Kings were still the predominant species although each day we’re seeing more transition to spawning mode. Steelhead, browns, and a pair of Atlantic Salmon were all brought to hand. Guest volume was highest in the middle and upper sections, with a low number of guests in the very upper and lower sections. Tomorrow’s weather should be almost a duplicate of today except for only 1/10” of rain expected and temperatures rising from the high 30s to the upper 40s by sundown Monday.
46° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 6:24pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 54F this morning. The weather for today has rain showers early that will evolve into a more steady rain for the afternoon. High near 50F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. The middle of the run is where the anglers are today with mostly moderate success on both the north and south sides of the river. The upper end of the has a good number of anglers with some success. Again, today Kings are king with more Steelhead sighted. Just a few Coho sighted. The fish are mostly moving up river except in the lower end where they're holding in place. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight, out of Pineville 470CFS.
45° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 6:24pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:15pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The dam is reporting CFS at 350; Pineville gauge is reading 476 cfs; water temperature taken at 2pm is 60 degrees. As has been the case the past several days the middle section of the run proved to be the most productive with fish brought to hand, (Kings, a few cohos, browns and steelhead), as well as angler volume. The very upper and the lowest portions had the least angler volume and fishing was listed as slow to moderate. We’ll have temperatures in the high 30s to start the day tomorrow, variable winds and showers spread out thru the day with total accumulations expected to be near ½”.
54° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:15am
Sunset: 6:26pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature this morning was 53F. There's plenty of sunshine today with a high 57F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. The anglers are spread pretty evenly along the entire run, with the most success in the middle of the run. Kings are the fish of the day being sighted along the entire run. Coho and Steelhead have also been noted in the middle of the run. Most of the fish are moving upriver, some quicker than others. River Patrol has noted that fish are holding in pools up and down the run, with the most holding in the lower section. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS and the flow out of Pineville 476CFS.
53° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:15am
Sunset: 6:26pm
476 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:45pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam continues to be 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is reading 483 cfs; water temperature 54 degrees. Today marks the first day in several weeks with Coho not listed in the tally for fish brought to hand. Kings were the fish reported overwhelmingly this afternoon, while the steelhead that had shown themselves this morning became more elusive. Guest volume was low to Moderate on the entire run this afternoon, with the greatest density in the mid to upper stretches. For tomorrow, Saturday, October 12th, sunny skies with temperatures starting off in the low 50s, only increasing to the mid-50s thru the day, with W / NW winds 12-14 mph, subsiding to 5 mph by sundown.
63° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:14am
Sunset: 6:27pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 488, water temperature 52 F - estuary section reported no guests present, however there are Chinook (King) Salmon moving through and into the run - lower section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on Kings and a Steelhead, all fish moving through the section - middle section reported low guest density, experiencing slow angling activity with Kings moving through the area - upper section reported high to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on a mix of Kings and Cohos, both species moving through and upriver - top section reported high guest density, experiencing slow angling on Kings moving through - featured are season passholders Bobby (light colored jacket) and Rick (dark shirt) with two nice Steelhead, one brought to hand yesterday, and one early this morning
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:14am
Sunset: 6:27pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The current flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is listed as 494; current water temperature is 57 degrees. As expected, steelhead started showing up in greater numbers, (specifically in the middle runs), and the amount of Cohos brought to hand seemed to drop off a bit. Guest volume was listed as low in the estuary section along with the very top of the run; all other sections in between reported moderate to high angler volume, and moderate to good success hooking up. Tomorrow should see the start of the day hovering around 40 degrees, but unlike today partly sunny skies are forecasted with temperatures reaching the low 60s and winds shifting from the N / NW to the W / SW.
48° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:13am
Sunset: 6:29pm
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
NOTE: tomorrow, 11 Oct '24, all of the early release times shift back by 15 minutes: Premium Access now check-in at 5:30 AM; lodge guests and landowners check-in at 5:45 AM; guides and their clients check-in at 6 AM; season pass holders check-in at 6:15 AM; daily access check-in at 6:30 AM - release times are 15 minutes after your check-in time - this schedule will remain in effect through the end of early release on 27 Oct '24
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 506, water temperature 54 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow fishing activity on Chinook (King) Salmon holding in the channels - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling success with Kings that are both holding in that section as well as a percentage moving upriver - middle section reported low to moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling success on Kings moving through this section, as well as a few Steelhead making a showing - upper section reported moderate to high guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity on a mix of Kings, Coho, and Steelhead all moving through this section - top section reported low guest density, without significant angling activity on Kings moving upriver - featured is Gabe, with his first Chinook Salmon, client of DSR Daily Access Guide Jerome Sullivan
43° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:13am
Sunset: 6:29pm
494 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Off and on heavy rain throughout the day again today, with temperatures reaching around 55 F. Heavy rain lessened the angling pressure a bit, and made for what seemed like a rather successful afternoon. Based on reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with this afternoon; the middle and upper sections offered anglers moderate to good success on primarily kings with a few coho sprinkled in the mix along with several reports of both steelhead and brown trout. The lower most sections showed steady movement up river with very light angling pressure. At this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/10). Please monitor safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill for updated dam release scheduling and information.
48° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 6:31pm
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 488, water temperature 58 F - estuary section reported no guests in that section, however Chinook (King) Salmon are present in the channels and are moving upriver - lower section reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, primarily on Kings with a solitary Brown Trout in the mix, with fish both moving upriver and some holding and spawning - the middle section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing moderate angling activity with a mix of Kings and Cohos moving through that section - the upper section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow to moderate angling success, on a mix of primarily Kings with some Cohos in the mix, all moving upriver - the uppermost section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow angling success, on Kings moving upriver
46° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 6:31pm
488 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
A damp and dreary start turned into a bright sunny day for a few hours, but transitioned back to complete cloud coverage, heavy rain and a bit of thunder and lightning. Despite some of the less than desirable weather, the fishing seemed to pick up from the morning into the afternoon. Based on the reports from River Patrol and anglers we spoke with, there was a decent push of fish in the lower end, providing good angling opportunities throughout the property. Reports from the uppermost sections indicated low angling pressure, with moderate success on primarily Kings with a few Coho in the mix. Middle and lower sections of the property reported moderate to good success with predominantly Kings reported. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (10/9). Please monitor safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill for updated dam release scheduling and information.
51° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:10am
Sunset: 6:33pm
482 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature fell to 56F down a bit from yesterday's 60F, although the fish haven't adjusted to the cooler water, as the River Patrol reports that the fish are moving slowly up river. The day started of with steady light rain this morning. Showers continuing this afternoon. High 59F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Most of the anglers are in the middle of the run, with a good many towards the upper end. Both the upper and middle are having moderate success. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight. The flow out of Pineville is 470CFS. Full day passes are immediately available for sale.
47° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:10am
Sunset: 6:33pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam is 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is at 459 cfs; water temperature is 61 degrees as of 4pm. Today was the first day that really felt like fall was in the air with temperatures in the low 50s and a moderate N/NW breeze. The overall fishing report was once again solid with Kings and Cohos spread throughout, along with steelhead, (which should be on the increase with each passing day now.) Guest volume was highest in the mid to upper river, with low pressure at the very top and very bottom of the run. Tomorrow’s weather will be in the mid-40s to start with a strong chance of showers thru 12pm, (approximate accumulation 1/3”), with light NW winds, becoming partly sunny for the remainder of the day and winds increasing 10-12 mph from the NW.
58° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:09am
Sunset: 6:34pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 60F this morning. The temperature was a bit warmer this morning with partly cloudy skies, then becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High around 60F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. The middle of the run has a good number of anglers with the north side of the river anglers having a bit better success than the south side of the river. The upper end of the river has a moderate number of anglers that are having success, while the lower end on the south side the anglers are working a little harder today. The fish are moving up river along the run, with some holding in place in the middle of the run. Kings and Coho have been noted through out the run, with a Brown sighted at the top of the run. The flow remains the same at 350CFS out of the Dam and out of Pineville 459CFS.
56° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:09am
Sunset: 6:34pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Today’s afternoon reports weren’t quite as stellar as yesterday, however there were plenty of Kings, Cohos, along with a steelhead and brown landed. Of note, our river patrol on the lower beats noticed more salmon moving from the estuary up into the main river than they had on any day previously this year which bodes well for the next few days, (hopefully.) Tomorrow will start off with mostly cloudy skies, temperatures in the mid-50s, not expected to get beyond 60, with N / NW winds from 8-14 mph and a moderate chance of showers thru the day.
[caption id="attachment_70471" align="alignnone" width="300"] Nice King landed by Levi and Son guided by Brian Ferman of 'High Hook' guide service.[/caption]
68° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:08am
Sunset: 6:36pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
There was a chilly start to the day with temperatures in the mid 40's F., looking at partly cloudy skies with a sight chance of a rain shower. High 73F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. The middle of the run is producing good to moderate fishing with the fish moving upriver and some holding in pools. One Brown was sighted this morning, Kings and Coho both sighted, hooked and landed. The upper part of the run has moderate angler numbers with Kings and Coho that are moving upriver. The lower end of the run has some activity with Kings moving up and down river along with fish holding in pools. Fishing Passes are Available for Sale Now.
Alex with Coho caught 10/05/24
47° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:08am
Sunset: 6:36pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge is 453 cfs; water temperature taken at 3pm is 66 degrees. It seems very likely that many of the fish milling about the estuary decided to make some movement upriver today as fishing was listed by most of the guests I spoke with as being the best this season so far. From the lower end to the upper, except for the very top of the run, fish were brought to hand in solid numbers. Kings, Cohos, a lone brown and steelhead were all in the mix. Tomorrow we’ll start the day off in the mid-40s with S / SE winds reaching 10-12 mph, along with a slight chance of rain during the day, possibly having some thunderstorms move in at nightfall. (Total Rain expected not more than ¼”.)
60° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:07am
Sunset: 6:38pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
It looks like the over night winds and some rain has improved the fishing today, along with the lower water temperature of 59F this morning. Our guests have been having success all up and down the run. The number of anglers are mostly in the main section of the run with less activity in the extreme upper and lower ends of the run. River Patrol has noted that the fish are all moving upriver and hardly any holding in pools. The weather today will have areas of patchy fog early. Plenty of sunshine. High 67F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. The cooler temperatures should make the fishing a bit more comfortable today. The Dam is holding at 350CFS and out of Pineville 453CFS. This nice Brown was caught by George who's being guided by Scott Mathna of Redlegg Outfitters.
53° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:07am
Sunset: 6:38pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
5:00pm River Patrol Fishing Report: Flow from the dam is 350 cfs; Pineville gauge reading is 459 cfs; water temperature is 62 degrees. The uptick experienced this morning seemed to carry over on the run, even though weather conditions changed little from yesterday. Cohos continue to make a strong showing thru the length of the run, with Kings being about equal in numbers. It’s fair to say that both morning and afternoon showed some improvement in the number of fish hooked as well as landed over the previous days. Tomorrow should see temperatures start of around 50 degrees, reaching the mid-60s by late afternoon, with light N / NW winds.
68° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:05am
Sunset: 6:40pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
The water temperature was 60F and the weather for today is sunny to partly cloudy. Slight chance of an afternoon shower. High 72F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Kings and Coho are moving up river all along the run with a good number holding in pools at the middle and lower ends of the run. The upper end also has reports of fish holding in pools. The anglers are spread out through the run with success from the upper end of the run well through the middle of the run. The flow out of the Dam continues to be 350CFS, out of Pineville 464CFS. We have a number of full day daily access fishing passes available for immediate sale.
58° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:05am
Sunset: 6:40pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
4:30pm River Patrol Fishing Report: The flow from the dam is 350 cfs; the Pineville gauge is reading 459 cfs; current water temperature is 61 degrees. Even though the water temperature has dropped a few degrees over the past couple of days this didn’t seem to put the salmon in the mood to make any major movements up-river from the estuary or lake. All beats reported slow to moderate fishing success with Kings the primary species encountered and Cohos tapering off a bit, along with angler volume being low to moderate density throughout. Tomorrow’s weather is scheduled to mimic today for the most part, with temperatures starting out in the low 40s, increasing to the mid to upper 60s by afternoon, with light variable winds.
63° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 6:41pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
8 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 459, water temperature a nice chilly 58 F - estuary section reported no guests present, with Chinook (King) Salmon holding in the channels - lower through top sections all reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow action on a mix of Kings and Cohos, all of which are slowly moving through the run we have a number of full day daily access fishing passes available for immediate sale
47° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 6:41pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
45° / Clear
Sunrise: 7:04am
Sunset: 6:41pm
459 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
An ugly start to the day with drizzle and a chilling rain for the morning that cleared off nicely for the afternoon. The reports from up and down the river were very similar in that angler density was moderate and fishing success was slow. There are fish around (primarily Kings) and the more persistent anglers are having some success, but all are waiting a more serious push of fish. Reports from the lake indicate that they are still "pounding" the fish out there and it's just matter of time when those fish enter into the run. When? That's the 64,000 question. Flow from the dam remains at 350cfs through midnight tomorrow and the flow at Pineville is 464cfs (up about 20 cfs from this morning.
56° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 6:43pm
464 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 442, water temperature 61 F - estuary section reported a low guest density, who are experiencing slow fishing activity on a mix of Chinook (King) and Coho Salmon moving up into the run - the lower section reported moderate guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity, on a mix of Kings and Cohos, which are both moving upriver with a percentage holding in that section - the middle and upper sections are almost identical in reporting moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, with a mix of Kings, Coho, and Steelhead at the lower part of the middle section, changing over to Kings only throughout the rest of these sections, all of which are moving upriver - the top section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity, on Kings holding in that area - featured is Bobby, with an Atlantic Salmon, who was the client of DSR Guide Mike Ford of Reel Addicted Charters and Guide Service - congratulations, Bobby!
57° / Rain
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 6:43pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
This morning there are a good number of full day daily access fishing passes for sale; we will commence sale of these passes at 7 AM
58° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 6:43pm
442 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
Beautiful Fall weather, but a challenging day for most on the run today. Both Coho and Kings are present, but anglers worked to get fish. Top to bottom the feedback from our anglers as well as River Patrol told the same story, moderate to low angler density, limited success with most fish moving upstream rather than holding in pools. "They're there. You gotta work for 'em." Flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and at Pineville 419cfs. This mornings water temperature was 62 degrees.
65° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:02am
Sunset: 6:45pm
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release
9:15 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 408, water temperature 62 F - estuary section reported low guest density, who are experiencing slow angling activity with Chinook (King) Salmon, both moving upriver and holding in the channels - lower section reported high guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling success, on Kings that are both holding in that section as well as a percentage also moving upriver - middle section reported low to moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity with Kings and Cohos moving through that area - of interest, a solitary Brown Trout was brought to hand in this section this morning - upper section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow to moderate angling activity on both Kings and Cohos that are holding in that section, with a percentage also moving upriver - top section reported moderate guest density, experiencing slow angling activity on a mix of Kings and Cohos, both of which are moving upriver
60° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:02am
Sunset: 6:45pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release