34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

September 30, 2022

Not a great day. Not a bad day, but all-in-all a good day to be fishing the DSR. Just about everyone that I spoke with were able to get into multiple Kings nd a good many were brought to hand. Warmer weather (after a chilly start) and plenty of sunshine contributed to the enjoyment of the day. A few more Steelhead are starting to show up as are a few more brown trout. It would be nice to get another push of some salmon in from the lower end and we'll wait and see. Water level is going down tonight and that will make things a bit more manageable.
Current flow from the dam will be 750 cfs untio 9:00 this evening when it will go to 500 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 1010 cfs


56° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:00am

Sunset: 6:48pm

1010 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 30, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 750, CFS 1030 at the Pineville gauge (dropping slowly) - water temperature 54 degrees, air temperature 52 degrees, cloudless skies with brilliant sunshine, light winds - estuary section reported no fish activity . . . some anglers simply paddling around looking for fish . . . the lower section has very few anglers present, with little observable fish movement, therefore it is difficult to judge that section . . . middle section reported "relatively slow" fish movement and angler success, hookups are occurring however it remains very difficult to bring the large Kings to hand due to the current - the fish in this section are a mix of Kings and Cohos - as we travel upriver, the fish activity and angler success picks up incrementally to "steady movement, hot and heavy angler activity" - again, a mix of Kings and Cohos, with one Brown Trout hooked but not landed - typically, most of the action was at first light, with a slow down after the sun came up over the treeline - we currently have full day fishing passes for sale


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:00am

Sunset: 6:48pm

1030 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 29, 2022

Fishing, overall, was slower than yesterday, but after the numbers we witnessed yesterday that's not saying much. Today may have required greater fishing effort but from the anglers that I spoke with and what I have seen, fishing was very good today. Mostly Kings today with fewer Coho, but that's not surprising given the rate fish were moving through the run yesterday.
Water continues to drop, which is good, and the level looks like it will remain at 750 cfs (at least until 8:00PM tomorrow night when it'll go down to 130 cfs for three hours (probably doing some work at the power house)
Current flow from the dam is 750 cfs and the flow at Pineville is 1100 cfs


47° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 6:50pm

1100 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 29, 2022

Morning fishing report: The fishing conditions are a bit challenging today, compared to yesterday. The flow is starting to go down, some sunshine and cooler temperatures has affected the bite. The River Patrol has reported some hookups, mostly Kings a few landed, one Brown landed, no Coho's have been landed. Water temp is 56F.


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 6:50pm

1150 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 28, 2022

Well today was the day. Or at least one of those days, of which we hope there are more to come. The high water brought in the fish today and for the first time this season I feel it safe to say we had "a run." Fish poured into the run in jaw-dropping numbers throughout the day and have continued into this evening.
All are concerned as to what happens next with regard to the water level. Will it go down? How fast? Will it go up? How high? All questions whose answers we will wait for. The good news is that the rain has diminished and as has the water flowing into the reservoir and the flow at Pineville. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.
Current flow from the dam remains at 750 cfs and the flow at Pineville is 1420 cfs (and dropping).


52° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:58am

Sunset: 6:51pm

1420 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 28, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge rose a bit through the early morning, currently stabilized at 1580 - water temperature is 58 degrees, air temperature currently 56 degrees - overcast, light wind, periodic heavy mist / light drizzle - estuary section reports large numbers of a mix of Kings and Cohos moving through and up into the river system - this translated into a lot of fish movement throughout the run, with consistent hookups, although bringing fish to hand in this flow has been challenging - we have full day passes for sale at this time, and afternoon-only passes will be posted for sale online at 10 AM daily


54° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:58am

Sunset: 6:51pm

1580 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 27, 2022

Good movement early this morning, as has been the case of late. Slower movement and more difficult fishing after the initial flurry. And while in past days things might have remined slow until late afternoon/evening, things started cranking around 2:00 this afternoon. Heavy rain during the day triggered good fish movement .Reports of good numbers of Kings and Coho's entered the run and provided "off the hook" fishing for all anglers all afternoon and into the evening. I'm guessing anglers are going to be hesitant to leave the run today.
Water flow remains at 335 cfs but will be going up to 750 cfs at 8:00PM this evening. Currently flow at Pineville is 474 cfs and climbing


54° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:57am

Sunset: 6:53pm

572 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 27, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 430, water temperature 59 degrees, air temperature 54 degrees, heavy overcast, steady drizzle, light winds - estuary section up through the lower sections are describing fish movement and action as "slow, very few fish, all Kings, some headed back down" - middle section has moderate fish activity - it is not until we get into the upper section that fish activity picks up a bit (relatively), all Kings, with "a lot" of 14" Steelhead present at the upper boundary line


56° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:57am

Sunset: 6:53pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 26, 2022

Today saw a "slight" uptick in movement on the run compared to the last few days. Depending on where you were and how much time you were willing to put in, you could be rewarded. Overall reports from today indicated the middle-upper section saw "slow" movement but a few fish were still brought to hand. The lower end actually had a "moderate but steady" flow of fish with a mixed bag of species such as Kings, Cohos, Browns and even a few more Atlantics made an appearance. Still getting word of good numbers of fish in the estuary milling around just waiting to run when they are ready. Rain is on the forecast tonight so things could get interesting over the next few days.
Based on angler numbers/availability PM passes will be available on starting at 10:00AM
Water Temp 59 Degrees F
Dam release is 335 CFS
Pineville gauge is 430 CFS


53° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:56am

Sunset: 6:55pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 26, 2022

Morning fishing report: The bright blue skies and sunny conditions seem to get the fish moving today. There's been lots of action up and down the run. The top of the run, steady hookups with a confirmed Steelhead landed, middle mostly Kings and in the estuary the fish are moving, good fishing in the mouth of the river. Possible rain around 11AM.


56° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:56am

Sunset: 6:55pm

425 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 25, 2022

Although not a substantial uptick in movement, there was definitely enough to satisfy the anglers who happened to be in the right areas on the run. It seemed the middle to upper sections were seeing most movement with the lower end being a "slow but steady" trickle. A bit of a mixed bag with Kings, some Cohos, few Browns and even an Atlantic made an appearance. Reports of movement in the estuary gives hope that there could be an uptick in movement tomorrow.
Based on angler numbers/availability PM passes will be available on starting at 10:00AM
Dam release is 335 CFS
Pineville gauge is 425 CFS


59° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:55am

Sunset: 6:57pm

425 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 25, 2022

Morning fishing report: River Patrol is seeing really good action on the upper sections of the run with a 50/50 mix of Kings and Coho's. The center of the run is seeing lots of Kings and Coho's. A bit of  a slow down on the lower section. Expecting rain later this morning thru the afternoon. Water temp is 52F.


56° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:55am

Sunset: 6:57pm

419 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 24, 2022

We are seeing changes in fish behavior on the run today. Morning seemed to have its initial flurry of action at first light (Mostly Kings with the odd Coho and Brown Trout) only to have it die off for most of the day until late afternoon when reports of the estuary and lower end of the run are seeing an nice uptick in fish movement. Tough to say where they may be come daybreak but it gives anglers something to look forward to for tomorrow. Based on angler numbers/availability PM passes will be available on starting at 10:00AM Dam release is 335 CFS Pineville gauge is 425 CFS


52° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 6:59pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 24, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 430 - water temperature 54 degrees - air temperature 55 degrees, cloudless skies, brilliant sunshine, light breezes - great Fall weather did not translate into great fish activity - estuary section reported a good number of Kings in the center channel, and Coho in the North channel, but they are simply milling around and not committing to moving upriver in any numbers at this time . . . lower and middle sections reported an initial flurry of activity at first light, since died back to "very slow" fish movement and angler activity, primarily Kings with a sprinkling of Coho - upper section was relatively more active, primarily Kings with a few Coho in the mix, and a solitary Brown Trout brought to hand


54° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 6:59pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 23, 2022

Evening fishing report: The action slowed down today in the lower section of the run. The upper sections saw fairly good action with mostly Kings being landed along with some Coho's. The middle section had some hookups. The weather for tomorrow sunshine and clouds mixed. High 63F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. A little warmer and not as windy as today.


52° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:52am

Sunset: 7:01pm

436 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 23, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 436 - water temperature a chilly 56 degrees - air temperature currently 48 degrees, overcast, moderate wind - estuary section reported a lot of Coho in the North channel, mostly milling around - center channel has very good activity, primarily Kings - just upriver, sporadic hookups, on Kings, good activity at daybreak but since slowed down - middle section reported steady fish movement, all Kings - upper section reported slow but steady movement of fish, a mix of Kings and Coho - uppermost section has not yet seen the fish arrive, with a little action on Kings and a sprinkling of Coho - we have full day passes for sale, and afternoon only passes will be posted online for sale at 10 AM -


45° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:52am

Sunset: 7:01pm

436 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 22, 2022

FYI: Please note new Opening time is now 5:15 AM.

This evening the fish have been moving with lots of hookups at the top of the run along with action in the middle of the run. The River Patrol noted quite a few fish moving out of the Estuary. The weather for tomorrow partly cloudy skies. High 56F. Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph.


51° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:02pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 22, 2022

The afternoon fishing has been slow at the bottom of the run, with the wind coming up. The middle of the run has seen steady, constant and at times fast movement. Quite a few Cohos and Kings being brought to hand. The upper end, lots of Kings and some Cohos. River temp was 66F.


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:02pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 22, 2022

Morning fishing report from River Patrol. The action seems to be a little patchy this morning depending on where you are. The top of the run is currently steady with a mix of kings and coho as well as a lone brown trout. However, just below that area was good for the first hour but has slowed down since the early going. This was also the trend observed in the middle of the run and now a slow pick of kings and cohos is continuing. Near the bottom of the run saw good action for the first two hours but has slowed down more recently, a few brown trout were reported here as well. The estuary reports decent pods of kings and coho but few fish are being brought to hand in that area.


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:02pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 21, 2022

Another good day to be fishing on the Douglaston Salmon Run.  Similar to the past several days, early morning indicated that the upper section had the upper hand, but fish were spread throughout the run and everyone that I spoke with were able to get into Kings, some  into nice-sized Coho, and a brown trout here and there.  As anglers were leaving the water this morning, most were smiling, some were dragging a bit, but all indicated that they had an enjoyable and worthwhile day.  Stormy weather that was forecast for this afternoon did not materialize and it ended up being a gorgeous day.  Mostly clear skies and very comfortable temperatures.  Much cooler temperatures over the next few days ought to put some fish on the move.  We'll have to wait and see.


71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 7:04pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 21, 2022

8:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 470 - water temperature 63 degrees - air temperature currently 61 degrees - light overcast, moderate wind - currently dry, however commencing around 5 PM there may be thunderstorms in the area - the lower section was comparatively slow this morning - moving upriver into the middle and upper sections, there is steady fish movement throughout the rest of the run, all Kings, with a sprinkling of "big" Cohos at the top of the run -


59° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 7:04pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 20, 2022

Another good day on the run. Not the numbers of fish we witnessed over the past two days, but still more than enough fish to keep everyone occupied and happy. Many fish brought to hand with mostly Kings, but Coho's continue make their presence known. Cooler temperatures over the next several days should positively impact fish movement.
Water from the dam is 335 cfs nd the current flow at Pineville is 488 cfs


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:49am

Sunset: 7:06pm

488 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 20, 2022

With a bit of a rainy start to things, most anglers have trickled in throughout the morning.  Morning reports from our River Patrol indicated ‘steady’ fish movement again, first thing this morning throughout the run.  Upper sections of the property noted a bit more action, than the middle and lower sections of the property. A majority of Kings are being caught, but plenty of  coho’s reported as well, with just a couple of trout in the mix.  


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:49am

Sunset: 7:06pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Afternoon Passes – Available for Sale beginning at 10:00 AM –

September 19, 2022

Overall a good day to be on the run. Still "moderate but steady" action from top to bottom but plenty of fun the be had with Kings and a few Cohos still showing up. More rain is on its way over the next couple days so we can hope for a continued pattern and success that we have seen.
Available Afternoon Passes will be posted for sale online, daily, beginning at 10:00 AM. Availability will be actively updated. Published availability is determined based on current angling capacities–
500 CFS Pineville Gauge
335 CFS Dam Release


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:48am

Sunset: 7:08pm

500 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 19, 2022

The morning fishing report from River Patrol indicates good fishing in the upper and lower sections with a slower but steady pick in the middle of the run. Today's action is mostly kings with a few cohos and brow trout in the mix. Reports from the estuary indicate some good pods of fish moving around there as well. We do have some full day walk-up passes available for sale this morning at the Welcome Center. Afternoon passes will be available for sale on our website at 10am this morning to be redeemed at 1pm. Water temperature was reported at 64 degrees this morning.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:48am

Sunset: 7:08pm

419 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 18, 2022

After yesterdays lull in the action, today was definitely a change of pace. The fish seemed to take a break on the run with yesterdays slower action and decided to start moving again today. Plenty of Kings, Cohos and the occasional Brown provided plenty of action for the entire duration of the day on the entire run. This may be a continued pattern with the cloud cover and rain systems moving in over the next few days.
Available Afternoon Passes will be posted for sale online, daily, beginning at 10:00 AM. Availability will be actively updated. Published availability is determined based on current angling capacities–
419 CFS Pineville Gauge
335 CFS Dam Release


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 7:10pm

419 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 18, 2022

8:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 419 - water temperature 64 degrees - air temperature 65 degrees - overcast, misting to sprinkling, light breezes - estuary section reported a LOT of fish in both the center and North channels, an apparent mix of Kings and Cohos, however they are milling around, surging upriver and turning right around to head back downriver - just upriver there is slow but steady action for Kings and Cohos - as we look further upriver, the fishing action and movement incrementally gets better, and are being described as "steady, lots of fish, mix of Kings and Cohos" - there was one Brown Trout brought to hand in the middle section this morning
we have full day passes for sale at this time - afternoon only passes will be posted online for sale at 10 AM


66° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 7:10pm

419 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 16, 2022

With the continuation of yesterdays movement, anglers were very pleased with todays success. Kings and Coho's have been caught from top to bottom with reports that the lower end of the run tapered off a bit in the afternoon. The past 2 1/2 days seemed to be the first solid push of fish into the system with more to be expected shortly.
Available Afternoon Passes will be posted for sale online, daily, beginning at 10:00 AM. Availability will be actively updated. Published availability is determined based on current angling capacities–
417 CFS Pineville Gauge
335 CFS Dam Release


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:45am

Sunset: 7:14pm

419 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 15, 2022

Today seemed to be the start of something good. River Patrol and guests reported "great" and "steady" action all day from top of the run to bottom with a good amount of fresh Cohos mixed in with the Kings. Yesterdays uptick in movement seemed to be ramped up significantly today. Hopefully a pattern for the foreseeable future. Available Afternoon Passes will be posted for sale online, daily, beginning at 10:00 AM. Availability will be actively updated. Published availability is determined based on current angling capacities–

423 CFS Pineville Gauge
370 CFS Dam Release


52° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:44am

Sunset: 7:15pm

425 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 15, 2022

With the coldest overnight temperature yet this season, the water temperature this morning dropped down to a recorded 60 F.  Last night’s fishing quality certainly set some expectations, for this morning’s anglers on the run.  The reports we’ve received so far this morning, from both guest’s and  river patrol, the consensus from all; fishing is ‘STEADY’, with a seemingly even ratio of King Salmon, and the fan favorite, Cohos. All sections of the property indicated similar fish activity.


56° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:44am

Sunset: 7:15pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release




Afternoon Passes Available – Click here to Purchase 

September 14, 2022

Nice cooler temperatures today and a mix of sun and clouds. Water temperatures are still on the high side with an early morning reading of 65 degrees getting to 69 by mid day. Very good fishing for the better part of the day and late morning into this afternoon it got much better than good. Very good movement of fish at the upper and lower end with Kings, a few browns, and more Coho than we have seen all season. Excellent fishing with persistent fish movement throughout the run. Late afternoon report from down low is that the estuary just below lower clay is "loaded." Today was by far the best day of the year and the prospects for tomorrow look excellent. Cooler temperatures at night should keep things movin


70° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:42am

Sunset: 7:17pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 14, 2022

8:00 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam remains at 370, CFS at the Pineville gauge is at 453 - air temperature 66 degrees all morning, water temperature also 66 degrees - overcast skies, breezes have kept it cool - estuary section reported a steady trickle of Kings into the run, providing good action in that immediate area ("better than this past week") - just upriver, the movement did not translate into much activity, as it was described as "slow" - there was a Coho reported brought to hand in the lower section, however - the middle section reported fish moving through, Kings, with specific areas producing some good action - this section saw two Brown Trout brought to hand, one was small, the other was a "football" - an addendum to the initial report, from a Guide, is that there is a nice push of Coho moving through the middle section now - the upper section was as active as the estuary, with good numbers of Kings pushing through, providing a few hook-ups this morning - attached is a picture of the nice Brown Trout which we had reported had been brought to hand yesterday
we have full day passes for sale, and afternoon passes for today may be purchased online


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:42am

Sunset: 7:17pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 13, 2022

There weren't big numbers of fish around, but there are fish here. Primarily Kings, but a few browns as well. I saw a picture of a nice 30' brown that was brought to hand and released back into the run. Some action in the morning, a much slower pick through the better part of the day' and some better fish movement into the lower end that started around 4:30. So perhaps more fish will follow them in tomorrow. We'll wait and see. But it does appear that the mid-section might fish well in the morning.


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 7:19pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 13, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 370 / CFS at the Pineville gauge 453 - temperature first thing this morning was 71 degrees, which has dropped to 68 degrees as of this report - skies remain overcast, there is no wind - the forecast is for 90% chance of thunderstorms this morning, with possible light rain in the afternoon - water temperature was 69 degrees first thing this morning - with some specific exceptions, activity throughout the run is slow today - estuary section reported very little fish movement, with only one salmon brought to hand for six hooked up - all Kings - just upriver, Kings provided limited action in the lower to middle sections of the run - the upper section saw a fairly decent flurry of initial activity, all Kings - we have full day passes for sale at the ticket office, and afternoon-only passes (allow you to fish starting at 1 PM) available for sale online at
update note: at 9:30 AM a "nice Coho" was reported brought to hand in the upper section / at 9:45 AM a 30" Brown Trout was reported brought to hand in the middle section


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 7:19pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 12, 2022

Anglers had a slow and steady pick this morning, predominately kings, but a few Browns were mixed in as well. The upper half of the run tipped the scales and was slightly more productive, but a hookups were reported throughout. Overcast skies will bring thunderstorms later this afternoon, keep an eye to the sky, some may be strong.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:40am

Sunset: 7:21pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 11, 2022

While there were salmon around today, their numbers have dropped from earlier days. Still fish were brought to hand, but it was a much slower bite and our anglers had to work a bit harder for them. Water temperature this afternoon was 68 degrees. We need cooler temperatures and some more rain.


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:39am

Sunset: 7:23pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 11, 2022

Morning Fishing Report: The lower end of the run has had little movement, some Kings sighted. The middle of the run has seen a bit more movement, some hook-ups, again all Kings. The upper end of the run has seen the most hook-ups with 8 to 10 and at least 4 were landed, all Kings. no Coho's so far today. The weather for today cloudy this morning with showers during the afternoon. High 74F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%


65° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:39am

Sunset: 7:23pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 10, 2022

Evening fishing report-Quite a slow pick today. While some anglers who put in the hours were able to get a few hookups and the odd fish (Kings) landed, not much in terms of overall movement on the entire run after the high sun came out this morning. With cloud cover and rain moving in over the next few days, we may hopefully see an uptick in movement. CFS at the dam is 370. CFS at Pineville is 470.


71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:25pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 10, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 370, CFS at the Pineville gauge 476 - air temperature early this morning was 64 degrees, and has risen to 71 as of this report - we started off partly cloudy at dawn, however skies have since completely cleared, with brilliant sunshine - at first light, and for a couple of hours, there was typically a flurry of activity throughout the entire run, all Kings, with one Brown Trout brought to hand in the upper section - the estuary beat reported "quite a bit" of fish jumping, with fish moving up into the river through the center and North channels - just upriver there were reports of fish milling around, some moving further upriver, some heading back downriver, with a decent amount of hookups, but few being brought to hand - middle section was comparatively slower as regards either fish movement or hookups - upper section saw good fish movement, with good angler hookups - again, once the sun came up over the trees, action slowed down dramatically throughout the run


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:25pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 9, 2022

Fish movement and angler success this afternoon seemed to be dictated by where you were on the run. It seemed movement on the upper end was pretty consistent from sunrise to sunset with most guests hooking a fair amount (nothing spectacular) and brining a few to hand. The lower section seemed to have a small but steady push of fish moving for the later half of the day with little pods of fish (1-3) moving up every few minutes and the few anglers who were down there took advantage. The middle section seemed to be quite slow, which makes to believe the fish at the upper end came in overnight and the fish in the lower end are moving in early on in the day. Only species reported were King Salmon. CFS at the dam is 370, CFS at Pineville is 476.


68° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 7:26pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release



September 9, 2022

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453 - air temperature ranging from 61 degrees first thing this morning to 66 degrees as of this report - water temperature is also 66 degrees - overcast, with a thin ground fog, very light breezes - River Patrol in the upper section reported a good push of Cohos moving through that section first thing this morning, with multiple hook ups, but no fish brought to hand - River Patrol in the middle section reported primarily Kings (Chinook) on the move, small pods of three to four fish, with hookups, and one guest bringing two of three to hand - another guest in this section was able to bring both a King and a Brown Trout to hand - River Patrol in the lower section reported steady movement of small pods of fish, apparently Kings, into the river system, with relatively few anglers in the area - this movement of fish into the river should bode well for later action in the middle and upper sections


72° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 7:26pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 8, 2022

It was a beautiful day to be on the river but the fishing has slowed noticeably. There are still salmon around and a number made it to hand, but compared to the days over the weekend (especially Monday) it's a different ball game. It might have been that the high water we saw over the weekend brought in some fish that have now played out. We'll just have to see what the next several days bring.
Water remains at 335 cfs from the dam and the flow at Pineville is 459 cfs


71° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:36am

Sunset: 7:28pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 7, 2022

Fish movement was a bit slower than we witnessed over the weekend, but there were still sufficient numbers of fish to keep anglers entertained and occupied. Morning was very good, a mid day slowdown nd then things picked up again iin the afternoon into the evening. A good number of salmon were brought to hand this evening. Not as many brown trout were sighted today as in past days but we are still encouraged by their presence. Water flow from the dam remains at 335 cfs and the current flow from Pineville is 476 cfs.


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:35am

Sunset: 7:30pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 6, 2022

There was a flurry of activity this morning with Kings brought to hand. A Coho was landed in the upper section of the run. The afternoon saw thing taper off with a few jumpers in the Lower Clay. Activity picked up this evening with a light rain and cooler temperatures. Weather for tonight will be overcast with rain showers at times. Low 61F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. Tomorrows weather should see showers early becoming less numerous later in the day. High 71F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.


66° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:34am

Sunset: 7:32pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 5, 2022

Another very good day on the run. Cooler temperatures and some occasional light rain made things very comfortable down on the run. As has been the pattern of late, the early hours of the morning proved best, but today the fishing was more than decent in the afternoon with anglers reporting good numbers of hook-ups and fish brought to hand. Water from the dam has not been updated and I assume it will remain at 350 cfs and the flow from Pineville is 442 cfs


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:32am

Sunset: 7:34pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



September 4, 2022

Definitively more salmon on the run today than we have seen so far this season. Good numbers of fish were on the move and many anglers got into multiple fish. Some did better than others in bringing them to hand, but that is to be expected. Especially with these early season fish that for some reason, even in warmer water, seem particularly difficult to bring to hand. "Hooked five but didn't land any" was a typical statement. More good news is that multiple anglers reported seeing some brown trout in the mix.
At 6:00 PM this evening the flow from the dam dropped to 350 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 814 cfs (but it should be dropping shortly)


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:31am

Sunset: 7:35pm

814 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 3, 2022

The increased flow seemed to improve the fishing this morning, most everyone saw some salmon, a quite a few hooked them and at least 3 were landed. The afternoon warmed up to 85F and the water temp. this afternoon was 74F. Flow out of the Dam remains at 750CFS thru 6pm on the 4th. It drops back to 350CFS thru 11:59 on the 4th.


76° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:30am

Sunset: 7:37pm

836 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 2, 2022

CFS at the dam is 350 until 9 PM tonight, at which time it will be bumped to 750 (yes!) - at 6 PM, on 4 September, the flow will go back down to 350 again - CFS at the Pineville gauge is 500 as of the time of this report - the air temperature started out in the low 50s this morning, then drifted up to the mid 70s - we had hazy, through mostly cloudy, then partly cloudy skies today, with sunshine, and cooling breezes - water temperature started at 65 degrees this morning - 54 guests trickled in from early morning to mid afternoon - as guests started leaving we received reports that about one in five of the guests hooked up with a salmon, but only one was actually brought to hand - typically, early season salmon tend to be larger, and are certainly very scrappy!  Interestingly, one of our off duty employees hooked into a "very large" Brown Trout, had it close enough at hand to identify it, but was unable to land the trout . . . Overnight low will be 61 degrees, with the forecast for tomorrow as: Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 84F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.


74° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:29am

Sunset: 7:39pm

500 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 1, 2022

More than a dozen anglers enjoyed the fishing conditions today, the weather was clear, low humidity and cooler temperatures. The fish were seen by a majority of anglers, some hooked up, but none were landed. The water temperature this morning was 68F. The weather for tomorrow will have plentiful sunshine. High around 80F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Sunrise will be at 6:29am and set at 7:38pm. The flow out of the Dam is thru 9/2 at 8:59pm will be 350 CFS, from Sept 2 at 9pm thru Sept 4 at 5:59pm the flow will be 750 CFS, then from Sept 4 at 6pm thru 11:59pm on the 4th will be 350 CFS.


64° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:41pm

548 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

