40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

May 27, 2024

Temperatures over this holiday weekend ranged from the low to high 70s, alternating between overcast one day, bright sunshine the next, and back to overcast today - we had sporadic sprinkles, punctuated with torrential downpours at brief moments - generally winds were moderate except when these small storm fronts rolled through - each day, a handful of guests joined us, indicating some success with Smallmouth Bass in the 2 - 3# range - our flow was abruptly bumped from 215 CFS at the dam, to 1500, late last night, then this afternoon it was reduced to 750, where it will remain until at least tomorrow evening . . . featured is yet another attraction at the DSR, the incredible flora (Blue Flag Iris) which may be seen by the observant while walking the property.
May be an image of flower
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71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:29am

Sunset: 8:34pm

1600 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release

