31° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

May 29, 2023

REMINDER: the season pass holders, who renewed their season passes, and put down a deposit only, are reminded that the balance is due not later than close of business on Wednesday, 31 May. There are several lodge dates that are now available during the prime times of mid-September through the first couple of weeks in November - check it out online, or call Guest Services for information and assistance in identifying which dates are available. CFS at the dam has been at 185, mid 240s to 250s at the Pineville gauge, since the last report on Monday, 22 May - water temperatures throughout this same period have been in the 55 to 60 degree range - the first few days were cloudy, however these last several days have been sunny, with light winds, with air temperatures ranging from low 40s to high 70s - our guests have either been targeting Smallmouth Bass, or have hooked into the bass incidentally while searching for the stray Steelhead or elusive Atlantic (none of either were reported) - results with the bass have been feast or famine, with some impressive sized bass brought to hand - just yesterday, one pair of anglers reported hooking bass on every cast, as an example, while today the counts were in the five fish range


80° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:28am

Sunset: 8:36pm

244 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release

May 26, 2023

The number of anglers on the run has diminished over the past week and of those that have fished the run, smallmouth bass has been the primary result of their labors.  For all intents and purposes the Steelhead seemed to have existed the river and have made their way to the lake.  While we could use some rain, we can't complain about the weather that we have had and will have into the foreseeable future.  Cool nights (which have lower the water temperature noticeably) and dry days with temperatures into the high 60's and lower 70's.  Great conditions to be on the water pursuing whatever opportunity presents itself.  The water from the dam remains at 185 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 244 cfs.


65° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:30am

Sunset: 8:33pm

244 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 22, 2023

Can't complain about this weather!   A bit of rain to start the weekend, but not enough to make any significant impact on the river levels. However, these cooler overnights and mild days have knocked the water temperatures back down a few degrees.  Air temperatures have continued to remain a low around 45 F and highs creeping into the upper 60's F for the past few days.  A handful of anglers took advantage of the low pressure and gorgeous conditions throughout the weekend, and proved to be quite successful in their quest for smallmouth.  Many of our anglers indicated double digit numbers of smallmouth landed, noting a definite increase in the quantities of bass, but seems as though the larger bass may have already moved on out.  Conditions forecasted for this week call for similar weather to that of this past weekend, with cool overnights, and the highest forecasted temperature just breaking 70 F.  The dam release continues to be scheduled at the base summer flow of 185 CFS.  Please check for updated dam release information.


67° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:33am

Sunset: 8:29pm

256 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 19, 2023

The weather has been all over the map this week, with temperatures ranging from just below freezing to nearly 80, we've gotten a taste of just about every season in such a short window.  With steelhead season just about winding down, and some cooler mornings, the run has seen very light angling pressure this week.  Today was the first steelhead we had reported by and angler in quite a few days now.  But, the smallmouth activity has continued to gain, with a number of anglers this week landing quite a few more than we saw last week.  The dam release is scheduled to remain at a release of 185 CFS until tonight (5/19) at 11:59 PM.  At this time, no further scheduling has been published for the weekend.  With the anticipation of rain, please check for updated dam release information.    


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:36am

Sunset: 8:26pm

256 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 16, 2023

Things continue to quiet down here as we wrap up steelhead season.  Just a couple of anglers joined us today, for brief outings.  With the water down to the baseline summer release of 185 CFS, we’ll certainly take some more of these cloudy days to keep the water cool, and the fish active.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 185 CFS until tonight (5/16) at 11:59 PM.  Please check for update dam release information.


76° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:39am

Sunset: 8:23pm

273 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 15, 2023

Quite a cool start to officially kick off our 'Summer' season, with morning temperatures beginning in the low 40's. Things warmed up fairly quick, ultimately reaching just around 70 F by this afternoon.  Water temperatures began at a recorded 51 F and reach approximately 57 F by noon.  Reports from the handful of anglers that joined us this morning indicated decent small mouth bass activity, despite the cooler morning, with no reports of steelhead in the mix today.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 185 CFS until tonight (5/15).  Please check for updated dam release information.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:40am

Sunset: 8:21pm

273 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 14, 2023

CFS 185 at the dam, 286 at the Pineville gauge to start the day - air temperature at 45 degrees around 4:15 AM, dropped to 40 degrees at dawn, and climbed to our high of 57 degrees for the day, as of 12:45 PM, before slowly dropping to 53 degrees as of this report - we had calm until late morning, when a light and variable breeze stirred, which continued for much of the day - hazy skies and diffuse sunshine made for an overall pleasant day to be outdoors and on the run, fishing - water temperatures were at 54 degrees to start the day, up to 56 degrees near noon - four guests joined us today, one checking in as early as 5:15 AM, and the last at near 4 PM - our first guest to check-in was also the first off the run - he reported only tangling with a "couple of smolts", swinging flies in the lower section - at 1:15 PM our next guest reported 1 / 2 Steelhead, and a "couple of (very) good Smallmouths" swinging a pheasant tailed wooly bugger in the middle to lower sections - after just a few hours of fishing, our next guest reported +20 Smallmouth Bass, with a sole Largemouth Bass added to the mix, from one little honey hole in the middle section of the run - he showed me the lures he had spin-casted (I could not get the picture I took to "send") - an 1/8 ounce black jig, with a large white painted eye, with a small black dot in the middle of the white (very striking), with about a 2 1/2" ribbed slender paddle-tail, of a brownish-grey translucent body with random black inclusions, or Mister Twisters in black, white, or "sunfish" colors - the lure described is very similar to the lure used by a couple of anglers recently, accounting for +40 bass that one day last week - our last guest checking out at 6:45 PM, who was also the last guest who checked in very late this afternoon, reported 2 / 2 Steelhead, twin 24" fish, and "perhaps 10" Smallmouth Bass, in the 3 # range, spin-casting a small Panther-Martin spinner with a black body and gold blade in the center section - of interest, the two Steelhead struck on consecutive casts - the overnight low will be 38 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Sunshine and some clouds. High near 65F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.


56° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:41am

Sunset: 8:20pm

277 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 13, 2023

A beautiful day weather-wise, but the fishing was less so. A few spooky smallmouth bass, some gar, redhorse suckers, and a couple of Steelhead were in the mix today. Most anglers worked hard for the fish that were brought to hand and while they reported that while there are still some Steelhead around (that were bright and frisky) they were hard to come by. Water from the dam remains at 185 cfs from the dam and the current flow at Pineville is 281 cfs. With no rain in the forecast, I would expect the water level will stay at this level for a while.


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:42am

Sunset: 8:19pm

281 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 12, 2023

Our warmest day yet, with temperatures reaching into the upper 70's, and just the right amount of overcast to keep things comfortable.  A dozen anglers joined us today, with a majority fishing the morning into the early afternoon trying to beat the heat.  Water temperatures today began at approximately 56 F, and reach 61 F by noon.  We had quite a range of species reported being caught today, to include; a few steelhead, an abundant amount Smallmouth Bass, a Longnose Gar, and a couple of redhorse suckers.  With the number of steelhead lessening each day, its great to see we have some more of our summer time residents making their way back into the river.  The dam release was dropped to 185 CFS today, where it is currently scheduled until 11:59 MP tonight (5/12).  Please check for updated dam release information.


77° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:43am

Sunset: 8:18pm

403 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



May 11, 2023

It's hard to beat these mild days we've been experiencing, even it's slowed things down a hair.  Another dozen anglers took to the run, most fishing early morning, well into the afternoon.  Despite the minimal overcast, not too much change in the water temperature, beginning at 50 F early morning, and reaching about 55 F again at noon.  The reports from the anglers we spoke with, continue to point towards the conclusion of our steelhead season.  A few anglers managed to land a steelhead or two, but the majority reporting a few bass each.  Current dam release schedules indicate the release to be adjusted from 350 CFS to 185 CFS tomorrow (3/12) at 3:00 PM until 11:59 PM (3/12).  Please check for updated dam release information.


74° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:44am

Sunset: 8:17pm

408 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



May 10, 2023

A bit warmer, lower water, with plenty of overcast made for what seemed to be a fairly productive morning for the handful of anglers that joined us for the morning into the afternoon.  Most of our angler's efforts were focused in the lower sections of the property, still a number of steelhead reported in the mix of fish landed, with reports of bass picking back up again today.  The overcast ultimately kept things cool today, with water temperatures beginning around a 49 F, and reaching about 55 F by noon.   The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until tomorrow (5/11) at 11:59 PM.  Please check ahead for updated dam release information.


66° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:45am

Sunset: 8:16pm

525 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



May 9, 2023

With another mild day and blue bird skies, its certainly hard to resist any opportunity to go steelhead fishing.  Another dozen anglers joined us, a majority fishing the morning into the early afternoon.  Most efforts were focused in the middle and lower sections of the property, with the middle reporting the most activity today.  The reports we received from our anglers indicated fishing was a bit better this morning.  Once the sun hit the water, things quieted right down.  Overall, surprisingly more steelhead reported today, with quite a few anglers reporting one or two lost in addition to those landed.  Only a few anglers reported smallmouth today in the middle section.  The dam release is currently scheduled to be adjusted from 500 CFS to 350 CFS at 12:00 AM (5/10).  For updated dam release information, please visit


58° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:46am

Sunset: 8:15pm

673 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



May 8, 2023

Mild temperatures, plenty of sunshine and a bit of overcast brought a little over a dozen anglers, most of whom joined us for the morning.  Reports from our anglers today were very similar to those yesterday. The steelhead fishing continues slow down as we rapidly approach mid May.  A few anglers reported landing a steelhead each, and only a few smallmouth reported today.  Water temperatures began at 55 F degrees and reached about 59 F by noon today.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS, until tomorrow night (5/9) at 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated dam release information.


60° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:48am

Sunset: 8:14pm

688 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



May 7, 2023

Over a dozen anglers fished the run today and for the better part of the day enjoyed sunny skies. By late afternoon clouds rolled in bringing with them rain showers. The Steelhead fishing today was challenging for most of our anglers. Most success came from two anglers that went five for nine with a few bass in the mix. Anglers that came up short on Steelhead were able to enjoy themselves with better numbers of smallmouth bass. At the end of the day our three remaining anglers caught good numbers of bass (including "some dandies") and hooked a few Steelhead. Tomorrow's forecast promises to be a little cooler, but plenty of sunshine. A perfect day to be on the water. Water from the dam is scheduled to remain at 500 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 702 cfs.


53° / Rain

Sunrise: 5:49am

Sunset: 8:12pm

702 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



May 6, 2023

NOTE: season pass renewal balance payments are due not later than close of business Wednesday 31 May - please remind your friends, who are season pass holders, as we are receiving calls regarding when is this deadline - CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge started at 747 and dropped to 732 by the end of the day - air temperatures rose from 40 degrees just before dawn, to our high of 62 degrees for the day at 6:15 PM - hazy blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and very light breezes made for an idyllic day to be out and fishing on the run - 14 guests chose to spend part of their day with us, the first as early as 5:20 AM and the last one checking in at 3:45 PM - a significant number of guests took breaks from fishing, so the notes got complicated, but here is what I sorted out: our first guest came off the run at 11 AM - he reported 0 / 1 "(a) really big fish!" skating a muddler fly across the surface in the middle section - this guest stated that around 10 AM things slowed a bit - shortly after, a guest reported that he scored four Smallmouth Bass in the 3 to 4# range using pink worms, took a break, returned to the run and fished to near dusk without further success - at 12:15 PM our next guest coming off the run reported five Steelhead, and six Smallmouth Bass, casting what looked like a medium sized Mepps spinner, with a yellow-spotted black blade, while walking the entire run - a young couple, Hailie and Jimmy, came off the run at 1:15 PM, reporting 15 Smallmouth Bass, in the 3 to 5 # range, casting what looked like 1/16 ounce jigs tipped with two-inch long and slender paddletail softbaits in various colors ("the bass took any color tossed at them") - they took a short break, went back down, then came back up at 8:11 PM and reported a personal best of + 40 Smallmouth Bass (photographs featured today) using the same lures - at 1:30 PM a father and son team reported two Steelhead each, one about 10#, drifting egg sacks under a bobber in the middle to lower sections - at 3 PM, two ladies reported "casting practice" only . . . despite apparently having used productive lures in productive spots - shortly thereafter, a father and two sons reported 16 Smallmouth Bass among them, casting jigs tipped with plastic baits in the middle section only - at 4:45 PM a guest reported a 25" Steelhead, and "a couple of Smallmouth Bass", drifting pink worms under a bobber in the lower section - the overnight low will be 44 degrees, and the forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly cloudy in the morning then periods of showers later in the day. High 67F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:50am

Sunset: 8:11pm

732 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



May 5, 2023

CFS at the dam was 750 to start the day - at 4 PM it dropped to 500 CFS - the CFS at the Pineville gauge started at 1010 and has since dropped to it's current 794 - water temperature at 7:30 AM was 49 degrees - it rose to 52 degrees as of 12:30 PM - air temperatures were in the mid-40s during the morning, and climbed to the low 50s as of the time of this report - an initially overcast sky slowly cleared to partly cloudy, then mostly clear by the late afternoon - all in all, a beautiful Spring day with plenty of sunshine and very light breezes - we had a total of 11 guests on the run today, and were able to catch most of them on their way out - our first guest came off the run in the early afternoon, reporting a nice 33" Steelhead brought to hand in the lower section while swinging flies - at 3:30 PM one guest reported 5 / 7 Steelhead while center-pinning beads and eggs under a bobber in the center section - at 4 PM the next guest scored 2 / 3 Steelhead, the best a nice 30" fish, while drifting beads and eggs under a bobber in the middle section - at 4:15 PM a guest, who fished top to bottom of the run, reported 6 / 8 Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass (3 - 4 # range), swinging flies - on his heels another guest, who fished just a couple of hours, and who was targeting Smallmouth Bass, reported "a couple of bass" casting jigs tipped with crawdad soft-baits in the center section - at 5 PM a guest reported no success after a couple of hours on the run - he'll come back to fish the last few hours - our best report came from two guests, who came off the run near 5:30 PM, reporting 2 / 5 Steelhead (center-pinning pink worms under a bobber) and 6 / 8 Steelhead, as well as a "Big Smallmouth (Bass)" (drifting beads under a bobber) in both the upper and middle sections - tonight the temperature will drop to 39 degrees - tomorrow's forecast is: Sunshine along with some cloudy intervals. High 62F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.


56° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:52am

Sunset: 8:10pm

794 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



May 4, 2023

With the dam release adjusted to 750 CFS, a few anglers joined us first thing this morning with most joining us for the afternoon.  Things have remained fairly cool with the rain and overcast this past week.  Today, water temperatures began at a reported 49 F and only reached 51 F by this afternoon.  Based on reports from our anglers it seemed to be a fairly quiet day for nearly all.  The small mouth likely a bit inactive with the cooler water temperatures.  The steelhead on the other hand, may have had a nice ride out with the high water we experience this week, giving the river a bit of a clean sweep.  The highlight of the day came from a couple of our pass holders, reporting a recently expired chinook in the area of center pool.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until tomorrow  (5/5) at 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated dam release information.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:53am

Sunset: 8:09pm

1030 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



May 3, 2023

DSR will remain closed for fishing today (5/2) and open for office hours only  9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with a current dam release for 2200 CFS. Please check for updated dam release information.


39° / Rain

Sunrise: 5:54am

Sunset: 8:08pm

2820 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



May 2, 2023

DSR will remain closed to anglers today and open for office hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00, with a current dam release for 2200 CFS.  Please check for updated dam release information.


41° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:56am

Sunset: 8:07pm

2930 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



May 1, 2023

With the water way up, it was a quiet Monday for the run.  A few inches of rain over the weekend resulted in the dam release being increased last night from 500 CFS (4/30) to 1800 CFS, where it is currently scheduled to remain until tomorrow (5/2) at 11:59PM.  At this time no further schedule has been published.  Given the considerable amount of inflow to the reservoir with the heavy rains, and an unknown reservoir level, it will be a waiting game to see what kind of release we will see for the remainder of the week, especially with bit more rain in the forecast tomorrow and Wednesday. Please check for updated dam release information.


45° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:57am

Sunset: 8:05pm

2560 CFS Pineville Gauge

1800 CFS Dam Release

