34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 30, 2023

Last night the dam release was increased from 1200 CFS to 1500 CFS, where it is currently scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tonight (11/30).  Weather today wasn't necessarily optimal with little overcast, but it sure was more comfortable than the last few days.  A little bit of wind, but not much mention of it being an issue.  And for the leaves, it seems like things were pretty well flushed out from the 1200 adjustment.  Ultimately, reports from the anglers we spoke with today indicated another tough go at things, with little success.  We saw a bit of melt and run off from the warmer conditions today, and will most likely continue to, with temperatures expected to remain above freezing with a bit of rain forecasted.  Please check for updated dam release information.  Please note that DSR will close to fishing with a DAM RELEASE of 2,000 CFS or greater.


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:16am

Sunset: 4:30pm

1820 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



November 29, 2023

Much to everyone's surprise, the couple of inches that were forecasted turned into another 10+ inches early this morning.  And, to keep things interesting, the dam release was increased from 750 CFS to 1200 CFS last night, where it is scheduled to remain until tonight at 11:59 PM (11/29).  Winds were much more tolerable today, with some strong gusts here and there, but nothing compared to that of yesterday.  The couple of anglers that joined us on the run today indicated no success, with leaves being today's hurdle. With the current 1200 CFS dam release scheduled only until 11:59 PM tonight, please check for updated scheduling.


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:15am

Sunset: 4:30pm

1540 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



November 28, 2023

Despite the 18+ inches of snow we accumulated last night, and the driving winds, a few die hard anglers fished through the greater part of the day.  Needless to say, not much was in the angler's favor, besides the lack of angling pressure.  Flows increased last night from 500 CFS to 750 CFS, where it is currently scheduled to remain until tonight at 11:59 PM (11/28).  With the cold weather continuing, and little threat of melt in the immediate future, we likely won't see a further increase in the release.  Currently, forecasts for expected snowfall this evening into tomorrow have and will likely continue to change.  Please check for updated dam release information.


29° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:14am

Sunset: 4:30pm

980 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



November 27, 2023

Quite a mixture of weather today. We started with mild temperatures and a bit of rain, then slowly progressed to heavy winds with flurries.  With the forecasted severe weather ahead of us, just over two dozen anglers joined us first thing this morning ahead of the expected snow.  Most called it quits early afternoon, with just a handful of anglers sticking it out until sunset.  Reports from the anglers we spoke with varied, with about half of our anglers reporting no success, and half reporting a 'pretty good' day with some close to double digits numbers.  Regardless of how you did, one thing was agreed, the wind was nearly impossible to contend with today.  The dam release is currently scheduled to be adjusted tonight at 6:00 PM from 500 CFS to 750 CFS, where it is currently only scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tonight (11/27)  With the impending weather, temperatures are expected to continue to drop below freezing tonight, with lake affect snow tonight, and warnings currently in place currently until Wednesday.


38° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:13am

Sunset: 4:31pm

710 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 26, 2023

Sun this morning gave way to cloudy skies this afternoon. The wind picked up and blew for a while but by the end of the day things calmed down. With temperatures in the low 40's it wasn't too bad a day to be on the run. I think, overall, the fishing was a little better yesterday than it was to today, but that being said, I didn't talk to anyone that didn't bring at least one fish to hand. Some might have gone fishless, but I didn't happen to speak with them. The weather forecast is calling for 2-4 inches of snow for tomorrow and by Tuesday things could get a little more serious with total snow accumulation of 1-2 feet of the white stuff. Water from the dam remains at 500 cfs and at Pineville 680 cfs


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:12am

Sunset: 4:32pm

680 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 25, 2023

Another raw day on the run. Some peeks of sunshine but that didn't help much. Most anglers that I spoke with this afternoon/evening had to grind it out. The wind wasn't as bad, but the extended period of cold weather has cooled the water temperatures down making the fish just a little more hesitant. Still, many anglers were able to get into a couple fish and one season pass holder put in the time and went 6 for 9 (which is a excellent day any day). Water from the dam remains at 500 cfs and at Pineville the flow is 695 cfs (and slowing dropping)


33° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:10am

Sunset: 4:32pm

695 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 24, 2023

Overcast skies this morning gave way this afternoon to some sunshine, but dropping temperatures and increased wind. The changes seemed to unsettle the fish as the reports indicate that the bite was better this morning than it was during the afternoon. That being said, most anglers that I spoke with were able to get into a fish or two and one season pass holder that only fished for a few hors this afternoon went three for five. A good day Tomorrow's weather looks to improve somewhat from today. A bit warmer, a little more sun, and less wind. Water flow from the dam remains at 500 cfs and at Pineville 717 cfs


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:09am

Sunset: 4:33pm

717 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 23, 2023

A relatively mild morning with overcast skies, little wind, and moderate water flow (500cfs dam release; 740cfs Pineville gauge). Pretty good conditions for steelhead fishing in the back half of November. All the guests we spoke with on their way out were in good spirits enjoying the holiday, conditions, and good fishing. We all have a lot to be thankful for, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:08am

Sunset: 4:33pm

740 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 22, 2023

Another nasty day weather-wise, but the fishing wasn't. Cold temperatures and drizzle for most of the day are the conditions that our anglers had to endure, but those that hung in there were rewarded with a better than decent day. A season pass holder, swinging flies went one for three, two anglers that fished for a few hours went three for six and four for eight. All oth4r anglers that I spoke with were able to get into multiple fish with three being the most common number reported.


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:07am

Sunset: 4:34pm

717 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 21, 2023

Brutal, would be the best description for today's conditions.  A cold morning turned even colder with winds 18 MPH and gusts up to 39 MPH.  Along with the wind, we had a bit of freezing rain in the mix, and a few snow flakes here and there.  The rain, not so much the problem.  The wind on the other hand, made it nearly impossible for anglers to make a good presentation.  Needless to say, the couple of dozen anglers who joined us first thing this morning, wound up coming off the water with just a couple hours.  Just a few of our anglers were able to land several fish regardless of the conditions.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tonight 11:59 PM tonight (11/21).  With substantial rain expected today into tomorrow, please check for updated dam release scheduling.


32° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:05am

Sunset: 4:35pm

666 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 20, 2023

The warm spell was nice while it lasted, with temperatures hovering around freezing the majority of the day.  Our lightest crowd in quite some time, with just over 2 dozen anglers joining us for the greater part of the day.  Having put in the time today, most of our anglers were able to hook a few fish.  Some of our veterans indicating a good day, better than the past week or so.  The middle section reported the most success today, but again, the most heavily fish.   Temperatures are expected to continue to drop tonight  , but inch their way back up toward 40F, with a bit of wind, and possible snow in the early afternoon.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tomorrow night (11/21).


28° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:04am

Sunset: 4:36pm

680 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability 

November 19, 2023

A mixed bag weather-wise today. Some sun, some clouds, a little drizzle. a little snow, and a little windy. Overall the fishing was reported to be better than the past several days. The vast majority of anglers that I spoke with got into multiple fresh Steelhead. A nice brown was also brought to hand. Of course there were those that didn't fare as well as some and some did better than most. A very happy season pass holder mentioned having an excellent day (the best Steelhead day of the year) and "if tomorrow is just half as good as today, I will have a good day." Can't ask for more than that." Water from the dam will remain at 500 cfs through midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville is 702 cfs


36° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:03am

Sunset: 4:36pm

702 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 18, 2023

CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 717 all day - air temperature to start the day was 34 degrees - it pushed up to just over 40, and is slowly dropping to an overnight forecasted low of 37 degrees - skies were clear to a few scattered clouds, with brilliant sunshine most of the day - it was initially calm, but around 8:30 AM winds really picked up for a couple of hours, then it calmed back down - we had a total of 81 guests on the run today, trickling in from opening time until mid-afternoon . . . the early ones started coming off the run late morning, primarily to get a bite to eat - initial reports were not encouraging, with roughly half stating they didn't even get a tap, and the remainder reporting ones and twos - a lot of these went back down after their break - as guests started coming off the run in late afternoon, I started hearing better reports, such as 1 / 2, 2/3, and some in the 4s - most of the reports were "got a couple", as well - categorically, our guests remarked they had to cover a lot of ground today, and really work for any fish - it did not seem that any one part of the run produced any better than another part - the predominate fish today was Steelhead of various sizes (a few "brutes"), with a couple of Brown Trout in the mix - tomorrow is forecasted to be 50% chance of rain in the morning, possible snow flurries, high of 42 degrees, NW winds at 10 - 20 mph


40° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:02am

Sunset: 4:37pm

717 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 17, 2023

The rain held off until late morning, and has been fairly steady since.  Thankfully, we had another warm day in the upper 50's, so the rain was tolerable.  With the warmest temperatures we've seen in a few weeks, we also saw our our largest turnout so far this week, but dissipated rather quickly given the conditions.  The release from the dam remained at 500 CFS today.  While we hoped the consistent release might turn things on a bit, it hasn't seemed to do so.  Most anglers we spoke with today indicated they had a rather tough day from top to bottom, and a majority came up empty handed in their outings.  Only a couple of our anglers reported multiple fish landed.  Hopefully with temperatures dropping back down close to freezing by sunrise tomorrow, we'll see the activity pick back up.  The current dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tonight (11/17) at 11:59 PM.  Please check for update dam release information.


51° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:00am

Sunset: 4:38pm

659 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



November 16, 2023

We were spoiled again, with another day approaching mid 50's this afternoon.  A little less angling pressure today, than we've seen so far this week, but still quite a few anglers couldn't pass up a warm day of steelhead fishing.  With another day of a 500 CFS dam release, we were all hoping a bit of consistency would perk the fish up a bit, but from the sounds of it, today was a tough day for the majority of our anglers.  Regardless of covering some serious ground today, the warm temperatures turned the bite off.  Water temperatures crawled back into the mid 40's today, and will likely remain for at least another day, with an expected high of 56 F tomorrow.  Currently, the dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tonight (11/16) until 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 4:39pm

652 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability 

November 15, 2023

Conditions were comfortable today, with the release from the dam remaining  at 500 CFS, air temperatures into the 50’s, and water temperatures a reported 42 F this morning.  A majority of our anglers joined us first thing this morning, with the run becoming far less populated this afternoon.  Most headed out rather early today, but based on the reports from the anglers we spoke with today, the higher water has been nothing but good news, with quite a few anglers noting close to double digit numbers in their outings.  Fishing in the middle section was reported the most successful, with the lower sections reporting decent action today, and nothing  reported in the upper sections.   It’s anyone’s guess what we might see happen with the dam release tomorrow.  Maybe we’ll see just a slow draw of water, rather than a dump. The current dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tonight 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


51° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:58am

Sunset: 4:40pm

659 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability 

November 14, 2023

Temperatures were comfortable today, with air temperatures holding at 40 F, and water temperatures at 43 F.  The slight increase in flows didn't deter many anglers from fishing the greater part of the day.  Another day of mixed reports.  Some anglers had trouble finding fish in the higher water, and others,  couldn't keep them off the hook.  The middle sections of the run continue to be the fan favorite, and providing the most consistent success.  Anglers fishing the lower sections of the run, remarked at the lack of activity down low.  With the dam release currently scheduled up until 11:59 PM tonight, it'll be interesting to see if we will see the release maintained at 500 CFS or dropped.   Please check for updated dam release information.


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:56am

Sunset: 4:41pm

666 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 13, 2023

Frigid temperatures didn't stop too many of our anglers today, with only a little bit lighter of a crowd than we saw this past weekend.  Despite the less than desirable air temperatures this morning, conditions were optimal, with good cloud coverage and just a touch of wind.  Based on the reports from our anglers, today was an 'okay' day for most, and a 'great' day for others.  Anglers fishing the middle sections of the run noted some pulses of activity, with moments 'everyone was hooking into fish'.  Middle sections continue to report the most success with the lower sections coming in a close second today.  Temperatures are forecasted to drop back down to freezing tonight, but creep back up into the 40's by mid day tomorrow.  The current dam release is scheduled to remain at 335 CFS until 9:00 PM tonight (11/13), and increased 500 CFS until tomorrow night at 11:59 PM (11/14).


41° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:55am

Sunset: 4:42pm

519 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 12, 2023

A bit chilly, but otherwise a beautiful fall day and a great one to be outdoors. Perhaps the anglers would have preferred a little less bright sunshine, but with little wind, the conditions were pretty cooperative. Depending on who you asked the fishing was either "a tough grind" or "an excellent day". That seems to be the pattern at this time of year. Some doing very well and some struggling to bring a fish to had. There were reports of some good numbers of steelhead being hooked, but, again, some reported having a difficult time. Tomorrow's forecast is calling for a bit warmer temperatures and some rain. Water temperature at the start of day was a chilly 42 degrees. Water from the dam remains at 350 cfs and at Pineville 531 cfs


36° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 4:43pm

531 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



November 11, 2023

CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge started at 570 and only dropped to 550 as of this 4 PM report - opening air temperature was 37 degrees, dipping to 34 degrees at dawn, climbing to a high of only low 40s, now back to 37 degrees - water temperature was 48 degrees at opening - overcast all day, mostly light and variable winds, some periods of fairly strong gusts - we were at our maximum of near 85 guests most of the morning, a lot of them in large groups of friends, with guests starting to leave by mid-afternoon and trickling out slowly thereafter - River Patrol, at 9:30 AM, reported "slow" action throughout the run, with better ("moderate") action the higher up you went in the run - the predominant fish today were Steelhead showing up throughout the run, all moving upriver, with Chinook ("King") salmon showing up in the lower section, holding there, as well as a single Brown Trout today - mostly 1s and 2s, some 3s and 4s, for our guests today, with the best action before 11:30 AM, when it seemed to all shut down . . . there were some guests that reported a very good day, a matter of having the right skills sets and being at the right place at the right time - one very happy guest, accompanied by his friend, reported that he brought to hand a Steelhead that "wouldn't even fit into the net!" - it's those times when all the factors just seem to come together for you, or when you bring that fish of a lifetime to hand, where it makes it all worthwhile . . . featured are young Caleb with one of several Steelhead; and Teruko with a solid Steelhead, guided by DSR Guide Tom Layton of Tom's Guide Service May be an image of 1 person


36° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:53am

Sunset: 4:44pm

550 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



November 10, 2023

The start to the holiday weekend brought a sizeable crowd with it today.  Weather conditions were comfortable, again, despite the wind.  Winds were minimal until later this morning, but became increasingly tough as the day went on, and putting more leaves in the water with it.  Reports from anglers and our River Patrol this morning indicated moderate success, particularly in the middle of the property, with a few salmon reported in the mix with the steelhead caught.  Reports this afternoon echoed that of the morning, with the middle section seeing the most success, and lower sections seeing a slow pick.  It seems most anglers however were able to land a few fish each, with the several being an exception reporting double digits.  Temperatures are forecasted to drop tonight, settling at freezing by sunrise, and then expected to crawl back to a high of 40 F by mid day.


47° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 4:45pm

583 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 9, 2023

A bit of a wintery mix overnight, turned to rain, resulting stained water first thing this morning.  Temperatures warmed up from yesterday, back into the high 40's, and brought some high winds with it.  Many of our anglers continued to reiterate the difficulty they experienced fighting leaves again today.  Reports from our anglers indicated a tougher day, than yesterday, with most of the run reporting a slow start given the water conditions.  Most anglers were fortunate to hook and land several fish, some with a few more than several, but a tough day overall with the water up a bit and being cloudy.


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 4:46pm

603 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 8, 2023

Temperatures dropped below freezing last night, and only warmed up a hair, reaching a high of about 38 F this afternoon.  Despite the cold, weather and water conditions were ideal.  The continued nuisance, is the leaves.  A light crowd today, but no where near the number of anglers we saw just a few days ago.  Quite a number of anglers fished nearly the entirety of the day, sun up to sun down, and that certainly speaks for itself.  While a few anglers indicated a tough time finding fish today, a number of anglers indicated the fishing was better today than that of the past week or so.  Reports from our River Patrol both this morning and afternoon indicated moderate action throughout the run, with a steady pick of steelhead.


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:49am

Sunset: 4:47pm

537 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 7, 2023

Conditions were comfortable today, until the wind kicked in, making things quite tricky for most of our anglers.  Temperatures began in the mid 50's , with just a touch of rain early on. Winds picked up early afternoon, driving a majority of anglers off the water, and calling it quits, most on a good note.  A few anglers indicated success nearly everywhere they went, traveling the length of the property.  It seemed if you were able to seek refuge from the high winds, the fishing was pretty good today.  However, despite some being able to get out of the wind, nearly all our anglers made mention that the carpet of leaves coming down river, wasn't necessarily working in their favor today. Temperatures are expected to drop down to 30 F, and just break freezing by 9:00 AM.


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 4:48pm

537 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 6, 2023

Strong winds and some light rain made it feel closer to freezing, than the reported 49 F today.  Regardless of the rather tough conditions, a considerable number of anglers joined us to start the week.  Morning reports from our anglers and River Patrol indicated moderate action in the middle sections of the run, with lower and upper sections reported slower activity.  Based on reports from anglers and our River Patrol this afternoon, it's safe to say that most of the success came this morning.  Upper sections of the run reported light angling, with little to report.  Middle sections continue to report the highest volume of anglers, with low success.  Lower sections also reported reported low pressure, and minimal success.  Water temperatures were a reported 46 F today.


47° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:46am

Sunset: 4:50pm

519 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 5, 2023

A front moved through this morning bringing us clearing skies, which by the afternoon were free of clouds. A beautiful day to be on the run, but I think the front moving through and the clear skies put the fish off the feed. A difficult bite was reported from nearly all our anglers and was significantly different than the reports of yesterday evening. Even our float fishermen had a difficult time bringing fish to hand today. The good news is that the consensus is that the fish are there, they're just not in a playful mood. Lots of fish were spotted and "stepped on" but they just didn't want to play. Hopefully, they'll settle in and tomorrow should prove to be an improvement over today. That's typically the pattern. Water temperature this morning was 48 degrees and clear. The flow from the dam remains at 335 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 506 cfs.


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:45am

Sunset: 4:51pm

506 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



November 4, 2023

Rain in the morning and then overcast skies throughout the day with temperatures rising to the low fifties (with little wind) made for pretty good Steelhead fishing conditions. The reports from this morning suggest that a few individuals that happened across a "honey hole" did very well, but overall the action was slow to moderate (although most agreed that the fishing was better today than it was yesterday.. This afternoon, however, things seemed to change. While the conditions couldn't be described as "hot and heavy" the fishing was steady throughout the run with every major hole producing numerous fish for our anglers. That's a good way to end the day and it suggests tomorrow could be a good one.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:43am

Sunset: 5:52pm

506 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release



November 3, 2023

This weather is something! Bitter cold and snow, back to mid 50's.  Conditions were pretty optimal, despite the steadily increasing winds. Water temperatures this morning began at a reported 44 F and reach about 49 F by mid day.  Given the fair weather, we saw a bit of surge in angling pressure today.  While the conditions were favorable the fishing seemed to be tough for many of our anglers, with a considerable number of anglers with a skunk.  Upper sections of the property indicated nearly non existent angling pressure, with little to report.  Middle sections, again, had the most concentrated effort, with moderate success.  Lower sections reported low angling pressure, with minimal success and movement.  


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:42am

Sunset: 5:53pm

506 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Updated Hours of Operation (Nov. 5 – Nov.16) – 6:00 AM to 5:45 PM – 

Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 2, 2023

Things were off to a good start this morning, and then the sun came out.  With a lack of cloud coverage in early morning, things seemed to turn off quite quickly once the sun cast over the water.  Water temperatures this morning were a reported 45 F, and rose to about 48 F by mid day.  Fortunately, we were spared a few of the elements, with the rain showers holding off, and minimal wind only knocking just a few leaves into the river today.  Regardless of conditions, a majority of our anglers were able to find a fish or two in their outings.  Most success today came from the middle sections of the run, with little reported from the upper sections.


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:41am

Sunset: 5:55pm

519 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability – 

November 1, 2023

It was only a matter of time.  This morning we saw our first blanket of snow, but with temperatures on the cusp of freezing, rain showers and snow flurries ensued. Initial water temperatures this morning were 49 F. Angling pressure today was similar to yesterday, with plenty of open water for the anglers that decided to stick it out in this less than favorable 'fall' weather.  The reports from our River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today indicated a bit of slow start, but after covering ground throughout the day, nearly all reported several steelhead landed each.  A couple of anglers, with a few more than several.  Overall, the middle and lower sections continue to be the most productive, but also seeing the most concentrated efforts from anglers.


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:39am

Sunset: 5:56pm

544 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability –