31° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

August 31, 2023

The weather improved significantly, but unfortunately the fishing did not keep pace. Morning reports were more positive than this afternoon with most anglers getting into a a few fish and bringing a fish to hand. All kings and no reports of any trout in the mix. This afternoon the reports were less favorable with a few fish sighted here and there, a couple anglers brought one to hand, but a more consistent report of "no fish sighted". We've had the same number of anglers as we have had over the past several days (i.e. a couple dozen) so I have to conclude that, while there are still fish there, they are not in the numbers of the past several days. The higher water this weekend is reason to be optimistic about the next several days, however.  


63° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:27am

Sunset: 7:43pm

260 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 30, 2023

Today was very similar to yesterday. About two dozen anglers joined us on the run and had some rain showers in the morning which gave way to clearing skies and cooler temperatures for the balance of the day. Fishing reports were similar as well in that pretty much everyone saw fish (some more than others) most were able to get into more fish than they were able to land (due to the strength of these fish at this time of year). 1 for 7, 1 for 5, 2 for 8, 0 for 2 are representative reports. It's nice to know that the fish are still here and are providing ample action for our guests. One angler that fished for a couple hours this afternoon, when asked how it was, replied: "I had some fun down there. I don't know if I had the fish or it had me. Couldn't move him." I didn't receive any reports of Steelhead or Browns being brought to hand today. Water from the dam will remain at 185 cfs until 9:00 PM tomorrow when it will go to 350 cfs (and up from there for the weekend. Current flow at the Pineville gauge is 268 cfs


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:26am

Sunset: 7:45pm

268 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 29, 2023

A couple dozen anglers joined us for what turned out to be a beautiful day.  Clear skies, calm winds, and temperatures into the mid-70's.  While not all anglers provided a report this afternoon, those with whom I spoke all indicated that they saw salmon.  Some significantly more than other but sufficient  for me to conclude that there are good numbers of fish in the run.  Of course not all were interested in cooperating, some were "hunkered down" but enough did  cooperate to allow most of those with whom I spoke get in to multiple fish, bring a fish or two to hand, and  couple were able to bring their limit to the net.  One angler, fishing the middle section was able to bring a beautiful Steelhead to hand.  Seems a bit early for Steelhead, but then things seem to be happening early this year.  Hopefully pointed to another banner year on the Salmon River


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:24am

Sunset: 7:46pm

256 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 28, 2023

CFS at the dam 185, CFS at the Pineville gauge 256 - water temperature 63 degrees to start, mid-day it had risen to 68 degrees - the day started with temperatures in the low 60s, with a peak of 76 degrees - skies alternated between partly cloudy, hazy with bright sunshine, to almost all overcast - winds were light and variable - 35 guests joined us on the run today, from opening time until as late as 4:30 PM - many fished the morning, took a break during the afternoon, and returned to fish the late afternoon to evening hours - most of our guests reported the most fish activity before 9 AM - three of our guests fished the lower end of the run from early morning until 12:30 PM - they reported a dozen fish passing by, without any action on their part - at 1 PM a guest reported seeing fish splashing in the lower portion, but not hooking up - a bit after that, two guests reported 0 / 4 each, fishing the upper portion, to include a Brown Trout - they observed two young men bringing to hand four salmon each, while they were fishing in the upper area - 1:15 PM two anglers reported 1 / 4 (to include a Brown Trout) and 0 / 2 while fishing the lower portion - at 1:45 PM a guest came off the run, reporting that his buddy just brought to hand a 23" Atlantic Salmon while swinging a fly in the middle section - the picture of Kenny, with the Atlantic Salmon, is featured - at 2:30 PM a guest reported 0 / 1 in the upper section - just after 4 PM one guest reported 0 / 10, all on nymphs, but they kept straightening his hooks until he re-rigged with a single green egg - at 4:15 PM one angler reported 1 / 1, while another pair of guests reported 2 / 3 between them using an orange estatz fly - at 4:45 PM a guest reported seeing a dozen fish, but not being able to hook up - at 5:30 PM a group of three guests, including the Kenny previously mentioned, reported 0 / 1, 0 / 1, with Kenny ending his day 1 / 4 (to include the Atlantic Salmon and a Brown Trout that escaped) - - there will be a 60 percent chance of rain tonight, with an overnight low of 63 degrees - forecast for tomorrow is: Considerable cloudiness. Occasional rain showers in the afternoon. High 76F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40% - sounds like a good salmon fishing day!


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:23am

Sunset: 7:48pm

256 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 27, 2023

It appears that the flow being dropped improved the fishing today. Our guests reported that there was movement in the upper part of the run this morning with several Kings being landed, numerous hookups and one Brown brought to hand. The middle section saw action most of the day. One angler went down river with little success. The weather for tonight a few passing clouds. Low 56F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow's weather will be sunshine and clouds mixed. Slight chance of a rain shower. High around 75F. Winds light and variable. The flow out of the Dam thru 11:59pm on the 28th will be 185CFS.


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:22am

Sunset: 7:50pm

264 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 26, 2023

CFS at the dam 350 to start the day, dropped to 285 as of 7 AM, projected to further drop to 185 at 7 AM tomorrow, 27 August - CFS at the Pineville gauge 488 first thing this AM, dropped to 398 over the course of the day - air temperature at 4:45 AM already up to 68 degrees, and climbed to only 72 by early evening - partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies dominated the day, with brief intervals of clearing skies and bright sunshine - light to moderate breezes throughout the day - 38 anglers joined us on the run today, with an anxious group at the gates upon opening, all the way to a trickle of afternoon-only pass holders arriving as late as 3:30 PM, and one at 4:30 PM - of the 19 guests who I was able to directly meet up with on their way out, three had brought four fish to hand between them (one was 1 / 6, another was 2 / 6, and one was 1 / 1 for a nice Brown Trout), seven others had twelve fish hooked up (to include two large Brown Trout), but were unable to bring any of those to hand because they were "too feisty"- the remaining only sighted fish moving, but that included several large Brown Trout - Brown Trout being in the river system this early, and in significant numbers, is slightly unusual, I believe - typically, it seemed that activity was at it's highest during the early morning, with a lull in the action starting mid-morning through early afternoon - we had quite a few guests who came in from other parts of the river, a few that left our run for other parts of the river, and others still who left and came back repeatedly - essentially, early-season "scouting" based on the grapevine reporting.


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:21am

Sunset: 7:51pm

398 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



August 25, 2023

Some welcome news for the anglers this weekend, the flow is being dropped. At 9am today the flow dropped to 350CFS, starting tomorrow at 7am another drop to 285CFS and on Sunday the 27th at 7am down to 185CFS. The water clarity has been improving. One Salmon was landed along with some Small Mouth and Fall fish. There were a few anglers that had hook-ups, but were unable to land them. The weather for tonight will be partly cloudy this evening. Scattered thunderstorms developing after midnight. Low near 65F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%. Tomorrow's forecast scattered thunderstorms in the morning, then partly cloudy late. High 73F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Last angler update...the bite picked up early evening with a King taken, caught on a brown wooly bear. This guest went one for three.


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:20am

Sunset: 7:53pm

494 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



August 24, 2023

About a dozen anglers joined us over the course of the day with the last angler leaving in the early evening. Overcast skies, chilly temperatures, and occasional drizzle was the weather for today. Looks to be about the same for tomorrow. There are still salmon being sighted. Nothing serious, but maybe a total of around a dozen fish in total. One angler reported going one for one with a female chinook a little after 9:00 AM and then it was a fish here and a fish there reported throughout the morning. (0/1 and 0/3) Two season pass holders reported seeing a half dozen fish early at the lower end of the run. The updated forecast from Safewaters is that the flow will drop to 750 cfs at 9:00 PM this evening and stay at that 750 cfs level until midnight Friday. Current flow at Pineville is 1390 cfs


65° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:19am

Sunset: 7:55pm

1390 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



August 23, 2023

CFS at the dam 1200 (no projection beyond midnight tonight), CFS at the Pineville gauge 1400 - air temperatures started at 61 degrees and climbed to it's current 76 degrees - hazy skies and sunshine, with light breezes all day, made for a very pleasant day to be on the run - we had seven guests join us today, roughly half in the morning, roughly half in the afternoon (two of those as late as 4:30 PM) - the morning "shift" only reported a couple of small Smallmouth Bass, and remarked that the water was somewhat cloudy - one guest fished the AM, went 0 / 7 on salmon, sighted maybe 15 total, came back in PM but saw nothing - a guest who checked in around 4:30 PM came off the water at 6:45 PM - he sighted a few salmon, and saw others hooking up, but stated the water was still muddy - a pair of guests, who also checked in around 4:30 PM today, came off the water at 7:30 PM - they did not hook up, but saw plenty of fresh salmon, some jumping - another young guest, fishing all day with his grandfather, went 0 / 11 this morning, his grandfather 0 / 3, with fresh (silver) salmon - the lad stated there were a lot of fish moving, more so in the morning and just recently as we move into dusk - only one guest left out there, who checked in at around 6:30 PM, so I'll get this posted and, if anything significant occurs, I will update you - tonight there may be some rain showers (good), tomorrow will be overcast (also good), high of 68 (good), with afternoon showers (good!)


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:18am

Sunset: 7:56pm

1400 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



August 22, 2023

Cool overnight temperatures and sunny skies with temperatures in the low 70's contributed to making it a beautiful day on the run. About a dozen anglers joined us today and even with the water around 1500 cfs at the DSR a few salmon were spotted again today. One was still carrying hardware (a flasher) that he must have picked up in the lack. Three anglers fished until near sunset with one season pass holder fishing from a canoe at the lower end got into a few salmon but "wasn't able to hold them." (He did indicate that he observed more fish last night than he did today). Water from the dam is to remain at 1200 cfs through midnight Wednesday and the current flow at Pineville is 1420 cfs


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:17am

Sunset: 7:58pm

1420 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



August 21, 2023

CFS at the dam currently 750, will rise to 1200 at 9 PM tonight - CFS at the Pineville gauge 998 - air temperatures remained steady at 71 degrees all day - water temperatures were 68 degrees this AM - hazy skies and abundant sunshine made for a pleasant day on the run - 13 guests joined us, the last one in the early afternoon - most had left by 2:30 PM - several guest reported sighting "bright" fish, with one reliable source reporting an even dozen, but none were brought to hand - tomorrow's weather and conditions will be similar to today's, excepting the CFS increase - update: at 7:15 PM the last guest on the run came off - he reported 0 / 4 for salmon - "they're in there!"


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:15am

Sunset: 8:00pm

998 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 20, 2023

Temperatures stayed in the upper 70's for most of the day. The flow out of the Dam stayed at 750CFS and about 1100CFS out of Pineville. At 9:00pm tomorrow night, the 21st, the flow will drop to 285CFS. The action on the majority of the run was slow with a few sightings. The upper end was a different story, the last three anglers saw quite a bit of action with several hookups and one landed. The fish were jumping around the Black Hole today. The water clarity was good. Tomorrow's weather looks to be cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 73F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:14am

Sunset: 8:01pm

1040 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 19, 2023

CFS at the dam 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1160 to start the day - the CFS remained constant throughout the day, only dropping to 1150 - our forecasted rain showers never materialized - rather, we started cloudy, mid-morning we changed to partly cloudy with blue patches, and now we are at hazy skies without clouds - plenty of sunshine throughout mid-morning through closing, with consistent fairly light winds - our opening air temperature was 65 degrees, and we climbed to 74 degrees for our high - we had a total of seven guests today, with four not joining us until the early to late afternoon - one of the all-day guests, who checked-in just after 6 AM, was shortly rewarded with the first Chinook salmon brought to hand at the DSR this season, weighing in around 20 pounds - Norbert, year after year, is usually the first to accomplish this hallmark - he went on to bring to hand a second salmon, in the mid-afternoon, about 12 pounds - only one other guest took a small break around 5:45 PM - he reported 0 / 1 for a hen salmon that he battled to the shoreline before it took off - he also reported sighting three other salmon cruising through - this guest went right back down to the run, tried a few holes, without further action, leaving around 6 PM - just prior to 6 PM, one of our afternoon guests came off the run - he fished a limited area of the middle section, and was able to hook into a few Smallmouth Bass and Fallfish, but he did not see any salmon moving through - two other guests had checked in around 6:15 AM but have not yet come off the run - something must be keeping them occupied . . . I'll publish this report, then update if there is anything of note -


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:13am

Sunset: 8:03pm

1150 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 18, 2023

Due to the high water (2200 cfs from the dam) we were closed to fishing today. That was the bad news. The good news is the water flow from the dam was to go to 750 cfs beginning at 3:00 PM this afternoon. At this hour (4:30 PM) the water has not dropped at the Pineville gauge, but it should be going down in the next hour or so. It will be interesting to see if the quick bump in the water encouraged any salmon to nose up into the run. Cooler temperatures overnight tomorrow and sunnier skies and a high of 72 degrees is forecast for tomorrow. Should be a nice day.


63° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:12am

Sunset: 8:04pm

2600 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



August 17, 2023

Another day that began overcast with the sun making its appearance for the afternoon. Rising temperatures and humidity became noticeable but not uncomfortable. Only three anglers joined us on the run. The first two, both season pass holders fished from early morning until noon with water temperatures rising from 66-69 degrees. No fish brought to hand, but did report seeing one salmon each. We had another angler join us around 4:00 PM fished for three and a half hours and got into a bunch of small smallmouth, but no salmon sightings. Water level has been raised to 2200 cfs from the dam. The DSR will be closed to fishing tomorrow. Office hours will be 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:11am

Sunset: 8:06pm

436 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



August 16, 2023

Clouds gave way to a beautiful day with increased sunshine. We had a couple of anglers fish the run for a solid 10 hours today and although they were not able hook into a fish they did see one salmon move quickly through some shallow water into a deeper pool and disappear. Tomorrow? Who knows. Might see another tomorrow and might not see another for some time. It's that time of year, but we now know for certain that they'll come. A season pass holder also fished for a couple hours this afternoon, noted that the water was muddy, and did not see any fish . Water from the dam is 285 cfs until midnight and the current flow at Pineville is 519 cfs


77° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:10am

Sunset: 8:07pm

519 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



August 16, 2023

Same Day Pass / Afternoon Pass Availability & Purchasing

Same Day Pass / Afternoon Pass Availability & Purchasing

-‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes - (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) -
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
- Afternoon Passes -
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:10am

Sunset: 8:07pm

519 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



August 15, 2023

Overcast al day, but fortunately no rain.  A bit humid but overall not a bad weather day on the run.  Happy to see that the water level has continued to drop and the current flow from the dam is 350 cfs and the current flow at the Pineville gauge is 494 cfs. Despite the improved water conditions we only had two anglers try their luck today. One season pass holder fished the better part of the morning swinging flies without luck and reported not seeing any fish movement. A second season pass holder fished for a couple of hours late in the day with similar results.


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:09am

Sunset: 8:09pm

494 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



August 14, 2023

A few anglers took advantage of the beautiful weather and drop in water, but without success. A season pass holder swung flies for a couple of hours in the lower river without success or any sightings of fish. At this hour( 7:30 PM) a couple of lodge guest are fishing the mid-section, but at this point have nothing to report. The water from the dam is scheduled to remain at 750 cfs through midnight tomorrow and the current flow at the Pineville gauge is 893 cfs.


70° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:08am

Sunset: 8:10pm

893 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 13, 2023

The storms of yesterday have passed and given way to an absolutely beautiful day at the DSR. Two anglers took advantage of the weather and swung flies in the lower section of the run, without success. Still no sign of salmon, but with the water running at 1800 cfs it's difficult to tell what might have come in. It could be interesting to see what might be around tomorrow as the water will be dropping to 750 cfs starting at 8:00 PM this evening


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:06am

Sunset: 8:12pm

2050 CFS Pineville Gauge

1800 CFS Dam Release



August 12, 2023

Sun and dry conditions started off the day. There were intermittent rain and thunderstorms along with a Tornado Watch, which kept all but three anglers off of the run today. So far no salmon sighted, the water is high and muddy, this from one of the anglers as he was leaving this afternoon. Water flow out of the Dam will be 1800CFS thru 11:59pm Sunday night 8/13.


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:05am

Sunset: 8:13pm

2040 CFS Pineville Gauge

1800 CFS Dam Release



August 11, 2023

Temperatures were above average this week, getting into the 80's on a few days. The rain closed the run down for two days with the flow over 2000CFS on the 9th and 10th. The water temperature today was 68F, down from over the weekend. There's yet to be a salmon sighted. The flow today was 750CFS and it was noted by a season passholder that the water had some color. The water flow out of the dam is projected to go from 750CFS to 1800CFS at 9pm tonight and will remain there until 11:59pm on the 12th.


71° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:04am

Sunset: 8:15pm

893 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 7, 2023

Temperatures this weekend stayed just shy of the 80 F mark, but water temperatures remained in the low 70's even with the minimal sun we had.  Despite the increased flows from the scheduled 'white water' release, a handful of anglers joined us over the weekend, continuing to report decent numbers of small mouth bass with a few guests reporting just about a half dozen landed in their outings.  The current dam release is 285 CFS with a reported flow of 308 CFS at the Pineville gauge this afternoon.  


78° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:00am

Sunset: 8:20pm

308 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




Now Hiring! – Join our River Patrol Team – Apply now by visiting –

Full Time & Part Time Positions Available

August 4, 2023

This week we experienced a welcome break from the hot and humid weather. Some perfect days of low humidity and daily high temperatures in the lower 70's Water temperatures ranged in the mid to upper 60's. Only a few anglers took advantage of the conditions, and were able to get into a few small mouth basses in the smallish size. Water release from the dam will be 350 cfs until 10:00 PM this evening at which point it will go to 750 cfs through the balance of the week Join the Team! - Apply now by visiting - . . Full Time & Part Time Positions Available . . Douglaston Salmon Run is currently seeking outgoing, professional & customer service oriented individuals to become a part of our seasonal River Patrol staff this Fall.


76° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:56am

Sunset: 8:24pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

