34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

September 30, 2023

PM Report:  Fishing reports were listed as moderate to good throughout the entire stretch of the river this afternoon, with the middle section seeing a bit more action overall.  Kings remain the predominant fish brought to hand with Coho numbers increasing incrementally over the past week.  We also had confirmed reports of (2) Atlantics caught as well as a Brown Trout from the upper reaches of the river. The flow from the Damn remains at 350 cfs while Pineville is reporting 447 cfs thru midnight 10/1/2023.


69° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:00am

Sunset: 6:48pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 30, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 447, air temperature at opening time was 57 degrees, water temperature 60 degrees, currently hazy blue skies, brilliant sunshine, light breezes - estuary section reported fish being present, but not a lot of these fish moving into the run, providing guests with "slow" (hooking up, but few and far between) action on Chinook ("King") salmon - just upriver, there are some fish moving through, providing guests with "moderate" (hooking up, but could be better) to "excellent" (can't keep the fish off the line) action, all King salmon - there are a lot of fish also holding and splashing around, appearing to be making redds and exhibiting spawning behavior - in the lower section Kings are moving through, providing moderate action for our guests - as we reach the middle section, fish are both moving up, and holding in pools, with predominately Kings showing up lower down in this section, and a mix of Kings and Cohos higher up in this section, providing moderate to slower action the further up we go into this section - the upper section varies from slow to moderate action for our guests, with a mix of Kings and Cohos, these fish moving up into the section then hunkering down into pools -
featured are Hunter (blue hat), with his first Chinook ("King") salmon, guided by DSR Guide Scott Mathna of RedLegg Outfitters; "RJ" (blue shirt) and Damien (tan shirt), posing with a brace of Kings, guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service; Steve (camouflage hat), and Ron (Cabela's shirt), with their Kings, guided by DSR Guide Pau Conklin of Paul's Guide Service


61° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:00am

Sunset: 6:48pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 29, 2023

Overcast skies in the morning gave way to sunny skies in the afternoon. Coincidentally, fishing action was reported as being better in the morning than it was this afternoon. That being said, this afternoon's fishing was, by any measure, still very good. Numerous anglers that I spoke with reported becoming exhausted by playing large numbers of fish. Mostly Kings, but solid number of Coho as well. A few browns and Steelhead added to the mix. Late this afternoon, the lower section of the run was winning top honors for the most action although the mid-and upper-sections were reporting moderate anglers present and moderate to good fishing success.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 6:50pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 29, 2023

AM Fishing Report: The water temperature this morning was 60F. The weather for today is overcast. High around 70F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. No rain in the forecast for the next few days. The River Patrol is seeing fish moving upriver along the entire run, with fish holding in some of the pools. The action has been moderate on most of the run with the south side of the lower section seeing good action. All beats are seeing Kings, Cohos sighted at the upper end and Browns in the lower section. The flow remains at 350CFS thru midnight tonight. - ATTENTION GUESTS : DUE TO TECHNICAL ISSUES BEYOND OUR CONTROL - 'SAME DAY' & AFTERNOON PASS SALES WILL NOW BE CONDUCTED IN PERSON. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS, ON HOW TO OBTAIN FULL DAY 'WALK-UP' OR AFTERNOON ACCESS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  


59° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 6:50pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 28, 2023

Seems like for most of our anglers, you couldn't ask for much better fishing.  While the day had it's ups and downs, most of the run reported fairly good success throughout the day.  This afternoon our river patrol indicated light angling pressure in the upper sections of the property, but fishing consistently, with fish steadily moving through.  Middle sections of the property reported a moderate amount of angling pressure with a mix of Kings and Cohos moving through slowly.  Lower sections of the property indicated the most angling pressure, as well as the most success, catching a mix of both king and Cohos.  It's certainly been quite a year for the Atlantic salmon, with one lucky season pass holder (pictured below) bringing his first to hand this afternoon, fishing the the middle section of the run. ATTENTION GUESTS : DUE TO TECHNICAL ISSUES BEYOND OUR CONTROL - 'SAME DAY' & AFTERNOON PASS SALES WILL NOW BE CONDUCTED IN PERSON. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS, ON HOW TO OBTAIN FULL DAY 'WALK-UP' OR AFTERNOON ACCESS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:58am

Sunset: 6:52pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 28, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS 350 at the dam, 442 at the Pineville gauge, air temperature at opening was 51 degrees, water temperature 58 degrees, mostly overcast with patches of blue peeking through, light breezes - the estuary section reported "lots of fish, moving up!" - all other sections of the run also reported fish pushing up and through those sections - just upriver of the estuary, guests were enjoying "moderate" action (hooking up, could be better) on primarily Chinook ("King") salmon - in the middle section, guests were again enjoying moderate success, primarily Kings, with Cohos mixing in at the top part of this particular section - the middle section reported moderate guest action, primarily Kings, again with a smattering of Cohos near the top of this section, and a few Brown Trout in the medley as well - the top section echoed the moderate guest action on Kings and Cohos - one guest, who came off the run early, reported "steady" hookups with fish "everywhere, running up, down, and around" - sounds like the start of a good day - we are currently sold out of full day passes, but afternoon-only passes will be posted online for sale at 10 AM, redeemable at 1 PM - at 1 PM we will also sell afternoon-only passes at the window until we have to cut off sales


53° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:58am

Sunset: 6:52pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 27, 2023

Another nice weather day and the fishing wasn't bad either. Not quite the action of yesterday, but all things are relative. Today was still a very good day with no complaints from our anglers and no shortage of fish movement, hooked fish, and fish brought to hand. A higher concentration of Kings than we have had of late, but there are still plenty of nice-sized Coho in the mix. This afternoons fishing reports indicate that the lower section of the run was the most active with a good amount of hookups. We also had reports of fish moving jumping and moving up from the estuary.


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:57am

Sunset: 6:54pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 27, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS 350 at the dam, CFS at the Pineville gauge 442, opening time air temperature 50 degrees, water temperature 58 degrees, hazy blue skies with wisps of clouds, bright sunshine, dead calm - estuary section reported Chinook ("Kings") and Coho salmon moving up into the run, providing guests "slow" (hook-ups few and far between") action - just upriver, this surge of fish moving through that section provided "good" action (hooking up steadily) for our guests - in the lower section, primarily Kings were continuing their movement upriver, providing our guests with "moderate" (hooking up, could be better) action - in the lower part of the middle section, we again have Kings and Cohos showing up, with a sprinkling of Steelhead, providing moderate action for our guests, with Kings holding in the upper part of this section - the upper section has both Kings and Cohos moving through, providing initially moderate action, tapering to slow action further up, for our guests
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Purchase Via : or walk-up after 7 AM
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


52° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:57am

Sunset: 6:54pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 26, 2023

Reasonable temperature, overcast skies, and little wind were the weather factors for the day. Add to that excellent movement of fish throughout the day and we had a day that "it's hard to ask for anything more." Section of the run to fish? Pick your poison. Top to bottom, the reports from our anglers were that fishing was consistently good regardless of the section of the run one was fishing or the particular location (hole) within that section. Kings mostly, good numbers of Coho, with little reports of trout. Significantly more fish were hooked than were brought to hand, but we're talking about, in many instances, double-digit hook ups. I had one regular season pass holder leave around 1:00 say "For the first time this year, I got tired of hooking fish." Another season pass holder, when asked how the fishing was, replied, "If I had to use one word it would be steady. "Steady, consistent good fishing throughout the day, throughout the run.


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:56am

Sunset: 6:56pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 26, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS 350 at the dam, 442 at the Pineville gauge, opening time air temperature 59 degrees, water temperature 60 degrees, overcast with indistinct patches of blue, dead calm - the estuary section reported predominately Kings moving up at first light, since slowed to "holding in pools", providing "slow" (hooking up, few and far between) action for our guests - just upriver this flow of fish into the run provided "moderate" guest action (hooking up, could be better), on both Chinook ("King") salmon and Steelhead, with the fish moving up though this section as well - in the lower section, fishing action was described as moderate, all Kings, some starting to hunker down into pools - middle section reported fish actively moving upriver, a mix of Kings and Coho, providing guests with moderate action - upper section starts out with moderate action, slow near the top, with Kings and Coho tapering to Kings only at the top, with a mix of fish continuing to move up, with some choosing to start holing up at first light -
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Purchase Via : or walk-up after 7 AM
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter
featured are two lucky anglers, from 25 Sep '23, with beautiful fish, including an elusive Atlantic Salmon


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:56am

Sunset: 6:56pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 25, 2023

Anglers this afternoon reported a small uptick in activity with reports of steady kings along with a few Cohos throughout the run, we even had one angler report his best day yet. The weather continues to feel more like summer with mild temperatures and sunny skies and no rain in the weekly forecast.


71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 6:57pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 25, 2023

AM Fishing Report: The water temperature remains the same at 60F. The weather for today mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 74F. Winds light and variable. On the run today, River Patrol noted that most anglers are seeing moderate action, Kings and Cohos with a few Brown Trout thrown in the mix. The fish are mostly moving up river, with the exception of the lower end, where they're moving up and down.

Salmon Run Lodge 25, 28-30 September (20% discount as well!)
We have other prime-time lodging available on other dates during September and through mid-October (dates are also available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


60° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 6:57pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 24, 2023

PM Fishing Report:  Reports from all portions of the river appeared to slow a bit from the morning report.  Kings and Cohos were far and away the most abundant reported catch with just a handful of steelhead and browns falling 3rd and 4th in fish brought to hand.  Once again the temperatures stayed moderate as has been the norm, with fairly heavy cloud cover that persisted thru the afternoon into the evening, but didn't seem to spur any increases in the amount of fish caught, or seen moving into the river from the estuary. Flow from the damn continues at 350 cfs thru midnight 9/25/2023 The Pineville gauge is reading 447 cfs.


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:53am

Sunset: 6:59pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 24, 2023

AM Fishing Report: The water temperature was 60F this morning, a little up from yesterday. The weather for today is cloudy skies. Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 70F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. All beats are reporting Kings and Cohos being sighted through out the run, some Steelhead at the bottom of the run. At first light there was good action at the top of the run, which as since calmed down a bit. The fish are holding at the top and the bottom of the run, with movement up river through out the middle. Release from the Dam still at 350CFS.

Salmon Run Lodge 25, 28-30 September (20% discount as well!)
We have other prime-time lodging available on other dates during September and through mid-October (dates are also available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


56° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:53am

Sunset: 6:59pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 23, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 447, air temperature at opening was 57 degrees, water temperature 58 degrees, light overcast, light breezes, no precipitation forecasted - estuary section reported "slow" guest action (hooking up, but few and far between), on Chinook ("Kings"), with good movement of fish into the run at first light, but since slowed down - just upriver, there was "moderate" guest action (hooking up, but could be better) on Kings and a Brown Trout, with fish continuing to move through that section - in the lower section, guest action was described as "slow" to "quiet" (no action), with both Kings and Coho showing up in the mix, the fish holding in place - in the middle section, guest action ranged from slow to moderate, primarily on Kings, with one Atlantic Salmon in the mix for a lucky angler, and the fish moving upriver as well as holding up in pools - at the upper section, we again see a range of guest action from slow to moderate, with Kings and Coho lower down, and primarily Kings further up, with fish moving up and through that section -
We have some prime-time lodges that just became available for immediate booking (2023 only - these are not eligible for rebooking in 2024):
Meadow Lodge 24 - 25 September (20% discount on rates!)
Salmon Run Lodge 25, 28-30 September (20% discount as well!)
We have other prime-time lodging available on other dates during September and through mid-October (dates are also available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter
featured are Mike (blue hoodie), with a very fresh Chinook ("King") salmon, who was guided by DSR Guide Paul Conklin of Paul's Guide Service; Doug (camouflage hat), with a near-mythical Atlantic Salmon, as well as a brace of very hefty Kings, guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service; Daryl (green waders) and John (tan waders), both with their first ever King salmon, guided by DSR Guide Scott Mathna of RedLegg Outfitters


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:52am

Sunset: 7:01pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 22, 2023

It's hard to beat this weather, especially as we near the final week of September.  Fishing this morning proved to be a bit more productive than this afternoon, but overall, activity today has seemed to improve quite a bit regardless.  Reports from the upper sections of the property indicated minimal angling pressure, with some fish reported moving through once in a while.  The middle section reported a bit more angling pressure, and a bit more action.  Anglers have reported a majority of fish being kings, but it seems there have been a fair amount of Coho.  Lower sections of the property reported similar activity to that of the middle section this afternoon with fish consistently moving up and through.  

‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:03pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 22, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 447, air temperature at opening time 51 degrees, water temperature 58 degrees, currently hazy blue skies with diffused but bright sunshine, dead calm - the estuary section reported fish, both Chinook ("Kings") and Cohos jumping in the North and center channels, moving up into the run - guest action in the estuary section is described as "slow" (hooking up, however few and far between) - just upriver, guest action is "moderate" (hooking up, but could be better), on the Kings and Cohos moving through initially, but now holding up in that area - the lower section described guest action as slow to moderate, primarily Kings, with fish moving both upriver and downriver (the fish headed downriver are most probably Coho, which tend to change their direction suddenly) - the center section reported guest action as primarily moderate, with both Kings and Cohos, moving upriver initially but now starting to hunker down into pools - the upper section was fairly active this morning, with guest action described as moderate, on both Kings and Coho, with fish moving through and, again, starting to hunker down with the sun coming up - the uppermost section has fish, primarily Kings, holding and providing slow action for our guests -
We have some prime-time lodges that just became available for immediate booking (2023 only - these are not eligible for rebooking in 2024):
Meadow Lodge 24 - 25 September
Salmon Run Lodge 25-30 September
We have other prime-time lodging available on other dates during September and through mid-October (dates are also available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter
featured are: Joe (blue ball cap), captured in a great action photograph, then posing with a nice brace of Chinook ("King") salmon, guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service; Joe (dark brown shirt), with his first ever King salmon, guided by DSR Guide Scott Mathna of RedLegg Outfitters; and Mike, with a chrome Coho, guided by DSR Guide Paul Conklin of Paul's Guide Service - congratulations to all!


60° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:03pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 21, 2023

Nearly a carbon copy report of yesterday afternoon. Honestly, the weather couldn't be nicer. But like yesterday, the number of fish that guests have encountered varies greatly throughout the run. The middle of the run has been most productive while the upper and lower sections have reported a few fish but in general are fairly slow. The estuary reports good numbers of fish but they seem content to stay where they are. Kings continue to be the predominant species caught but a handful of cohos and a lone brown also made an appearance in River Patrol's report.
Flow from the dam remains at 350 cfs through midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville 447 cfs.
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


68° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 7:05pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 21, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453, opening air temperature 48 degrees, water temperature 57 degrees, slightly hazy but sunny skies, dead calm - reports from the estuary are that Chinook ("King") salmon are there, moving up into the run, providing our guests with "moderate" action (hooking up - could be better) - just upriver, there is slow (hookups few and far between) guest action with a mix of Kings and Cohos, with the fish seeming to have hunkered down once they arrived within this section - the lower section reported moderate guest action, primarily Kings, with fish apparently moving back downriver - these could be Cohos, as they are infamous for doing so - in the middle section there is moderate guest action on both Kings and Cohos, with a stray Steelhead in that mix, with mixed reports of fish both moving upriver and downriver (again, probably Cohos) - the upper section starts off with moderate guest action, tapering off to slow action further upriver, with Kings initially, Cohos as well a little further up, with the fish holding in pools in this section -
We have some prime-time lodges that just became available for immediate booking (2023 only - these are not eligible for rebooking in 2024):
Meadow Lodge 24 - 25 September
Salmon Run Lodge 25-30 September
We have other prime-time lodging available on other dates during September and through mid-October (dates are also available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


56° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 7:05pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 20, 2023

One couldn't ask for nicer weather, but the day could have been improved with a little better fishing. Not that it was horrible. Some anglers had what they described as "very, very good" while others struggled to bring a fish to hand. It was another one of those days that if you happened to be in the right spot you did well. If not, things were more difficult. The day started with the estuary loaded with fish, the expectation that they would make their way into the run, and then they changed their mind and, seemingly made their way back to the lake. An exciting note is that at least two Atlantics were in the mix. (One was pictured in this mornings reports). No particular section of the run won top honors for "best fishing" and so, as is often the case, don't fall in love with one spot and change locations as needed Flow from the dam remains at 350 cfs through midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville 453 cfs


62° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:49am

Sunset: 7:07pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 20, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453, air temperature at opening 46 degrees, water temperature a chilly 58 degrees, hazy (almost cloudy) blue skies, sunny, very light breezes, no precipitation forecasted for today - estuary section reported fish, apparently Chinook ("Kings"), moving upriver, but guest action is "slow" (hookups few and far between) in that area - just upriver, in the lowest section, it's "deja vu, all over again" (per Yogi Berra) . . . however, action picked up just a bit a little further upriver, with guest action described as "moderate" (hooking up, but could be better) - the middle section is currently the most active section, with reports of Kings and Cohos moving through, providing slow to moderate action for our guests - the upper section continues the trend of fish moving through, with slow to moderate guest action on Kings and Coho -
We have some prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


55° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:49am

Sunset: 7:07pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 19, 2023

The better part of the day consisted of cloudy overcast skies which gave way, about mid-afternoon to mostly sunny skies. One would have thought that the weather this morning (add in cooler temperatures) would have resulted in better fishing success, but that was not the case. Most anglers that I spoke with struggled this morning. There were exceptions to the rule where some anglers happened to be over a cooperative pod of salmon, but that was the exception. This afternoon with the sun out, fishing conditions did not change very much. Most sections of the run reported light fish movement with the exception being at the very top of the run we had better numbers of fish (mostly Coho) moving through. This afternoon we did receive a report of fish porpoising in the estuary and numbers of salmon making their way into the run. Flow from the dam remains at 350 cfs and the flow at Pineville is 453 cfs


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:48am

Sunset: 7:08pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 19, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453, opening air temperature was 59 degrees, water temperature 61 degrees, overcast, light breezes, no rain forecasted for the AM - from the estuary up into the lower section, fish are reported present, but holding in pools, with only a few sporadically moving upriver - however, guest action ranges from slow (hook ups few and far between) to moderate (hooking up, but could be better) on primarily Chinook ("King") salmon, with a few Steelhead and Brown Trout in the mix - as we move into the middle section, fish are reported moving upriver, with moderate guest action on both Kings and Coho salmon - in the upper section, guest action is reported as moderate, tapering off to slow further upriver, again with Kings and Coho, with more fish movement lower, that tapers off to very little movement further upriver - we have some prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website.
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:48am

Sunset: 7:08pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 18, 2023

Anglers this afternoon reported sporadic kings with no area showing more activity than another, just a general sprinkling throughout the run. We did have a report of a few Coho being landed as well as one steelhead in the lower end of the run. Rain is forecasted overnight with a daytime high tomorrow of 64F.


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 7:10pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 18, 2023

AM Fishing Report. The water temperature this morning was 62F. The flow out of the Dam will be 350CFS thru 11:59pm tonight. The weather for today is sun and clouds mixed. Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 70F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. The fish are moving up from the Estuary, holding in the lower section of the run, but moving from the middle to the upper section of the river. Overall the fishing at the bottom of the run has been moderate with Kings and Brown Trout sighted. The middle of the run is also moderate with Kings and Coho, and the upper end, seeing Kings and Brown at the top of the run. We have some prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website. Angler Release Schedule - ‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day Purchase Via : Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center – Afternoon Passes – Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via : Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter.


60° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 7:10pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 17, 2023

PM Fishing Report:  This afternoon's fishing slowed a bit from the morning's activity in part due to the decreased cloud cover, keeping fish in the deeper pools and reducing the movement of fish upstream.  As has become the norm so far this season, Kings were by far the most plentiful fish brought to hand, but a few Cohos and Steelhead made their presence known.  Tomorrow's weather should be similar to today with lows in the mid 50s, highs hovering around 70, and a slight chance of rain. The flow continues to be 350 cfs from the dam scheduled thru midnight tomorrow.


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:45am

Sunset: 7:12pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 17, 2023

AM Fishing Report: The water temperature is 60F. River Patrol is seeing moderate movement up and down the river, mostly Kings with a few Steelhead in the upper and middle parts or the run. The lower section is seeing slight movement, again mostly Kings. There have been moderate hookups up and down the river, several fish have been taken so far this morning. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru 11:59 tonight. The weather for the rest of today cloudy. High 71F. Winds light and variable.  We have some prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website. Angler Release Schedule - ‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day Purchase Via : Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center – Afternoon Passes – Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via : Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter.


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:45am

Sunset: 7:12pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 16, 2023

Evening Report:  Reports from this afternoon proved to be fairly solid from the upper stretches thru the lower river.  With the past (2) mornings cooler temperatures, the fishing certainly picked up.  Many clients were able to get into a fish, if not several.  Once again Kings were the most widely reported fish caught today, but Coho numbers are picking up, along with a steelhead and a beautiful Atlantic Salmon brought to hand as well. The scheduled flow is listed as 350 cfs thru midnight, 9/17/23


68° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:44am

Sunset: 7:14pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 16, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 464, opening air temperature 50 degrees, water temperature a nice chilly 59 degrees, mostly cloudy, dead calm, no precipitation forecasted - we have 245 guests checked into the run this morning - reports from the estuary are of "lots of fish" in both the North and center channels, primarily Kings, moving into the run - just upriver, that translated into moderately good guest activity, with some of the fish choosing to stop for a rest - in the middle section fish were reported also moving upriver, providing slow to moderate guest activity (depending on the location), primarily Kings, but with a nice Atlantic and a Brown Trout in that mix - in the upper section, fish continued moving up, with moderate guest action, primarily Kings, but with a few Coho starting to show up in the mix - at the uppermost section, fish movement started to slow down, with a commensurate slow down of guest activity. We have some prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November); check it out on our website. Angler Release Schedule - ------------------------------------------------------- ‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day Purchase Via : Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center ________________________________ – Afternoon Passes – Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via : Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


53° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:44am

Sunset: 7:14pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 15, 2023

Fishing picked up slightly from the morning, with the lower and middle sections reporting the most action over the course of the afternoon.  Reports from our River Patrol this afternoon indicated minimal angler presence in the upper sections of the runs, but those anglers present had slow pick at the few pods of kings moving through.  Middle sections of the run reported moderate action, with a mixture of kings and some cohos, and a few brown trout in the mix as well.  Lower sections of the property fished similar to the middle section, with a mixture of Kings and Cohos continuing to move out of the estuary and up into the river. Overall for mid September, things have remained fairly consistent.  While not overrun with fish, nor anglers, the fishing continues to be, good!

‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center


64° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:43am

Sunset: 7:16pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 15, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 470, air temperature at opening 50 degrees, water temperature 61 degrees, currently slightly hazy blue skies and brilliant sunshine, dead calm, no forecasted precipitation for the AM - the estuary section reported a moderate sized pod of fish in the center channel, with movement upriver, providing very good initial action on Chinook ("King") salmon - just upriver, fish continued with their movement, however guest action was just a bit slower and some fish chose to hunker down upon arriving - fish movement in the middle section was described as good, with slow to moderate guest action, primarily Kings, with one small Brown Trout in the mix - Kings continued to move in the upper section, to a lesser degree, and guest action progressively diminished as we moved further upriver Angler Release Schedule - ------------------------------------------------------- ‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day Purchase Via : Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center ________________________________ – Afternoon Passes – Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via : Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center


59° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:43am

Sunset: 7:16pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 14, 2023

Yesterday the number of fish present on the run increased and our guest reports today suggest that the angling has continued to incrementally improve. In particular, the middle section of the run saw the most consistent action throughout the day. The lower end reported a trickle of kings and cohos with a fair number of kings jumping in the estuary. The upper end of the run had the slowest reports but perhaps the fish will reach that section by dusk.

Angler Release Schedule - -------------------------------------------------------
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:42am

Sunset: 7:18pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 14, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482, opening air temperature 59 degrees, water temperature 63 degrees, mostly cloudy skies that are gradually clearing up to sunshine later, dead calm, no forecasted precipitation for the AM - the estuary section reported fish ("Kings") moving at first light up into the run, however guest action was reported as "quiet" (no action) there - the lower section reported slow (some hookups) to moderate (hooking up, could be better) guest activity with Kings - as we begin to move into the upper section, fishing activity picked up a bit, probably due to fish that had moved in overnight and made it up there by first light - the predominate fish were Kings, with a solitary Steelhead in the mix - all sections of the run also reported fish moving through, with just a few seeming to hold in specific areas - featured today are Dennis (Texas shirt and sunglasses), with a very healthy Chinook ("King") salmon, who was guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Services; Mark (grey shirt) and Scott (flourescent green shirt) with a brace of nice Kings, guided by DSR Guide Troy Creasy of High Adventure Sportsfishing; and Luke (camouflage waders) guided by John Kopy of Little John's Guide Service
we have some absolutely prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November):
River Lodge - 17 September (may be rebooked in 2024)
Salmon Run Lodge - 20 and 25 September (2023 only)
Meadow Lodge 28 September (2023 only)
Meadow Lodge 1 October (2023 only)
Salmon Run Lodge 3 October (2023 only)
Mud Creek Lodge 12 October (may be rebooked in 2024)
Salmon Run Lodge 12 October (may be rebooked in 2024)
Deer Run Lodge 12 October (may be rebooked in 2024)
Angler Release Schedule - -------------------------------------------------------
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:42am

Sunset: 7:18pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 13, 2023

Another mixed weather day with overcast skies giving way to sunshine and returning to overcast skies at the end of the day. Fishing reports were mixed as well with some anglers reporting seeing very few fish and others reporting good numbers of fish. Overall, there is no question that todays fishing was a marked improvement over the last several days. More fish were brought to hand, overall a lot more fish were sighted on the run, and the good news is that we had an increased presence of Coho mixed in with the Kings. The mid-section proved to be the place where the most action was. Two anglers that I spoke with that fished the middle section for a half day indicated that they saw around 30 salmon with a good mix of Coho (that blasted through of course). An encouraging day which makes us anxious to see what tomorrow might bring Water from the dam remains at 350 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 470 cfs


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 7:20pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 13, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 470, air temperature at opening 64 degrees, water temperature 66 degrees - overcast skies, dead calm, sprinkled a bit early this morning, no other rain forecasted at least into the early afternoon - estuary reported that at first light there were fish present, with some moving upriver - as we move up into the run, most reports continued to be of slight movement upriver, with a good number of the fish simply holding in pools - predominant fish are King salmon - guest angling success throughout the run was described as "slow" (hooking up, but few and far between) to "quiet" (no action) - Angler Release Schedule - ------------------------------------------------------- ‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day Purchase Via : Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center ________________________________ – Afternoon Passes – Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via : Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 7:20pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 12, 2023

Overcast skies, sunny skies, and back to overcast skies. The rain that we are all hoping for has not yet arrived, but it would be nice if we could get some. And more than a little. That could encourage an increased number of fish on the run. Today was a continuation of the past several. Some early morning movement of fish, but not in any great numbers. Anglers struggling to get into fish today and while a number were brought to hand, we are not seeing the numbers we saw a week or so ago. Again. It would be nice to get rain. Nights have been a little cooler with water temperatures in the mid-sixties. Water flow from the dam remains at 350 cfs and the flow at Pineville is 459 cfs


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:40am

Sunset: 7:21pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 12, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 470, air temperature at opening was 59 degrees, water temperature 64 degrees - overcast, dead calm - estuary section reports Kings holding in place - just upriver, minimal fish movement - middle section was the most active section, with some fish movement upriver and "slow" (less than ten hookups) guest action on Kings - upper section reported no fish movement or guest action -


62° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:40am

Sunset: 7:21pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 11, 2023

While we enjoyed cooler temperatures and an overcast misty morning, fishing has been pretty slow overall today. A few kings are sporadically trickling through the entire run but guests are working hard for their fish. We did receive one report of a single Coho hooked but no other species have been reported this afternoon. Looking ahead, we hope the cooer temps and showers forecasted later this week cool the water down and start to get things moving again. We'll be here to find out!

Angler Release Schedule - -------------------------------------------------------
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:39am

Sunset: 7:23pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 11, 2023

Am fishing report: Today the water temperature is 66F. River Patrol reported that the fish are holding up river, the middle to lower some movement with the Estuary reporting that the fish are holding. Kings are the only species that have been sighted. Fishing is challenging even with the cooler conditions. The weather for today cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 74F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS until 11:59pm tonight.


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:39am

Sunset: 7:23pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 10, 2023

Evening Report:  This afternoon's action on the river basically mirrored reports from the morning.  From the upper stretches of the river, to the middle, down to the lower and estuary, fishing was reported as light to moderate, with Kings once again being the most reported catch.  There was an afternoon report of a Coho in the middle portion of the river.  The one significant difference between today and yesterday was fisherman were hooking greater numbers of fish as the bite seemed to be stronger today. With clouds and moderate temperatures, along with some rain in the forecast, tomorrow looks to provide good opportunities. The reported flow from the dam continues to be listed as 350cfs thru midnight tomorrow.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:25pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 10, 2023

AM fishing report: The water temperature is 67F. River Patrol has noted moderate movement in the Estuary, several hook-ups and several Kings landed in the upper end of the run. All fish sighted have been Kings. There's been some fish movement in the middle of the run. One angler reported having at least 6 hook-ups in the middle of the run. The weather for today generally cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 70F. Winds light and variable.


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:25pm

494 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 9, 2023

A cooler day with overcast skies was a nice relief from the hot weather we've had recently.  So while the temperatures improved, the fishing did not. As is frequently the case, some anglers were more successful than others, however that was the exception rather than the rule.  Most anglers struggled to bring fish to hand; the fish that were sighted were exclusively Kings.  Hopefully over the next several days with cooler temperatures and some expected rain in the forecast, we will see an increased Salmon presence in the run.   Current Water Flow from the Dam is scheduled to remain at 350 cfs thru midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville is 459 cfs.


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 7:27pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 9, 2023

Attention Anglers : Friday, 9/8/23 began our ‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes online availability - (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) - After we have processed all categories of anticipated or scheduled guests, any remaining available passes will be published online, for purchase by the general public, at 7:00 AM each day if you already have an account purchase via this link: if you do not already have an account, first, visit our website create an account [you will not be able to order any passes without an account, as we do not offer "guest (temporary) accounts"] at top left of the home page select Menu (or three bars) from drop down menu select Fishing from drop down menu select Same Day order the pass you will receive a confirmation e-mail, as will we (if you experience technical difficulties, please call Guest Services at 315-298-6722 - select 0) Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center ____________________________________________________________________ - Afternoon Passes - BEGINNING 9/8/23 Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day Purchase Via : Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center 8:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 470, air temperature at opening was 62 degrees, water temperature was 68 degrees, currently overcast, almost dead calm, no precipitation - we have 112 guests on the run as of this report - there were a few fish breaching in the estuary section, apparently Kings - in the lower section there was some fish movement just after first light, which petered out slowly, with fish then holding in pools - a few Kings were brought to hand in that section - the center section experienced moderate guest action, primarily with Kings, with one Steelhead brought to hand - again, the fish are sporadically moving then holding - the upper section was slow to quiet as regards guest action, primarily with Kings holding in pools, with one Brown Trout brought to hand in that section - overall, very light fish movement, light guest success at this time


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 7:27pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 8, 2023

A bit of a reprieve from warmer temperatures, with plenty of overcast throughout the day.  Water temperatures reached around 70 F early this afternoon.  Hopefully we will continue to see some cooler weather, and water temperatures dropping with forecasts calling for nights in the low 60's and highs in the mid 70's.  Reports from our River Patrol this afternoon, indicated very little angling pressure and fish activity this afternoon throughout the run.  Overall, while not a banner day, the ratio of fish to number of anglers has continued to make for great days on the water.

Angler Release Schedule - -------------------------------------------------------
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center


70° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:36am

Sunset: 7:29pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 7, 2023

The day started warm and sunny, changed to overcast with rain (with a couple scary cells moving through), then changed back to warm and sunny. The overcast skies may have contributed to the good fish movement we've had for the better part of the day. There have been some slow periods (particularly later in the day at the lower end), but most of the run (particularly the mid and upper sections) has experienced very good fish movement. One angler fished the mid section and couldn't believe he had the water to himself for the better part of the day and was able to get into double digit hookups with 8 fish brought to hand. Kings have been the "fish of the day" with no reports (thus far) of any other species being spotted. At mid-dy the water temperature was a warm 73 degrees. It's been a good day on the run with many happy anglers Water flow from the dam is 350 cfs through midnight tonight and the flow at Pineville is 442 cfs


79° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:34am

Sunset: 7:30pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 7, 2023

NOTE: fishing reports are a compilation of first-hand DSR guest reports, as well as DSR staff first-hand and on-the-spot observations, as of a specific time, at specific portions of the run, and are simply a compilation of multiple snapshots of the run, intended simply to provide an overview - they may differ from your own individual observations and experiences throughout the course of your own day - we hope you find them both informative and useful ... 8:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453, opening air temperature 69 degrees, water temperature 73 degrees, hazy (almost overcast) skies, some brief periods of weak sunshine, dead calm - initial indications are that individual fish are trickling from the estuary, through both the North and center channels, up into the run - the fish are continuing their movement upriver, as there are reports of fish moving upriver throughout the entire run - guest action is predominately with Kings, with an Atlantic and Brown Trout in the mix for a little spice - guest angling action was reported as "moderate" at the bottom, "good" in the middle, and a mix of "slow" to "moderate" in the upper sections - NOTE: the past two evenings, guests and staff have reported nice pods of fish pushing up into the run during late afternoon and early evening - the first attached photo, of the very happy guest, is of Steve, from PA, who was a client of DSR Guide Troy Creasy of High Adventure Sportsfishing, with yet another nice Chinook ("King") salmon to complement those he brought to hand yesterday - the picture of the sunrise over the run begs the question "Does it get any better than this . . . ?" - the third picture is of Marissa, with one of four King salmon she brought to hand this morning by 8 AM, guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Service -
Attention Anglers : Friday - 9/8/23 begins our staggered angler release. Please review posted check-in and release schedules ahead of your trip, by visiting -
-‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes - (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) - BEGINNING 9/8/23
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
- Afternoon Passes - BEGINNING 9/8/23
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center


74° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:34am

Sunset: 7:30pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 6, 2023

Another hot day, but thankfully temperatures remained in the 80's.  Despite the heat, the fish activity still seems to maintaining its pace.  Reports continue to indicate things are a bit more productive in the early mornings, before the sun and heat take affect.  Anglers fishing the middle sections of the run in the early afternoon again saw the product of the sun instigating some movement.  Forecasts for tomorrow call for the possibility of rain in the later afternoon, with temperatures topping out at about 83 F by 2:00 PM.  The release from the dam is scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until tomorrow (9/7) at 11:59 PM. Attention Anglers : Friday - 9/8/23 begins our staggered angler release.  Please review posted check-in and release schedules ahead of your trip, by visiting -  


76° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:33am

Sunset: 7:32pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




-‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – BEGINNING 9/8/23
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes – BEGINNING 9/8/23
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center

September 5, 2023

With temperatures reaching into the mid to upper 80's, expectations weren't terribly high from the anglers who joined us today. It seems the mid day heat, and the high sun put some pressure on the fish we have had milling around the estuary. Anglers fishing the lower sections of the run were pleasantly surprised by the influx of activity as some pods made their way up river. Upper sections of the property eventually had their turn at these fish on the move, but with these fish on a mission, the opportunity was brief. Based on weather forecasts, we are looking at a bit of the same weather, and just a bit warmer than today. The release the dam is scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until midnight tomorrow (9/6).

Staggered Angler Release begins Friday, 9/8 - Angler Release Schedule / Hours -


79° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:32am

Sunset: 7:34pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 5, 2023

8:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS 350 at the dam, 459 at the Pineville gauge - air temperature was 66 degrees at opening time, water temperature was 67 degrees at the same time - hazy skies, diffused sunshine, dead calm - at first light we had a little spurt of fish movement into the run, from the estuary section - just upriver, both fish movement and angler activity was essentially nonexistent - as we continued to move upriver, there was a corresponding uptick in both fish movement and angler activity - the lower portion of our middle section experienced some fish movement and angler activity at first light, gradually building in intensity until we reached the top section, where angler activity was described as "good", with three dozen fish moving through the area - all fish were Kings, so far - featured in this report is Fernando, his first time salmon fishing, with his first ever salmon, who was guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman, of High Hook Guide Services - NOTE: we have full day (available all this morning) and afternoon passes (available at or after 12:45 PM, effective 1 PM) available for sale, on a walk-up basis today - as of 8 September, any available full-day passes will be posted online at 7 AM at : , and any afternoon passes will be posted at 10 AM at


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:32am

Sunset: 7:34pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 4, 2023

The air heated up but the fishing cooled down. At least this afternoon. Nowhere near the number of fish were sighted nor brought to hand as we witnessed this morning Part of this was the bright sun, high temperatures and considerably less anglers on the water. A fish here and a fish there. One anger reported getting into and landing multiple Kings, but that was the notable exception. Tomorrow looks to be another warm one with temperatures in the mid-80's. Water from the dam will remain at 350 cfs until midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville is 453 cfs.


76° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:31am

Sunset: 7:36pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 3, 2023

Temperatures heated up a bit this afternoon and the bright sunlight may have contributed to slower fishing action this afternoon than that which was experienced this morning. That being said, reports from the anglers with which I spoke were able to get into a fish or two. Not everyone, of course, and, as usual, some anglers did better than a fish or two. Clearly, this morning was more productive than this afternoon, but this afternoon still provided sufficient action to keep angers busy and entertained. Water from the dam is currently 350 cfs where it will remain until midnight tomorrow. Water level at Pineville is 834 cfs (and dropping)


71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:30am

Sunset: 7:38pm

834 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 3, 2023

8:30 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 750 (drops to 350 tonight at 6 PM), CFS at the Pineville gauge 868 - air temperature started at a balmy 69 degrees and remained there throughout the AM - hazy skies, diffused sunlight, light winds - there have been a few small pods of salmon milling around in the estuary section, with some pushing up into the run in more of a trickle than anything else - there has been moderate fish movement and angler action throughout all sections of the run "better than yesterday", all Kings so far - featured on Facebook this morning are Erin and Tom, who are both guided clients of Brian Ferman (High Hook Guide Service), with nice salmon - we have full day and afternoon passes available for sale, on a walk-up basis today - as of 8 September, any available passes will be offered online at:


71° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:30am

Sunset: 7:38pm

868 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 2, 2023

The fishing was productive today, at least two dozen fish, mostly Kings, were taken past the ticket booth window. An Atlantic was brought to hand this morning in the upper part of the run. The middle of the run had the most action with lots of movement and a good bit of jumping Kings. The lower section had some movement and a few jumpers. The weather for tonight partly cloudy skies. Low near 60F. Winds light and variable. For tomorrow sunshine. High 81F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. The flow from the Dam thru 11:59pm tonight 750CFS and from dawn to dusk tomorrow also 750CFS. At 6pm on the 3rd the flow drops to 350CFS thru 11:59pm on the 3rd.


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:29am

Sunset: 7:39pm

868 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



September 1, 2023

The fishing picked up this afternoon in the middle of the run, several fish were taken. River Patrol sited mostly Kings moving in the middle along with Kings jumping in the Estuary. The upper end of the run saw minimum action. The weather for tonight will be mostly clear sky. Low 57F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrows weather will be partly cloudy skies in the morning will give way to cloudy skies during the afternoon. High 79F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. The flow out of the Dam will rise to 750CFS starting tonight at 9pm thru 11:59pm tomorrow night.


68° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:41pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



September 1, 2023

8 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS 350 at the dam, 447 at the Pineville gauge - a moderate amount of fish are being sighted as they are moving throughout the run, with a few areas that are relatively inactive - the most angler action has been in the upper section - all Kings so far - we have hazy blue skies and sunshine, 59 degrees air temperature, light breezes -


53° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:41pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

