40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

October 29, 2023

29 Oct '23 AM fishing report: certainly a damp chill in the air this morning as a light drizzle began to fall at daybreak. River patrol reports that fishing is slow overall from top to bottom of the run. Most of the fish that have been reported hooked or caught have been steelhead but a few fresh kings were also caught in the upper end of the run. The forecast calls for the steady light rain to end near 11AM with potential for showers remaining throughout the rest of the day. Beginning tomorrow (10/30/23), we will move back to posting one evening fishing report per day. 29 Oct '23 PM fishing report: CFS at the dam 335, CFS at the Pineville gauge 512, air temperatures were in the mid 40s, overcast, drizzly throughout the day, light winds to dead calm - the guest presence dwindled throughout the day as guests came off the run, however there were still reports of both Steelhead and fresh Chinook ("King") salmon being brought to hand in limited numbers ("slow" action overall), with very specific and limited areas producing fairly decent action, primarily with Steelhead. Today was the last day of Premium and tiered early access - effective tomorrow, 30 Oct '23, the procedure will be as follows: all categories of guests will line up on the East side of the ticket booth (near the restrooms), in the order in which they arrived at the line; beginning at 15 minutes before the posted opening time (6:30 AM through 4 Nov), we will begin processing all categories of guests; all processed guests will then stage in the breezeway pending their release; all categories of guests are released to the river at the posted opening time (6:45 AM 30 Oct - 4 Nov).


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 6:00pm

512 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

