36° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:05am
Sunset 5:32pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

April 9, 2024

Beautiful blue skies, negligible wind, and temperatures in the low 70's. What more could you ask for? How about excellent Steelhead fishing? We had that as well. Today was the day that we have been waiting for. The elements must all have come together because the fish showed up in far greater numbers that we have seen so far this drop back season.. Those that were swinging flies got into Steelhead today (and that should tell you something). I spoke with many happy, satisfied and grateful anglers today. Fish seemed to be in all the spots you would expect them to be and reports are that there are still plenty of fish upstream that will be making their way down. Water temperature approached 50 degrees late this afternoon and with the 60 degrees and rain in the forecast for tomorrow, things are shaping up very nicely. Water from the dam remains at 295 cfs and at Pineville the flow is 436 cfs.


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:31am

Sunset: 7:40pm

436 CFS Pineville Gauge

295 CFS Dam Release

