31° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

March 30, 2022

CFS 1450 at the dam / 1750 at Pineville - today was overcast, temperatures in the 30s, moderate winds - a guide and his client fished the middle and lower sections this morning and "did OK" - another guest fished the middle section for several hours this afternoon into early evening and scored a very nice chrome hen Steelhead, full of eggs - he was swinging flies, and she grabbed a chartreuse egg with a veil - overnight low will only be 36 degrees - forecast for tomorrow will be 80% chance of rain (good!), high of 65 degrees, perhaps some thunder, SSE winds 15 - 25 mph


45° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 7:29pm

1750 CFS Pineville Gauge

1450 CFS Dam Release




Premium Access Pass Release – April 18th – 6:00 PM

March 27, 2022

We didn't get too much snow today and the little we received (maybe an inch) melted and didn't sty long. We did get wind and plenty of it. And the gust were what seemed to cause the most problems About a half dozen anglers braved the elements and found ways to deal with it. Being able to cross the river and find spots where one could tuck in helped and that contributed to a pretty successful day for most anglers that I spoke with. Much better that yesterday and most were able to bring a fish or two to hand and some did better than that. All Steelhead and no reports of any browns today.
Flow from the dam remains at 500 cfs and at Pineville 785 cfs (down just slightly from yesterday).


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:26pm

1340 CFS Pineville Gauge

1000 CFS Dam Release



March 26, 2022

A dozen anglers fished the run and the reports were consistent in that it was a difficult day. High rod went to an angler that was able to bring a couple fish to hand and that was pretty much it. A couple anglers reported each getting into a 15-17 inch brown trout that seem to be making a regular appearance. Water is still off-color and that doesn't help matters either. Water temperature yesterday morning was 38 degrees and in all likelihood it was a little colder than that today.
Water from the dam remains at 500 cfs and is currently 792 cfs at Pineville (where it's been all day)


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:26pm

1340 CFS Pineville Gauge

1000 CFS Dam Release



March 25, 2022

Fishing Report 03/25/22…Another nice day for more than a dozen anglers on the water. Water clarity improved from AM to PM as stated by one angler. There were several fish landed, a 15” Brown was caught in the middle section and some anglers had success in the upper sections of the river. The weather for tonight steady rain this evening. Showers continuing overnight. Low 34F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. For tomorrow the weather will have considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. High 42F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. The flow out of the Dam will continue to be 500CFS thru 3/26/22 at 11:59PM


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:26pm

1340 CFS Pineville Gauge

1000 CFS Dam Release



March 24, 2022

Fishing Report 03/24/22….Another nice day on the river, a handful of anglers headed out today as the flow has dropped to 500CFS until 03/25/22 until 9am at which time to flow will drop down to 350CFS thru 03/25/22 until 11:59 pm. There were several fish brought to hand, anglers stated that the water was clearing. The weather for tonight will be cloudy with periods of rain. Low 39F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 90%. For tomorrow it looks like the day will be partly cloudy early followed by increasing clouds with showers developing later in the day. Snow may mix in late. High 47F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:26pm

1340 CFS Pineville Gauge

1000 CFS Dam Release



March 22, 2022

Breathing Room

Onto the down slope now.  After yesterdays 3,200 CFS release, today we saw another reduction to a 2,000 CFS release.  DSR remained closed to anglers today, and will re-open when the dam release drops below 2,000 CFS.  But knowing how things usually go, it'll probably be 285 CFS by Friday.  If anything, while the waters raging, it certainly offers these fish a little breathing room.  The water temperature here on the bottom end of the river was a recorded 34F today.  Surely we'll see a nice climb in temperature as things continue to thaw.  We are excited to see how the fishing is once our anglers are able to return to their normally scheduled routines down on the run.


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:04am

Sunset: 7:18pm

2790 CFS Pineville Gauge

3200 CFS Dam Release



March 17, 2022

Shell Shock

Wish granted.  Another blue bird day today.  It might scare the fish a bit with no overcast, but we'll surely see the water start warming up if we can maintain this kind of weather.  Warm weather means snow melt.  Unaware of the snow pack situation up on the hill, I'd presume there's still quite a bit, with the dam release being increased to 1,500 CFS tonight, and scheduled to remain at 1,500 CFS tomorrow. Somethings always got to spoil the fun.  Quite a few anglers on the run today, but from the reports we received indicated another grind.  A bit of color to the water today, from some of the run off.  As we go into the weekend, while 1,500 CFS may be not be your cup of tea, or shell-shocked by the number, it's manageable.  And, no better way to master something. It's all about time spent on the water, no matter conditions, and just figuring it out!


70° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:13am

Sunset: 7:12pm

1210 CFS Pineville Gauge

900 CFS Dam Release



March 16, 2022


We'll certainly take some more of this weather! A cloudy morning turned into a bluebird day, with temperatures crawling into the 50's. Lessons of the day; check the weather, don't trust the weatherman, wear layers, never overdress.  Some of our anglers managed to break a sweat today. As much as we love blue skies, they can certainly be troublesome.  Reports from our returning anglers today indicated a quieter day today than some of the previous outings in the week past.  Had to work for them yesterday, and today as well.  A few of our anglers hoofed it down to the bottom end of the run, surely taking advantage of the low pressure environment.  And, I dare say it, we have exposed grass on the bank of the Meadow.  Now, don't everyone run.  There's still plenty of icebergs left.  Results from the bottom sections of the run seemed to be less productive than the middle and upper sections today.  With a 900 CFS release, for some, the river has become crossable allowing for more ground to cover, and hit some of the holes that may not have seen an angler in a while.  Water temperatures this morning were recorded at 34 F at 8:00 AM.  It's not much of an increase, but we're getting somewhere.


52° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:15am

Sunset: 7:11pm

1160 CFS Pineville Gauge

900 CFS Dam Release



March 15, 2022

It's raining, it's pouring...

We had a steady drizzle all day but that didn't deter a handful of hearty season passholders from spending the afternoon on the run. Guests picked away with a mix of fresh and colored up steelhead, no huge numbers reported but with the drop in water flows (down to 900cfs) we expected there to be a little bit of a lull in activity. Rain will taper overnight and tomorrow will be mild and sunny.


40° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:16am

Sunset: 7:10pm

1120 CFS Pineville Gauge

900 CFS Dam Release



March 14, 2022

Conditions this weekend were a bit rough.  Little snow accumulation as result of Friday night's storm, with temperatures really all over the place.  Reports from anglers this weekend indicated a better outing on Saturday, but overall it seemed like everyone was able to get into a fish or two, just no crazy numbers reported from the handful of guests over the weekend. Another handful of anglers joined us on the run today, again, no crazy numbers, seemed like a couple of fish for each angler with no section of the run fishing better than another.  Conditions in the lower end are getting better, gradually. Pretty pleasant conditions overall today, with not much angling pressure, can't complain!


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:18am

Sunset: 7:09pm

1140 CFS Pineville Gauge

900 CFS Dam Release



March 11, 2022

We <3 Lake-Effect

It's the calm before the storm I suppose, with temperatures climbing into the 40's today.  Quite a few anglers decided to get their fishing in, while the weather was cooperative.  As a result of commenting on the end of winter, we are now looking at a Winter Weather Advisory for tonight with a big question mark on just how much snow we might get.  We <3 lake-effect!  A majority of our anglers stuck it out for nearly the entire day.  Today went one way or another it seemed.  Some guests reporting multiple fish, while others reporting no fish.  One pass holder took a hike today, and went 2 for 3, ALL brown trout.  Our DSR guide, getting it done again today, again. We'll just say.... Good numbers. Reports from anglers indicated the water clarity has increased since the previous days.  We'll see if any anglers decide to venture out this weekend.  Maybe the weatherman will be wrong!


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:24am

Sunset: 6:05pm

1400 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release




Due to impending weather – DSR will delay opening for the weekend and operate under abbreviated hours. OPEN – 9:00 AM CLOSE – 6:45 PM

March 10, 2022

Veterans of High Water

A handful of anglers joining us today, despite water flows.  A majority of the anglers, pass holders (veterans of high water), including a DSR guide that drifted through the property.  It’s never easy when your fighting 1,500 CFS + down on the lower river, but most of our anglers stayed on the run for nearly the entire day.  Reports varied, a few left all the fish for the others, and a few got them good.  With ice finally breaking up in the estuary, and allowing for exit, having a drift boat has certainly been encouraging, and a great gauge for the current quality of fishing, after what seemed like a grind the past few weeks. Consistently seeing good numbers from a veteran DSR guide and clients. They’re there!


36° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:24am

Sunset: 6:05pm

1410 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 9, 2022


A rather mild day today.  Just over freezing with a bit of snow flurries (great overcast). But, amazingly so, a quiet day for the run. Those few that took advantage of a fair day, found a peaceful retreat down here with a considerable number of anglers upstream today. The release from the day remains 1200 CFS, and still a bit of run off, things are a bit chalky DOWN HERE. With high water it certainly makes it a bit tricky when it comes to getting a good presentation. The Pineville gauge reading 1450 CFS at the time of this report, with a recorded water temperature of 32F today.  Our ten day forecasted temperatures with highs, all above freezing. We might just be over the hump here with winter. But I wouldn't hold my breath. And I know, probably shouldn't have said that.  Not much snow on the ground DOWN HERE, but I'd presume there's still a fair amount of snowpack ready to feed the reservoir. Temperatures DOWN HERE and up there don't necessarily jive though. It's still an ice bath, but a few drop backs have been reported in various parts of the river, including down here over the past two weeks. Can't wait to see what April's infamous drop back season has in store for us, as the temperatures continue to warm the water up a bit.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:27am

Sunset: 6:02pm

1440 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 8, 2022

Sunny but Chilly

Sunny skies dominated today but temperatures remained in the low thirties with the breeze. One guide drifted through the Run and hooked into double digits of fish, including a 34" steelhead. The fields have lost all their snow but a few piles remain in the parking lots and the woods has a crusty layer. We can feel spring in the air and look forward to the longer days March will bring. Start making your plans to join us on the run this Spring!


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:29am

Sunset: 6:01pm

1600 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 7, 2022

A bit of pressure this weekend, with Saturday seeing about double the amount of anglers. Today another story. Just a few anglers joined us, one in the morning, and two guided clients in a drift boat. The two anglers wading had a tough go at things; with flows limiting accessibility. The DSR guide who floated through today, didn’t do to shabby landing fish in the double digits, all caught throughout the property. The snow showers expected today, decided to remain as rain with temperatures staying around 40F today. Trails are fairly well cleared from all the boots on the ground, but lower sections of the property still remaining tough to navigate.


38° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:31am

Sunset: 6:00pm

1550 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



March 4, 2022

Welcome to central New York! Experience all the seasons in less than just one week!! Tonight, temperatures will drop into the teens, picking up some momentum tomorrow,  60 F on Sunday, and then back to snow Monday. Who knows, maybe the salmon will start running tomorrow. Some blue in the sky today, not too cold, but the wind was another story.  The handful of anglers that joined us today reiterated the wind was just a pain in the bass. But, if its not the weather, its the water. A good drift was definitely hard to come by today.  Seems like all of our anglers were able to get into a fish or two, but we all know, when there's wind, there's slack.   Sometimes, its just impossible to get a good hook!


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:36am

Sunset: 5:56pm

938 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 3, 2022

Three Thumbs Up

A windy start to the day was definitely, and rightfully so, a deterrent for anglers.  Winds continued throughout the day but dyed down just enough to make for a productive outing for the sole pass holder that joined us today, on his return from yesterday.  The playground, all to himself. Envy. Taking advantage of unpressured fish, he was able to have a better day today.  Which is hard to believe after the past few days reports from this angler.  Persistence pays, always.  Ice seems to still be proving to be quite the obstacle course when navigating down to the lower end of the property, but with the forecast in store for Sunday, might change things just a little bit.  Especially if we see the flows bump back up with 60 F and rain.


21° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 5:55pm

938 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 2, 2022

Two Thumbs Up

Seems like the weather just cant make up it's mind. A little back and forth between showers and snow flurries last night into the morning with temperatures holding around freezing over the day.  Most of the anglers today, were anglers returning from yesterday, up for a little bit of redemption after an okay day.  Today, we got 2 thumbs up from a few from several season pass holders.  It was definitely a bit more rewarding than yesterday it seems.  Not much change as far as conditions, just a bit of stabilization seemed to do the trick.  Another day of 750 CFS, we might just see some consistency!


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:39am

Sunset: 5:54pm

947 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



March 1, 2022

Hold onto your waders

Things warmed up a bit today, enough that we didn't get snow, but some nice cold rain.  With the water drop and the fair weather, a handful of anglers came out from hibernation, a majority of the anglers having a one or two fish day.  The fish caught most reported to be rosy cheeked but not too colored up otherwise. Season Passholders - We just love to keep you wading.  DSR is actively working to finalize your renewal invitations and payment processes. Although we have passed our target of 6:00 PM today, we are excited to announce invitations should begin going out tonight. Please stay tuned to your email for your season pass renewal invitation, with instruction for renewal.


37° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 5:52pm

1070 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Season Passholders – We just love to keep you wading.  DSR is currently working to finalize your renewal invitations and payment processes. Please stay tuned to your email for your invitation and instruction for renewal.