40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

December 30, 2023

A little snow on occasion, but nothing serious. Glad that the rain held off. Perhaps that will mean that the water level will continue to drop. The scheduled flow is to remain at 750 cfs (which it was scheduled to go to at 9:00AM this morning), but the flow at Pineville is still almost 1300 cfs which makes me think that they might not have taken it to 750 cfs this morning. We'll just have to see what tomorrow brings. More sunshine is in the forecast and that would be a welcome change. Most anglers struggled today. A fish here and there with some anglers coming up empty. On the other hand, I just spoke with a season pass holder that was getting off the water at dust that went 4 for 6. A couple float fishermen regulars fished the afternoon and were able to go 3 for 5 between them.


32° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:37am

Sunset: 4:36pm

1260 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

