34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

February 28, 2022

Thumbs Up

Is it spring yet? Another single digit morning. But today, finally seeing a nice drop in the dam release to a fan favorite 750 CFS.  Fishing this morning was bone chilling, but also a bit messy with ice and slush to start the day making its way down through the bottom end of the river.  A low pressure day on the run, with a thumbs up report from one of our regular anglers.  Hopefully things will start to warm up here, and we see some stabilization in the dam release.  It was quite an abrupt adjust from 1700 CFS down to 750 CFS this morning.


14° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:43am

Sunset: 5:51pm

1110 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Season Pass Renewal invitations are scheduled to begin March 1st. Current season passholders, if you have not done so already, please create your new DSR account, in anticipation of your upcoming invitation to renew for the 2022-2023 season.

Premium Access Pass Release – Date To Be Determined

February 25, 2022

Not as much snow as expected

There are still a few flurries in the air but so far we've only gotten about 8 inches of snow. Even so, it was enough to deter any anglers from spending time on the run today. The parking lot has been cleared and the trails have been cleared to the steps. With an overnight low of 8F forecasted, DSR will operate on a delayed opening tomorrow of 9AM tomorrow morning.


17° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:47am

Sunset: 5:47pm

2130 CFS Pineville Gauge

1700 CFS Dam Release



February 24, 2022

The Calm before the Storm

We enjoyed abundant sunshine today but with the wind chill, temperatures remained in the teens all day. A couple hearty anglers braved the bump in flows last night and were rewarded with a nice sized brown for their efforts. As of 4:30pm, skies remain clear and fields are snow-free, although a few small snow piles remain in the parking lot. We are forecasted to get 8-12 inches overnight tonight, we will report back tomorrow after the storm passes!


26° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:49am

Sunset: 5:46pm

2260 CFS Pineville Gauge

1700 CFS Dam Release




Season Pass Renewal invitations are scheduled to begin March 1st. Current season passholders, if you have not done so already, please create your new DSR account, in anticipation of your upcoming invitation to renew for the 2022-2023 season.

Premium Pass Release – To Be Determined

February 23, 2022

A for Effort

Just one angler decided to have a go at it, a brief trip, but A for effort.  Today's conditions drastically different then yesterdays warm weather.  Temperatures dropped almost 20 degrees since this morning, with strong wind and some flurries on top.  Nothings impossible, but today fishing, just fell short of it.  Hopefully we see the flows drop down just a bit and stabilize as we close out the week here.


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 5:45pm

2150 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



February 21, 2022

A touch of Spring

Guests today were greeted with mild temperatures and sunny skies, a welcome change from the blustery conditions we experienced this past weekend. Of course the warm up meant increased flows and runoff so the fishing was slower than one would have hoped. Still, a handful of anglers came out to enjoy the day and a few were able to get into a fish or two. A nice brown and a couple fresh steelhead were reported.


39° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 5:42pm

1530 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release




Season Pass Renewal invitations are scheduled to begin March 1st.  Current season passholders, if you have not done so already, please create your new DSR account, in anticipation of your upcoming invitation to renew for the 2022-2023 season.

Premium Pass Release – To Be Determined

February 19, 2022

Hold onto your hats!

What a delightful day!  Things seemed fairly calm for the initial part of this morning, with a bit of slush, a couple of anglers joining us right off the bat, then a few more deciding to follow in their footsteps.  Don't be fooled by the weather here though. With weather changing drastically in the course of minutes, you could see the wall of snow coming at you.  These ultimately surrendered to the blistering wind and complete white out. You had to REALLY want it, to be on the water today.  DSR will have a delayed opening tomorrow 2/20/22, opening at 9:00 AM. Cross our fingers we can kick the wind, maybe trade it for the snow that just comes straight down, and NOT from every direction.


22° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:57am

Sunset: 5:39pm

749 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




DSR will have a delayed opening tomorrow 2/20/22, opening at 9:00 AM.

Season Pass Renewal invitations are scheduled to begin March 1st.  Current season passholders, if you have not done so already, please create your new DSR account, in anticipation of your upcoming invitation to renew for the 2022-2023 season.

Premium Pass Release – To Be Determined

February 18, 2022

Hitch in the Giddy Up!

And, back to our regularly scheduled routine!  A few fresh inches of snow, and temperatures staying just below 20 F most of the day, made for quite a delightful walk in the park.  A few anglers joined us early this morning, one season pass holder making quick work of things, out by the early afternoon. One of our lodge guests opted to head up river after his success late yesterday down here on the run, indicating another 4 fish upriver to add to his 3 late yesterday afternoon.  River conditions this morning were slushy, carrying on for most of the day today down here on the bottom end of the river.  We expect a bit more of the same tomorrow.  Tonight with a low of 17F, but tomorrow, the wind is going to biggest hitch in the giddy up.  Forecasts call for winds 25-30 MPH with gusts of 40F.  Hold onto your hats!  With overnight forecasts, and impending weather tomorrow, DSR will have a delayed opening tomorrow 2/19/22, Opening 9:00 AM.


20° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:58am

Sunset: 5:38pm

735 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Delayed Opening – 2/19/21 – 9:00 AM

February 17, 2022

See you tomorrow!

The rain began last night, as forecasted, with temperatures approaching 50F today, making for a pretty slick day on all this melting ice and snow.  Another handful of anglers today, not many returning, usually ducking the fair weather days anticipating the popularity.  The anglers we had join us today, all seemed to make pretty brief trips, with no anglers indicating any significant action, or conditions we didn't see down there yesterday. Just in case you missed the snow, we'll see temperatures begin to drop tonight, with a winter weather advisory beginning at 11:00 PM tonight here.  It's Friday, but tomorrow might just prove to be a test of dedication for our steel head angler0s given the impending weather.


48° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:00am

Sunset: 5:37pm

604 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Season Pass Renewal invitations are scheduled to begin March 1st.  Current season passholders, if you have not done so already, please create your new DSR account, in anticipation of your upcoming invitation to renew for the 2022-2023 season.

Premium Pass Release – To Be Determined

February 16, 2022


We're mid way through February now, with temperatures in the 40's, tomorrow approaching 50F.  Don't be fooled, just a fluke. Temperatures are forecasted to drop again, with rain turning to snow.  A handful of anglers came out to the run today, a few returning from that past few days.  Today was better than yesterday, tougher, but better.  Multiple fish brought to hand from at least one of pass holders, with a few putting one under their belt (not literally).  Yesterday was the ice, today was the wind. 20 MPH is so much fun, makes for the perfect drift.  We'll see what tomorrow's crew has to say. Lighter winds, and we'll trade that in for a bit of rain! That's okay, the fish are already wet, right?


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:01am

Sunset: 5:35pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



February 15, 2022

Double Digit....Temperatures

Quite the squall this morning, with a few inches of powdery snow unloading on us.  Temperatures finally crept back up today into the double digits, and we even got a glimpse of the sun! With the snow we got this morning, slush kept anglers off the run for most of the day.  Two season pass holders came out to stretch their legs today, walking out smirking, saying they did triple digits today.  Needless to say, today wasn't an overly production day on the lower end of the river given the slush.


20° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:03am

Sunset: 5:34pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



February 14, 2022

February 14, 2022

Happy Valentines Day to all our anglers. It was a quiet day on the run without any anglers to report, but with the high temperature barely making it into the teens (with the real feel in the single digits), slush was likely an issue all day. The good news is we will have a warm up mid week, perfect timing to play hooky and spend some time chasing steelhead.


13° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:04am

Sunset: 5:33pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



February 10, 2022

Dime Bright & Rosy Cheeks

A warmer start today, with temperatures sitting at about 40 F for most of the morning. Things have begun to get a bit colder over the course of the day, with snow expected tonight.  A few of our anglers that have joined us over the course of the week, returned for another crack at, along with some other anglers taking advantage of the temperatures.  The first angler off the water, early afternoon, indicated a solid day, going 4 for 4 with 2 of those fish being browns, on a fly rod.  Expectations definitely weren't high today after the past few days, but the first report was certainly encouraging.  With reports from the anglers that joined us in the past dats, its clear, today things picked up a bit.  A majority of the fish landed today were reported to be dime bright steelhead, with a handful of rosy red cheeks in the mix, starting to earn their stripes.


38° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:10am

Sunset: 5:27pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we work to wrap up the technical issues our guests experienced during the pass release. Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven’t forgot about you, don’t worry. We want to make sure we can address everyone’s request and resolve things to the best of our abilities, to get you planning your fishing trips.  Please stay tuned, as we are in the midst of the final stages of development on our end in order to send out your payable invoices.

February 9, 2022

Hooked 1 Landed 17

With bearable weather today, a few anglers joined us again for some redemption after yesterday's grind.  Today, not much redemption reported, with one of our anglers reporting hooking a total of 1 and landing 17. You figure that one out. :) Needless to say, today was simply just a day to appreciate the opportunity to be fishing!


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:11am

Sunset: 5:26pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we work to wrap up the technical issues our guests experienced during the pass release. Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven’t forgot about you, don’t worry. We want to make sure we can address everyone’s request and resolve things to the best of our abilities, to get you planning your fishing trips.  Please stay tuned, as we are in the midst of the final stages of development on our end in order to send out your payable invoices.

February 8, 2022

Night & Day

Quite the collective crew of anglers on the run today. Talk about experience!  A total of 5 season pass holders trickled in over the course of the morning, most of them stuck it out through the snowy day.  Today just wasn't the day apparently.  A few of the pass holders that joined us today, joined us yesterday as well.  Reports seemed like night and day. One pass holder landing 8 yesterday. Today, zip, nada, none.  They either weren't there anymore, or they were just turned off today.  Some of the pictures these pass holders have shared with us over the past two days have been a majority of completely chrome steelhead, with only a few colored up.  The snow didn't  accumulate to much today, may an inch or so, no issues with slush reported.  


31° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:12am

Sunset: 5:24pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we work to wrap up the technical issues our guests experienced during the pass release. Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven’t forgot about you, don’t worry. We want to make sure we can address everyone’s request and resolve things to the best of our abilities, to get you planning your fishing trips.  Please stay tuned, as we are in the midst of the final stages of development on our end in order to send out your payable invoices.

February 7, 2022

February 7. 2022

We enjoyed a mild winter day on the run today and the fishing did not disappoint. Slush was an issue during the first half of the day, but once it burned off we had good reports from both float and fly fishermen. Several fresh steelhead were brought to hand. We've got a mild week ahead of us, come wet a line!


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:14am

Sunset: 5:23pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



February 4, 2022

Feb 4, 2022

Its still snowing but so far we've only picked up around 7 inches out of this latest storm. The trails were cleared this morning to each set of stairs and one angler enjoyed a few hours on the run this afternoon. The good news is after Saturday, we will see an upward trend in temperatures for next week.


16° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:17am

Sunset: 5:19pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




Please note: DSR will operate on a delayed opening of 9:00AM on Saturday, Feb 5th.

February 3, 2022

Fishing Report Feb 3, 2022

Two anglers braved the storm and fished the run today and reported getting into a couple fresh steelhead as well as a brown. The wintry mix turned over to snow midday and as of 5pm we have a fresh inch or two of snow on the ground.


25° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:18am

Sunset: 5:18pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to work through last weeks technical issues. Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven’t forgot about you, don’t worry. We want to make sure we can address everyone’s request and resolve things to the best of our abilities, to get you planning your fishing trips.  Please stay tuned, calculations of pass allocations are in the final stages and we will be moving forward with contacting guests soon.

February 2, 2022

6 More Weeks of Winter!

Well, Punxsutawney Phil says another 6 more weeks of winter!  He might just be right looking at tomorrow's forecast. Today, was another treat, with what felt like t-shirt weather after the past few weeks.  Temperatures reached the low 40's, beginning to melt some of the snow and ice that's accumulated.  A whole bunch of anglers joined us, most beginning early morning.  The high stick today was 3 for 5, making short work of things and headed off the run early this afternoon.  But reports from there indicated things started to die down when the sun started all the melt. It's like adding a glass of ice water, to an already cold bath for the fish. A couple of anglers took my warning for granted the other day, and hoofed it all the way down to Spring Hole, to find nothing but ice!  It's probably going to take a bit of water, or a lot of sun to start breaking some of that big ice down there.  Temperatures will continue to drop over night tonight, with a winter storm warning in effect, rain will turn into snow early morning tomorrow.  I think at some point, when you live up here, there's no reason to check the weather report, just expect snow or some crazy weather.


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 5:16pm

425 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




We so greatly appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to work through last weeks technical issues. Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven’t forgot about you, don’t worry. We want to make sure we can address everyone’s request and resolve things to get you planning. Good news, today is the second day of February! Please stay tuned as we look to follow up in the later part of the week with, what we hope is nothing but good news for all of our guests who faced issues last Tuesday.

February 1, 2022

Breaking Freezing

Balmy but bearable today.  Temperatures broke freezing, only by one degree. We'll take it!  Another handful of anglers took advantage of the heat wave to go break some ice.  All of the anglers we spoke with today were able to hook multiple fish, all bringing at least one fish to hand to include a brown trout.  Our anglers reassured us things are frozen from about Spring hole down, but plenty of opportunities otherwise.  Oh, and anchor ice covering the rocks certainly doesn't make the slippery rocks any less slippery when wading.  It's quite an obstacle course down there, requiring extreme caution with some unstable shelf ice.  Fishing is fun, but not exactly when its from a barge of ice floating down river in the currents.  


36° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:21am

Sunset: 5:15pm

425 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release




We so greatly appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to work through last weeks technical issues. Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven’t forgot about you, don’t worry. We want to make sure we can address everyone’s request and resolve things to get you planning. Good news, today is the first day of February! Please stay tuned as we look to follow up in the later part of the week with, what we hope is nothing but good news for all of our guests who faced issues last Tuesday