40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

April 30, 2023

Anglers were hooking up on the Smallmouth and Steelhead (mostly Smallmouth) today. The rain started this afternoon but only a few anglers had left the run early. The action was mostly from the middle to lower end of the run. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and tonight with the potential for heavy rainfall. Low 42F. SE winds shifting to WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall possibly over one inch. The flow out of the Dam will be 500CFS thru 1159pm tomorrow night.


53° / Rain

Sunrise: 5:58am

Sunset: 8:04pm

680 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 29, 2023

CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 652 first thing this morning, has since climbed modestly to 673 as of the time of this report - water temperature mid-morning was at 53 degrees and climbed to 57 degrees by the early afternoon - air temperatures started at 51 degrees before sunrise, dipped to 44 degrees near dawn, then slowly climbed to our high of 55 degrees by 3:30 PM, before beginning a slow drop towards sundown - just before dawn it started to sprinkle - that soon turned into a steady drizzle that lasted until about 9:30 AM, when it stopped - we were dry the rest of the day - we had some stiff SE winds pretty much all day - some guests indicated that a few spots on the run were, essentially, unfishable as they were not sheltered enough to enable casting - 13 total guests joined us on the run today, as early as 8:45 AM to as late as 4:30 PM - our first guest came off the run for the day at 12:45 PM - he had fished only a few hours in the lower section, swinging flies, and reported 3 / 3 small Steelhead and several Smallmouth Bass - three hours later, at 3:45 PM, again after only a few hours, our next guest coming off the run reported seven Smallmouth Bass, "some decent", which he was targeting while swinging flies in the lower section - at 6 PM a guest came off the run - he was targeting Smallmouth Bass, so he fished the lower section with a brown 1/8 ounce jig tipped with an imitation crawdad - he was able to bring to hand "about 20" bass, in the 2 to 3 # range, with a couple of 4# in that mix - he then came up to the middle section and threw a copper bladed spinner for just a bit, without any results - just a bit later another guest came off the run - this person was one of the first on the run this morning - he fished the lower section hard, without any success - near noon he took a short break, then went back down on the run, to the upper section this time, and scored 2 / 4 Steelhead, in the 6 to 8 # range (larger ones broke him off due to a 6 # leader), swinging a purple and black stone fly (which accounted for three of the fish) and a peach colored UV enhanced fly which accounted for the second fish brought to hand - at 6:45 PM a guest came off the run and reported five smaller Steelhead (3 to 5 #) and "a bunch of bass" - he fished top to bottom of the run, spin casting spinners - the winds down low were not any problem, and seemed stronger the further upriver he went - just a short time later a father and his young son came off the run - they had fished earlier this morning, with the son landing a Smallmouth Bass in the lower section, and this time they fished the middle section, with the son bringing to hand several more bass - a few minutes later, another two guests came of the run - they were both trying Spey casting, as novices, did get a few tugs in the lower section, but were not able to bring anything to hand - both stated they nonetheless enjoyed being on the run today - at 7 PM our last guest checked off the run - he only fished a little bit, but was able to bring a chunky Smallmouth to hand, in the lower section, swinging a stone fly - for the amount of time, he was pleased enough - tonight the low will be 48 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Rain. Potential for heavy rainfall. High 59F. Winds ESE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near an half an inch.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:00am

Sunset: 8:03pm

673 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 28, 2023

The fishing continues to be hot and cold, today, apparently a hot day for the handful of anglers we spoke with.  We couldn't ask for much more comfortable weather, with temperatures in the 60's today, and plenty of overcast definitely in favor of our anglers out today.  Contrary to the reports this past week, it seems the majority of the steelhead which were caught today, were caught in the lower end of the property, with mostly bass reported in the middle and upper sections.  Water temperatures early morning were 49 F, but only reached 53 F with the overcast.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (4/28).  At this time no further scheduling has been posted for the weekend.  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


63° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:01am

Sunset: 8:02pm

659 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 27, 2023

A lighter crowd today, with most anglers joining us again for the morning, with a few anglers making their way onto the run for a few hours this afternoon.  Things quieted down quite a bit today compared the days past, with just a few steelhead and reported collectively between all of our anglers, with one angler notably landing a walleye in the lower end of the property.  The dam release has schedule has been updated to remain at 500 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (4/28).  Please check for updated release information.


54° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:03am

Sunset: 8:01pm

688 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 26, 2023

Another nice, but rather cool day made for fairly busy day on the run with two dozen anglers, most joining us for the greater part of the morning into the early afternoon.  From the reports we received, it seems today was a bit tougher than yesterday.  One angler having covered nearly the entire property, made mention that there were plenty of steelhead around but just a few showed interest in the various presentations.  Bluebird skies, and clear water are surely not helping odds today either.  Overall, most anglers were able to manage either a steelhead or two, or a pile of smallmouth bass.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tomorrow (4/26) at 11:59 PM.    


47° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:04am

Sunset: 7:59pm

688 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release





April 25, 2023

Overall, conditions were fair with the lack of overcast just about the only unfavorable factor.  Based on the reports we received from the nearly two dozen anglers that joined us, fishing picked up a bit today, with one veteran father and son duo reporting double digit numbers on steelhead, between them.  Other anglers reported a mixed bag of both steelhead and 'plenty' of smallmouth bass landed.  Water temperatures began at a recorded 48 F this morning, and reached 52 F by early afternoon.  At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tomorrow night (4/26).  Please check for updated dam release information.


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:06am

Sunset: 7:58pm

710 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 24, 2023

We started off the week with considerably less angling pressure than what we saw over this past weekend.  Just under a dozen anglers joined us, mostly for the morning, and nearly all indicated a rather difficult time getting into fish today.  It seems even those anglers targeting bass, found it rather difficult to rack up any sort of numbers.  Conditions over the week continue to cool down, with quite a bit of rain in the forecast. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tomorrow (4/25) at 11:59 PM.  Please check ahead for updated dam release information.


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:07am

Sunset: 7:57pm

755 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 23, 2023

A note of interest: at 2:10 PM today, our area was rocked by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake, centered at the Oswego / Jefferson County line, near Adams . . . CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 747 all day - air temperature started at 48 degrees, typically dipped a bit after sunrise to 46 degrees, then gradually climbed to our high of 51 degrees at 2:15 PM before sliding down to it's current 45 degrees - a wet, foggy morning slowly cleared until at noon there were some hazy blue spots in the sky, with diffused sunshine - as the afternoon progressed, skies cleared even more, to partly cloudy and brilliant sunshine by 2:15 PM - by 4:15 PM we were again completely overcast - winds all day were relatively light and variable - we had 30 guests join us on the run today, arriving as early as 5:15 AM to as late as 3:30 PM - our first two guests off the run, at 9:45 AM, reported only a fingerling trout (or salmon?) between them - at 10:45 AM two guests reported being skunked while targeting bass in the lower section - on their heels four guests reported 0 / 2 ("probably bass") between them, but they were admittedly new to fishing the river - at 11:45 AM the reports took a bit of a turn for the better when a guest reported 0 / 3 (one Steelhead, two Smallmouth Bass) swinging an olive Wooly Bugger in the middle section - just afterwards, another guest reported 3 / 6 Steelhead drifting eggs and beads under a bobber in the middle section - at 1 PM a guest reported one Smallmouth Bass swinging, and drifting under a bobber, various colored Wooly Buggers in the middle section - near 2 PM a guest reported 0 / 2 Steelhead and 1 / 3 Smallmouth Bass swinging a black Wooly Bugger in the lower section - at 3:15 a guest reported being skunked swinging flies in the upper section - at 3:45 PM two guests, who only fished a couple of hours, reported five Smallmouth Bass between them - at 4:45 PM two guests, the high rods for today, reported 3 / 7 Steelhead, 8 / 8 Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass, drifting "all colors of eggs" and blue blue beads under a bobber, and swinging copper colored spinners, in the middle section - at the same time another guest reported 1 / 4 Steelhead bottom bouncing egg sacks in the upper section - he was thrilled by a take he saw while reeling the egg sack in - at 5 PM a guest reported 0 / 2 Steelhead swinging streamers in the middle section - an hour later two guests reported 1 / 3 Steelhead, and one Smallmouth Bass, from the upper section, "after throwing all types of eggs and lures at them!" - our last guest came off the water at 7:30 PM (he checked in early afternoon) and was pleased with 2 / 3 Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass, swinging olive colored Wooly Buggers in the lower section - the overnight low will be 39 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy in the afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 50F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.


43° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:09am

Sunset: 7:56pm

747 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 22, 2023

Forty-plus anglers took advantage of the fine weather and good water level to join us on the run today. The wind became pretty brutal and that made things challenging for many of our anglers, but that being said, it was still a very good day to be on the run. Of the anglers that I spoke with, nearly all were able to get into good numbers of Steelhead with six being the most frequent number with some doing less and a few doing much better. Not as many Smallmouth were brought to hand, but I believe that was due to the fact that the Steelhead fishing was so productive that anglers didn't modify their techniques to target Smallmouth. That being said, reports of some very good sized fish were brought to hand. As is frequently the case, the float-fishermen were most successful, but all techniques were productive today and all sections of the run fished well. By late afternoon, the temperature took a nose dive, the winds picked up and rain thunder and lighting drove most anglers off the water. The scheduled flow from the dam remains at 500 cfs through midnight tomorrow (though that might change with the rain we're getting) and the flow at Pineville is 562 cfs


53° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:10am

Sunset: 7:55pm

652 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 21, 2023

CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge started at 695 and dropped over the day to 666 - water temperature started at 47 degrees and climbed to 52 degrees by the early afternoon - air temperatures were in the low to mid 50s early this morning, climbed to our high of 86 degrees at 4:15 PM, before abruptly dropping to 76 degrees within the next hour as the clouds rolled in - for the most part, our skies were hazy with indistinct clouds and bright sunshine, until clouds formed by late afternoon, becoming wholly overcast by 6 PM - winds were light and variable all day, with a cooling effect - 27 guests joined us on the run today, with guests checking in as late as 3:30 PM for a few hours of fishing - the first guest off the run reported two drop-back Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass, swinging flies in the lower section - at 3 PM a single guest accounted for 4 / 5 Steelhead, 21" to 29", swinging streamers in the lower section - at 4:45 PM a lady reported a decent Smallmouth Bass caught on a blue and silver Panther-Martin spinner, while her male companion reported being skunked swinging flies, both while angling in the middle to lower sections - near 5 PM, a guest in a hurry stated "got a few Steelhead" on his way to his car, carrying a fly rod - at 5:15 PM another guest reported "lots of Smallmouth Bass!" without further detail - on his heels, a father and his two young sons reported a couple of Steelhead floating pink worms under a bobber in the lower section - most of his action was this morning - at 5:30 a trio of guests came off the run, also having fished pink worms under a bobber, and swinging flies, all without success - they left with some tips for tomorrow from other anglers - at 6:30 PM a man and his wife reported 7 / 10 and 3 / 7 Steelhead respectively, swinging olive and brown stone flies in the middle and upper sections - her top fish was a nice 10 #, with the rest of theirs in the 6 # to 8 # range - shortly thereafter another guest reported two Smallmouth Bass, and an half hour later the next guest reported the same results on a brown wooly bugger in the middle section - the last guest came off the run a bit after 8 PM - he had checked in at around 3:30 PM, but in those few hours he had swung streamers in the upper and middle sections, connecting with a 29" Steelhead and several Smallmouth Bass , so he was happy - the forecast for tonight is 60% chance of showers, low of 54 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Cloudy with occasional rain in the afternoon. High near 75F. Winds SSE at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:12am

Sunset: 7:53pm

673 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 20, 2023

Just a tad warmer today.  Temperatures hovered around 50 F for most of the day, with little to no wind, and some pretty good overcast.  Just under 2 dozen anglers early took advantage of the weather, a majority joining us early in the day, and wrapping things up early afternoon.  The reports from the anglers echoed those of yesterday, with plenty of fish being caught by all over the run, but what you caught really depending on where the efforts were focused.  The lower end again produced substantially more smallmouth bass with a few steelhead in the mix, while the middle and upper sections reported a majority of steelhead caught, with just a few bass in the mix.  Having your pick is never a bad thing!  Hopefully we will continue to see some more upbeat action as we head into the weekend. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow night (4/21).  Please check for update release information.


51° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:14am

Sunset: 7:52pm

695 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 19, 2023

We got a little bit of everything today, between the weather and the fish!  A cold day overall, started out with some early showers, turning into sun, and then back to overcast with some pretty strong and constant wind.  Needless to say, the morning seemed to be a bit more productive for most of our anglers.  Reports varied heavily today based on where each of our anglers focused their attention today.  Anglers fishing the lower sections of the property reported quite a few bass, with just a couple of steelhead, and even a walleye in the mix.  Anglers fishing the middle sections of the property proved to be more productive with steelhead, reporting double digit hook-ups.   Forecasts call for a bit of the same for weather conditions, just a tad warmer with a bit more sun.  The dam release was adjusted last night from 750 CFS to 500 CFS, where it is currently scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tomorrow (4/20).  Please check for updated dam release information.


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:15am

Sunset: 7:51pm

695 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



April 18, 2023

Temperatures have continued to take a dive, settling around 40 F with steady showers throughout the day today.  Reports varied from the handful of anglers that joined us, but all successful in bringing multiple fish to hand.   A majority of these anglers reporting multiple drop backs landed, and a few anglers reported double digits numbers of small mouth bass landed despite the cool down.  Current forecasts indicate that things will remain cool over the next few days, and dry out, with temperatures expected to rise back up again just in time for the weekend.  The release from the dam is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (4/18). Please check for update dam release information.


39° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:17am

Sunset: 7:50pm

876 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 17, 2023

What a difference a day can make.  Temperatures barely scratched 50 F today, with plenty of overcast, and a few showers leading up to the expected rain this evening. Regardless of it being a Monday, just over a dozen anglers joined us, with a majority fishing the morning into the early afternoon.  Overall, a quiet day, with a few steelhead reported among the anglers we spoke with today, as well as a few more bass.  With air temperatures and water levels all over the place, its anyone's guess what kind of steelhead fishing we will see this week.  The dam release is back down to 750 CFS today, where it is scheduled to remain until 4/18 at 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated dam release information.


52° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:18am

Sunset: 7:49pm

876 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 16, 2023

CFS at the dam started at 1200 this morning, then two hours earlier than previously advertised, at 10 AM, the CFS at the dam abruptly dropped to 750 - CFS at the Pineville gauge started high as well, at 1480, then rapidly dropped through 1470 (11:15 AM), 910 (12:15 PM), 876 (2:15 PM), before it settled at 868 (3:15 PM) for the day - air temperature started at 61 degrees, climbed to our high of 83 degrees by 3:30 PM, then slowly dropped to our current 77 degrees - water temperatures started at 47 degrees and climbed to 52 degrees by early afternoon - hazy blue skies early in the morning gradually clouded over on just one half of the horizon, with brilliant sunshine for most of the day - winds were very light, and variable, serving to cool a bit - we had a total of 22 guests, checking in as early as 6 AM and as late as 5 PM - our first guest to leave at 11 AM was happy with the four Smallmouth Bass he brought to hand, in the middle section, fishing a 3" floating blue-back Rapala - the bass ranged from 16" to 18", with his largest at 21" - a pair of guests came off the run on his heels - they both fished a pink paddletail worm (one by spinning, the other by fly rod), under bobbers, without success . . . apparently, this lure and rig performed well for Steelhead yesterday - at 11:15 AM one guest came off the lower and middle parts of the run, having been unsuccessful, but turned right around and fished the upper section for an hour, and connected with two Steelhead, one a drop back, the other a fresh fish, swinging a white wooly bugger with a red / white tail and bead "eyes" - at 12:30 PM two guests came off the upper part of the run - one was skunked, the other was broken off by a nice Steelhead, which took off with his chartreuse wooly bugger . . . that angler is hoping some other lucky angler is able to bring the fish to hand, with the fly still there - shortly after 1 PM three of our veteran anglers came off the run - two reported no success, the last reported 0 / 2 Steelhead swinging flies in the lower and middle sections - at 1:15 PM a guest came off the run, reporting 0 / 3 Steelhead, all of which broke him off - he went back down with a spinning rod as well to target some very large bass cruising the run - this guest came back off the run at 6:15 PM, reporting a total for the day of 0 / 4 Steelhead, and seven Smallmouth Bass, 18" and up, including a real trophy (the pictures of Hank, in a blue shirt, which are featured in this report), perhaps pushing -??- pounds - at 2:15 PM a guide and his client came off the run, not having been successful - the guide immediately went back down to the run, to scout, and at 4:15 PM he reported 0 / 1 Steelhead swinging a white wooly bugger - one guest had previously came off the run at 2:20 PM, but reported not having had any success fishing the middle and upper sections . . . a guest, who had checked in late, and fished for a couple of hours, at 6 PM reported 1 / 2 Steelhead, bright chrome, about 27", swinging orange colored flies, with some black and tinsel, in the upper section - his first time connecting in seven trips, so he was very happy - a pair of guests came off the run at 6:45 PM - one was unsuccessful, however the other (Vin, in white shirt, whose pictures of a Steelhead and Smallmouth Bass are also featured today) reported 2 Smallmouth Bass in the 18-21" range, and 1 / 1 Steelhead swinging flies for the first time ever, a tan zonker - at 7:15 PM, after only a couple of hours on the run, our last guest reported 2 / 2 Steelhead drifting a green glow bead under a bobber in the upper section - the forecast for tonight is: evening showers, becoming a steady rain overnight, a total of a quarter inch of rain - low near 45F. The forecast for tomorrow is: Steady light rain in the morning. Showers continuing in the afternoon. High 57F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Sounds like really good conditions for angling for Spring Steelhead and bass!


79° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:20am

Sunset: 7:47pm

868 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 15, 2023

Sunny skies. light wind, and temperatures in the mid-80's provided our dozen anglers with excellent fishing conditions. The higher water, however, made things a bit of a challenge. With high water wading is significantly restricted which limits access to areas that might be holding fish. While most anglers were not able to bring fish to hand, a few were successful. One of the nicer Steelhead was by a two-handed fisherman that was fishing the middle section of the run. Fortunately, the water level is dropping (from 1650 cfs to 1200 cfs at noon today and tomorrow at noon the scheduled flow will go from 1200 cfs to 750 cfs. The water temperature is rising and combined with decreased flows, things are setting up for some excellent fishing. There were reports of smallmouth bass being hooked (and released, of course) which is not surprising given the warmer temperatures. Even some suckers were sighted in the run. Tomorrows forecast looks to be a replication of today and with decreased flow, things should show a marked improvement tomorrow.


79° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:22am

Sunset: 7:46pm

1470 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



April 14, 2023

Today was bound to be hit or miss given another increase in the dam release last night.  From the reports we received from the handful of anglers that joined us today, it seems to have been a miss, with nearly all anglers reporting no fish.  A few anglers were fortunate to muster up a fish or two but no staggering numbers today.   The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 1650 CFS until tonight at 11:59 PM (4/14), and scheduled to drop to 1200 CFS at midnight until tomorrow night at (4/15), and then scheduled to drop once again down to 750 CFS on (4/16).  Please check ahead of any planned trips this weekend!


81° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:23am

Sunset: 7:45pm

1820 CFS Pineville Gauge

1650 CFS Dam Release



April 14, 2023

Current Season Pass renewals: a last minute reminder that a minimum of a 50% nonrefundable deposit is due not later than close of business today; the balance is due not later than 31 May.


51° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:23am

Sunset: 7:45pm

1820 CFS Pineville Gauge

1650 CFS Dam Release



April 13, 2023

We officially broke the 70 degree mark today!  With the water back up to 1200 CFS the crowd was a bit lighter today, and most fishing the morning given the temperatures and lack of overcast today. Reports from anglers today were drastically different then yesterday's reports.  Fishing proved to be quite tough today with the majority reporting a skunk.  A few anglers guided in a drift boat took the cake today, with multiple fish landed, all drop backs. Water temperatures began around 42 F, and crept into the 50's by mid afternoon today.  The dam release is scheduled to increase again from 1200 CFS to 1650 CFS tonight (4/13) at 9:00 PM, where it is scheduled to remain until tomorrow night (4/14) at 11:59 PM.  Please be sure to check for updated information ahead of any upcoming trips!


78° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:25am

Sunset: 7:44pm

1470 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



April 12, 2023

With another day in the 60's, and a bit of overcast, we had about a dozen anglers join us today.  It's safe to say, based on the reports from these anglers today, things picked up quite a bit, with double digit numbers reported from some of the groups that joined us.  Fishing was reported to be more productive this morning, with a bit of a lull during the high sun, and picking back up again toward the end of the day.  Water temperatures began at 43 F this morning, and reached about 48 F by about 1:00 PM this afternoon.  The dam release is scheduled to increase from 750 CFS to 1200 CFS at 9:00 PM tonight, were it is scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tomorrow (4/13).  Please check for updated release information.


74° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:27am

Sunset: 7:43pm

918 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 11, 2023

Hard to beat a 65 F day, with good overcast, until you add a bit of wind in the mix.  With little wind this morning, a handful of anglers took advantage of another good window of opportunity.  Winds picked up early afternoon, making fishing quite a bit more difficult with winds at 15 MPH, and most calling it a day.  Another mixed report, with few unable to locate a fish, a couple with missed takes, one honestly reporting a sucker, and the high hook of the day going 2 for 3 on steelhead.  Not the most productive day by any means, but it's just a matter of time.


70° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:42pm

918 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 10, 2023

Hard to believe with a low of 28 F early this morning, that we'd have such a warm and comfortable day.  With temperatures hovering around 60 F, about a half dozen anglers joined us to take advantage of some beautiful weather, and lighter weekday pressure.  Despite the gorgeous day, the fishing proved to be rather difficult with clear blue  skies.  The majority of our anglers were unable to get into a fish today.  Just a couple of anglers reported success, one angler with a fresh (unspawned) steelhead, and another angler with a brown trout.  Fortunately we will see some more of the same weather, with a bit of overcast tomorrow. and Wednesday. Water temperatures reach a reported 47 F by mid afternoon today.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until tomorrow night (4/10) until 11:59 PM.  Please visit for updated release information.


63° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:30am

Sunset: 7:40pm

945 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 9, 2023

REMINDER: Season Pass renewal invitations were sent out the first of March - a 50% deposit to renew your season pass is due not later than close of business 14 April - the balance is due not later than 31 May - if you are not aware of these matters, in that you believe that you did not receive the invitation to renew your season pass, please first check your spam folder - please also ask any season pass holders that you may know if they are aware of these deadlines - thanks! CFS at the dam 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge 980 - air temperature started at 29 degrees, dipped to 24 degrees near dawn, then slowly rose to our high of 47 by 3 PM - water temperatures started at 37 degrees first thing this morning, then climbed to 44 degrees by midafternoon - bluebird skies and brilliant sunshine greeted our guests first thing this morning, with skies hazing over slightly as the day progressed - light and variable winds put a bit of a pleasant chill in the air - we had seven guests on the run today - I was able to catch five as they left - one of the DSR guides, John Kopy, shortly after noon reported that his morning clients scored 5 / 10 or so Steelhead, drifting through the run, running pink and chartreuse eggs and lures ("something bright") - these numbers are typical of his guided clients - the fish were all described as drop-backs, chroming back up - two of our guests fished the middle to lower sections for a few hours, but were unable to connect - the lady stated it was beautiful on the run, but a bit chilly - our first guest, on the run at 8:15 AM, did not leave until 2:30 PM - he reported 1 / 3 (or 4) Steelhead, swinging flies in the lower section - a nice 31" chromer - the low tonight will be 30 degrees - tomorrow's forecast is: A mainly sunny sky. High 59F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph.


48° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:32am

Sunset: 7:39pm

971 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 8, 2023

Bright sunshine made you think it was warmer than it was. It was cold this morning and chilly all day, but at least the wind was manageable for a change. We need warmer temperatures to raise the water temperature (although late afternoon it got close to 40). All anglers struggled today and of those that I spoke with, not a fish was brought to hand. I think colder water temperatures have slowed the spawn down, but with temperatures forecast to get into the 70's this week, I expect things will change in a major way real fast. The release from the dam will remain at 1500 cfs through midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville is 1920 cfs. Happy Easter everybody!!


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:34am

Sunset: 7:38pm

1850 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 7, 2023

CFS at the dam 1500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1900 - air temperature started at mid-30s this morning and only climbed to our high of 40 degrees - an overcast day to start with cleared by mid-afternoon to bluebird skies and brilliant sunshine, before hazing over a bit - we had a light, steady, breeze / light wind throughout the day - we had two lodge guests on the run, however they did not report their day to us - tonight's low will be 26 degrees, tomorrow's forecast is: Sunny, along with a few afternoon clouds. High 43F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.


39° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:35am

Sunset: 7:37pm

1900 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 6, 2023

Due to high water (dam release of 2,000 CFS ), DSR was closed to fishing today, April 6, 2023. For updated water flow information, please visit:


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 7:36pm

2000 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 5, 2023

Just a couple of anglers joined us for fairly brief outings this morning, and indicated that like yesterday, it was tough to find a fish in all the water.  Needless to say, all called it a day ahead of the impending weather.  With a few inches of rain forecasted, the 1500 CFS release from the dam has once again been extended, now scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until tomorrow night (4/6) at 11:59 PM.  Please check ahead of any planned trips.  DSR will remain open for fishing unless the release from the dam is greater than 2000 CFS.


59° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:39am

Sunset: 7:34pm

1810 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 4, 2023

A rather mild day, hanging around 50F for the majority of the day, with plenty of overcast.  About a half dozen anglers joined us throughout the day, all reporting no success in competition with the higher flows.  Water temperatures this morning were a reported 36 F, and rose to about 39 F by this afternoon.  Water clarity even given some of the thaw we've seen with 50 F days, still remains clear.  The dam release is scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until tomorrow night (4/5) at 11:59 PM.  Please be sure to check before your next trip!


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:41am

Sunset: 7:33pm

1810 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 3, 2023

A quiet Monday for the run with flows still up.  One DSR guide took advantage of the bigger water, and floated through with clients in a drift boat.  He indicated a fairly successful day, with most of the fish reported in the lower end of the run, with surprisingly not much success in the middle and upper sections. The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until tomorrow (4/4) at 11:59 PM.  Please check ahead of your trip!


54° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:43am

Sunset: 7:32pm

1830 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 2, 2023

CFS at the dam 1500, CFS at the Pineville gauge has been slowly dropping all day to its current 1930 - our air temperature to start the morning was 28 degrees, with frozen rain left over from overnight - during the day, air temperatures slowly climbed to our recent high of 34 degrees - we had bluebird skies and brilliant sunshine throughout the day - an initially blustery wind abated somewhat towards the early afternoon, making for an overall pleasant day to be out on the run - six guests joined us, starting at 9:30 AM through the early afternoon - a pair of guests took a break at 2:30 PM, reporting 0 / 1 between them, bottom bouncing eggs, as well as drifting eggs under a bobber, in the middle section - these two went back onto the run, fishing the upper section for a few more hours, without further success - our last guest to have checked in this afternoon reported, after a few hours, not even a tug - a guide reported that his two clients, who fished only the morning hours, achieved six fish brought to hand, including a chrome "football" Brown Trout, which was incredibly acrobatic and a real fighter - his clients drifted chartreuse and white eggs, under a bobber, as they floated through the run - overnight low will be 26 degrees - forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly cloudy with some showers in the afternoon. High 58F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:44am

Sunset: 7:31pm

1930 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



April 1, 2023

Winter. Summer. Winter. The day began with cold. chilly temperatures and a thunderstorm which gave way to clearing skies around 8:00AM which stayed with us for the better part of the day with temperatures rising into the mid-60's. An absolute gorgeous day to be on the river (although the wind was a bit of a nuisance, but that died after a while). Then late afternoon things went back to winter with increasing clouds, rain and temperatures falling into the 40's. About a dozen anglers fished the run and while I was not able to get a report from all of them, the reports indicate that fishing continues to be tough. Only two anglers were able to bring a single fish to hand. One in the morning and another by aa season pass holder that fished for a few hours at the end of the day. With the rain that we received today I suspect that the flow from the dam will continue to be high for a while. The current forecast is for the water from the dam to remain at 1500 cfs through midnight tomorrow and the current flow at Pineville is 1940 cfs (and rising).


47° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:46am

Sunset: 7:30pm

1940 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release

