40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
453 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

January 31, 2022

Warming Up

Things are finally starting to warm up.  We aren't quite over freezing, but heat wave brought some anglers out from hibernation today.  No lights out or banner days by any means, but at least they got to go fishing while we are stuck at work!  Ice has continued to accumulate, with the river frozen over up until about Spring Hole.  You've been warned. I remember a few days hoofing it down there in knee deep snow, to find no water in sight.  But, then again, when it breaks open, you could be that lucky angler. We so greatly appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we continue to work through last weeks technical issues.  Anglers who have contacted DSR Guest Services, we haven't forgot about you, don't worry.  We want to make sure we can address everyone's request and resolve things to get you planning.  Good news, tomorrow is only February.  Please stay tuned as we hope to follow up in the later part of the week with, what we hope is nothing but good news for all of our guests who faced issues last Tuesday.


30° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:22am

Sunset: 5:13pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



January 28, 2022

Conditions certainly weren't promising today, with another bone chilling day.  Needless to say, the run went untouched. Thankfully we are getting a nice work out in, inside this week keeping up with this crazy demand for fall fishing passes!  As the dust settles, we look forward to following up with all of our guests whom have reached out to us in the past several days, expressing their concerns for securing fishing passes in anticipation for their annual trips to the Douglaston Salmon Run.  Rest assured, we are working diligently towards what we are hopeful is nothing but good news for everyone.  We so greatly appreciate everyone's patience, understanding along with the outpour of support as we get through some of these growing pains!


8° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:25am

Sunset: 5:09pm

535 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




Abbreviated Hours 1/29 – 1/30 :    9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

January 27, 2022

January 27, 2022

We woke to another morning with temperatures in the single digits which slowly rose into the mid 20's through the day. However, it still wasn't warm enough to keep the run from being unfished again. The good news is the 10 day forecast has a stretch of days at or above freezing for next week.


28° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:26am

Sunset: 5:08pm

913 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




We appreciate everyone’s patience as we sort through all the emails, calls and voicemails we’ve received over the last few days regarding Tuesday’s website glitches during the fishing pass release. We are working diligently to follow up with each of you, but please be patient as this may take several days. We are thankful for all your support as we continue to iron out kinks with our new website.

January 24, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

6:00 pm Closing Time

Attention Guests

Thanks for sticking with us on this wild wade! Due to complications in our ongoing development, the release of Premium Access Passes has been delayed. ONLY Daily Fishing Passes will be released tomorrow January 25th, 2022 at 6:00 PM. The Premium Access Pass release will be announced at a later date, after we've worked out the kinks in our line. To our Lodge Guests, sit back tomorrow. As a lodge guest you are guaranteed Fishing Passes for the duration of your reservation, which include the days of check-in and check-out. You'll be able to add fishing passes into your existing lodging reservation at a later date. To our Guided Clients, it's time to take it easy. As a guided client you are guaranteed Daily Fishing Passes on those days you're being guided. To our Season Pass Holders, grab a cold one.  - Unless you intend on purchasing Daily Fishing Passes for guests. Also remember you'll have coupons with guaranteed access (9 or 12 Month Pass = 4 coupons 25% off, 6.5 Month Pass = 2 coupons 25% off) We very much appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to develop our new platform. Don't worry, it’ll be worth the wade.


20° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:28am

Sunset: 5:04pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




DSR’s release of Premium Access Passes has been delayedONLY Daily Fishing Passes will be released tomorrow January 25th, 2022 at 6:00 PM. The Premium Access Pass release will be announced at a later date

January 21, 2022

January 21, 2022

Bitter cold kept anglers away again today so we have no news to report on the fishing front.  We continue to mend the lines after the snag we hit to ensure that all guests have the same opportunity to purchase passes for the days they most want to fish.
DSR is pleased to announce that our 2022 Fishing Pass release has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 25th at 6:00 PM.
The "Buy A Fishing Pass" page is now live on the new site -although, the ability to purchase passes has been disabled. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this area of the new site to prepare for Tuesday. Click 'Book Your Trip' in the upper right hand corner of our home page, and then select 'Buy A Fishing Pass'.
We appreciate everyone’s on-going patience and support as we work to accommodate the increased traffic on our new website. It'll be worth the wade!
P.S. No daily or premium passes were sold on January 17th


10° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:31am

Sunset: 5:00pm

889 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




*Delayed opening 1/22/22 – 9:00 AM

January 20, 2022

We've been busy mending the lines after the snag we hit to ensure that all guests have the same opportunity to purchase passes for the days they most want to fish.

DSR is pleased to announce that our 2022 Fishing Pass release has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 25th at 6:00 PM. The "Buy A Fishing Pass" page is now live on the new site -although, the ability to purchase passes has been disabled. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this area of the new site to prepare for Tuesday. Click 'Book Your Trip' in the upper right hand corner of our home page, and then select 'Buy A Fishing Pass'. We appreciate everyone’s on-going patience and support as we work to accommodate the increased traffic on our new website. It'll be worth the wade!

P.S. No daily or premium passes were sold on January 17th


11° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:31am

Sunset: 4:59pm

523 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




DELAYED OPENING 1/21/22 – 9:00 AM

January 19, 2022

6:45 am Opening Time

6:00 pm Closing Time

This weather is WILD.  Temperatures hovered around 40 F today, again with little wind.  With grim forecasts through the end of the month (won't get warmer than 28 F) , a handful of anglers jumped at the opportunity. Several of the anglers that joined us today indicated quite a bit of slush, and ice coming down for most of the day.  This wont be the last of it either, considering that forecast that looming over us.  Fishing wasn't easy today, with a lot of "One for's"today, but also a couple of "Two for's", with one brown reported today.  These fish are taking complete advantage of the vail the ice shelves offer them, making for some tough drifts, and requiring calculated landing opportunities. Due to forecasted conditions, DSR will begin tomorrow with a delayed opening time of 9:00 AM.  Please stay tuned for abbreviations to our schedule due to impending conditions.  


41° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:32am

Sunset: 4:57pm

529 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release





We know you’ve all been anticipating the purchase of your 2022 Fishing Passes…
DSR’s planned Fishing Pass release hit a snag. Due to the high demand, and traffic on our website, we have to untangle a few things.
Please stay tuned to DSR’s Facebook, Website, and your email for our raincheck date.

January 18, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

5:45 pm Closing Time

With a break in the weather, today wasn't terribly cold, with minimal wind.  Just a couple of anglers blazed the trails today, both having rather short outings indicating a considerable amount of slush in addition to rather unstable shelf ice.  A few takes on the first few couple of casts, but today just wasn't in favor of the anglers, conditions on the river proved to be quite difficult to overcome.

We know you've all been anticipating the purchase of your 2022 Fishing Passes...
DSR's planned Fishing Pass release hit a snag. Due to the high demand, and traffic on our website, we have to untangle a few things.
To remain fair to all guests, DSR plans to correct issues before rescheduling the pass release in order for all guests to have an equal opportunity to purchase passes.
Please stay tuned to DSR's Facebook, Website, and your email for our raincheck date.


18° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:33am

Sunset: 4:56pm

535 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




We know you’ve all been anticipating the purchase of your 2022 Fishing Passes…
DSR’s planned Fishing Pass release hit a snag. Due to the high demand, and traffic on our website, we have to untangle a few things.
To remain fair to all guests, DSR plans to correct issues before rescheduling the pass release in order for all guests to have an equal opportunity to purchase passes.
Please stay tuned to DSR’s Facebook, Website, and your email for our raincheck date.

January 15, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

3:00 pm Closing Time

The weather has affected the fishing today, no anglers ventured out. It was sunny and cold with wind chills -13F this afternoon. Tonight’s going to be another cold one with -7F. Tomorrow will be somewhat warmer with a low of -6F and a high of 23F, wind chills will be ranging between -14F in the morning and 12F by the afternoon. DSR will open with a delayed start tomorrow beginning at 9:00 AM.  


3° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:34am

Sunset: 4:52pm

1030 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release





DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST). At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online!

With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for.

Emails have been sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.

January 14, 2022

6:45 pm Opening Time

6:00 pm Closing Time

Despite the dropping temperatures, conditions started out pretty good.  One angler joining us right off the bat, to get his fishing in early this morning.  He was to bring a beautiful colored up buck this morning. His words "They are ALL good! But some are definitely better than others”. By the end of his outing, temperatures had steadily dropped, with the wind picking up quite a bit.  A few other season pass holders came in early this afternoon just at the beginning of the high winds, battling through it for a couple of hours.  They were each able to hook and bring a couple of fish to hand.  On their retreat back to the Welcome Center, one of the anglers wasn’t ready to call it a day, hitting another fish on his way back and continued to stick it out for quite a while. With temperatures continuing to drop, and anticipated to plummet below zero, DSR will be open for abbreviated hours on Saturday 1/15/22 and Sunday 1/16/22; Opening at 9:00 AM / Closing at 3:00 PM.  


16° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:51pm

529 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST). At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online! Please note that our Product Pages are not yet published and active for guests to interact with until January 17th.
With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for. Emails have been sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.

January 13, 2022

6:45 am Opening Time

5:45 pm Closing Time

Today was a bit of a luxury, with temperatures finally breaking freezing reaching a high of about 36F.  Another treat, the dam was dropped to 350 CFS at 7:00 AM this morning, making for quite an interesting day. Typically never favorable for anglers when we have a drop during the day.  Between snow melt, and shelf ice beginning to give way with no support from the higher water, things were definitely a bit of a mess in some areas of the run.  Most of our anglers seemed to have a tough go at it today, most with success coming early this morning, before we saw the affects of the water drop. Some of our veteran pass holders, took advantage of the break in the weather and ventured a bit farther today and were rewarded handsomely.  The high stick of the day today went 7 for 9 (covering a lot of ground), bottom bouncing egg sacs.  His theory, it was all luck, with lightly pressured water this past week. Temperatures will begin to drop back down tonight, with a forecasted 23 F at our opening time tomorrow.  And, it's only expected to get colder as the day goes on, projected to drop down to 9 F by closing tomorrow.  Saturday, is even COLDER.  Please stay tuned for announcements surrounding abbreviated hours this weekend in the event of the zub zero temperatures.    


35° / Cloudy

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:50pm

350 CFS Pineville Gauge

535 CFS Dam Release





DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST). At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online!
With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for.
Emails have been sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.

January 12, 2022

6:45 am Opening Time

5:45 pm Closing Time

Not quite as cold as yesterday, but the wind sure made it feel worse.  Surprisingly, despite this little break in temperatures, we didn't see much angling pressure today.  Two anglers ventured onto the run this afternoon, one first-timer and one veteran pass holder, both float fishing.  They both expressed ice shelfs which were quite difficult to negotiate while fishing in the middle section. But, our pass holder indicated compared to a few days prior, and a slight drop in the water, the ice shelves have started to clear way a bit.  Good news for the middle section, sounds like bad news for the lower end of the run, I can only imagine the piles of ice beginning to claim the banks and runs.  Despite the ice shelfs, our pass holder was able to get plenty of good drifts in, and landed a few fish.  Expectations were set a bit higher for today, but they just weren't having it today.  Temperatures are forecasted to creep past freezing tomorrow, but with snow flurries in the mix.


33° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:36am

Sunset: 4:49pm

989 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release





DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST). At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online!
With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for. Emails have been sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.

January 11, 2022

6:45 am Opening Time

5:45 pm Closing Time


Well, we got exactly what was forecasted for this one.  Temperatures dropped dramatically last night, with temperatures around -7 F when we arrived at the office today.  Needless to say, although the run would have felt like a warm bath on a day like today, slush and ice shut things down today for anglers on the river.  With about a foot or so of snowfall here, and untouched water for a couple of days now.  Smells fishy to me. DSR will resume normal hours of operation tomorrow (6:45AM - 5:45PM), with a fair forecast of about 28 F around our opening time.  Just be ready to chip some ice, and blaze some trails!  Winds tomorrow look to be the only trouble in store, until we approach the weekend with some more intensely cold weather.

Extreme Cold

8° / Extreme Cold

Sunrise: 7:36am

Sunset: 4:48pm

750 CFS Pineville Gauge

989 CFS Dam Release





DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST).  At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online! With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for. Emails will be sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.

January 10, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

5:00 pm Closing Time

Snow Day (Welcome to the new !)

With temperatures beginning to take a dip last night and accumulation of snow, regardless of a delay or not, today just wasn't the day to be on water.  The snow is continuous, with white out conditions, reducing visibility substantially, even on foot.  Again, with impending weather and record low temperatures forecasted, DSR will operate on a delayed opening with office hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.   The wade is almost over.  With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we've got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they've been wading for.  Emails will be sent to guests of varying categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.      


18° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:40 am

Sunset: 4:48 am

981 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Due to extreme cold weather tomorrow, DSR will be open for office hours between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (1/11/22)