36° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:05am
Sunset 5:32pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

Yesterday's Report

February 12, 2025

Fishing Report for 02/12/2025-We had a handful of anglers join us today on the run, all showing up at or close to the noon hour.  Once again, the middle to the lower portions of the run was where they all chose to fish.  Success was the appropriate word again today for all anglers I spoke to, with numbers brought to hand ranging from a couple to double digits with one angler reporting a chrome hen of around 12 lbs. Our weather for the next 24 hours will take many forms as the current temperature will slowly rise thru the evening with some scattered snow flurries, turning over to sleet / ice just after midnight and then projected rain for several hours beginning around 3:00am before turning back to snow after sundown.  The winds currently from the E/SE will move to S/SW and then primarily Westerly in the late afternoon tomorrow, anywhere from 15-18 mph in the early morning, but jumping to over 20 mph when the wind becomes Westerly. The flow from the dam moved down from 350 cfs to 295 cfs around 10:00am this morning where it’s scheduled to stay thru 11:59 tomorrow evening.  The Pineville Gauge is currently at 419 cfs.


25° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:07am

Sunset: 5:30pm

419 CFS Pineville Gauge

295 CFS Dam Release



February 11, 2025

Daily Fishing Report for 02/11/2025-We had a handful of anglers join us on the run today, with all but (1) starting out in the early morning.  I spoke with the anglers as they came by the Welcome Center on their way out; all were successful in numbers ranging from 3 for 5 to 5 for 5, mostly using egg sacks under floats and a couple bottom bouncing.  The fish brought to hand were mostly colored up but there were a few that appeared fresh.  Tomorrow will see the start of the day in the mid-teens rising to around 30 degrees with light E/NE winds, and a slight chance of any precipitation.  The flow from the dam is scheduled to remain at 350 cfs through 11:59 tomorrow evening; the Pineville gauge is currently at 476 cfs.


26° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:08am

Sunset: 5:29pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 10, 2025

The flow out of the Dam will remain at 350CFS thru midnight on the 11th. The weather for tonight variable clouds with snow showers. Low near 20F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 80%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected. The forecast for tomorrow will be cloudy with snow showers developing during the afternoon. High around 30F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 50%. Just a few anglers on the run today, most guests had some success, a good bit of walking was needed.


21° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:09am

Sunset: 5:27pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 9, 2025

CFS at the dam 350 until midnight the 10th of February, CFS at the Pineville gauge remained at 476 throughout the day. We started the day with about six inches of new, fluffy, lake effect snow, and an air temperature of 27 degrees Fahrenheit. Near sunrise the temperature dropped suddenly to 21 degrees, then laboriously climbed to 29 degrees by mid-afternoon, before now beginning a slow drop to our forecasted overnight low of 19 degrees. The morning alternated between fully overcast, and partly cloudy with diffuse sunshine, before clouding over completely by mid-afternoon. About that time, we experienced a beginning of a light snowfall, which gradually intensified to now near whiteout conditions. Our forecast is calling for up to 16" of new snow areawide through 4 AM Tuesday morning, but the nature of lake effect is narrow bands of snow with little snowfall outside of the bands, so take that with a grain of salt. Today has been a rare day of absolute calm, without even a slight breeze, the entire day. Nine guests ventured onto the run today, joining us from early morning until mid-afternoon. The first one off the run, for a break, reported a nice Brown Trout, before he headed back down. Over the course of 12:30 through 5:30 PM roughly half of these guests reported having brought to hand two to three Steelhead each, with the other half reporting four to six each. The fish ranged from 5# to just over 10#, with some darker fish, some colored up, and (good news) a couple that were bright chrome.  Beads under a bobber slightly outperformed eggs under a bobber today.  No one part of the river seemed to outproduce any other, but successful anglers did report covering ground.  All in all, a good day to be on the run, continuing with the streak of very good Steelhead fishing this winter. The forecast for tomorrow is: Cloudy skies with afternoon snow showers. High 26F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.  Featured is Ben, with the Brown Trout he brought to hand earlier this morning. May be an image of 1 person


27° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:11am

Sunset: 5:26pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 8, 2025

The flow out of the Dam remains at 350CFS thru midnight on the 9th, the flow out of Pineville was 470CFS. The weather today had  cloudy skies with snow showers off and on. High 29F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 40%. For this evening there will be periods of snow. Low 21F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 100%. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches. The weather for tomorrow will be cloudy. Snow likely in the afternoon. High 28F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. We had over 20 anglers on the run today, most had success. It was reported that there was some slush in the morning which cleared out in the afternoon, and the water clarity was good. The lower end of the run had ice and wasn't fishable. The anglers that were moving up and down the run had the best overall results.


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:12am

Sunset: 5:25pm

470 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 7, 2025

CFS at the dam 350 at least until midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge remained at 476 all day. Air temperatures started out at 29 degrees Fahrenheit first thing this morning, dropped to the mid-20s for most of the day, peaked at 28 degrees, and will drop to an overnight low of 22 degrees. We started out the morning relatively windy, with alternating periods of complete overcast to partly cloudy and sunny, then around 10 AM the snow squalls began, abruptly announced by a literal roar of high winds sweeping into the area. The snow fell furiously, at times horizontal to the ground, with winds in the 25 to 35 mph range, with even stronger gusts. About an hour later, things calmed down a bit, and the rest of the day we had bands of light snow and winds moving through our area, with intermittent periods of relative calm. Despite these conditions, we had just over an half-dozen guests venture out onto the run, starting at 7:30 AM until 1 PM. Individuals came off the run for short breaks during the late morning, and all but one reported not having hooked into any fish as of that time. They all returned to the run in the early afternoon for the second round. From 3:15 through 5:15 PM all our guests trickled off the run, this time reporting one to three hookups each, with a trio of anglers scoring five Steelhead brought to hand amongst them, the biggest 8#, with a mix of darker and Rainbow Trout colored fish. Egg sacks under a bobber accounted for the majority of fish today. So, all in all a successful day. Tomorrow the forecast is: Mainly cloudy with snow showers around in the morning. High 28F. Winds light and variable. Chance of snow 40%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.


22° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:13am

Sunset: 5:23pm

476 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 6, 2025

Fishing Report for 02/06/2025-Wintry weather mixed in with some light rain made for slick conditions in and around the run from late morning through sunset.  The temperatures stayed in the mid to upper 20s with moderate winds primarily from the W / WSW 5-10 mph which made for a true Steeheader’s day.  About ½ dozen anglers visited the run fishing the middle to the lower sections, starting around 11am.  Although ice and slush were apparent that didn’t stop most of the anglers I spoke with bringing anywhere from ‘a couple’ to ‘several’ to hand.  Tomorrow the wind is forecasted to be much stronger, 20-25 mph from the WNW, temperatures in mid 20s, with a Lake Effect Snow warning starting at 7:00am through 10:00am Saturday, possibly dropping 6-12” in the affected bands.


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:14am

Sunset: 5:22pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 5, 2025

Fishing Report for 02/05/2025-We had a pair of angler fish the run this afternoon, after the temperatures rose from the single digits to around 20 degrees with light winds.  One of the anglers brought (2) steelhead to hand; no report from the other angler yet.  We’ll be right around 20 degrees tomorrow at opening time with winds from the SE from 15-17 mph, with a strong chance of snow through the day, possibly putting 2-3 inches on the ground.  The flow from the dam is scheduled to stay at 350 cfs through 11:59 Thursday evening; the Pineville gauge is at 488 cfs currently.


6° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:16am

Sunset: 5:21pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 4, 2025

CFS at the dam 350 until midnight tonight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482. Overnight we only received about two inches of additional snow. Our morning temperature was 28 degrees Fahrenheit, which turned out to be our high for the day, then the temperature slowly dipped to the mid-20s by early afternoon, where it has hovered for most of the afternoon, before beginning a gradual descent to an eventual overnight low of minus two degrees (there's going to be slush in the river tomorrow morning!). Our skies were overcast all day, with some fairly light winds. Just short of a dozen guests joined us on the run today, trickling in from 7:45 to 10 AM. Between 11 AM and 4 PM almost all of our guests had trickled back off the run. Roughly a third of these guests reported the typical "ones and twos" brought to hand, however, incredibly, fully two thirds of our remaining guests reported impressive double-digits brought to hand. One guest exclaimed "they were everywhere!". All of these fish were Steelhead, some in the plus 10# range, with almost all accounted for by drifting egg sacks or beads under a bobber, with some hitting flies. The middle section seemed to produce better, with the lower and upper sections bracketing with equal results. A common denominator to those who scored double-digits was that they had each covered a lot of ground during the course of their day. In these featured photos Scott (brown jacket) and Keith (tan jacket) are displaying some nice Steelhead they each brought to hand today.  Even Garrett (blue jacket) was able to get out and tie into a Steelhead, on one of his truly rare days off!  The forecast for tomorrow is: Partly cloudy. High 19F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. May be an image of 1 person, fishing and text


25° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:17am

Sunset: 5:19pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 3, 2025

CFS at the dam started at 750, then dropped to 350 at 3 PM, where it will remain until at least midnight tomorrow. CFS at the Pineville gauge dropped from 989 to 910 over the course of the day. Air temperatures started just below freezing this morning, gradually climbed to our high of 38 degrees Fahrenheit late afternoon, and is slowly dropping to our forecasted overnight low of 21 degrees. We have been overcast all day, with very light winds, and a steady light drizzle which developed in the afternoon. A few more than a score of guests joined us on the run today, trickling in from sunrise to mid-afternoon. Around 1 PM guests started leaving the run, continuing to come up until dusk. Fully two-thirds of our guests got into fish, predominately Steelhead but also an 18" Brown Trout. The Steelhead ranged from typical 5-6# up to in excess of 10#, with a variety spanning chrome, dark, and colored like a domestic rainbow trout. There were more than a few of our guests that got into double-digits, however the typical guest was able to bring from one to five fish to hand. Those who worked a larger portion of the run were, typically, more successful than those who fished only specific areas. Egg sacks and beads drifted under bobbers accounted for most hook-ups, although egg sacks bounced on the bottom was also successful. A pink worm produced some fish. Tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. High 24F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.


34° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:18am

Sunset: 5:18pm

910 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



February 2, 2025

CFS at the dam 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1030. Air temperature at opening (9 AM) was around 8 degrees Fahrenheit, 18 degrees as of this report, with a forecasted high of 22 degrees. An overcast day, with fairly light winds most of the day, but some periodic gusts stirred up the snow cover we have. Attached is an interesting view out of the Welcome Center.  So far, there have not been any guests on the run; we will close at 3 PM today if no guests have shown up by that time.  Tonight our low temperature will be 22 degrees. Tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy skies with periods of rain later in the day. High 39F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. May be an image of arctic and ski slope


17° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 5:16pm

989 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



February 1, 2025

***************OPENING/CLOSING HOURS CHANGE*****************



The flow out of the Dam remains at 750CFS thru midnight tonight. The weather for today was partly cloudy. Colder. High 12F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. For tonight partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Very cold. Low 1F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrows forecast is cloudy with snow developing during the afternoon. High near 25F. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 90%. About one inch of snow expected. There were no anglers on the run today.


11° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:20am

Sunset: 5:15pm

989 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

