31° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

June 30, 2022

Another pair of anglers joined us for a day on the run and reported a smallmouth (first cast!) and an enjoyable day on the run. Air and water temps are on the rise as we finish up June and head into the Independence Day holiday weekend. Bring the family and enjoy a day exploring the river and trails during our quiet time of year - the calm before the salmon storm!


82° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:26am

Sunset: 8:49pm

240 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 29, 2022

A bit of a relief from the heat today, with temperatures remaining in the low 70's for most of the day, with a fair amount of overcast for about half of the day.  Water temperatures this morning were recorded at 64 F, and creeping up to 70 F.  Fish activity was rather quiet today, for the two anglers that joined us.  One angler joined us for a morning outing, which lasted into the early afternoon, reporting just a handful of bass today, less than his normal.  Another angler joined us for a few hours echoing our other angler's report today.  They just didn't seem to be there today, or if they were, they weren't too hungry.


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:26am

Sunset: 8:49pm

244 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release




Join the Team! – Apply now by visiting –
Douglaston Salmon Run is currently seeking outgoing, professional & customer service oriented individuals to become a part of our seasonal River Patrol staff this Fall.

June 28, 2022

CFS at the dam 185 (forecasted through 30 June), CFS at Pineville is 252 - air temperature this morning 62 degrees, climbing to only 74 degrees at close of business - heavy overcast this morning gradually cleared up into bluebird skies and brilliant sunshine, with gentle, warm, breezes throughout the day - water temperature started at 63 degrees and ticked up to 68 degrees by early afternoon - one guest joined us today, starting early and angling only into the early afternoon - he was able to hook into a handful of very small Smallmouth Bass - overnight low will be 55 degrees, the forecast for Wednesday is: "Partly cloudy skies in the morning will give way to cloudy skies during the afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 73F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph."


71° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:25am

Sunset: 8:49pm

244 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 27, 2022

CFS at the dam 185 (forecasted through 30 June), CFS at Pineville is 264 - air temperature this morning a nice 70 degrees, climbing to only 74 degrees at close of business - mostly clear skies, brilliant sunshine, gentle breezes graduated to warm winds this afternoon - water temperature started at 69 degrees and ticked up to 74 degrees by noon - initially the water was stained from heavy overnight rains, but that cleared up soon enough - one guest joined us today, starting early and angling only into the early afternoon - he was able to hook into a handful of scrappy, medium sized, Smallmouth Bass - his time on the river was enhanced by sightings of Bald Eagles, and Osprey, a doe and her new fawn, and some birds newly migrated into the area - overnight low will be 57 degrees, the forecast for Tuesday is: "Partly cloudy skies. High around 70F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph."


70° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:25am

Sunset: 8:49pm

264 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 26, 2022


90° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:24am

Sunset: 8:49pm

459 CFS Pineville Gauge

400 CFS Dam Release



June 25, 2022

A day with clear skies, little breeze, and rather warm with temperatures in the mid-80's. I guess it's just that time of year. Water temperature was not taken today, but with the temperatures that we had today and overnight, I would assume that they remained in the mid-to high 60's (as they were yesterday).
We had several anglers join us today that indicated that they had a good day (giving me the "thumbs up" from across the parking lot).
Tomorrows weather looks to be very similar to today but with temperatures perhaps a slight bit warmer.
Water flow will remain at 400 cfs from the dam until 6:00 PM tomorrow at which point it will start heading down to 185 cfs on Monday. Current flow at Pineville is a very manageable 464 cfs


88° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:24am

Sunset: 8:49pm

464 CFS Pineville Gauge

400 CFS Dam Release



June 24, 2022

CFS at the dam is 200 (will go up to 400 tonight), 260 at the Pineville gauge - air temperature started at 64 degrees, and climbed to 79 degrees over the day - generally partly cloudy to cloudless blue skies with brilliant sunshine, just recently clouding back over, and a light breeze all day - water temperatures started at 65 degrees and climbed to 70 degrees - two guests joined us this morning - one reported four Smallmouth Bass in the 19" range, the other reported five bass in the same range - tonight it will fall to 57 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is "Generally sunny. High 84F. Winds light and variable."


80° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:24am

Sunset: 8:49pm

260 CFS Pineville Gauge

200 CFS Dam Release



June 23, 2022


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:49pm

252 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 22, 2022


82° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:49pm

244 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 21, 2022

We've hit that summer stride with low water flows and routine visits from our 'regulars' with a few new anglers mixed in. Enjoyable scenery and a few tugs on the line from some feisty smallmouth make even a short visit worth the trip. Water temps remain refreshing and in the low to mid 60s.


77° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:49pm

244 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release




June 20, 2022

One angler enjoyed having the run to himself this morning and was able to get into a handful of smallmouth during his half day on the water. Water flows remain at base flows of 185cfs, but be aware that there will be a bump in flows to 400cfs this weekend for a whitewater release.


72° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:49pm

268 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 19, 2022

There were no guests at DSR today. We hope that all fathers out there had a great day today! CFS is 185 at the dam (until 22 June), 277 at the Pineville gauge - a chilly 49 degree start to our day culminated with a high of 68 degrees - we had clear skies and brilliant sunshine since dawn, and the winds were rather stiff all day - the overnight low will be 47 degrees, and the forecast for tomorrow is "partly cloudy skies. High 69F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph."


65° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:48pm

277 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 18, 2022

With temperatures in the 50's for the better part of the day, it is hard to imagine that many parts of the country are suffering from a heat wave. Cool temperatures and wind kept most anglers away today and those few anglers that fished the run indicated that they had little success.
Flow from the dam had dropped to 185 cfs and the flow at Pineville is 281 cfs


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:22am

Sunset: 8:48pm

281 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



June 17, 2022

One angler enjoyed a pleasant afternoon on the Run, hooking into nearly double digits of smallmouth bass. Wind made things a little tricky but made for a more pleasant day temperature-wise than yesterday. Water flows continue to drop and will reach minimum base summer flows of 185cfs at 9pm tonight.


76° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:22am

Sunset: 8:48pm

408 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



June 16, 2022

We had a real taste of summer today, hot and muggy with a threat for strong thunderstorms. The run went unfished but we were still busy in the office preparing for the upcoming salmon season, its hard to believe its just a few short months away!


83° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:22am

Sunset: 8:47pm

609 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 15, 2022

A beautiful, and hot start to the day, and things only got hotter. One angler joined us early morning, to try his hand on a low pressure day, with the run to himself. He managed just about a dozen small mouth today, indicating a great morning. He was able to get off the weather, before what appeared to be some impending weather, that eventually passed. Water temperatures today started around 63 F, and reach a recorded 69 F by high sun today.


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:22am

Sunset: 8:47pm

628 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 14, 2022

Just a couple of anglers joined us early morning to take advantage of the great conditions. Both anglers indicated getting into a few bass, specifically smaller adolescents, in their short outings. Each of the anglers fishing a different method; both with the same results today.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:22am

Sunset: 8:47pm

609 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 13, 2022

Water flows continue to drop and we had a few anglers came out to try their hand on the run. They each got into a few smallmouth during the few hours they fished. The early morning water temperature was 62F, which increased to 64F by midday.


72° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:22am

Sunset: 8:46pm

628 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 12, 2022

Just a few sprinkles (so far) today. The past couple of days we have been able to avoid any significant rainfall which might suggest that the water levels might be coming down pretty soon. Check later this evening for any update.
We had several anglers fished the run today and all were able to get into smallmouth with varied results. So if you have been wondering: "Are the smallmouth still around?", the answer is yes.


74° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:46pm

836 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



June 11, 2022

Another beautiful day on the run with little wind, sunshine, and temperatures in the low to mid-70's. The water remained at 750 cfs from the dam which made fishing a little challenging, but our half dozen anglers were able to get into decent numbers of smallmouth bass with one group of three anglers indicating that they "had a great day". Water temperature went from 61 degrees early to 64 by mid-day.


75° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:45pm

867 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



June 10, 2022

Flows are subsiding

A handful of anglers joined us today, taking advantage of the drop in water flows after the recent rain. All anglers were rewarded with a smallmouth on the line, some managed to entice more than a few. We enjoyed bluebird skies but the wind still presented a challenge, especially in the lower end of the run. Water flows were 61F at 8am, and bumped up to 65F at 12noon. Looks like its shaping up to be a nice weekend, come join us!


70° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:45pm

890 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



June 9, 2022

CFS at the dam dropped from 1600 to 750, CFS at the Pineville gauge dropped from 1800 to 929 - no guests fished the run today - overnight low will be 52 degrees, forecast for tomorrow is: Partly cloudy skies. High 67F. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph.


62° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:44pm

929 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



June 8, 2022

Two anglers had the run to themselves, taking advantage of a great partly cloudy, calm and cool day.  Both anglers were able to hook into a few bath, and each landing at least one bass.  Things are still a bit tough, with the water being up.  The recorded water temperature this morning was 63 F reaching around 65 at high sun. Given the amount of rain, the dam release is scheduled to increase to 1500 CFS for the day tomorrow.  Please check SAFEWATERS for updated release information, if you're planning on fishing tomorrow.


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:43pm

978 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



June 7, 2022

With a dry start to the day, another three veteran anglers got after it, before all of this rain. Despite the water still being up, and things being less accessible, the fishing seems to be remaining consistent, with some good numbers of bass indicated by our anglers today, again, swinging flies. A fair amount of rain ultimately lead all of our anglers to retreat, and call it a day.


66° / Rain

Sunrise: 5:24am

Sunset: 8:43pm

953 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




June 6, 2022

Couldn't beat the weather today. A couple of well seasoned anglers joined us on the run, taking advantage of the low pressure and beautiful day.  Two of these anglers spent a majority of the day down on the run, having fun experimenting, swinging flies, getting into just a few smallmouth.  Another angler swinging flies, brought a half dozen smallmouth to hand himself, with some dry flies!  I'd say, a fun day for all anglers.


70° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:24am

Sunset: 8:43pm

929 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




June 5, 2022

CFS at the dam 500, at the Pineville gauge 634, air temperatures started at 46 degrees this morning, peaking at 77 degrees - water temperature was a relatively cool 58 degrees first thing this morning - we had a total of three adults and a youth as guests on the run today - all the adults were able to bring Smallmouth Bass to hand, with the high rod reporting 8 / 12, all moderate sized - the young man was able to learn how to fish and add to his experience reservoir - forecast for tonight is a low of 55 degrees, with tomorrow's forecast as follows: "Mostly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High around 80F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph."


75° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:24am

Sunset: 8:41pm

634 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 4, 2022

A beautiful, but somewhat chilly day today. Temperatures in the low 60's felt downright brisk after the heat wave of the recent past. Other matters must have taken precedent today as the run went unfished. Water level is still a bit high at 500 cfs out of the dam (through midnight) and currently 654 cfs at Pineville. Overnight low's in the mid-40's should cool the water down nicely and the weather for tomorrow looks to be sunny and highs in the lower 70's


64° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:25am

Sunset: 8:41pm

654 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 3, 2022

Not too hot, not too cold, today was just right.  Surprisingly enough, just a couple of anglers took advantage of the day, and joined us on the water. With a release of 500 CFS from the dam, and a reported 700 CFS at the Pineville gauge, things are still a bit high than usual for anglers, but manageable for some.    


73° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:25am

Sunset: 8:40pm

700 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



June 2, 2022

Heavy rains and high flows kept the run unfished today. The good news is flows are dropping, from 1,000cfs at 10am, down to 500cfs at 8PM tonight. We've got a  mild stretch ahead with little rain and plenty of sun. A great time to explore, and bring the family along!


70° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:25am

Sunset: 8:39pm

1370 CFS Pineville Gauge

1000 CFS Dam Release



June 1, 2022

Quite a gloomy day to start off June! Needless to say, with the impending weather, the run went un fished.  I’m sure the fish appreciated a bit of a break.


69° / Rain

Sunrise: 5:26am

Sunset: 8:38pm

756 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

