40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

November 18, 2023

CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 717 all day - air temperature to start the day was 34 degrees - it pushed up to just over 40, and is slowly dropping to an overnight forecasted low of 37 degrees - skies were clear to a few scattered clouds, with brilliant sunshine most of the day - it was initially calm, but around 8:30 AM winds really picked up for a couple of hours, then it calmed back down - we had a total of 81 guests on the run today, trickling in from opening time until mid-afternoon . . . the early ones started coming off the run late morning, primarily to get a bite to eat - initial reports were not encouraging, with roughly half stating they didn't even get a tap, and the remainder reporting ones and twos - a lot of these went back down after their break - as guests started coming off the run in late afternoon, I started hearing better reports, such as 1 / 2, 2/3, and some in the 4s - most of the reports were "got a couple", as well - categorically, our guests remarked they had to cover a lot of ground today, and really work for any fish - it did not seem that any one part of the run produced any better than another part - the predominate fish today was Steelhead of various sizes (a few "brutes"), with a couple of Brown Trout in the mix - tomorrow is forecasted to be 50% chance of rain in the morning, possible snow flurries, high of 42 degrees, NW winds at 10 - 20 mph


40° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:02am

Sunset: 4:37pm

717 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

