34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

April 29, 2022

A beautiful day! But, not particularly warm as many of us hoped.  Soon enough.  Seems like just the other day we were looking at flows over 1,000 CFS down here, but as suspected, we'll be all the way down to 285 CFS tomorrow.  With flows today at 350 CFS from the dam, it's certainly enabled some of our anglers to stretch their legs and cover some ground.  Today was a toss up. Seemed like most of our fly fishing anglers got into a few feisty steelhead, while others reported easy double digit action on some FAT small mouth bass.  Either way, it's a bent rod!


49° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:59am

Sunset: 8:03pm

519 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



April 25, 2022

Another beautiful spring day in the 70’s! Hard to believe Tug Hill received a foot of snow last week. Like yesterday, the bite was better before the sun got high on the water, strong winds also made casting difficult. Anglers continue to catch steelhead using multiple techniques. Those guests using larger flies or lures are seeing more success catching both steelhead and smallmouth bass than anglers using eggs or beads. As predicted in yesterday’s report, the water continued to warm today. Around 8am the water was 48 degrees and increased to 52 degrees by 1pm. With these types of water temperatures, steelhead tend to gravitate to faster water. With ¼” of rain forecasted for tonight, the flowcast shows the dam release will continue at 1,200 cfs through midnight tomorrow 4/26. The Pineville gauge currently reports 1,450cfs. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for cloudy skies and a chance of a shower with a high of 50 degrees, winds West at 10-15mph.


67° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:05am

Sunset: 7:59pm

1450 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



April 22, 2022

Improving weather and improving fishing

Blue skies dominated today and although there was a breeze, it was nothing like the last few days. One of our busiest days in the last week, anglers we spoke with indicated things were on the up tick, reports of 2/3, 2/5 and several who noted they landed 'a few'. The morning water temp of 43F rose to 48F by midday. Please note; water flows are scheduled to increase to 1200cfs at 7pm tonight.


54° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:10am

Sunset: 7:55pm

1160 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 21, 2022

The weather wasn't great today, with fairly constant light misty rain. But for fishing conditions, you couldn't ask for much better overcast.  Temperatures stayed mid 40's today, and minimal wind compared to the past few days.  Many of the anglers today, again returning from the past few days.  Seems like the fishing is just about as good as yesterday.  A fish or two reported by most anglers.  With a 750 CFS release from the dam, the Pineville gauge reading 1220 CFS for most of the day, means this run off most likely doubling the output of the dam by the time it sees us down here on the bottom end. Hopefully things will start to dry out here over the weekend, with a low probability of rain in the forecast.


55° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:12am

Sunset: 7:54pm

1210 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




April 20, 2022

Temperatures creeped up a little bit today, but could have fooled me because it sure didn't feel much warmer with another day of some serious wind.  Another dozen anglers joined us on the run today, with most having joined us over the past few days.  The fishing seemed much slower for most of the them today.  Water temperatures this morning were a recorded 43 F.   Flows still remain at 750 CFS, but reading a bit higher today at the Pineville gauge with some melt and rain in the mix.  Crossing our fingers for some warmer and less windy weather, as we close in on the weekend.


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:13am

Sunset: 7:53pm

1220 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




April 19, 2022

Snowy and Windy

We had a number of guests join us today and all expressed the same sentiment - too windy! Snow squalls over night didn't lead to much accumulation, all of which was melted by midday. A small brown and a feisty steelhead were reported, but most of our anglers were driven off because wind made casting difficult. Tomorrow should bring an improvement in both wind and temperatures, a great day to come chase some dropbacks!


37° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:15am

Sunset: 7:51pm

1120 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Join local Trout Unlimited Chapter 589 this coming Saturday, April 23rd at 5pm for this year’s International Fly Fishing Film Festival. Enjoy a great evening sharing food, beverages, and fishing stories with friends as we raffle off outstanding prizes to support the Chapter’s involvement with Tug Hill brook trout genetic research, Salmon River’s Atlantic salmon net pen project, and trout in the classroom in a number of regional schools. We can’t wait to see you there!

April 18, 2022

DSR Fishing Report April 18th, 2022

A pretty decent day overall, except perhaps for the wind. As usual, some guests did better than others but most guests we spoke with got into several fish today. An added bonus was the variety of species caught. Steelhead, Brown trout, and small mouth bass were all represented in our guest's reports. In addition, several methods were successful -nymphing, swinging flies, and float fishing anglers all had success catching multiple fish. The water temperature started at 43 degrees around 8am and ended at 45 degrees around 1pm. The flow cast is forecasted to remain at 750 cfs through tomorrow at midnight. Please use caution if you're headed this way in the morning as Pulaski is forecasted to receive 4-8" of snow through tomorrow at noon.


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:16am

Sunset: 7:50pm

1050 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




April 18, 2022

How to Purchase Premium Access


55° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:16am

Sunset: 7:50pm

1040 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 17, 2022

Nothing like a bit of snow, mid April! Temperatures dropped quite a bit last night, leaving us with a pretty good coat of white, which melted by mid day with the bluebird skies.  Overall, a quiet day for the run, with just a handful of anglers joining us early this morning to get some fishing in.  A range of reports from these anglers.  A couple of our regular anglers indicating a pretty good day, especially with the light angling pressure.  But for others, it seemed like a endless battle considering the strong wind today.  With some stability in the release, the fishing seems to be fairly consistent.  Plenty of drop backs being caught at this point.  With the occasional fresh fish in the mix down here.


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:18am

Sunset: 7:49pm

1060 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Premium Access Pass Release – April 18th – 6:00 PM (ET)

Season Pass Renewal Balance Due – April 30th

April 14, 2022

All the feels today.  Temperatures last night into this morning, were surprisingly warm this morning.  The dozen of anglers started the day off, probably breaking a sweat with temperatures in the upper 60's, but quickly changed by mid-day with a bit of rain and dropping 20 degrees in just a few hours.  A handful of anglers fishing today, having fished the past few days, expressed things were a little quite today.  But the good news, again, it seemed almost all of our anglers were able to get at least one fish.  The posted dam release is currently outdated, but with a current flow of 1060 from the USGS gauge at Pineville, its safe to assume we are still seeing a release of 750 CFS.  With no rhyme or rhythm, we will jut have to wait to see where the release goes from here.  As always, please be sure to check Safe Waters for updates on the Dam Release schedule, in anticipation for any scheduled fishing trips!


51° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:23am

Sunset: 7:45pm

1060 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Premium Access Release – 4/18/22 – 6:00 PM (ET)

Season Pass Renewal – Balance Payment – Due 4/30/22


April 13, 2022

Flying Fish

Regardless of the fish activity, today was quite a comfortable day.  Could have even been just a bit cooler.  Water temperatures this morning were recorded  at 39 F approaching 45 F by the end of the day today.  Don't let it fool you though.  You still need your wool socks. But, you might be able to get away in a t-shirt.  Reports from our anglers indicated a quieter day but nearly everyone was able to get a nice little piece of steel today.  Definitely starting to see plenty of spawned out fish now, bee-lining it right for the lake.  And they certainly don't waste time.  Let the steelhead acrobatics commence.  As if their brute power wasn't enough, now they'll really be throwing their weight around.  Forecasts for the remainder of the week here leave us with some looming rain, which at this time doesn't seem like we will receive a great volume of rain.  Many anglers asking what they might do with the water, given the forecast.  I'd be a rich man if I had the answer to that question!


60° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:25am

Sunset: 7:44pm

1070 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release




Premium Access Release – April 18th 2022 / 6:00 PM (ET)

Now Hiring! –

April 12, 2022

Things are drying out

Rain overnight came to an end early this morning and we saw clearing skies as the day progressed. Water temperatures are beginning to warm, starting at 43F this morning and warming to 47F by midday. Anglers picked away during the first part of the day but once skies cleared they really had to work for every bite. Rain and thunderstorms are back in tomorrows forecast, but at least there's no snow in the 10 day!


60° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:26am

Sunset: 7:43pm

1110 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 11, 2022

Walleye in the S-Turn

It's certainly been a roller coaster over the past week with change after change in the dam release.  Today, a release of 750 CFS.  With fair weather, rather mild temperatures, a little bit of overcast, you can't ask for a much better day to be on the water, let alone steelhead fishing.  Reports that rolled in over the weekend, spread some optimism as we start to approach mid April now.  Water temperatures were recorded at 39 F this morning, reaching 43 F mid day.  From the reports we received today, it certainly wasn't lights out fishing, but most anglers were able to bring in a fish or two.  One of our guides reporting some pretty energetic fish, taking him and his clients for a nice ride from Joss down to the Spring Hole before they could tame it. Good old pink worms! And, another quite an interesting note from our guide; there seem to be an abundance of walleye spawning in the lowest parts of the run here.  Not uncommon to see them towards the estuary at this time of year, always a few caught unknowingly. Crossing our fingers that things will continue to warm, and we don't get too much rain.  It'd be nice to see the same flow for a few days!


62° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:42pm

1110 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 10, 2022

Not quite as nice as it was yesterday, weather wise, but we did have half a dozen anglers join us on the run and from the reports that I have received the fishing was pretty good. Finally, the water flow has diminished and continues to be decreased at the dam. From 4500 to 2000, to 1600, 1200 and this morning at 9:30 the flow was dropped to 750 cfs. That definitely helps the fishing.... one for two, a couple two for three (with a nice brown),
three for six and our last anglers off the run late this evening (that tells you something) went ten for twenty two amongst three anglers. Very good when also considering that one was a "first timer". . A guide in a drift boat that fished the Douglaston had numbers in the double digits which indicates to me that the drop back season is getting into full swing.
Flow from the dam is 750 cfs (through midnight Monday) and at Pineville the flow is 1150 cfs


62° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:42pm

1110 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 9, 2022

Although the originally posted release was to be 2000 cfs, that was changed and the flow from the dam today was 1600 cfs. It turned out to be a beautiful day with blue skies and temperatures approaching 50, but other than lodge guests, the run went unfished today.
At this hour (4:45 PM) the water release is to be 1600 cfs, but that might well change (as it did last night) and it is recommended to visit the site later this evening. Based on todays weather, the flow may decrease from the scheduled 1600 cfs, but we'll need to wait and see.


62° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:28am

Sunset: 7:42pm

1110 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 8, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

5:00 pm Closing Time

DSR Closed for Fishing 4/8/22

DSR remained closed for fishing on Friday 4/8/22 due to high water flows. We will reopen when the dam release drops below 2,000cfs. At this time, the flows are forecasted to remain at 2,000cfs on Saturday 4/9 so DSR will remain closed but will staff the office from 9am-5pm for general office inquiries.


52° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:33am

Sunset: 7:38pm

2850 CFS Pineville Gauge

2000 CFS Dam Release



April 7, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

5:00 pm Closing Time

DSR Closed for fishing

Water flows from the dam are posted to remain at 4,500cfs through midnight 4/8/22, so DSR will remain closed for fishing again tomorrow, Friday, April 8th. Once water flows drop below 2,000cfs (as posted from the dam), DSR will reopen for fishing. Our office will be staffed from 9am-5pm during this time.


47° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:35am

Sunset: 7:37pm

4380 CFS Pineville Gauge

4500 CFS Dam Release



April 6, 2022

Blindsided by a 1900 CFS release this morning, needless to say, things were pretty quiet on the run. Most likely in anticipation of the few inches of rain we have forecasted.  A couple of anglers whom had traveled a distance to get here, certainly made the best of the situation by sticking it out on the water for a majority of the day.  Weather was pleasant! A bit breezy but, good overcast, and comfortable temperatures.  There was no reports of any fish being brought to hand today.  With higher water, things are definitely tricky.  It'll drive you nuts trying to get a good drift in some of the juicy slicks and edges you, just out of reach to get it right.  Presentation at these levels is definitely tough.  No doubt about it.  But, there definitely remains fair opportunity even with all of these limitations.  With fish pushing to the edges, it's just time to look in the spots you wouldn't have looked before.   I'll reference yesterdays post. Would fishing even be fun, if it weren't for all the adversity and challenges we face as anglers? 


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:37am

Sunset: 7:36pm

2260 CFS Pineville Gauge

1900 CFS Dam Release




With a scheduled dam release going to a whopping 4,000 CFS, DSR will be closed for fishing tomorrow.

April 5, 2022

Warmer temperatures today, and finally feeling a bit more like spring here.  A few more days of this, and we might just see the water temperatures creep into the 40's.  This morning the recorded water temperature down here was 38 F.  A few anglers reporting the water is still a bit cooler up river toward the upper fly zone.  One of our guides reporting that the reservoir levels are looking surprisingly good, even after this extended high water release.  Today seemed to be a tough day for our anglers, with only a few fish reported being brought to hand, and a few more lost.  These blue bird skies definitely weren't in our favor.  The fish most likely laying low, and tucked away, getting ready to do their thing.  It's been a bit of a lull here, apparently throughout most of the river. Seems like the annual lull though, pre spawning time.  I mean, would fishing even be fun, if it weren't for all of the adversity and challenges we face as anglers?


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:35pm

1040 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 1, 2022

Another cool, windy day with some rain and a little snow to start the month off. The weather tonight cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. Low 29F. Winds WNW at 15 to 25 mph. For tomorrow except for a few afternoon clouds, mainly sunny. High 42F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Flow out of the Dam will be 750CFS thru 7am 4/2, flow drops to 500CFS from 7am thru 11:59 pm on 4/2. Water temp was 37F at 8am today, up several degrees over yesterday.


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:35pm

1040 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 2, 2022

About a dozen anglers fished the run today and most reports indicated that it was pretty tough grind. The water temperature remains around 37 degrees and the fish seem stuck in the "transition stage" (when they are not interested in eating but haven't committed to spawning yet). Most anglers were not able to get into a fish, a couple "hooked one and dropped it", and the most successful angler (that I spoke with) hooked three nd was able to land one (which was an absolute beautiful domestic rainbow).
The water was supposed to go down to 500 cfs today but the power company must have changed their minds as it stayed at 750 cfs and is scheduled to remain there through tomorrow.


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:35pm

1040 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 3, 2022

It was a raw Spring day with temperatures in the mid to upper 30's with off and on snow showers. We had a few anglers join us on the run today and "Three" seemed to be the magic number. A couple individuals went one for three and another went two for three (a brown and a nice sized fresh Steelhead.) One of the Steelhead that was brought to hand was a spawned out female (giving some indication that the drop-back season is about to get underway).
Flow from the dam remains at 750 cfs through Monday night and the current flow at Pineville is 1070 cfs


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:38am

Sunset: 7:35pm

1040 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



April 4, 2022

DSR Fishing Report April 4th, 2022

While still a bit chilly on the water, the weather was more favorable today. Our guests reported working for their catch which ended up being a handful of steelhead and one fresh brown. As usual, covering water was as big of a factor of success as what was on the guest’s line. The forecasted water release will continue at 750 cfs through midnight tomorrow night and the current readout of the Pineville gauging station is 1050cfs. The water temperature at 7:30AM this morning was 37 degrees.  A relatively mild night will give way to a beautiful day tomorrow with a high near 60 F.


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:40am

Sunset: 7:34pm

1050 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

