34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

August 31, 2024

After an increase in the dam release last night quite a few anglers joined us first thing this morning, anticipating the surge to bring in some fish along with it.  Overall, based on reports from River Patrol and the anglers we spoke with today it seemed to just be a trickle of fish today with no significant numbers reported overserved nor caught.  A handful of king salmon were reported landed, with most activity reported in the morning. Ultimately with light movement and impending weather most anglers made their way off the run by the early afternoon.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until 6:00 PM tomorrow (9/1).  Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:27am

Sunset: 7:42pm

763 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 30, 2024

A cooler day today with mostly overcast and just a few glimpses of the sun.  Despite the lack of sun and air temperatures remaining in the 70's, water temperatures began at 66 F this morning and reached about 69 F by mid day.  Based on the reports from our River Patrol and the anglers that joined us today, there was definitely fish present, but not in significant numbers.  Most anglers indicated observing a handful of salmon moving through, more so over the course of the morning, with just a few fish reported hooked over the day.  The dam release is currently scheduled to increase from 350 CFS to 750 CFS tonight at 9:00 PM, where it is scheduled to remain until 6:00 PM Sunday (9/1). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


69° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:26am

Sunset: 7:43pm

371 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



August 29, 2024

As has been the pattern of late, the morning hours were best in terms of fish sightings as well as angling. Reports from our anglers indicate seeing more fish this morning than this afternoon. Not great numbers of fish sighted this morning, but a fish or two (sometimes three) sighted with some fish being brought to hand. The mid and upper sections seemed to where the most action was. With the bright sunshine this afternoon, a noticeable drop off in both sightings and fish hooked this afternoon River flow remains at 350cfs from the dam and at Pineville the flow is 377cfs. At 9:00PM tomorrow night the water will be bumped up to 750cfs at the dam for this week-ends white water release.


72° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:25am

Sunset: 7:45pm

377 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



August 28, 2024

Cooler temperatures with mostly overcast skies today made things a bit more comfortable down on the run. Reports from the anglers today suggest that things have slowed down relative to the past few days. The fish are still "here and there" but not to the extent that we saw yesterday and the day before that and fewer fish were brought to hand. As has been the pattern, most of the movement seemed to occur during the early morning hours with another report of Coho being sighted


70° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:24am

Sunset: 7:47pm

382 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release



August 26, 2024

With the water level elevated a little, it's not possible to get a good reading on the number of salmon in the run, but based on many reports from todays anglers, I would say that there are plenty. A frequent comment given by anglers was "Yeah. There's fish down there." Just about everyone reported seeing fish, many had multiple hook-ups and numerous salmon were brought to hand. We even received a report of a Coho being sighted which seems very early. At 8:00PM this evening the release from the dam will be going to 350cfs which should make tomorrow and excellent day to be on the run.


71° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:22am

Sunset: 7:50pm

763 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 23, 2024

High water throughout the week kept things fairly quiet on the run, with flows finally receeding below 2000 CFS yesterday morning, re-opening the run to fishing.  Over the week the dam release hit a whopping 4500 CFS on Monday night into Tuesday.  Today, the release from the dam is at 1600 CFS, and is currently scheduled to remain at 1600 CFS until 11:59 PM Sunday ( 8/25 ).  For updated dam release scheduling please visit -


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:19am

Sunset: 7:55pm

1700 CFS Pineville Gauge

1600 CFS Dam Release



August 21, 2024

HIGH WATER - CLOSURE NOTICE 21 August 2024 Due to a scheduled dam release exceeding 2,000 CFS, the DSR property has been closed to fishing. Fishing access will resume when the release from the dam recedes below 2,000 CFS. Office Hours: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM For updated dam release scheduling please visit - [ DOUGLASTON SALMON RUN ]


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:16am

Sunset: 7:58pm

3580 CFS Pineville Gauge

3000 CFS Dam Release



August 20, 2024

HIGH WATER - CLOSURE NOTICE Due to a scheduled dam release exceeding 2,000 CFS, the DSR property has been closed to fishing. Fishing access will resume when the release from the dam recedes below 2,000 CFS. Office Hours: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM For updated dam release scheduling please visit - [ DOUGLASTON SALMON RUN ]


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:15am

Sunset: 8:00pm

3780 CFS Pineville Gauge

4500 CFS Dam Release



August 19, 2024

As you may know, the first verified Chinook Salmon was brought to hand this past Friday - since then, our CFS has fluctuated dramatically, as well as our weather - nonetheless, a few guests ventured out, sighting as well as hooking into salmon on Saturday, with nothing to report either Sunday or today - we closed for fishing, due to high water, at 2:30 PM today


60° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:14am

Sunset: 8:02pm

1670 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 19, 2024

HIGH WATER - CLOSURE NOTICE Due to a scheduled dam release exceeding 2,000 CFS, the DSR property has been closed to fishing effective 2:30 PM today. Fishing access will resume when the release from the dam recedes below 2,000 CFS. Office Hours: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM For updated dam release scheduling please visit - [ DOUGLASTON SALMON RUN ]


61° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:14am

Sunset: 8:02pm

1450 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release



August 16, 2024

With higher water (2200 CFS) at the start of the week, we're slowly seeing the dam release make its way back down. As of 6:00 PM today (8/16) the dam release was adjusted to 750 CFS, where it is currently scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tomorrow (8/16). Quite a few anglers eagerly took to the water after the drop in flows, with our first male king salmon reported being caught late this afternoon. Water temperatures have continued to remain around 70 F. Forecasts for the upcoming week indicate a fair possibility of rain, with high temps of about 80 F. Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


77° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:11am

Sunset: 8:06pm

747 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



August 13, 2024

At 1:00PM this afternoon the water release from the dam dropped to 1500cfs and the flow at Pineville is dropping as well.  In that the flow has dropped below the 2000cfs threshold (at the dam) the DSR will be open to fishing tomorrow, Wednesday,August 14th.  Our  hours of operation will be 5:30AM-8:45PM


73° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:07am

Sunset: 8:11pm

1970 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



August 13, 2024

HIGH-WATER CLOSURE NOTICE: With a scheduled dam release exceeding 2000 CFS, DSR will be closed for fishing today (8/13). DSR will be open for office hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. DSR will re-open to fishing when the dam release recedes below the 2,000cfs threshold.
Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


57° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:07am

Sunset: 8:11pm

2740 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



August 12, 2024

The CFS at the dam has fluctuated between 2200 and 750 this weekend, with the flow scheduled to have dropped back to 750 as of 3 PM today, where it is scheduled to remain until at least midnight tonight - there were a few guests on the run this past weekend, however we did not receive any fishing reports from them - we will be open for our regular business hours of 5:30 AM to 8:45 PM tomorrow, 13 August


68° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:06am

Sunset: 8:12pm

2810 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



August 12, 2024

HIGH-WATER CLOSURE NOTICE: With a scheduled dam release exceeding 2000 CFS, DSR will be closed for fishing today (8/12). DSR will be open for office hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. DSR will re-open to fishing when the dam release recedes below the 2,000cfs threshold. Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


57° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:06am

Sunset: 8:12pm

2720 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



August 9, 2024

Well, we started the week with a short-lived 185 CFS release.  Today, we have a 1200 CFS release, to be increased to 2100 CFS at 9:00 PM tonight (8/9).  Several inches of rain over the span of just a few hours today sent a considerable amount of stained runoff into the river, quickly sending the Pineville gauge to about 1760 CFS from it's earlier 1330 CFS. Given today's rainfall the dam release is currently scheduled to increase tonight at 9:00 PM from the current 1200 CFS to 2100 CFS.   Water temperatures continue to remain in the low to mid 70's. - CLOSURE NOTICE: With a scheduled dam release exceeding 2000 CFS, DSR will be closed for fishing tomorrow (8/10) and will be open for office hours only from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:03am

Sunset: 8:16pm

1760 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



August 5, 2024

CFS at the dam dropped from 750 on Saturday, to 350 on Sunday, now at 285, and it will drop further to 185 tomorrow morning - temperatures have been in the high 70s to mid 80s these past few days, with high humidity making for a tough few days to be outside and moving around - nonetheless, we've had a couple of guests each day, bringing to hand a few Smallmouth Bass, nothing larger than 13" - typical of this time of the year - won't be very long before the bass scatter to make room for salmon!


81° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:58am

Sunset: 8:22pm

286 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release



August 2, 2024

Overall a quiet week with flows steady at 750 CFS throughout the week and water temperatures lingering in the mid 70's.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 750 CFS through 8/4 for the scheduled White-Water release.  Safewaters currently indicates a scheduled reduction in flows beginning 8/4 at 6:00 PM from 750 CFS to 350 CFS. Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling and information.


85° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:55am

Sunset: 8:26pm

747 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

