34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

December 31, 2023

In behalf of the DSR, allow me to wish all of you, not only our guests but also our friends, a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year spent in the company of family and other loved ones! Be safe out there so you can visit us again in 2024! 750 CFS forecasted at the dam through midnight tomorrow 1190 CFS at the Pineville Gauge in AM, only dropped to 1170 as of this report . . . it is curious that the Pineville flow has not dropped significantly in correlation to the drop of the flow at the dam an overcast day, calm with periods of light wind, temperatures steady at 30 degrees for most the day We had 29 total guests, checking-in from opening time into the mid afternoon - I was able to directly speak to fourteen of our guests as they were leaving beginning from 8:30 AM until about 3 PM - eight of these guests were not able to get into any fish at all (some of these guests fished only for a few hours, some are new to the river and the flow level, however some were seasoned anglers who fished hard and travelled on the run); three had "bumps", "hard tugs", "got off"; one guests went 1 / 1 on a very hefty Steelhead, another went 1 / 2 also Steelhead, and the top rod for this group scored 2 / 2 for Steelhead while bottom bouncing egg sacks - our top rod for this group stated that "conditions were near perfect, it was just a tough day for catching" - there were several guests that remarked that it was just nice to be outdoors for the day, and on the water one last time for this year Of interest, another big group of our guests did not start coming off the run until around 4:30 PM through dark - of these twelve guests some had been here a fair portion of the day, but there were also quite a few who, essentially, fished the later part of the day - only two of this group were not able to get into any fish - three others were able to play from one to three fish apiece until they lost them - of the last group of seven, the later they came off the run it seemed the better they had done: in order: 2 / 2 Steelhead and 2 / 2 small resident Brown Trout; 2 / 4 Steelhead; 1 Steelhead; 4 Steelhead; 1 / 2 Steelhead; 2 / 4 Steelhead, and 2 / 2 Steelhead - many commented that it was a tough day for fishing, and they had to travel the entire run to achieve success . . an interesting day on the run, with varied results, but ultimately a "good" day to be out fishing on the run tonight and tomorrow's forecast: overcast tonight, a few flurries or snow showers possible. Low 23F. Winds light and variable. Tomorrow there will be a few clouds early, otherwise mostly sunny. High near 30F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Before planning, or executing, any trip to the DSR please always check for updated dam release information. DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS, however will be open for general administrative matters 9 AM to 5 PM. 2024 Pass Release Information –


31° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:37am

Sunset: 4:36pm

1160 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 30, 2023

A little snow on occasion, but nothing serious. Glad that the rain held off. Perhaps that will mean that the water level will continue to drop. The scheduled flow is to remain at 750 cfs (which it was scheduled to go to at 9:00AM this morning), but the flow at Pineville is still almost 1300 cfs which makes me think that they might not have taken it to 750 cfs this morning. We'll just have to see what tomorrow brings. More sunshine is in the forecast and that would be a welcome change. Most anglers struggled today. A fish here and there with some anglers coming up empty. On the other hand, I just spoke with a season pass holder that was getting off the water at dust that went 4 for 6. A couple float fishermen regulars fished the afternoon and were able to go 3 for 5 between them.


32° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:37am

Sunset: 4:36pm

1260 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 29, 2023

Rain for the better part of the day. Mostly sprinkles with an occasion shower with temperatures in the low 40's made for somewhat unpleasant conditions. Still, this is at the end of December and the fact that we don't have tons of snow on the ground, high snow banks and shelf ice needs to be appreciated. Nearly a dozen anglers fished the run today and those with whom I have spoken with had to work for them. A few anglers that were swinging flies went 0 for 2 (dry line fishing), 0 for one, and 1 for three. The float fishermen faired about the same with reports of one for one, "not a fish", and "high rod" went to a float fisherman that was able to bring 5 fish to hand. The water is scheduled to drop tonight and tomorrow. At 9:00PM this evening the flow will drop from 1500 cfs to 1000 cfs until 9:00AM tomorrow at which point it is scheduled to go to 750 cfs. That should make things interesting.


41° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:37am

Sunset: 4:35pm

1940 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 28, 2023

1500 CFS at the dam until 9 PM, at which time the flow will drop to 1200 (forecasted through midnight tomorrow) 1980 CFS at the Pineville Gauge in AM, dropped to 1970 in PM water temperatures were measured at a steady 39 degrees all AM - the water started relatively clear early, then picked up a stain as last night's rain funneled into the river run a mostly overcast day, with a brief period of brilliant sunshine in the early afternoon, calm, with temperatures steady at 49 degrees for the day We had 21 total guests, checking-in from just after opening into the early afternoon - I was able to directly speak to seventeen of our guests as they were leaving - eleven of these guests were able to bring to hand one to three Steelhead, with six of this group tied at 2 / 2, and the high rod was 3 Steelhead - eggs or beads under a bobber accounted for six fish today, with the rest falling to swung flies, mostly in the AM - the majority of our guests apparently predominately fished the middle and lower parts of the run tomorrow's forecast: there is a warning for dense fog overnight and perhaps the early morning- cloudy with occasional light rain. High 43F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Before planning, or executing, any trip to the DSR please always check for updated dam release information. DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS. 2024 Pass Release Information –


49° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:37am

Sunset: 4:34pm

1970 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 27, 2023

Daily fishing report:  The fishing was pretty good up and down the run as stated by Guide John Kopy of Little Johns' Fishing Guide Service. He had his client and client’s son; they drifted the run this morning, were able to hookup (species not stated) and those that they saw had hookups also. One guest leaving at 3pm had 2 landed out of 4 hookups, all Steelhead. He also stated that the water clarity was very slightly stained, emphasis on very slightly. One of the last guests to leave for the day stated that the two Steelhead he landed had very bright colors. The flow out of the Dam will remain at 1500CFS through 11:59PM on 12/28/23. The weather for tonight will have occasional rain. Low near 45F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. Tomorrow’s weather will be cloudy with showers. High around 50F. Winds will be light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. Before planning, or executing, any trip to the DSR please always check for updated dam release information. DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS. 2024 Pass Release Information –


49° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:36am

Sunset: 4:34pm

1870 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 26, 2023

1500 CFS at the dam (forecasted only through midnight tonight) 1850 CFS at the Pineville Gauge all day long water temperatures were measured at 36 degrees early-on, rising to 38 degrees by early afternoon an overcast day, misty beginning in the early afternoon, calm, with temperatures rising from 41 to a high of 47 for the day We had eleven total guests drop in today, from just after opening into the mid-morning - I was able to directly speak to all eleven of our guests as they were leaving - one was continuing to practice with his new Spey rod (no fish), two were either not familiar with high water or were first-timers to the run (no fish), and of the remaining eight guests, two spoke of "bumps" and "grabs", two struck out, three tied at 1 / 1 Steelhead, and the last was high rod at 6 Steelhead brought to hand (egg sacks) Before planning, or executing, any trip to the DSR please always check for updated dam release information. DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS. 2024 Pass Release Information –


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:36am

Sunset: 4:33pm

1850 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 24, 2023

1500 CFS Dam Release (forecasted only through midnight tonight) 1870 CFS Pineville Gauge An overcast, misty, relatively calm day, with temperatures hovering in the very high 30s We had seven total guests pop in today, from just after opening into the late morning, for varied reasons ranging from "new rod I have to test out" to "looks like they did well yesterday!" - I was able to directly speak to six of our guests - one was practicing with his new rod, the others were able to get into only one or two fish each, with the high rod at 2 / 3 Steelhead - the comment was made that "there are not as many fish as yesterday" NOTE: the DSR will be closed for business tomorrow, 25 December 2023; we will reopen for normal business on Tuesday, 26 December, at 6:30 AM. Before planning, or executing, any trip to the DSR please always check for updated dam release information. DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS. 2024 Pass Release Information –


36° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:32pm

1870 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 23, 2023

Some rain, drizzle, a little bit of snow and generally uncomfortable conditions on the run today. Nonetheless a dozen or so so anglers, perhaps encouraged by yesterdays drop in the flow, joined us today. TAs is frequently the case, right after a drop in the water things are a bit unsettled and it takes the fish a little while to adjust. Most anglers that I spoke with struggled to get into fish, but a couple angers were successful one bringing two fish to hand and one season pass holder going 6 for 10 (fishing from late morning until dusk). All anglers commented on how enjoyable it was to fish the run; having most of it to themselves. At the time of this posting 4:30PM there has not been an update to the what tomorrow's release will be. It remains at 1500 cfs from the dam and 1870 cfs at Pineville, but with the small amount of precipitation today, I wouldn't be surprised to see it going down in the near term. We will be open tomorrow morning but will be closing at 1:00PM. With warm temperatures forecast, it might be a good time to come fish.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:31pm

1870 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 22, 2023

12/22/23: DSR continues to be closed to fishing due to the dam's released exceeding our 2,000cfs threshold. DSR will reopen to fishing once the dam's release recedes below 2,000cfs. DSR remains open for office hours 9am-5pm.


16° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:31pm

2700 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



December 18, 2023

With the anticipated rain, last night the dam release was increased from 500 CFS to 1500 CFS where it remained for today.  Needless to say, given the strong winds and increased flows, things were a bit tricky today to say the least.  A few diehard anglers decided to take advantage of the low pressure day, and fished for the greater part of the day.  Unfortunately the conditions just weren't in the angler's favor.  Water clarity was noted as a bit of an issue as well, with significant run off.  Today's rain is expected to transition into snow tomorrow morning, with temperatures steadily dropping below freezing. Currently, the release from the dam is scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/18).  Please check for updated dam release information.  DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS.


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:32am

Sunset: 4:29pm

2380 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 17, 2023

Please check for updated dam release scheduling ahead of any planned trips to the DSR; closures of the DSR for flows exceeding 2K at the dam may be on very short notice. At 8:00PM this evening the dam release will go from 500 cfs to 1500 cfs ( in anticipation of heavy rains tomorrow). It may go up more that 1500 cfs so please check for4 any updates. The wind was howling at the beginning of the day, but subsided and made things fishable/tolerable for the better part of the day. There were occasional strong bursts, but generally things were manageable. Temperatures were decent (in the upper 40's) and the water temperature went from 36 early this morning to 39 by mid-afternoon. While the fishing today was not what it was yesterday, all anglers agreed that while not "ligh5ts out" it was better than decent. There were those that were able to get a few good tugs, those that hooked "quite a few", but had trouble keeping them all hooked, and those that were able to hook and land double-digit numbers of Steelhead. A few nice brown trout were also in the mix. Lots of smiles and satisfied anglers on the run today. There were some "honey holes" but from the feedback I received, good numbers of fish can be found throughout the run. Pick your spot. Flow will jump from 500 cfs to 1500 cfs at 8:00PM tonight and the current flow at Pineville is 736 cfs (but will be going up.


46° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:32am

Sunset: 4:29pm

717 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



December 16, 2023

Please check for updated dam release scheduling ahead of any planned trips to the DSR; closures of the DSR for flows exceeding 2K at the dam may be on very short notice. CFS at the dam is 500 (forecasted to remain there until midnight tonight, no other forecast available at this time), CFS at the Pineville gauge remained steady at 732 - opening air temperature 44 degrees, which only rose to 47 degrees for our high - a very hazy sunrise, with low ground fog, greeted our first of 47 total guests for the day - the rest of the day was partly cloudy to completely overcast, with light winds to begin, ramping up a bit around noon and into the early afternoon, then calming for the late afternoon - tomorrow, this will be another "you should have been here yesterday" days - although a lot of our guests were here shortly after opening time through mid-morning, with only a few latecomers, nobody came off the run until 12:30 PM (usually a very good or very bad sign) - of the 28 guests that I was able to speak to directly, as they came off the run fairly early, five reported no success (three either only fished a short period or were unfamiliar with the river, however inexplicably two were seasoned anglers) - two guests were not able to bring any fish to hand, but had hooked 2 to 3 - eight guests brought at least one fish to hand, hooking up between one to four fish - four guests were able to bring to hand two fish, hooking between four to eight in their efforts - there were also reports of "3", a pair of "4s", 5 / 9, 6 / 7, a taciturn duo with their usual "we got a few" (translated: fishing was very good), with our top rod for today being Dave at 25 independently confirmed fish (!!) - not a bad day in anyone's logbook ... forecast for tomorrow 17 Dec '23: Cloudy with rain developing later in the day. High 48F. Winds SE at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 90%. 2024 Pass Release Information –


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:31am

Sunset: 4:28pm

725 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release



December 15, 2023

It's certainly nice to see the sun after a week hiatus.  The sunshine and increasingly warm weather brought out the most anglers we've seen in a few weeks now.  A majority of anglers joined us first things this morning well into the afternoon.  Based on the reports from the anglers we spoke with today, it was a day 'you should have been here' for quite a number of them.  Only a few anglers remarked having a tough time finding fish today, but most reported landing multiple fresh chrome fish.  The release from the dam is currently scheduled to drop from 750 CFS to 500 CFS at 11:59 PM tonight (12/15), where it is currently scheduled to remain until tomorrow night (12/16).  Please check for updated dam release scheduling ahead of any planned trips.


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:30am

Sunset: 4:28pm

953 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 14, 2023

The release from the dam was adjusted last night from 1500 CFS to 750 CFS, where it remained today.  Our first day in about a week now, with a release below 1000 CFS.  About a dozen anglers eagerly took advantage of the reduced flows.  From the reports we received from our anglers, those float fishing seemed to have a more productive day than those swinging flies throughout the run today.  With a majority of anglers having fished the greater part of the day from early morning well into the afternoon, it's clear things were pretty good today overall.  While conditions were a bit more tame today, it was still quite cold, with anglers chipping at iced up guides.  The release from the dam is scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/14).  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


39° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:30am

Sunset: 4:28pm

971 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 13, 2023

A cold start to the day got even colder with the driving winds.  A few moments of whiteout conditions here, but no snow accumulation.  A handful of anglers joined us this morning, hopeful for the first day of the water drop.  Based on the reports from the anglers we spoke with today, it was another 50/50 split with a majority of anglers coming off the water by early afternoon, having contended with the wind for the greater part of the morning.  A few anglers managed to persevere through the strong winds and land several steelhead.  A DSR guide who joined us today noted a majority of the fish his client landed today, to be fresh, and rather large fish.  Currently, the dam release is scheduled to remain at 750 CFS until tonight at 11:59 PM.  At this time no updated release schedule has been published.  Please visit for update dam release information.


32° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:29am

Sunset: 4:28pm

1030 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 12, 2023

Fair weather brought a few more anglers out today despite the continued high water. The release from the dam remained at 1500 CFS today with the Pineville gauge hovering around 2000 CFS.  With runoff slowing down, anglers commented that the water clarity was much better than yesterday.  Based on the reports from the anglers we spoke with, fishing was a bit better today, with most anglers reporting a fish and some several.  Forecasts still indicate a winter weather advisory with temperatures dropping back down below freezing, and snow expected tomorrow afternoon.  The release from the dam is currently scheduled to drop from 1500 CFS to 750 CFS at 9:00PM tonight (12/12) and remain until 11:59 PM tomorrow night (12/13).  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


43° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:28am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2000 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 11, 2023

The release from the dam was adjusted last night at 9:00 PM from 2200 CFS to 1500 CFS where it remained for the day today.  Despite the drop, weather conditions were definitely not optimal today with a looming winter weather advisory and high winds for the greater part of the day.  Needless to say, given the conditions just a duo of veteran anglers joined us this morning until early afternoon to see what this weekend's big water might have brought in.  Hopefully tomorrow we'll catch a break in the weather, with temperatures are expected to steadily rise above freezing and little bit of sunshine in the afternoon.  The release from the dam is currently scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/11).  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


33° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:27am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2090 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 10, 2023

The DSR continued to be closed to fishing today due to the flow at the dam being at 2200 CFS; we anticipate being closed for fishing through at least 11 December, according to the current Safewaters forecast. For updated dam release scheduling, which may change suddenly and without advance notice, please visit the site before planning a trip to DSR: DSR office hours during high water closures will be abbreviated from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; we will handle all other business during these hours.


43° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:26am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2730 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



December 9, 2023

The DSR was closed to fishing today due to the flow at the dam being at 2200 CFS; we anticipate being closed for fishing through at least 11 December, according to the current Safewaters forecast. For updated dam release scheduling, which may change suddenly and without advance notice, please visit the site before planning a trip to DSR: DSR office hours during high water closures will be abbreviated from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; we will handle all other business during these hours.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:25am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2670 CFS Pineville Gauge

2200 CFS Dam Release



December 8, 2023

A little bit of sun and warmer weather brought a light crowd out this morning.  However, most of our anglers made their way off the water by early the afternoon. A majority reported a tough go at it, going against the 1500 CFS release.  A few anglers however, were able to manage a few fresh steelhead.  Based on the forecasted conditions, and the ongoing snow melt, the dam release has been scheduled to increase to 2200 CFS today at 5:00 PM where it is currently scheduled to remain until 12/11 (Monday). DSR will be closed for fishing 12/9 and will remain closed until the release from the dam drops below 2000 CFS.  Office hours will be abbreviated from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  For updated dam release scheduling, please visit - 


42° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:25am

Sunset: 4:28pm

1930 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release




2024 Pass Release Information – 

DSR will be closed for fishing 12/ 9 – Office hours will be abbreviated from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  For updated dam release scheduling, please visit – 

December 7, 2023

The dam release remained at 1500 CFS today, with temperatures just above freezing and about a half inch of fresh snow from the flurries this morning.  A handful anglers joined us throughout the day, all reporting fair success,  with a couple of dime bright fresh steelhead, a few colored up, as well as a brown trout landed in the middle sections of the run.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until tonight (12/7).  Please check for updated dam release information.


33° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:24am

Sunset: 4:28pm

1970 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 6, 2023

Another quiet day for the run, with just a couple of anglers joining us for brief outings this afternoon.  As forecasted, temperatures remained below freezing, making for a bit of an icy start to the day.  Despite the higher water, conditions were fairly comfortable with little wind.  Forecasts tomorrow call for a bit warmer temperatures, and another morning of snow showers with little accumulation.  Currently, the dam release is scheduled to remain at 1500 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/6).  Please check for updated dam release information.


28° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:23am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2020 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release



December 5, 2023

A light crowd today with the water going back up to 1650 CFS last night.  A bit cold, but the weather conditions were pretty optimal with little wind and plenty of overcast.  Ultimately a tough day given the water levels, with a few fish reported being hooked, but unable to stay buttoned up. Weather for tomorrow is expected to be just a bit colder, remaining below freezing for the entirety of the day.  At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 1650 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (12/5).  Please check for updated release information.


33° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:22am

Sunset: 4:28pm

2360 CFS Pineville Gauge

1650 CFS Dam Release



December 4, 2023

While the dam release went down to 750 CFS, run off from last night and today's rain has brought the flows up quite a bit, with a reported flow of 1600 CFS at the Pineville gauge currently.  About a dozen anglers joined us today despite the higher water, and a few managed to bring a fish or two to hand.  Given the difficulty of the higher water, and increasing winds, most anglers came off the run by the afternoon.  With the significant run off from the rain and snow melt, the dam release is currently scheduled to increase tonight at 6:00 PM from 750 CFS to 1500 CFS.  With run off steadily snowballing, there is certainly possibility of an adjustment to the release.  Please check for updated dam release information.  Please note that DSR will close to fishing with a dam release of 2000 CFS or greater.


35° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:21am

Sunset: 4:28pm

1600 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 3, 2023

Currently CFS 750 at the dam (through midnight tomorrow, there is no current forecast to change this flow), CFS at the Pineville gauge 1110 to start the day, bumped up just a bit to 1180 as of this report - air temperature started at 39 degrees, then only climbed to our apparent high of 44 degrees - water temperature was a cool 37 degrees - the water was stained today, due to melt runoff - we were overcast all day, with a steady drizzle almost all of the day - winds were mostly light, with periodic gusts - a total of 21 guests joined us on the run today, beginning from 6:30 AM and trickling in until early afternoon - the earlier arrivals also tended to be the earliest out, mostly due to long trips home at the end of the weekend - of the 18 guests that I was able to speak to directly, all but two at least got some tugs on the end of their lines - there were plenty of 2s, 3s, a couple of 4s, and a "5" in the rest of the population - high sticks went 2 / 2, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 2 / 4, two lucky guests were tied at 3 / 4, and the highest stick was Eric (featured in the attached pictures), with 5 / 5, all on Steelhead - one guest reported bringing a 27" Brown Trout to hand as well, and Eric, the highest stick today, also scored a nice twin Brown Trout about 27" - the lower half of the river was reported as the most productive today, but that may have been because it was fished more extensively . . . so, perhaps not the most pleasant weather to be out in, but made worthwhile by some (relatively) good angling today! Our overnight weather will see more rain, with a low of 38 degrees - tomorrow will be overcast as well, with a 60% chance of rain and perhaps snow in the afternoon, a high of 40 degrees, and WNW winds of 10-15 mph.
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45° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:20am

Sunset: 4:29pm

1180 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release



December 2, 2023

Rain held off, which is good, but overcast skies and heavy fog with temperatures in the mid-forties were the conditions that our dozen anglers dealt with today. We are continuing to see good amounts of snow melt which is good for getting around, but it does put some ice cold water into the run. That and water running a bit high were factors that made the fishing difficult today. I only was able to talk with a couple anglers when the got off the run and one anglers was able to bring a couple Steelhead to hand while the other (new to the DSR) was not able to get into any fish. Hopefully, with another day for the fish to adjust to the change in water temperature and dropping water levels, the fishing will improve tomorrow. The flow from the dam is still at 1200 cfs but is scheduled to drop to 750 cfs at 9:00PM and the current flow a the Pineville gauge is 540 cfs


41° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:18am

Sunset: 4:29pm

1540 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release



December 1, 2023

A fairly quiet day on the run, with just a handful of anglers joining us this morning.  With temperatures creeping into the mid 40's today and rain, our recently accumulated 2+ feet of snow has begun to melt, making for some cold water!  Water temperatures today were reported at 36 F.  Although a majority of the anglers that joined us today were off the water by the afternoon, it sounds like a few anglers were a bit more successful today, than the past few days.  The dam release is currently scheduled to drop to 1200 CFS tomorrow night (12/2) at 9:00 PM.  Based on Safewaters published schedule, it appears we will possibly see 750 CFS by tomorrow night (12/2).  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


43° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:17am

Sunset: 4:29pm

1820 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release

