36° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:05am
Sunset 5:32pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

March 11, 2023

CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 453 - air temperature started at 28 degrees, then slowly climbed to our high of 33 degrees as of the time of this report - we received a moderate dusting of snow overnight, with ultrafine snow (almost like a frozen mist) falling periodically until 11:30 AM - an overcast sky cleared up around 3:30 for a couple hours of brilliant sunshine - there were relatively light and variable winds throughout the day - 20 guests joined us on the run today, starting as early as 6 AM until as late as 3:30 PM - "the early (angler) gets the (fish)" was true today - our first two guests to come off the run at 10:15 AM reported 1 / 1 Steelhead between them, drifting both beads and egg sacks under a bobber - at 11:15 AM a solitary guest reported 1 / 2 Steelhead drifting beads under a bobber - another solitary guest came off the run at 12:45, reporting 2 / 2 Steelhead, again drifting beads under a bobber - from 2 PM to 5:30 PM eleven guests came off the run, all reporting no success (not even any tugs . . . ) - this, despite fishing upper through lower stretches of the run, drifting the usual beads and egg sacks . . . the opinion of a guide was that there is only so much water, holding only so many fish, in these low flows, so an early arrival is a must for success - the last guest came off the run at 6:30 PM - he had fished earlier, took a break, and went back down - no success - the remainder of our guests are in lodges so I do not think I will catch them on their way off the run - the forecast for tonight is: Low 18F. The forecast for tomorrow is: temperatures slowly rising from 19 degrees at 7 AM up to freezing around 11 AM, partly cloudy skies during the morning hours will become overcast in the afternoon. High 39F. Winds light and variable.


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:24am

Sunset: 6:05pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

