40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
447 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

August 21, 2022

This is the first afternoon fishing report that we've had in a while, but todays news justifies it. The rain that we had this morning, combined with some cooler temperatures encouraged some Salmon to push into the DSR. Reports of the few anglers on the water suggest not a lot of fish but "some". One angler reported seeing at least a half dozen this morning (before he left) and while two others "saw nothing" this morning, reported seeing three this afternoon, one of which is pictured on our Facebook page. Someone had to be first and this happy father and son were the first on the Douglaston Salmon Run. This evening I will give an update on any additional fish or sightings.


82° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:16am

Sunset: 7:59pm

286 CFS Pineville Gauge

210 CFS Dam Release

