There were no guests on the run today. CFS at the dam started at 1500 this morning, and was dropped to 1250 as of 3 PM this afternoon, where it is scheduled to remain until midnight tomorrow (watch it carefully, over the next few days, as we still have snowpack melting and on Thursday we are forecasted to get rain all day). CFS at the Pineville gauge has been gradually falling all day, and is currently at 2130. Our air temperatures have hovered in the mid-30s all day, and is currently gradually falling towards our overnight low of 24 degrees Fahrenheit. We've generally been overcast to partly cloudy, with light and variable winds. The forecast for tomorrow is: "Plentiful sunshine. High near 55F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph." By the way, there are other types of fishing starting to pick up in our immediate area due to spawning activity: very large Yellow Perch, Bluegills and Pumpkinseed, Bullhead catfish, Crappie, are moving into shallows, and are fishable from the shore or small boats in local ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. Soon, the Smallmouth Bass will be coming into the run, and there will be truly large Northern Pike cruising the estuary. Our lodges are generally open for booking during this timeframe, at very reasonable rates, and would be ideal for a quick family getaway with the kids being able to keep occupied.
31° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:12am
Sunset: 7:12pm
2130 CFS Pineville Gauge
1250 CFS Dam Release