4° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:37am
Sunset 5:55pm
1250 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release

February 26, 2025

Fishing Report for 02/26/2025-We may be about (3) weeks from ‘official spring’, but with the first reports of the year from our guests of significant hatches of black stone flies along the banks of the run, we’ll take it! Approximately 20 guests joined us today and the activity certainly seemed to have picked up from yesterday. Our guests fished from top to bottom, (the lower portions still have some shelf ice that is mushy; please be careful if you plan on fishing in that area in the new future), and every single guest reported at least one fish brought to hand, with several anglers in the six or seven range landed, including three browns. Most steelhead caught were chrome with little if any coloring. Tomorrow looks to be another good day weather wise with temperatures above freezing at dawn, moving up to the 40 degree range, light SSE winds, @8-12mph, and a moderate to strong possibility of showers / rain in the morning, possibly changing over to snow flurries in the late afternoon. The flow from the dam is scheduled to remain at 300 cfs through at least 11:59pm tomorrow evening; the Pineville gauge is currently at 430 cfs


27° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:45am

Sunset: 5:49pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

300 CFS Dam Release

