34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

February 6, 2025

Fishing Report for 02/06/2025-Wintry weather mixed in with some light rain made for slick conditions in and around the run from late morning through sunset.  The temperatures stayed in the mid to upper 20s with moderate winds primarily from the W / WSW 5-10 mph which made for a true Steeheader’s day.  About ½ dozen anglers visited the run fishing the middle to the lower sections, starting around 11am.  Although ice and slush were apparent that didn’t stop most of the anglers I spoke with bringing anywhere from ‘a couple’ to ‘several’ to hand.  Tomorrow the wind is forecasted to be much stronger, 20-25 mph from the WNW, temperatures in mid 20s, with a Lake Effect Snow warning starting at 7:00am through 10:00am Saturday, possibly dropping 6-12” in the affected bands.


35° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:14am

Sunset: 5:22pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

