32° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:23am
Sunset 7:05pm
1140 CFS Pineville Gauge
750 CFS Dam Release

February 3, 2025

CFS at the dam started at 750, then dropped to 350 at 3 PM, where it will remain until at least midnight tomorrow. CFS at the Pineville gauge dropped from 989 to 910 over the course of the day. Air temperatures started just below freezing this morning, gradually climbed to our high of 38 degrees Fahrenheit late afternoon, and is slowly dropping to our forecasted overnight low of 21 degrees. We have been overcast all day, with very light winds, and a steady light drizzle which developed in the afternoon. A few more than a score of guests joined us on the run today, trickling in from sunrise to mid-afternoon. Around 1 PM guests started leaving the run, continuing to come up until dusk. Fully two-thirds of our guests got into fish, predominately Steelhead but also an 18" Brown Trout. The Steelhead ranged from typical 5-6# up to in excess of 10#, with a variety spanning chrome, dark, and colored like a domestic rainbow trout. There were more than a few of our guests that got into double-digits, however the typical guest was able to bring from one to five fish to hand. Those who worked a larger portion of the run were, typically, more successful than those who fished only specific areas. Egg sacks and beads drifted under bobbers accounted for most hook-ups, although egg sacks bounced on the bottom was also successful. A pink worm produced some fish. Tomorrow's forecast is: Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. High 24F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.


34° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:18am

Sunset: 5:18pm

910 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

