34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

January 12, 2025

CFS at the dam 350 until midnight tomorrow, CFS at the Pineville gauge constant at 512. Air temperatures were 30 degrees Fahrenheit at opening, rising to a high of 34 degrees around 2 PM, before beginning a slow drop to what will be our overnight low of 28 degrees. It was overcast all day, with very light breezes, and sporadic bands of very light snow that briefly fell without any significant accumulation; we remain at about 3" to 4" of snow on the ground. Roughly half of our daily angler limit of guests arrived today, trickling in from just after opening until as late as 1 PM. The few guests, in the first group who started checking off the run at 1 PM, until 3 PM, fished only a couple of hours each, but were each still able to bring a couple of Steelhead to hand, in the 5 # range. There was a lull until near 4 PM, then anglers started coming off the run in fairly quick succession, near dusk, reporting an half-dozen to double digit Steelhead, most in the 5# range, with a couple in the 10# range. An often heard comment was "It was a good day!", with "One right after the other!" a very rarely heard comment by one late check-in guest. The Steelhead ranged from chrome through typical and into beginning to color up. Egg sacks, under bobbers, or bounced on the bottom, seemed to be the favored "go-to" techniques today, producing all of the fish reported, excepting one guest who was also double-digit successful with both eggs and beads, as well as swinging an egg sucking leach fly.  It should be noted that, although there was negligible slush in the water today, there were chunks of ice floating down the river, causing hazards to anyone standing or wading in the water, and the chunks have choked the river to the point that below the Tree Hole is unfishable (essentially, from the Upper Clay downriver).  Tomorrow's forecast is: Variably cloudy with snow showers. High 34F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 50%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. May be an image of body of water and tree


31° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:49pm

512 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

