CFS at the dam 1500 until at least tomorrow midnight, CFS at the Pineville gauge 1770 - air temperature hovered in the mid teens all day, with light winds, and light snowfall - a sole guest fished mid-morning to early afternoon, for about four hours, and was able to hook into one fish, which he did not bring to hand - he said "it was beautiful down there!" - light snow will continue overnight, with a low of 3 degrees - due to the low temperature, we remind you that the DSR will open for fishing at 9 AM tomorrow morning - the forecast for tomorrow is: Sunshine and clouds mixed. Very cold. High 14F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.
18° / Clouds
Sunrise: 7:34am
Sunset: 4:30pm
1780 CFS Pineville Gauge
1500 CFS Dam Release