34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 21, 2024

Well, we got some rain, but not quite what we had hoped for.  Off and on showers over the course of the day mixed with temperatures in the 40's made for a rather damp and cold day on the water.  While conditions weren't necessarily optimal, it certainly lessened the angling pressure.  A majority of our anglers joined us first thing this morning and fished into the early afternoon.  Overall, reports from the anglers we spoke with indicated a productive day, but not the numbers we saw earlier in the week.  Anglers fishing the middle sections saw the most success, with the lower section being the second favorite today.  Upper sections continue to see minimal pressure, with little reported.  Today, predominantly steelhead were reported with a number of browns reported in the mix.  At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 195 CFS until 11:59 PM tomorrow (11/22). Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling. REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27. ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in. Please see below for our current hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.

  • Hours of Operation - (Nov. 15 - Nov. 27)
  • Holiday Hours - (Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving Day)
    • Open - 6:15 AM
    • Close - 1:00 PM
  • Upcoming Hours of Operation - (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31)


40° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:06am

Sunset: 4:34pm

260 CFS Pineville Gauge

195 CFS Dam Release

