34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 9, 2024

Weather-wise and fishing-wise, things improved in a big way over yesterday. Yesterday's wind and the weather change yesterday seemed to shut most of the fish down. Today was a very different story. In spite of the bright sunshine, with relatively little wind, the fish must have taken advantage of their day of rest as the bite was on today. All anglers that I spoke with that fished both days confirmed that today was a much better day than yesterday. Traditional fly fishing techniques as well as center-pin/float fishing all produced well today. Now if we could only get some desperately needed rain. Water temperature this morning was 44 degrees and the flow from the dam remains at 290cfs and at Pineville 377cfs. The following lodges at DSR just became available for immediate booking, on a first-come, first-served basis, for the evenings of 15 and 16 November 2024 (with the right of first refusal for rebooking in 2025 and beyond): Mud Creek and Estuary Lodges (capacity up to four persons); Douglaston Manor, and Salmon Run Lodges (capacity up to seven persons); Meadow Lodge (capacity up to six persons) - as a matter of interest, Douglaston Manor Lodge is also available 17 Nov, Salmon Run Lodge is also available 14 Nov and Meadow Lodge is also available 17 Nov - please visit our website for lodge amenities or contact us directly at (315) 298- 6672 extension 0


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 6:21pm

377 CFS Pineville Gauge

290 CFS Dam Release

