34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 6, 2024

Warm temperatures carried through the night, with a start in the mid 60’s today accompanied by some much needed rain.  Unlike the past few days, today we had plenty of overcast which seemed to lend itself to a fairly productive morning for some anglers, but activity quickly tapered as the day progressed. Overall, middle sections reported the greatest angling pressure as well as the greatest fish activity, with little reported from the upper sections, and spotty activity in the lower sections.  Another mixed bagged with quite a few brown trout landed. At this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 290 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (11/6).  Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling.  REMINDER: DSR's staggered release has concluded as of 10/27.  ALL anglers will be released onto the property after check-in.  Please see below for our updated as well as upcoming hours of operation, check-in and afternoon pass sale times.

  • Current Hours - (Nov. 3 - Nov. 14)
  • Upcoming Hours - (Nov. 15 - Nov. 28)


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 6:21pm

377 CFS Pineville Gauge

290 CFS Dam Release

