34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 2, 2024

With overcast skies, some drizzling rain, and temperatures hovering around 40 degrees, it is really starting to feel like Steelhead season. Reports from the anglers on the run was mixed today. Overall I think, even with yesterday's leaves, fishing was a bit better yesterday than it was today. However, fishing today was still, by most accounts, excellent. There is little doubt that there are plenty of fish on our stretch of water. I think that over the past several days good numbers of fish have pushed up into our stretch and the combination of relatively little volume of flow and large numbers of salmon that dropped eggs in our section of the river has resulted in good numbers of fish "hanging out" in the DSR. Fish are trickling up, of course, but nothing like they would be with more water and less food (i.e. eggs) for them to eat. Nearly all Steelhead with a couple Browns, Coho, and Kings. Flow is presently 290cfs from the dam and 397cfs at Pineville


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 6:21pm

392 CFS Pineville Gauge

290 CFS Dam Release

