34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

October 25, 2024

A chilly, bright sunshine day gave way this afternoon to temperatures in the mid-fifties and overcast skies (with a sprinkle here and there). Today our anglers had to work a little harder for the fish by moving a lot and changing up their offering. Those that did (particularly in the mid-lower sections) were rewarded with steelhead and the occasional King. The fishing success (while very good in some spots and particular times) was, generally, less than it was yesterday. And as I said, it was a little more work today. Our4 anglers are going to sleep well tonight. The flow from the dam remains at 350cfs and the flow from Pineville is 436cfs. This mornings water temperature was 48 degrees


40° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:19am

Sunset: 6:21pm

436 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

