34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

March 27, 2024

Sunny for the better part of the day with a cold front coming in this afternoon that caused temperatures to drop from 61 to the high 40's. Overall a pretty nice day. Wind was less of a factor than it has been of late. While things will be a little cooler over the next several day with temperatures in the low to mid-forties there is no rain forecast in the near-term. Fishing improved today from what it had been recently and that is very encouraging. While there weren't a great many anglers on the run today, the majority of those that joined us were able to get in to a Steelhead and multiple anglers were able to get into multiple fish. Hopefully, this pattern continues and continues on the upward trend. The water from the dam will be going up to 1200 cfs at 8:00PM this evening (which must be due to snow melt in the upper drainage) and the current flow at Pineville is 1010 cfs (and on the rise)


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:54am

Sunset: 7:25pm

1010 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

