4° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:37am
Sunset 5:55pm
1250 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release

March 1, 2024

Another adjustment to the dam release this morning at 9:00 AM, dropped flows from 750 CFS to 500 CFS.  Despite the drop in water, conditions were comfortable, reaching nearly 50 F with some overcast.  Surprisingly just a handful of anglers joined us, with about half joining us early morning, and the others for the afternoon.  Overall, it seemed based on the reports from our anglers today, fishing remains consistent with that of the past week, with most anglers reporting a fish or two landed, but no significant numbers.  Hopefully we'll have a few days of a consistent release, and see things pick up a bit more as get approach drop-back season.  The dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until 11:59 PM tonight (3/1).  Please monitor for updated dam release scheduling.


46° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:40am

Sunset: 5:53pm

771 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

