34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

January 27, 2024

Despite the higher water a number of anglers joined us, with most getting an early start this morning.  Runoff began tapering off a bit today, but still a significant amount of it, based on the Pineville gauge still running about 600 CFS higher than the dam release.  From the reports we received from our anglers today, water clarity didn't seem to be too much of an issue.  Given the high flows restricting the accessibility, a majority of angling efforts remained focused on the north side, and particularly the middle sections of the property.  A few anglers made their way to the lower most sections of the property, happily reporting that things are no longer 'locked up' with ice. Overall, it seems the fishing was 'okay' today, most just had a hard time keeping them on the hook.  With another day of rain ahead of us, the dam release is currently scheduled to be increased from the current 1200 CFS to 1500 CFS at 6:00 PM tonight (1/27).  Given the variability and frequent adjustment to the dam release scheduling, please monitor flows via ahead of any upcoming trips.  


37° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:26am

Sunset: 5:07pm

1800 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release

