34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

January 13, 2024

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the forecast of a winter storm, the DSR will have a delayed opening tomorrow. At this point we plan to open at 9:00AM. However, with the possibility of more extreme conditions, check back for any updates; which would be posted before 9:00AM Despite the threat of the inclement weather, a good number of anglers made their way to the run today. This morning, after a few gusts of wind, things settled down and conditions were actually pretty good for most of the morning. Shortly after noon another front came through, brought some rain, and the wind shifted. Currently (3:30PM) the wind is pretty strong and all the anglers that were leaving the run commented on the difficulty of the conditions this afternoon. Although the conditions were challenging, most anglers were able to have some limited success. Not big numbers by any stretch of the imagination, but enough to have made their outing worthwhile. Because of the warmer temperatures, we did experience considerable runoff and this morning, in particular, the water got considerably murky. The flow from the dam is 300 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 590 cfs (ticking upwards due to the rain and runoff).


35° / Snow

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:50pm

590 CFS Pineville Gauge

300 CFS Dam Release

