34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

December 26, 2023

1500 CFS at the dam (forecasted only through midnight tonight) 1850 CFS at the Pineville Gauge all day long water temperatures were measured at 36 degrees early-on, rising to 38 degrees by early afternoon an overcast day, misty beginning in the early afternoon, calm, with temperatures rising from 41 to a high of 47 for the day We had eleven total guests drop in today, from just after opening into the mid-morning - I was able to directly speak to all eleven of our guests as they were leaving - one was continuing to practice with his new Spey rod (no fish), two were either not familiar with high water or were first-timers to the run (no fish), and of the remaining eight guests, two spoke of "bumps" and "grabs", two struck out, three tied at 1 / 1 Steelhead, and the last was high rod at 6 Steelhead brought to hand (egg sacks) Before planning, or executing, any trip to the DSR please always check for updated dam release information. DSR will be closed to fishing if the dam release goes above 2000 CFS. 2024 Pass Release Information –


46° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:36am

Sunset: 4:33pm

1850 CFS Pineville Gauge

1500 CFS Dam Release

