34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

December 17, 2023

Please check for updated dam release scheduling ahead of any planned trips to the DSR; closures of the DSR for flows exceeding 2K at the dam may be on very short notice. At 8:00PM this evening the dam release will go from 500 cfs to 1500 cfs ( in anticipation of heavy rains tomorrow). It may go up more that 1500 cfs so please check for4 any updates. The wind was howling at the beginning of the day, but subsided and made things fishable/tolerable for the better part of the day. There were occasional strong bursts, but generally things were manageable. Temperatures were decent (in the upper 40's) and the water temperature went from 36 early this morning to 39 by mid-afternoon. While the fishing today was not what it was yesterday, all anglers agreed that while not "ligh5ts out" it was better than decent. There were those that were able to get a few good tugs, those that hooked "quite a few", but had trouble keeping them all hooked, and those that were able to hook and land double-digit numbers of Steelhead. A few nice brown trout were also in the mix. Lots of smiles and satisfied anglers on the run today. There were some "honey holes" but from the feedback I received, good numbers of fish can be found throughout the run. Pick your spot. Flow will jump from 500 cfs to 1500 cfs at 8:00PM tonight and the current flow at Pineville is 736 cfs (but will be going up.


46° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:32am

Sunset: 4:29pm

717 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

