34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 16, 2023

We were spoiled again, with another day approaching mid 50's this afternoon.  A little less angling pressure today, than we've seen so far this week, but still quite a few anglers couldn't pass up a warm day of steelhead fishing.  With another day of a 500 CFS dam release, we were all hoping a bit of consistency would perk the fish up a bit, but from the sounds of it, today was a tough day for the majority of our anglers.  Regardless of covering some serious ground today, the warm temperatures turned the bite off.  Water temperatures crawled back into the mid 40's today, and will likely remain for at least another day, with an expected high of 56 F tomorrow.  Currently, the dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 CFS until tonight (11/16) until 11:59 PM.  Please check for updated dam release scheduling.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:59am

Sunset: 4:39pm

652 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release




Reminder – Special Regulations Area – (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30) – 

Upcoming Lodging Availability