41° / Rain
Sunrise 7:06am
Sunset 4:34pm
248 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release

November 5, 2023

A front moved through this morning bringing us clearing skies, which by the afternoon were free of clouds. A beautiful day to be on the run, but I think the front moving through and the clear skies put the fish off the feed. A difficult bite was reported from nearly all our anglers and was significantly different than the reports of yesterday evening. Even our float fishermen had a difficult time bringing fish to hand today. The good news is that the consensus is that the fish are there, they're just not in a playful mood. Lots of fish were spotted and "stepped on" but they just didn't want to play. Hopefully, they'll settle in and tomorrow should prove to be an improvement over today. That's typically the pattern. Water temperature this morning was 48 degrees and clear. The flow from the dam remains at 335 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 506 cfs.


44° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:45am

Sunset: 4:51pm

506 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

