4° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:37am
Sunset 5:55pm
1250 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release

October 25, 2023

PM Fishing Report:  Balmy temperatures reaching the low 70s made the run feel more like an early spring day than a late Autumn Afternoon.  Fishing pressure remained light, (plenty of space) as well as the number of fish brought to hand.  Reports were of Steelhead and a solitary brown trout as well, (no Kings or Cohos in the mix), with the lower section of the river providing the best action.  We expect these unseasonably high temperatures to remain with us tomorrow, with the possibility of light rain as well.  Flow from the dam remains at 335 cfs thru midnight tonight and Pineville currently at 544 cfs and slowly dropping.


71° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:30am

Sunset: 6:06pm

544 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

