October 15, 2023

PM Fishing Report:  The report from the river this afternoon was similar in all three stretches, upper, middle, and lower; Fishing pressure was low to moderate, (few anglers in some locations; some space left in others), with fish brought to hand listed as slow to moderate, (anglers hooking fish, but could be better.)  Steelhead have solidified their hold as the prominent species throughout the entire run, but with a report of a few fresh kings from the middle beats.  Brown Trout and a pair of Atlantics were reported caught in the upper portion as well.  The weather forecast has temperatures staying in the 50s thru the course of the day tomorrow, with a moderate chance of showers.


48° / Rain

Sunrise: 7:18am

Sunset: 6:22pm

500 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

